No. 19- In THE Supreme Court of tljr United Staten KANEKA CORPORATION, Petitioner, v. XIAMEN KINGDOMWAY GROUP COMPANY, PACIFIC RAINBOW INTERNATIONAL INC., Respondent. On Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit SUPPLEMENTAL APPENDIX Keith D. Nowak Counsel of Record William F. Sondericker Gerald W. Griffin Carter Ledyard & Milburn LLP Two Wall Street New York, New York 10005 (212) 732-3200 [email protected] Counsel for Petitioner fV/ED 291472 $ COUNSEL PRESS mlVSS& (800)274-3321 • (800)359-6859 I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page U.S. PATENT NO. 7,910,340 (’340 PATENT), WITH ATTACHED CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION............................................ SA1 USPTO RESTRICTION REQUIREMENT & APPLICANT ELECTION IN RESPONSE TO RESTRICTION REQUIREMENT........................................................................ SA20 The Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office Has received an applicationfor a patentfor a new and useful invention. The title and description of the invention, are enclosed. Qitiited The requirements of law have been com­ plied with, and it has been determined that a patent on the invention shall be granted States under the law. Therefore, this United States Patent Grants to the person(s) having title to this patent the right to exclude others from mak­ ing, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States of America or importing the invention into the United States ofAmerica, and if the invenr tion is a process, of the right to exclude oth­ ers from using, offering for sale or selling throughout the United States ofAmerica, or importing into the United States of America, products made by that process, for the term setforth in 35 U.S.C. 154(a)(2) or (c)(1), subject to the payment of mainte­ nance fees as provided by 35 U.S.C. 41(b), See the Maintenance Fee Notice on the inside of the Cover. Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office i! I. (■ 1 of I9 SA1 KAN-CDCAL-240405 US007910340B2 (i2) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,910,340 B2 Yajima etal. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 22,2011 (54) PROCESSES FOR PRODUCING COENZYME ■TP 55-27 A 1/1980 Q10 JP 55-28 A 1/1980 IP 55-21756 A 2/1980 JP 55-68295 A (75) Inventors: Kazuyoshi Yajima, Hyogo (IP); 5/1980 JP 55- 148084 A 11/1980 Takahisa Kato. Hyogo (JP); Akihisa JP 56- 55196 A 5/1981 Kanda, Osaka (JP); Shiro Kitaraura, JP 56- 154994 A 11/1981 JP i Hyogo (JP); Yasuyoshi Ucda, Hyogo 56-154996 A li/1981 JP 57-33599 A 2/19S2 (JP) JP 57-70834 A 5/1982 JP 60-75294: 4/1985 (73) Assignee: Kaneka Corporation, Osaka-shi (JP) JP ■60-75294 A 4/1985 IP 10-57072 A 3/1998 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the lerm of this JP 10-109933 A 4/1998 JP patent is extended or adjusted under-35 10-330251 A 12/1998 JP 2001-61478 U.S.C. 154(b) by 588 days. 3/2001 WO WO 96/17626 6/1996 (21) Appi. No.: 11/981,181 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (22) Filed: Oct. 31,2007 Tnkada etal. Brochimicaet Biophysics Acla. 1982,679:308-314 * Yoshida el al.“Production of ubiquinone-10 using bacteria". 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Hatton. 3.769,170 A * 10/1973 Rondo etal. 435/133 4.220,719 A 9/1980 Aida etal. Daniels & Adrian, LLP 6.156.802 A 12/2000 Mae etal. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (57) ABSTRACT DE 236 552 Al 11/1986 The present invention relates to a process for producing EP 0 051 921 Al 5/1982 reduced coenzyme Q,0 which comprises obtaining microbial EP 0073 134 A2 3*1983 EP 0 956 854 Al 11/1999 cells containing reduced coenzyme Qlb at a ratio of not less EP 1 123 979 Al 8/2001 Ilian 70 mole % among the entire coenzymes Q1q, optionally EP 1 336 657 Al 8/2003 disrupting the cells and recovering thus-produced reduced EP 1 354 957 Al 10/2003 .coenzyme Qj 0. The present invention also relates to a process EP 1 386 905 Al 2/2004 for producing oxidized coenzyme Q10 which comprises EP 1 391 515 Al 2/2004 EP 1 408 024 Al 4/2004 either recovering oxidized coenzyme Q10 after oxidizing the EP 1415 969 Al 5/2004 above-mentioned microbial cells or disrupted product EP 1415 970 Al 5/2004 thereof, orrecovering reduced coenzyme Q, n fronrthe above- EP 1415 971 Al 52004 mentioned microbial ceils or disrupted product thereof to F.P I 415 972 Al 5*2004 oxidize thus-obtained reduced coenzyme thereafter. EP- 1 415 9 73 Al 5/2004, EP 1440 962 Al 7/2004 According to Ibe-processes of the present invention, reduced EP 1452 174 Al 9/2004 coenzyme Q10 and oxidized coenzyme Ql0 can be produced GB 930752 7/1963 simply on (lie industrial scale. JP 48-8836 B 3*1973 JP 54-110388 A 8*1979 JP 54-119090 A 9*1979 45 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet 2 of 19 SA2 KAN-CDCAL-240406 US 7,910.340 B2 Page 2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Waknb, N. et aL “'Acidiphilium mutih'ormsp. nov., an Acidophilic Cbemoorganolrophic Bacterium from Pyritic Acid Mine Drainage”, Urakami X, el al., “Production of Isopnenoid Compounds in the Journal of Gcncraland AppliedMtaobiohgy, vol, 40. No. 2, J 994, Facultative Mcfhylbiroph PmfoniOnds extroqucm". ,1 Ferme/it. pp: J43-159. Teehnoi, vol. 66, No. 3, 1988, pp. 325-332: Yabuuchi. E.. et ai.. "Proposals of Sphingomonaspancimobllis gen. Urakami,. T. ei ai.,. “Production pi! Ubiquinone and nov, and conib, now, Sphingpmonas parapaucimobilis sp. nov„ Sphlngompnasyanoikkiyac sp. nov., Sphlngomonas adhaeslva sp. Bacteriochiorophyll <x by Rhodobaair sphaeivhles and nov.. Sphlngomonas capsulata comb, nov., and Two Gcnospccies of Bhodobacter su/fidopiuim->', Journal of Fermentation a/td die Genus Sphingomonas,” Microbiology midlmnntnolog)\ vol. 34, Bioengineering, vol. 76. No. 3, 1993. pp. 191-194. No. 2'. 1990, pp. 99-119. Urakami, T.. et al., “Transfer oFPseudomotias amhiovbrans (den Yamada, Y. et al.;, “The Coenzyme Q System in Strains of Dooren de Jong 1926) to Aminobactcr gen; nov. as Aminobactcr Tricbosporoti Species and Related Organisms”, Journal of General andnovorans comb. nov. and Description otAminobactcr aganoensis andAppliedMicrobiology*, vol. 28, No. 4, J9S2, pp. 355-35$. sp. nov. and Aminobactcr niigataensis sp. nov,”. International Jour­ Yoshida. H. ct a).- "Production of Ubiqiunone^O-Using Bacteria”, nal of Systematic Bacteriology, vol. 42, No. 1, Jan. 1992, pp. 84-92. Journalpf General andAppliedMicrobiolog}', vol. 44. No. 1, ,1'998. Vcntiiroli el al., Blochlmica eiBipfjhj’stca Acta, 935 (198$) pp. 258- pp. 19-26. 272.'." Wakabayashi et al.t Biol. Pharni Bull, 1994, I 7(8):9?7-1002. * cited by examiner 3 of 19 SA3 KAN-CDCAL-240407 a SOLVENT/" \ m FIG.! JsOlVENT IsQlVENT^ THIRD c+ RECOVERY^. ft SECOND SERRATION TANK a FIRST ■> SEPARATION r* SEPARATION A TANK > TANK residue recovery RESIDUE -5»» RESIDUE ♦ GO > CE11-DISRUTED f<r 4^ -ISOPROPANOL SOLUTION rtf- A 1 V:U T_y £Ti 4 n-hexane 11 V o § N K) •O FIRST %% SECOND SECOND STIRRING STIRRING STIRRING TANK El TANK, TANK £ 05 z l4 ■ VO o ■G o O OJ O J ji. > ® I" ■W I Ki NJ Ai o O A o (0 00 US 7,910.340 B2 1 2 PROCESSES FOR PRODUCING COENZYME in addition lo pharmaceutical products as a pharmaceutically Q10 and physiologically effective substance for a variety of dis­ eases. RELATED APPLICATIONS On the other hand, reduced coenzyme Q10 has not so much 5 drawn attention so far: however, in these years, there has been This application si a divisional of Ser. No. 10/500.249,filed reported that reduced coenzyme Q10 is more effective in vari - on Nov. 3. 2004 and now abandoned, which is a 371 pf ous applications than oxidized coenzyme Q10. PCT/JP02/13766, filed on Dec. 27. 2002. which claims ben­ For example, Japanese Kokai Publication llei-10-330251 efits to Japanese Application No.
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