Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42676-3 — Astrobiology, Discovery, and Societal Impact Steven J. Dick Index More Information Index 2001: A Space Odyssey, 45, 53, 57, 187, 212, 249, 256 anthropocentrism, 4, 99–140; and communication, 2010: Odyssey Two, 3, 50 134–137; and complex life, 105–109; and culture 2061: Odyssey Three, 3, 50 and civilization, 126–132; and ethics, 245; and A Case of Conscience, 227 intelligent life, 110–116; and microbes, 102–105; A for Andromeda, 56, 188 and postbiological intelligence, 116–123; and A Matter of Metalaw, 296, 299 technology, 132–134; and universals, 137–140; Abbott, Edwin A., 99, 125 transcending, 99–140 Achenbach, Joel, 2, 236 anthropology: analogy and, 70; Anthropology Today, ALH84001, 14, 26–35, 36, 48, 258 174; Archaeology, Anthropology and Interstellar Alien, 3, 45, 54, 187, 249 Communication, 174; cargo cults and, 85; cultural Alien Encounter, 49 universals and, 170; culture contact and, 76; alien life: as X factor in history, 1, 5, 270 Cultures Beyond the Earth, 172; deinition of Allen Telescope Array, 279, 280 culture, 127; discovery of aliens and, 166; Almar, Ivan, 203 E.T. Culture: Anthropology in Outerspaces, 174; altruism, 241, 249–256, 261, 264, 268; biocultural, extraterrestrial, 173; human cultural models, 132; 254; communicating, 138; cosmocultural, 254; in human intelligence and, 111; Neanderthal analogy, the universe, 249–256; kin, 252; reciprocal, 252, 253 77; science iction and, 228; SETI and, 70, 81, 174; American Anthropological Association, 126, 172, symbolic and cognitive dimensions, 77; See also 174, 201 Ashkenazi, Michael; Battaglia, Debbora; Denning, American Association for the Advancement of Kathryn; Finney, Ben; Geertz, Clifford; Helmreich, Science (AAAS), 177, 201 Stefan; Singer, Philip; Tax, Sol; Traphagan, John; analogy, 4, 65–96, 255, 306; as method of argument, Tattersall, Ian; Wescott, Roger; Wilson, Samuel 67–71; Atacama desert, 70; culture contact, 76–88; Apollo: Apollo 8, 232; quarantine protocols, 48 deinition of, 67; frontier, 69; Goldilocks Principle Aquinas, Thomas, 89 of, 70, 96; Gutenberg, 237; in astrobiology, Archimedes, 38 69–70; internet, 238; Lake Vostok, 70; lessons of, Aristotle, 163, 180 96; microbe, 71–76; process of, 68; railroad and Arrival, 53, 90, 125, 136–137, 153, 172, 248, 300 space program, 68–69; social sciences, 169; space artifacts, alien, 53, 54, 55, 187, 189, 202, 240 commerce, 69; transmission/translation, 88–91; artiicial intelligence (AI), 101, 123; cognitive worldview, 92–95 science and, 144; communication and, 139; Andromeda Strain, 6, 45, 48, 186 cultural evolution and, 128; legal aspects of, animals: behavior, 170; brain size, 112, 113; 300; personhood of, 262; possibility in principle, cognition, 153; communication in, 135; culture in, 118; postbiological intelligence and, 116–123; 173; ethical consideration for, 260–263; ethics and, postbiologicals and, 59, 102, 218, 262; runaway, 241; intelligence in, 101, 112; invertebrate, 113; 6, 118; science iction, 262; superintelligence minds, 119, 149, 151; moral status of, 248; size of, and, 120; See also postbiological intelligence; 106, 108; sociality of, 252; time perception, 125; superintelligence tool use, 113 Ashkenazi, Michael, 132, 195, 227 Antarctic Treaty of 1961, 259, 279 Asilomar process, 284, 285 anthropic principle, 217; biological universe and, 216, Asimov, Isaac, 102, 171 309; cosmocentrism and, 264 Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics, 262, 298 375 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42676-3 — Astrobiology, Discovery, and Societal Impact Steven J. Dick Index More Information 376 Index astrobiology: analogies in, 69–70; anthropocentrism Berenzden, Richard, 183 and, 100; astronomy and, 184; astrosociology Berg, Paul, 285 and, 175; Congressional hearings, 1, 201, 269; Berkeley, George, 144, 145 European, 272; evolutionary epistemology and, Berserkers, 124 155; Mars rock effect on, 34; NASA program, 49; Bertka, Constance, 224 philosophy and, 100; policy for impact, 271–287; Big History, 169, 235, 311 presuppositions, 60, 100, 214, 303; risk and, 291; Billingham, John, 195, 198, 281 roadmap, 162, 198, 204, 271; robotic exploration Billings, Linda, 293 and, 47; robust discipline, 2; strategy, 271, 272, biocentric principle, 217 274; theology and, 221–228; thought experiment, biochemistries: alternate, 104, 107; (Table 4.3), 124 143; universal biology and, 160; Western-centric, biocosmology, 215 204; See also NASA; NASA Astrobiology biological naturalism, 121 Institute;societal impact biological universe, 213–220; anthropic, 217, 218; Astrobiology and Society (Focus Group), 309 as worldview, 304; forms of, 216–218; intelligent, Astrobiology and Society roadmap, 274 216, 218; microbial, 216, 218; societal impact of, Astrobiology Science Conferences, 274 218–220; worldview of, 308, 309 astrocognition, 153, 154, 310 biology: epistemology and, 154–156; evolutionary, astroculture, 211, 230–239, 311; cosmocentric ethic 154–156; universality of, 162–163 and, 267; deinition of, 231; embracing, 312 biosignatures, 3, 44, 47, 50, 61, 71, 76, 103, 107, 160, astroethics, 5, 212, 237, 240–268; altruism and, 249; 184, 280, 303 cosmocentric ethics and, 267; deinition of, 241; biotechnology: Asilomar process and, 284; cultural environmental ethics and, 242, 245, 263; golden evolution and, 117; disanalogy for METI, 285; rule and, 244; metalaw and, 307; policy for, 278; societal impact of, 177 transforming our thinking, 268; universality of, Blindsight, 119 298, 311; worldview, 308 Blish, James, 227, 262 astrophilosophy, 229, 230, 310 Blue Marble, 311; and Apollo 17, 232 astropolicy, 5, 269–302; organizations for (Table 9.1), Blumberg, Baruch S., 83, 200; See also NASA/ 281 Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology astropsychology, 169 Bogonovich, Mark, 112 astrosocial sciences, 175 Bostrom, Nick, 120, 122, 300 astrosociology, 169, 174 Bowie, David, 212 astrotheology, 5, 220–230, 310; cosmocentric brain: biological naturalism and, 121; cognitive ethics and, 241; worldview, 211, 239, 308; neuroscience, 151; consciousness and, 121; See also astroethics; Buddhism; Christianity; convergent evolution of, 112; culture and, 127; cosmotheology; ethics; Hinduism; Incarnation; emulation, 120; encephalization, 112; evolution of, Islam; Judaism; Mormonism; Redemption; 154, 158; external world and, 138; limits of, 117; theology octopus, 114; size, 113; structure of, 111, 151, 152; Atacama desert, 70 values and, 242; vertebrate, 112; See also cognition; Auf Zwei Planeten, 236 consciousness; intelligence Aztecs: as analogy to contact with ETI, 81–83 Breakthrough Listen, 280, 307 Breakthrough Message, 280 Baade, Walter, 25 Brin, David, 49, 53, 55, 187, 255, 284 Bahcall, John, 34 Brookings Institution, 76 Bainbridge, William Sims, 22, 226 brown dwarf, 41–43 Bains, William, 104 Brown, Carol, 223 Barkow, Jerome, 253 Brown, Harrison, 56, 189, 191 Barrow, John, 217 Brownlee, Donald, 107 Bartha, Paul, 68 Buddhism: extraterrestrial life and, 33, 226, 227, 310 Bartholomew, Robert, 22 Burtt, E. A., 165 Basalla, George, 131, 133 Butler, Paul, 43 Battaglia, Debbora, 174, 236 Bylinsky, Gene, 108 Bayes, Thomas, 192 Bayesian statistics, 192, 193 Callicott, J. Baird, 245, 246 behavioral ecology, 251 Cambrian explosion, 101, 106, 108, 115, 123 Bell, Jocelyn, 23 Campbell, Joan Brown, 13 Benedict, Ruth, 80 Campbell, W. Joseph, 22 Benford, Gregory, 49 Cantril, Hadley, 20, 22 Benner, Steven, 104 cargo cults, 85 Bentley, Jerry, 90 CASETI (Cultural Aspects of SETI), 76, 88, 195–198 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42676-3 — Astrobiology, Discovery, and Societal Impact Steven J. Dick Index More Information Index 377 categorical imperative, 244, 254, 297 Comte, Auguste, 167 Cavendish, Henry, 40 Congress, United States, 1–2, 33 celegistics, 300 consciousness: aliens and, 120; animal, 119–123, cells: Cambrian explosion and, 106; early usage 135, 153; anthropic principle and, 217; artiicial of word, 72; eukaryotic, 105; evolution of, 101; intelligence, 118, 119, 121; brain and, 120, multicellular life, 101; size of, 105 121; cosmic, 93, 210, 231, 234, 263, 308, 311; cephalopods, 114, 136, 248 cosmocentric ethic and, 229; embodied cognition Chaisson, Eric, 199 and, 152; hard problem of, 121; intelligence and, Chalmers, David, 119 119, 123; octopuses, 113; research on, 119; rules of chance and necessity, 5, 123; body morphology, thought and, 168; Searle on, 119; space-time ilters 105–109; See also convergent evolution and, 124; superintelligence and, 262; universal Charon: discovery of, 37–38 knowledge and, 173; zombies and, 119 Chiang, Ted, 53, 136 consilience, 287 Childhood’s End, 53, 186, 190, 256 Consolmagno, Guy, 225 Children of God, 227 Contact, 3, 45, 56, 191, 256, 292 Chinese room experiment, 118 contamination: biological, 275 Chinese treasure leet, 83–85 contingency: complex life and, 108; human sciences Chorost, Michael, 115, 124 and, 166–168; See also chance and necessity; Christianity: civilization and, 130; ethics and, 242, convergent evolution 243; extraterrestrial life and, 32, 221–226–228, convergent evolution, 5; brain and, 112; 230; fundamentalism, 227; geocentric worldview communication and, 135; extraterrestrials and, 108; and, 180; heliocentric worldview and, 180; human intelligence and, 115, 116; mental perceptions and, dignity and, 244; reconciliation with Greek and 90; morphology and, 108; psychology and, 253; Arabic knowledge, 89; worldview, 211, 230; See
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