INDEX BY SUBJECT Thiourea Dioxide (Fo rm aminesulfiuic Acid) : A New Reducing A g e n t i o r T e x tile P r i n t i n g .................................................................... 101 risi* OR the convenience of our readers, there appears below a list F asa-io -L ig h it B asie P r in ts o n V iscose R a y o n ................................... 101 F Control oi Padding Processes by Radioactive Isotope Labelling 101 of page numbers in the respective issues for 1954. Those in T h e P r in tin g E fficien cy o i V at D y e s ...................................................... 101 the column entitled “General Pages” indicate general pages and Dye Transier on Dyeing and Printing ................................................... 102 those in the column entitled “Proceedings Pages” appeared in the Developments in the Application of Azoic Dyes in Printing. 102 «!' Spoil R e sists u n d e r A zoic D y e s .............................................................................. 102 Proceedings of the American Association of Textile Chemists and New Developments in the Application of Phllialoeyanines in .mb) . C o lo rists. Textile Printing ........................................................................................... 102 j jijOdinf - Observations on Textile Printing in the USA .................................. The presence of the letter “P” before the page number any­ 102 The Advantages and Uses of “Coloray” Spun Dyed Rayon where in this index indicates that the material appeared in Staple; The Techniques of Using “Coloray” ; and The Fastness AATCC Proceedings. P ro p e rtie s o f “C o lo ra y ” ................................................................................. 102 i* S o lu tio n -D y ed S ta p le ......................................................................................... 210 Date of General Proceedings S om e N o tes on W ool B le a c h in g ................................................................... 210 nil Issue No. Pa(jes Pages Bleaching Nylon Fabrics; Use of Acid Solutions oi Sodium 1 7-32 P I - P I 6 C h lo rite ................................................................................................................... 210 January 18 ........................ 2 3 3 -6 0 P 3 9 -P 5 2 F lu o re sc e n t W h ite n in g A g e n ts ........................................................................... 217 F e b ru a ry 1 ...................... 3 6 1 -9 2 P 6 9 -P 7 8 Use of Silicones in the Textile Industry ..................................................... 217 er, it-"-" * 'inire 'il H February 15 ................... ................... 4 9 3 -1 2 4 P J 0 1 - P I 18 New Unshrinkable Wool Finish. Australian Process Uses Nylon 217 M arch 1 .............................. ................... 5 1 4 9 -1 5 6 P 1 2 5 -P 1 4 8 The Correlation of Dyeing Methods and Serviceability of Wool. 218 Brightening Textiles with Fluorescent Compounds.......................... (P o! , p,, M arch 15 ........................... ................... 6 1 5 7 -1 8 8 P 1 6 5 -P 1 80 218 ' of Jtcbw** ■U' 7 1 8 9 -2 2 0 P I9 2 -P 2 1 2 Salt Formation and Air Stability oi Naphthol AS Products.... 218 M arch 29 ........................... N ew M eth o d o f T rib o e le c tric iiy ...................................................................... -d ................... 8 P 2 2 9 -P 2 4 2 218 A p ril 12 .............................. 2 2 1 -2 0 0 T h e E ffect o f C o p p er in W ool D y e in g ........................................................ A pril 2 6 ................................ 9 283-292 P261-P282 248 Jv* ^ 1 Are Orion, Dacron, Dynel, etc, the Dryc*leaner’s Problem Fibers? 248 M ay 1 0 ................................ ................... 16* 3 1 5 -3 2 4 P 2 9 3 - P 3 14 Man-Made Fiber Data Sheets: A Comprehens.ve Method of Iden­ ifnrWb ................... 11 P 3 2 5 -P 3 4 0 M ay 2 4 ................................ 3 4 1 -3 5 6 tifying and Differentiating between the Chemical Fibers. .. 310 P 3 5 7 -P 3 8 2 L a w *1 J une 7 ................................ ................... 12 3 8 3 -3 8 8 C o tto n a n d th e S y n th e tic F ib e r s ................................................................... 310 K b Dj-tfif*0 Ju n e 21 .............................. ................... 13 3 8 9 -4 2 0 P 3 9 7 -P 4 16 The Use oi Microscopy in Textile Dyeing and Finishing .................. 317 mis. m 445-452 P421-P444 Silicones Applied in Textile Processing ..................................................... 317 Ju ly 19 .............................. 4 5 3 -4 8 4 P 4 6 1 -P 4 7 8 The “Colloresin” Printing Method ............................................................. 317 Lot Com ft* A u g u s t 2 ........................... ................... 16 5 0 9 -5 1 6 P 4 8 5 -P 5 0 8 E v e rg la z e C h in tz a n d E m b o ssin g E f fe c ts ................................................ 317 reddlbwit) A u g u st 16 ........................ ................... 17 517-548 P521-P544 The Development and End Uses of “Orion” .......................................... 318 , r t*. pyein? and • A u g u st 3 0 ........................ ................... 18 5 9 7 -6 1 2 P 5 4 9 -P S 9 6 A b so rp tio m e tric C o lo rim e try in th e T e x tile L a b o ra to r y ................ 318 6 1 3 -6 4 4 P 6 1 7 -P 6 3 4 The Mechanical Finishing of Cotton and Rayon Fabrics: A New L nmr to 1* ^ September 27 ................ ................... 20 6 7 3 -6 7 6 P 6 4 5 -P 6 7 2 U se fo r I s o c y a n a te s ........................................................................................... 318 lfUd Presented to C O cto b er 11 ........................ ................... 21 7 0 1 -7 0 8 P 6 7 7 -P 7 0 0 The Use of Sodium Chlorite for Linen Piece Bleaching .................. 340 of Deters ® ‘ October 25 ........................ 2 2 709-740 P715-P732 T H P C -R esin F la m e p ro o iin g .............................................................................. 340 J, Dreatiff Reporter November 8 ................... 741-772 P749-P770 Some Experiments oil the Overdyeing of Nylon .................................. 340 November 22 ................... 24 7 9 7 -8 0 4 P 7 7 3 -P 7 9 6 Studies in the Fundamental Processes of Textile Printing. VI— D ecem ber 6 ........... 25 805-880 P837-P876 The Transier of Disperse and Water-Soluble Dyes to Nylon D ecem ber 20 ................... 8 9 7 -9 0 4 P 8 8 1 -P 8 9 6 d u rin g S te a m in g .............................................................................................. 347 sod 0f the SnUnri Dyeing Under “Static Pressure” System .................................................. 347 & (Horowitz and S trip in g of D yed T e x tile s ................................................................................... 347 ■ finishes for Ten P r o te c tin g W ool A g a in st D e g ra d a tio n ........................................................ 348 isty Medal to A Flammability of Clothing Textiles ............. ............................................... 348 lellih ON* Medal AATCC R E SE A R C H N E W S L E T T E R ..............................P I , P 7 0 . P 2 3 0 . D e terg en ts in D ry e le a n in g ................................................................................... 349 M ol Chlorine a P294, P358, P422, P486. P588. P646, P716, P840 M ild ew p ro o fin g o f C an v a s P r o d u c ts ........................................................... 349 AATCC Research Symposium ...................................................................... P 2 6 2 . P 3 6 0 Preparation of Soluble Yarns by the Carboxymethylation of C o tto n ...................................................................................................................... 384 m of Vat and Direc Abraser, An Evaluation of a Tensioniing Device for Use with the hflgioa(Panel' .... T a b e r (T h o m a s an d W h a m ) ....................................................................... P 3 4 1 Fundamentals of the Dyeing of Oellulosic Fibei\s ............................. 384 (folks, Factors Affec Abrasion Resistance of Fabrics when Test Units of Abrasion are N ew D u Point V a t P r in t D e v elo p m en t P ro c e s s ........................................ 385 Combined with Test Uniiits of Laundering, Dryeleaning and The Application of Identification Tints, wdh Particular Refer­ ’Dwod" Polyester Light, A Preliminary Study of the (Zook and M ack) .............. P61 ence io A c e ta te R a y o n S ta p le ................................................................... 385 Absorption of Disperse Dyes by “Dacron-’ Polyester Fiber from The Dyeing of Viscose Rayon at High Temperatures ....................... 385 Aqueous Baths, Factors Affecting the (Iannarone, Larson and Thourea Dioxide in Textile Printing .......................................................... 380 T h o m as) ................................................................................................................. P 6 5 0 Prevention of Soil Redeposition in Textile Cleaning Operations Absorption Test, The Use of Metal Tubes in the Launder-Ometer by Proteins and Other Polymeric Materials .................................. 393 fo r th e D ynam ic ( M a n d ik o s ).................................................................... P 4 0 2 Applications of Silicon Chemicals in Textile Processing .................. 394 ABSTRACTS— W a te r-R e s is ta n t W ool .......................................................................................
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