Sl. No. Name Address Name of the Village / Ward No. Gram Panchayat

Sl. No. Name Address Name of the Village / Ward No. Gram Panchayat

List of Govt. Sponsored Libraries in the district of BURDWAN Gram Block / Panchayat Name of the Date / Date / Building Building Building Sl. Name of the Village / Ward Telephone Type of Working Name Address Panchayat / Samity / District Librarian as on Year of Year of Own / Kachha Electrified or No. No. No. Lib. Hours Ward No. Municipality 01.04.09 Estab. Spon. Rented / Pacca Not P.O.:- Asansol, Dist.: Asansol 0341- 11a.m. to 6 1 District Library, Asansol Ward no. 03 Ward no. 03 Burdwan Subrata Kr Das District 1956 1956 Own Pacca Electrified Burdwan, Pin:713301 Municipality 2256020 p.m. P.O.:- Durgapur, Dist.: Durgapur 0343- 11.30 a.m. to 2 City Central Library Ward no.22 Ward no.22 Burdwan District 1986 1986 Own Pacca Electrified Burdwan, Pin:713216 Municipality 2545198 6.30 p.m. P.O.:- Burdwan, Dist.: Bardhaman 0342- 12:30 p.m. 3 Burdwan District Library Ward no.33 Ward no.33 Burdwan Mridul Mitra District 1954 1955 Own Pacca Electrified Burdwan, Pin:713101 Municipality 2566389 to 7:30 p.m. Mohisila Colony, P.O.:- Asansol 12 noon to 7 4 Sanchayan Pathagar Asansol, Dist.: Burdwan, Ward no. 19 Ward no. 19 Burdwan Town 1959 1979 Own Pacca Electrified Municipality p.m. Pin:713303 Katwa Sub-divisional P.O.:- Katwa, Dist.: 03453- Sub- 11a.m. to 6 5 Ward no.05 Ward no.05 Katwa Municipality Burdwan Ramkrishna Sinha 1963 1963 Own Pacca Electrified Library Burdwan, Pin:713130 256855 divisional p.m. Kalna Sub-divisional P.O.:- Kalna, Dist.: 03454- Sub- 12:30 p.m. to 6 Ward no.17 Ward no.17 Kalna Municipality Burdwan Motilal Debnath 1962 1962 Own Pacca Electrified Library Burdwan, Pin:-713409 255067 divisional 7:30 p.m. P.O.:- Guskara, Dist.: Guskara 1 p.m. to 8 7 Guskara Sahar Pathagar Ward no. 4 Ward no. 4 Burdwan Town 1939 1952 Own Pacca Electrified Burdwan, Pin:713128 Municipality p.m. P.O.:- Jamuria Hat, Dist.: Jamuria 12noon. to 7 8 Netaji Sangha Library Ward no. 5 Ward no. 5 Burdwan Town 1957 1980 Own Pacca Electrified Burdwan, Pin:713336 Municipality p.m. Durgapur Sub-divisional P.O.:- Durgapur-13, Dist.: Durgapur Sub- 11a.m. to 6 9 Ward no.19 Ward no.19 Burdwan 1958 1958 Own Pacca Electrified Library Burdwan, Pin:713213 Municipality divisional p.m. Dainhat Sahar Jitendra P.O.:- Dainhat, Dist.: 03453- 11a.m. to 6 10 Nath Mitra Smriti Ward no.06 Ward no.06 Dainhat Municipality Burdwan Town 1979 1980 Own Pacca Electrified Burdwan, Pin:713502 244341 p.m. Pathagar Memari Milan Sangha P.O.:- Memari, Dist.: 0342- 12noon. to 7 11 Ward no. 8 Ward no. 8 Memari Municipality Burdwan Rupnarayan Roy Town 1938 1963 Own Pacca Electrified Town Library Burdwan, Pin: 713146 2251321 p.m. P.O.:- Ranigunj, Dist.: Ranigunj 1 p.m. to 8 12 Ranigunj Public Library Ward no. -14 Ward no. -14 Burdwan Town 1876 1964 Own Pacca Electrified Burdwan, Pin: 713347 Municipality p.m. Vill. + P.O.:- Dhatrigram, Dhatrigram Dhatrigram Sadharan Kalna-1 Panchayat 12 noon to 7 13 Dist.: Burdwan, Pin: Vill. - Dhatrigram Gram Burdwan Town 1954 1961 Own Pacca Electrified Pathagar Samity p.m. 713405 Panchayat Gopalpur Vill. + P.O.:- Gopalpur, Kanksa Panchayat 1 p.m. to 8 14 Mitali Sangha Granthagar Vill. - Gopalpur Gram Burdwan Sutapa Mukherjee Town 1956 1959 Own Pacca Electrified Dist.: Burdwan, Pin:713212 Samity p.m. Panchayat Chagram Tarun Sangha Vill. + P.O.:- Chagram, Ukhrid Gram Khondogosh 11a.m. to 6 15 Vill. - Chagram Burdwan Satyajit Hazra Town 1956 1980 Own Pacca Electrified Pathagar (TL) Dist.: Burdwan, Pin:713423 Panchayat Panchayat Samity p.m. Vill. + P.O.:- Mankar, Dist.: Mankar Gram Galsi-1 Panchayat 0343- 12:30 p.m. to 16 Pallimongal Library Vill. - Mankar Burdwan Shibananda Pal Town 1947 1958 Own Pacca Electrified Burdwan, Pin: 713144 Panchayat Samity 2517349 7:30 p.m. Vill. + P.O.:- Galsi, Dist.: Galsi Gram Galsi-2 Panchayat 11a.m. to 6 17 Udayan Sangha, Galsi Vill. - Galsi Burdwan Kabita Kundu Town 1956 1956 Own Pacca Electrified Burdwan, Pin:713406 Panchayat Samity p.m. Vill. + P.O.:- Jamalpur, Jamalpur-2 Jamalpur Sadharan Jamalpur 1 p.m. to 8 18 Dist.: Burdwan, Vill. - Jamalpur Gram Burdwan Ranjit Kr Nayek Town 1936 1980 Own Pacca Electrified Pathagar Panchayat Samity p.m. Pin:713408 Panchayat Jarogram Jarogram Makhanlal Vill. + P.O.:- Jarogram, Jamalpur 11a.m. to 6 19 Vill. - Jarogram Gram Burdwan Jageswar Koner Town 1921 1957 Own Pacca Electrified Pathagar Dist.: Burdwan, Pin:713404 Panchayat Samity p.m. Panchayat Churulia Nazrul Academy Town Vill. + P.O.:- Churulia, Jamuria Panchayat 12 noon to 7 20 Vill. - Churulia Gram Burdwan Kazi Golam Kibria Town 1963 1970 Own Pacca Electrified Library Dist.: Burdwan, Pin:713368 Samity p.m. Panchayat Vill. + P.O.:- Gobindapur Bardhaman-2 12 noon to 7 21 Bani Mandir Pathagar Hatgobindapur, Dist.: Vill. - Hat-Gobindapur Gram Burdwan Mridula Roy Town 1939 1982 Own Pacca Electrified Panchayat Samity p.m. Burdwan, Pin:713407 Panchayat Vill. + P.O.:- Bonpus, Dist.: Bonpas Progati Pathagar Bonpus Gram Bhatar Panchayat 11a.m. to 6 22 Burdwan, Dist.: Burdwan, Vill. - Bonpus Burdwan Nilmani Samanta Town 1953 1957 Own Pacca Electrified & Sangha Panchayat Samity p.m. Pin:713127 Mongalkot Vill. + P.O.:- Nutanhat, Mongalkot 11a.m. to 6 23 Nutanhat Milan Pathagar Vill. - Natunhat Gram Burdwan Hasnat Jaman Town 1956 1957 Own Pacca Electrified Dist.: Burdwan, Pin:713147 Panchayat Samity p.m. Panchayat List of Govt. Sponsored Libraries in the district of BURDWAN Gram Block / Panchayat Name of the Date / Date / Building Building Building Sl. Name of the Village / Ward Telephone Type of Working Name Address Panchayat / Samity / District Librarian as on Year of Year of Own / Kachha Electrified or No. No. No. Lib. Hours Ward No. Municipality 01.04.09 Estab. Spon. Rented / Pacca Not Monteswar Monteswar Ramratan Vill. + P.O.:- Monteswar, Monteswar 11a.m. to 6 24 Vill. - Monteswar Gram Burdwan Gadadhar Ghosh Town 1958 1960 Own Pacca Electrified Granthagar Dist.: Burdwan, Pin:713145 Panchayat Samity p.m. Panchayat Progati Granthagar, P.O.:- Asansol, Dist.: Asansol Primary 1 p.m. to 8 25 Ward no. 9 Ward no. 9 Burdwan Sampa Mazumdar 1976 1982 Own Pacca Electrified Ismile Burdwan, Pin:713301 Municipality Unit p.m. Vill. - Asansol, P.O.:- Asansol Primary 11a.m. to 6 26 Subhas Library Asansol, Dist.: Burdwan, Ward no. 16 Ward no. 16 Burdwan Bijan Behari Pal 1947 1979 Own Pacca Electrified Municipality Unit p.m. Pin:713301 P.O.:- Kanyapur (Asansol), Asansol Primary 11a.m. to 6 27 Garui Saraswati Library Ward no. 31 Ward no. 31 Burdwan Asim Kr Dey 1980 1982 Own Pacca Electrified Dist.: Burdwan, Pin:713341 Municipality Unit p.m. P.O.:- Kalla C.H., Dist.: Asansol Primary 11a.m. to 6 28 Kalla Sadharan Pathagar Ward no. 32 Ward no. 32 Burdwan Mihir Kr Samanta 1966 1980 Own Pacca Electrified Burdwan, Pin:713340 Municipality Unit p.m. Ram Mohan Roy Smriti P.O.:- Burnpur, Dist.: Asansol Primary 1 p.m. to 8 29 Ward no. 41 Ward no. 41 Burdwan 1973 1980 Own Pacca Electrified Granthagar Burdwan, Pin:713325 Municipality Unit p.m. Milan Chakra Club & P.O.:- Burnpur, Dist.: Asansol Baidyanath Primary 11.30a.m. to 30 Ward no. 42 Ward no. 42 Burdwan 1968 1980 Own Pacca Electrified Library Burdwan, Pin:713325 Municipality Choudhury Unit 6.30 p.m. Ambagan Sadharan P.O.:- Burnpur, Dist.: Asansol Primary 1 p.m. to 8 31 Ward no. 45 Ward no. 45 Burdwan Monika Das 1967 1981 Own Pacca Electrified Pathagar Burdwan, Pin:713325 Municipality Unit p.m. P.O.:- Santa, Dist.: Asansol Primary 1 p.m. to 8 32 Tarun Sangha Library Ward no. 48 Ward no. 48 Burdwan Dilip Kr. Dutta 1946 1980 Own Pacca Electrified Burdwan, Pin:713325 Municipality Unit p.m. Subodh Chowdhury Smriti P.O.:- Katwa, Dist.: Anukul Chandra Primary 12 noon to 7 33 Ward no.12 Ward no.12 Katwa Municipality Burdwan 1978 1981 Own Pacca Electrified Pathagar Burdwan, Pin:713130 Debnath Unit p.m. Satyamoy Sadharan P.O.:- Kalna, Dist.: Amitava Primary 12 noon to 7 34 Ward no.01 Ward no.01 Kalna Municipality Burdwan 1960 1990 Own Pacca Electrified Pathagar Burdwan, Pin:713409 Chakraborty Unit p.m. P.O.:- Kalna, Dist.: Primary 1 p.m. to 8 35 Subhas Pathagar Ward no.04 Ward no.04 Kalna Municipality Burdwan Susanta Guin 1960 1981 Own Pacca Electrified Burdwan, Pin:713409 Unit p.m. P.O.:- Barakar, Dist.: Primary Non 36 Begunia Public Library Ward no 7 Ward no 7 Kulti Municipality Burdwan Non Functioning 1947 1980 Burdwan, Unit Functioning P.O.:- Baradhemo, Dist.: Primary 12 noon to 7 37 Vivekananda Pathagar Ward no.08 Ward no.08 Kulti Municipality Burdwan 1975 1980 Own Pacca Electrified Burdwan, Pin:713367 Unit p.m. Mithani Sahitya Mandir P.O.:- Mithani, Dist.: Primary 11a.m. to 6 38 Ward no. -9 Ward no. -9 Kulti Municipality Burdwan 1947 1957 Own Pacca Electrified (Rural Library) Burdwan, Pin:713371 Unit p.m. Sodepur Pallimongal P.O.:- Sundar-chak, Dist.: Prosanta Primary 1 p.m. to 8 39 Ward no.14 Ward no.14 Kulti Municipality Burdwan 1971 1980 Own Pacca Electrified Samity Library Burdwan, Pin:713360 Bandyopadhyay Unit p.m. Chinakuri Silpi Sangha P.O.:- Sundar Chak, Dist.: Primary 11a.m. to 6 40 Ward no. 15 Ward no. 15 Kulti Municipality Burdwan 1981 1982 Own Pacca Electrified Library Burdwan, Pin:713372 Unit p.m. Mondalpur Sanskritik P.O.:- Mondalpur, Dist.: Jamuria Purabi Primary 12 noon to 7 41 Ward no.08 Ward no.08 Burdwan 1975 1980 Own Pacca Electrified Parishad Library Burdwan, Pin:713336 Municipality Bhattacharya Unit p.m.

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