λ = 0.9955 λ = 1.001 a) 60 b) 60 50 50 40 40 values values 2 2 30 30 χ χ 20 20 observed observed 10 10 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 expected χ2 values expected χ2 values λ = 0.9992 λ = 1.1054 c) 60 d) 60 50 50 40 40 values values 2 2 30 30 χ χ 20 20 observed observed 10 10 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 expected χ2 values expected χ2 values λ = 1.0268 λ = 1.0175 e) 60 f) 60 50 50 40 40 values values 2 2 30 30 χ χ 20 20 observed observed 10 10 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 expected χ2 values expected χ2 values Supplementary Figure 1: Quantile-Quantile (Q-Q) plots of observed and expected χ2 values of association between SNP genotype and risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. a) UK-CLL1, b) UK-CLL2, c) GEC, d) NHL GWAS, e) UCSF and f) Utah. The red line represents the null hypothesis of no true association. a) rs34676223 Chromosome 1 position (kb, hg19) 23,945 23,950 23,955 23,960 23,965 23,970 23,975 23,980 23,985 Super- CD19+ B-cell enhancers GM12878 MDS2 Genes MDS2 SNPs 4245 _ mCLL 0 _ 3352 _ uCLL ATAC-seq 0 _ 500 _ CD19+ CD20+ B-cell 0 _ 200 _ mCLL H3K27ac 0 _ 200 _ uCLL H3K27ac 0 _ 200 _ Histone mCLL H3K4me1 0 _ marks: 200 _ uCLL CLL H3K4me1 0 _ 50 _ mCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 50 _ uCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 50 _ GM12878 H3K27ac 0 _ Histone 50 _ marks: GM12878 H3K4me1 0 _ GM12878 50 _ GM12878 H3K27me3 0 _ b) rs41271473 Chromosome 1 position (kb, hg19) 228,750 228,800 228,850 228,900 Super- CD19+ B-cell enhancers GM12878 Genes RHOU SNPs 374 _ mCLL 0 _ 316 _ uCLL ATAC-seq 0 _ 200 _ CD19+ CD20+ B-cell 0 _ mCLL 50 _ H3K27ac 0 _ uCLL 50 _ H3K27ac 0 _ 50 _ Histone mCLL H3K4me1 0 _ marks: 50 _ uCLL CLL H3K4me1 0 _ 50 _ mCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 50 _ uCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 50 _ GM12878 H3K27ac 0 _ Histone 50 _ marks: GM12878 H3K4me1 0 _ GM12878 50 _ GM12878 H3K27me3 0 _ Supplementary Figure 2 c) rs71597109 Chromosome 4 position (kb, hg19) 102,750 102,800 102,850 102,900 102,950 103,000 103,050 Super- CD19+ B-cell enhancers GM12878 BANK1 BANK1 Genes BANK1 BANK1 BANK1 SNPs 505 _ mCLL 0 _ 258_ uCLL ATAC-seq 0 _ 500 _ CD19+ CD20+ B-cell 0 _ mCLL 50 _ H3K27ac 0 _ uCLL 50 _ H3K27ac 0 _ 50 _ Histone mCLL H3K4me1 0 _ marks: uCLL 50 _ CLL H3K4me1 0 _ 50 _ mCLL H3K27me3 0 _ uCLL 50 _ H3K27me3 0 _ 50 _ GM12878 H3K27ac 0 _ Histone 50 _ marks: GM12878 H3K4me1 0 _ GM12878 50 _ GM12878 H3K27me3 0 _ d) rs57214277 Chromosome 4 position (kb, hg19) 185,200 185,210 185,220 185,230 185,240 185,250 185,260 Super- CD19+ B-cell enhancers GM12878 Genes SNPs 2658 _ mCLL 0 _ 2183 _ uCLL ATAC-seq 0 _ 500 _ CD19+ CD20+ B-cell 0 _ 250 _ mCLL H3K27ac 0 _ 250 _ uCLL H3K27ac 0 _ 200 _ Histone mCLL H3K4me1 0 _ marks: 200 _ uCLL CLL H3K4me1 0 _ 50 _ mCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 50 _ uCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 200 _ GM12878 H3K27ac 0 _ Histone 50 _ marks: GM12878 H3K4me1 0 _ GM12878 50 _ GM12878 H3K27me3 0 _ Supplementary Figure 2 e) rs3800461 Chromosome 6 position (kb, hg19) 34,500 34,550 34,600 34,650 34,700 34,750 + Super- CD19 B-cell 34,800 enhancers GM12878 PACSIN1 C6orf106 SNRPC PACSIN1 C6orf106 SNRPC Genes PACSIN1 C6orf106 SNRPC PACSIN1 UHRF1BP1 SPDEF UHRF1BP1 SPDEF SNPs 923 _ mCLL 0 _ 771 _ uCLL ATAC-seq 0 _ 500 _ CD19+ CD20+ B-cell 0 _ 200 _ mCLL H3K27ac 0 _ 200 _ uCLL H3K27ac 0 _ 200 _ Histone mCLL H3K4me1 0 _ marks: 200 _ uCLL CLL H3K4me1 0 _ 50 _ mCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 50 _ uCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 200 _ GM12878 H3K27ac 0 _ Histone 50 _ marks: GM12878 H3K4me1 0 _ GM12878 50 _ GM12878 H3K27me3 0 _ Chromosome 11 position (kb, hg19) f) rs61904987 113,500 113,550 113,600 113,650 113,700 113,750 Super- CD19+ B-cell enhancers GM12878 TMPRSS5 ZW10 USP28 TMPRSS5 CLDN25 USP28 TMPRSS5 USP28 Genes TMPRSS5 USP28 TMPRSS5 TMPRSS5 TMPRSS5 SNPs 2589 _ mCLL 0 _ 1930 _ uCLL ATAC-seq 0 _ 500 _ CD19+ CD20+ B-cell 0 _ 150 _ mCLL H3K27ac 0 _ 150 _ uCLL H3K27ac 0 _ 150 _ Histone mCLL H3K4me1 0 _ marks: 150 _ uCLL CLL H3K4me1 0 _ 50 _ mCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 50 _ uCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 100 _ GM12878 H3K27ac 0 _ Histone 50 _ marks: GM12878 H3K4me1 0 _ GM12878 50 _ GM12878 H3K27me3 0 _ Supplementary Figure 2 g) rs1036935 Chromosome 18 position (kb, hg19) 47,850 47,900 47,950 Super- CD19+ B-cell enhancers GM12878 SKA1 Genes SKA1 SKA1 SKA1 SNPs 2838 _ mCLL 0 _ 2396 _ uCLL ATAC-seq 0 _ 500 _ CD19+ CD20+ B-cell 0 _ 150 _ mCLL H3K27ac 0 _ 150 _ uCLL H3K27ac 0 _ 150 _ Histone mCLL H3K4me1 0 _ marks: 150 _ uCLL CLL H3K4me1 0 _ 50 _ mCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 50 _ uCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 100 _ GM12878 H3K27ac 0 _ Histone 50 _ marks: GM12878 H3K4me1 0 _ GM12878 50 _ GM12878 H3K27me3 0 _ h) rs7254272 Chromosome 19 position (kb, hg19) 4,000 4,020 4,040 4,060 4,080 4,100 4,120 Super- CD19+ B-cell enhancers GM12878 PIAS4 MAP2K2 AC016586.1 MAP2K2 Genes ZBTB7A ZBTB7A SNPs 4277 _ mCLL 0 _ 3492 _ uCLL ATAC-seq 0 _ 500 _ CD19+ CD20+ B-cell 0 _ 150 _ mCLL H3K27ac 0 _ 150 _ uCLL H3K27ac 0 _ 150 _ Histone mCLL H3K4me1 0 _ marks: 150 _ uCLL CLL H3K4me1 0 _ 50 _ mCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 50 _ uCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 100 _ GM12878 H3K27ac 0 _ Histone 50 _ marks: GM12878 H3K4me1 0 _ GM12878 50 _ GM12878 H3K27me3 0 _ Supplementary Figure 2 i) rs140522 Chromosome 22 position (kb, hg19) 50,940 50,950 50,960 50,970 50,980 50,990 51,000 Super- CD19+ B-cell enhancers GM12878 LMF2 SCO2 KLHDC7B LMF2 SCO2 ODF3B SYCE3 NCAPH2 ODF3B SYCE3 NCAPH2 SCO2 ODF3B NCAPH2 ODF3B Genes NCAPH2 ODF3B SCO2 TYMP TYMP TYMP TYMP SNPs 3628 _ mCLL 0 _ 3122 _ uCLL ATAC-seq 0 _ 500 _ CD19+ CD20+ B-cell 0 _ 150 _ mCLL H3K27ac 0 _ 600 _ uCLL H3K27ac 0 _ 150 _ Histone mCLL H3K4me1 0 _ marks: 150 _ uCLL CLL H3K4me1 0 _ 50 _ mCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 50 _ uCLL H3K27me3 0 _ 200 _ GM12878 H3K27ac 0 _ Histone 50 _ marks: GM12878 H3K4me1 0 _ GM12878 50 _ GM12878 H3K27me3 0 _ Supplementary Figure 2: Annotation of the regulatory landscape of the nine novel CLL GWAS loci (a-i). Plots illustrate available histone mark ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq data from CLL and B-cell lineage cells. The three boxes in each image are arranged from the top as follows: Box 1) super-enhancers in CD19+ B-cells and lymphoblastoid cell line GM12878 are indicated by black boxes, coding genes from GENCODE v.24 are labelled in blue, all SNPs (marked by short vertical lines) in linkage disequilibrium r2>0.2 with the sentinel SNP (marked by a vertical line); Box 2) ATAC-seq peaks derived from IGHV mutated (mCLL, blue), unmutated (uCLL, orange) CLL samples plus normal CD19+/CD20+ B-cells; Box 3) Histone mark data from mCLL and uCLL samples for active chromatin marks H3K27ac (red) and H3K4me1 (yellow) plus repressive chromatin mark H3K27me3 (dark blue). Also shown is the same histone mark data for GM12878. rs75569736, 1p36.11 rs4698971, 4q24 rs1217972, 4q35.1 H. sapiens-ENCODE-motifs-EGR1_disc3 score H. sapiens-ENCODE-motifs-NFKB_known6 score G: 6.61, C: 7.64 H. sapiens-ENCODE-motifs-NFKB_disc3 score T: 8.87, G:9.79 2 A: 8.95, C: 10.39 2 2 1 1 1 bits bits bits 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 snp@20 5' G G G A G C A A G C G A T A 3' 5' T G C T G G A G T T A G C C C T T C T C 3' 5' G A G C G G G T T T T T T C 3' T C C G rs13149699, 4q35.1 rs13215181, 6p21.31 H. sapiens-ENCODE-motifs-EP300_disc5 score A: 7.80, G: 7.31 H. sapiens-ENCODE-motifs-E2F_known27 score A: 9.94, G: 9.45 2 2 1 1 bits bits 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 H.
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