THE SAHVFRANCISCO: CALL, TUESDAY, APRIL 12,.1910. 15 rfltjoua) per 100 lbs: Inbarrels and 50 1b bap*. Ijv- more; half bbls, 25c more; boxes. 50c more &\u25a0 aU grades. Bar in 35 and 40 lb tine, $1.70 r- \u25a0•:\u25a0'\u25a0; in 10 lb tics, ?£.SS more. Minimum order, carload wcistt. SIBERIAN WILL CARYY MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS INALLPARTS OF WORLD AUCTION SALES —. Xew York Produce Y>iW YORK. April 11.—Hops—Dull. iH.d«-s— —Firm. leather Firm.— MUNITIONS OF WAR Petroleum Wo^l steadyQuiet. Sugar— Raw.*quiet; Mus-ovado. S9 test. 3.86c; ctutnfugsl, 96 test. 4.3Cc: molasses sugar. 89 In« test, ."i.eic; refined, quiet; cut loaf. 5.95c; Liner's Government Freight Continuation Sale craned, ."..85c; mold A, 5.50c; cubes, 5.40c; XXXX powdered. BJ3Be; powdered. c; granu- The Old Virginia Antique Company's $100,000 Collection of lated, c; 5.25 2,000,000 Rounds of 5.15 diamond A, .*i.lsc: confectionere' A. dudes Antiques 4.95c; No. 1. 4.00e; No. 2. 4.b5e: No. 3, 4.SOr; Rare No. 4, 4.75c; No. 5, 4.70c: No. c; No. *. - c;6. 4.65 Cartridges for Philippines 4.COc: No. S. 4..%5c; No. 9. 4.50 No. 10. 4.40<;; p. m., for Portland; April 10, 8:30 p. m., 6 be will call at Trinidad, Crescent City and following changes willb* made in the buoyage No. 11, 4.40c; No. 12, 4.35c; No. 13, 4.30c; No. miles north of Hecate head; barometer, 20.83; Klamath. Captain Michael (iuinta will be in at Humboldt bay. California: By This Day at 14. 4.?.0c.— temperature 501.' strong north wind;: rain. command of the craft and Captain Kruger will fcoutb sr>U buoy 2A. a first class nun, win be Auction 2 P. M. Coffee Futures closed strady at a net decline HE Mall STEAMER W. Sf PORTER— From Portland for act as engineer. established inside the submerged end of the At the Walter Building^ Van 2V>** and Sacramento of .ValO points. 12,:«K) bags. Closing Pacific m., jetty, Kales. San Francisco; April 10, '8 p. 70 miles Calkers were put to work on the steamer* wroth on :the southwestern side of the c; Siberia, Cap- \u25a0 -• aggregation Pins: July. liner \u25a0 of c; April and May. 6.55 June. 6.65c: north of Cape Mendocino; strong southeast Newport this morning to place the ship in channel. This most unusual antique treasures embraces In 6.70 August. September. October and Novem- tain Zeeder, gale; heavy sea. '..--\u25a0 condition to leave port Saturday for Coquille North spit buoy 3, a second class can, will be part: Old Colonial Furniture, Chippendale, Hepplewhlte. Sheraton. Old ber, 6.75c: December, ti.Htc; January. Adrian Captain Parsons, changed Marquetry, Examples of the Empire. XVI., ruary. 6.62c: Feb- sail at 1o'clock STEAMEE XANN SMITH—From Coos bay for In command of with the. man- to a first class can and moored on the Dutch First Louis XV.. Louis 6.83c: March. 6.&>c. Spot quiet; Rio. No. »-ill San Francisco; April 10, noon, passed Cape ager-owner, Azariah Dunham, as chief engineer. eastern side of the channel about 1.500 feet Ancestral Oak Furniture from England. Old Grandfather's Clocks. English «. b\ic: Sanio« No. 4, y>ic; mild, quiet; Cor- this afternoon for Mendocino; southeast gale; heavy sea; barom- Captain Parsons Is expected from Astoria to- eastward of the submerged end of the south Mantel Chime Clocks, Very Rare Old French Clock Sets, Rare Old China. dova. &Vs<&l2^c. morrow steamer Santa Clara Chief j«tty. ; \u25a0 Cutter — Honolulu and the eter 29.35. on the and Old Colonial Silver. Rare Collection of English Sheffield Plate. Old Brass Strong. Creamery specials, 33c; ex- Dunham, who recently left Marsuflelrt on the North spit bnoy 5, a first class nun. will be Andirons, Fenders, Belgian Brasses, etc., etc. tras. 02c; third to firsts. 2T.«ij3lc: held common to Car east. steamer M. F. Plant for San Francisco, is ex- established at the turn of the north and Booth — Old specials. 24<&31c: western factory, 22(g.23c; west- The liner will be MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS pected here during the latter part of the week. channel*, to mark the northern side of the NOTE. An adequate conception of the beauty and extent can only be ern imitation— creamery. :Ts'*<g2sc.~ Captain Parsons wag formerly roastsr of the channel. by paying a visit. Catalogues at sale and seats provided those Cheese ;rowded with pas- had it for — Irregular. TO ARRIVE steamer Alliance . and at different .times was Middle ground west end buoy, a second class who attend. K. CURTIS, Anettoaeer. i:?gs Easier. Western storape selections. 23 sengers and will master of the different ships of the Pacific Coast nnn. will,be changed to a first class nun, with- . Q23j£e; do regular packed extra firsts. 23c; do largest From I Steamer. |Date steamship company. out other change. trsts, 221,5@22*ic; southern regular packed firsts. tiave the Norwefgian trump stearuor Alden saile «l for Middle, ground buoy 4, a second class nun, 4c. :argo that an out- Grays Harbor Carlos ...v Apr. 12 San Francisco Sunday afternoon. It was towed will be changed to class nun, without Grays Harbor Coronado T Apr. 12 other change. a/flrst DRIED FRUITS ward bound China to sea by the tug Ranger. The!AMen came DOMESTIC PORTS Evaporated Apples— Spot fancy, 10c; Xew York via Ancon.. City of Panama Apr. 12 here late in March from Poget sound with part WASHINGTON choice, fcfisiic; steair. Portland & Astoria Rose C|y Apr. 12 1,300,000 Grays Harbor— POBT LDDLOW—Arrlred April11—Stmr Lucy prime, C»4<37>se; common to liner has carried ... .... cargo of pine. It loaded feet -of Beacons temporarily replaced Neff, from Port Gamble. fz'.r, C(g,6^c. Japanese- Seattle & Tacoma Vosemite Apr. 12 redwood luinbc-r here and will sail for Australia by buoys— On March 12, 1910, beacons 6, 8, 10 Prunes— since the Humboldt F. A. Kllbnrn. Apr. 12 •nil.12. marking the . GREENWOOD— OfT port AprU 11—Stmr Steady. California en to 30-408. 2\k& . via San Francisco In the Australian mail line. dredged channel between Whltesboro, too rough Orejrons. Russian war. The San Pedro Hanalei Apr. 12 The Alden, scheduled to leave San Francisco old OrayH Harbor city wharf and Hoqulam, to load. 9'^c: BQSe. ... : - Apr. drays Harbor, Wash., FORT BBAGG—Sailed April11, 10:30 a. m.— Apricots— Sfuwly. Choice, 10V4«Jlle; extra ;argo will include Honolulu Sierra .. 12 April 1, probably vrillnot -leave before April15. were temporarily re- Allen, choice. IK'Jll^c; fancy, Grays Harbor G. JC. Ltndauer. Apr. 12 Steam schooner Aurella arrived from the south placed by second class spar buoys similarly Bark S. C. for Honolulu. I2<ai2»ic. 4,000 tons of gov- Willapa Daisy Apr. 12 loading WILMINGTON—ArriTed April.10. 10 a. m.— Prafhes— l>u!!. Choice. eHQMfcc; extra choice. Harbor early Sunday morning. Itis at Carson's colored and numbered. Stmr RtTerslde, »%f&»*Ae; fancy, 7Vife<»;<\ ernment freight, to Portland &. Astoria.... J. B. Stetson. Apr. 13 mill for the return trip to San Pedro. Puget sound— Eagle harbor range lights — from Port —Anseles. April • AUCTION TACOJIA Sailed 11 Buckman. for Raisins— Dull, Humboldt N'ortb Fork ...Apr. 13 Pacific lumber company's steamer W. H. moved— Referring to notice to mariner* No. 11 Stmr Iwill at unsettled. Loose muscatel*. 35i deliver which the Way Bay Apr. <043) Seattle; otmr Eureka, stmr ITmatilla. for San sell public auction the entire eontmet. $"*\u25a0**Ichoice to fancy Keetfed. BQCtCe; seedless San Pedro It Ports'Coos ..... 13 Murphy nrrived Sunday morning -and will lead of 1910. further notice Is giten that on Ing outfit that ba* been n«ted by U. 11. Farme? i.'-:te4*ic; !x»ndon will a N. York via Sal. Pleiades Apr. 13 at Bayslde mill aud Field's landing for march 11, the range lights leading Into Francisco; U. S. stmr Burnside, Br stmr Fltz- layers, 51.15^1.20. Siberia make CruZi Apr. San Eagle harbor,1010. patrick, Seattle; Br »tmr Knight of St. X R- consisting of 40 HEAD OP special call at Manila. This army and San Pedro INorwood ...... 14 Pedro. I'uset sound. Wash., were changed for ??^J&AJ- WAGONS, stable*, Grays position George, port; stmr Mau- HORSES. HARNESS. etc.: Cbfcujcn I'nidupr navy freight includes 2,000,000 rounds Harbor Santa Barbara.. Apr. 14 Steamer North Fork arrived Sunday afternoon In as follows: for British Columbia Br buildings. long leas*, Dairr Market j & Santa Clara Apr. 14 Tiie front light cunia, for Panama. and eTcrythin* pertaining CHICAGO, 11.— of ammunition. Portland Way Ports. ... and is now at I» street wharf discharging fruijrht. i was moved about 850 feet J3O to a first class April steady; degrees (5 Rutter creamer- freight San Pedro Roanoke Apr. 14 at and reestablished on the edge of the- PORT BAN WJlS—ArriTed April11. a. m.— CONTRACTING OUTFIT. Sal* ies. 2C(g.Slc: dairies, 22ft? 2Sc. Eggs steady; The liner's commercial in- It willload redwood lumber Arc.Ua for Son hence 10; stmr takes place at 140 Erie st- n«ar 14th and ctipts. re- cludes 2,500 bales of Point Arena & Albion.. Porno Apr. 14 Francisco. high bank 52 feet above the water. Stmr Atlas, April 7 p. m.. Coos Mission, stables. 3H.OSS ca&es; at m*rk. cases IS raw cotton for 15 The Bay, Barbara; m., stmr Roma, 20c; prime Included. Japan. The liner Humboldt City.
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