DETROIT, Since 1989. Gratis! www. laprensa1.com FREE! TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR COLUMBUS CLEVELAND • LORAIN Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! March/marzo 23, 2007 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal 20 Páginas Vol. 41, No. 2 Adelante says, “Parents make a difference, p. 20 L-R: Richard Romero, Vice Pres. OCHLA; Charles Louis Kincannon, Dir. U.S. Census Bureau; Marylou Olivarez-Mason, Dir. Michigan Commission on Spanish The Price is Right Speaking Affairs; Ezra Escudero, Dir. Ohio Commission on Hispanic/Latino Page 9 Affairs (OCHLA); Lee McElveen, Latino Coordinator of the South Carolina Com- mission for Minority Affairs; and Elias García, Dir. Kansas Hispanic & Latino American Affairs Commission. More photos on page 3 and www.laprensa1.com DENTRO: Bonilla nominated for Over 6,000 attend USHLI’s annual conference OAS Ambassador ... 2 The United States His- Hotel and Towers. sioner Richard Romero, Bush can’t hide from panic Leadership Institute It is becoming one of the who attended. mounting woes ......... 2 (USHLI), based in Chi- most celebrated gatherings “This year we estimated Mexican Consulate cago, hosted its 25th an- for Latinos in the United that over 6,000 represen- addresses literacy rates of Latinos ........ 4 nual leadership confer- States, according to Ohio tatives from 40 states at- Kaptur announces ence March 14-18, 2007, Commission Hispanic/ tended. This conference NASA award ............. 5 at the Sheraton Chicago Latino Affairs Commis- (Continued on Page 3) Sutton inspired by Gov’s address ........... 5 City Club ................... 6 Los problemas Davide García .......... 6 Adelante’s internos Registration Form, Chávez Awards ........ 7 persiguen a Deportes .................... 7 HOROSCOPO ..... 8,13 Bush en el Megan Leyva............ 8 Rey Ricky Martin .... 8 extranjero Carla’s Corner ........ 9 Por TOM RAUM. Obituaries ............... 12 Análisis noticioso de AP Events .................12-13 MERIDA, México Classifieds..........16-19 (AP): Aunque el presidente George W. Bush se encontraba de gira Breves por América Latina, los Presidente Ortega C 6HOHFFLRQ problemas internos lo considera vana gira (VWHODU acechaban incesante- latinoamericana de Bush mente: Fue criticado por MANAGUA (AP): El 3UHFLRV $PNQSVFCFMBEJGFSFODJB su política de inmigración, presidente Daniel Ortega (VWHODUHV Presidentes Calderón y Bush juntos en México 8VWHGWLHQHXQDPLJRHQ las tarifas arancelarias al dijo el martes (el 13 de 3UHPLHU7R\RWD6FLRQ etanol, la guerra de Irak y ocho fiscales federales plena atención a mejorar marzo, 2007) que la gira las denuncias de que obligó al personal de la Casa las relaciones con México, por Latinoamérica del 7RPHOD5RXWH Blanca a dedicar tiempo a mandatario estadouni- KDVWD2DN3RLQW5G Estados Unidos tiene los ayudantes de la Casa $PKHUVW2KLR descuidados a sus vecinos esa polémica partidista, Blanca tuvieron que dense George W. Bush es SUHPLHUWR\RWDFRP del sur. desde el extranjero. explicar las motivaciones sólo un viaje turístico sin Y en su país, el cese de En lugar de dedicar su (Continua en la p. 3) respuestas precisas a los 6+2372<27$ problemas económicos y sociales de la zona. No Credit - Bad Credit - No Problem “No veo que la visita (Special Financing Available) del presidente Bush traiga Bring in this ad and a América Latina propuestas concretas que get $500 OFF (Continua en la p. 14) any used car!* Durango’s Western Wear 5880 Monroe St. at Alexis 1623 South Broadway Sylvania, Ohio 43560 Toledo, Ohio www.whitecars.com (419) 885-4444 1-800-392-4389 Botas y más! Página 14 ~ Se Habla Español ~ Dave Sánchez *Not compatible with other offers - sale items excluded. New & Used Sales & Leasing 419.779.9722 Escuche Lady Di 95.3 FM cada domingo 3:00PM-8:00PM • Grandma’s Country Cookin’ • Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner • Comida Buena • 3312 Glendale Ave. • 419-382-1115 • Página 2 La Prensa Político March/marzo 23, 2007 Bonilla nominated for ambassador to OAS Bush cannot hide from mounting woes, By SUZANNE GAMBOA whether at home or abroad, including Iraq Associated Press Writer Commentary by TOM RAUM, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP): try depends, in large part, MERIDA, México (AP): ``Good Morning America.’’ said. So missteps in other President George W. on our relationship with U.S. President George W. Gonzáles accepted the areas “look like the same Bush has nominated countries that are members Bush’s trip to sunny Latin resignation of his top aide story: This is a guy who’s former Rep. Henry of the Organization of America last week was no and responsibility. “I ac- not up to the job. The admin- Bonilla, a Texas Repub- American States,’’ Bonilla day at the beach. He was buf- knowledge that mistakes istration has managed to be lican, to be the U.S. rep- said in a statement. feted by complaints about were made here,” he said, globally unpopular. Iraq is resentative to the Orga- Bonilla said his respon- immigration laws, the Wall, echoing the classic phrase the great connecting tissue nization of American sibilities would include ethanol tariffs, the Iraq war, from the Watergate era. that does pull all the dots States, the White House work on policies such as and accusations that the On a round of television together.” announced March 15, trade, immigration and en- United States was ignoring appearances Wednesday, Nobody disputes the 2007. ergy sales. Bonilla dealt Henry Bonilla its southern neighbors. Gonzáles defended himself president’s ability to fire or Bonilla, 53, lost his with those issues while in And back home, the prob- against the escalating politi- not renew the jobs of federal seat in Congress to Rep. Congress. gress. He began his pro- lems continued to pile up. cal furor and said he had prosecutors. They are politi- Ciro Rodríguez, a San His nomination must be fessional career as a re- The revelation of close done a good job in the cal appointees who serve at Antonio Democrat, in a approved by the U.S. Sen- porter and moved through White House involvement in country’s top law enforce- his pleasure. December 2006 special ate. The previous U.S. am- the ranks of television the firing of eight federal ment job. But, he added, it When the party in the election. The loss came bassador to the OAS, John broadcasting to become prosecutors sent White was up to Bush whether he White House changes hands, after the U.S. Supreme Maisto, has resigned. an executive producer at House aides into full dam- remains in the administra- it is common for the new Court ordered the re- An ally of former House a television station in San age control mode on March tion. “I work for the Ameri- president to fire all the sit- drawing of Bonilla’s Dis- Majority Leader Tom Antonio. 14, 2007—from afar. can people and serve at the ting U.S. attorneys, as Ronald trict 23 to correct viola- DeLay, Bonilla was seen as He was the chairman Instead of following their pleasure of the president,” Reagan did in 1981 and Bill tions of voting rights of increasingly vulnerable of the House Appropria- tions subcommittee on ag- scripted plan of celebrating Gonzáles said. Clinton in 1993. By contrast, Latinos in the district. politically as his support riculture and was a co- a shoring up of diplomatic White House officials Bush allowed some to stay Bonilla was elected to among Latinos in his dis- chairman of the House ties with México, White said the president still had on the job for several months Congress in 1992 and trict dwindled. To help Border Caucus. House aides found them- full confidence in the attor- when he took office in 2001, spent seven terms in Con- boost his 2004 re-election Republicans relied on selves backing and filling on ney general. although all were replaced gress. His nomination chances, his district was him to help court Latino why the prosecutors were As to all those Demo- eventually. was endorsed by Sens. redrawn under a DeLay-led votes, but he was criti- axed. cratic calls for Gonzáles’ In the current contro- Kay Bailey Hutchison plan to put more Republi- cized by some Latinos This came on top of rev- resignation, “I imagine be- versy, Democrats have ac- and John Cornyn, both cans from Texas in Con- who said many of his votes elations of shoddy outpatient fore the day is out, every cused the Justice Department Republicans. gress. did not help the Latino care at Walter Reed Medical presidential candidate will of playing politics with the The OAS brings to- About 100,000 Latinos community. Bonilla re- Center, an affair that has re- call for his resignation,” prosecutors’ jobs. They sug- gether nations of the were carved out of Bonilla’s jected the criticism say- sulted in top-level Army res- White House counselor Dan gested some of the prosecu- Western Hemisphere to district and replaced with ing his skin color should ignations; the conviction on Bartlett said. “But the bot- tors were fired for either in- promote democracy and predominantly white vot- not dictate his political perjury and obstruction tom line is the facts speak vestigating Republicans or work on issues of com- ers. Bonilla won that elec- philosophy. charges of Vice President for themselves. The reason failing to pursue cases mon interest such as pov- tion by a tight margin. One of Bonilla’s last Dick Cheney’s former chief why these U.S. attorneys against Democrats. Several erty, human rights, ter- But last summer, the Su- major votes was for a 700- of staff, I. Lewis “Scooter” were removed were for good of the ousted prosecutors rorism, drug abuse and preme Court ruled the re- mile wall along the U.S.- Libby, and the FBI’s ac- reasons.” have told Congress they were trafficking.
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