Ml! • Student Weekly Publication Institute HOUSTON, TEXAS, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1938 — i li i « « Care 01* Camden Cant RIVER OAKS COUNTRY * • Hudson Pulls Prize Boner As Wellazz Pa Thief Flees In Stolen Pants CLUB IS SCENE OF Wednesday, April Fool's Day, die in answer to a radio call less than five most sensational stunt of the day was minutes after the call was put in, but ••I mm pulled shortly before 2:00 p.m. at the the thief had disappeared. They search* Cecil Griggs Rice Owl baseball team ed the vicinity but could find no trace Cohen House. The prankster was a Secret Decorations and will make its second attempt to break Th stewed ants in nintfck lock shek of the man. Hie man was wearing a sper class haddle aff on thurp roff, rank outsider—he is still outside—and Paskowitz' Playing Are mi into the conference win column this khaki shirt and pants before donning VS Camden, abe out the sho-ay rnits um- his stunt was to steal a suit belonging Smith's brown pants. He did not get Features of Affair. Dates Set lor Class-Dinner, Senior American- and Final afternoon at College Station with the mer nuts drim. Somuv the boysor mum to Phil Smith, one of the waiters at away with the coat. mm Texas Aggies as their opponents. The gals hooey shto hakkam done went iwwll Ball; Ring Orders Must Be Made Before the Cohen House. According to the description given From ten until about two tomorrow jffv' same teams will play the second game and sen tim 2 tiks to atshow. Butty to the officers the man was about i w April 18, for Pre-Exam Delivery. humor of the halting was that the tiks The fun started when Jim Cunning- night, at. River Oaks Country Club, of the series Saturday afternoon. thirty years old, almost six feet tall, With Benny Paskowiti.. and his Merry ' wearin the nigger sekshun. Camden ham, another waiter, noticed a pair of and weighed around 170 pounds. IMttl The Owls lost tlieir first game of the wazzoen in ar/. wet before the Majes- MakerSj playipg, the annual PALS-' "The financial condition of the Senior class is poorer than it has Hudson a n d , Parking Supervisor, tic try into change his ticks fearsome white athletic shorts on the stairs Pre-Med dance will be held filFi; been in the past two years," revealed Senior President Morris at the season last Saturday to the Texas Brown chased the culprit across the lililli of whiter sexshun. leading to the dressing rooms* in the Bids, selling at §2,5.(1 for couples aiM meeting of the class in the Senior Commons last night. "It means Steers, 5-0. The Aggies split even campus and into Sout;hm<,ire addition Somuv the stewed ants mite missa basement, Cunningham went on down Sil.50 for stags.' will, be available at th»,, that if the Senior functions are to be successful that every senior with the Baylor Bears in a series at until, they lost sight of him in the dis-! 1 yuma of the holting iffit wernt eggs to the ..waiters' dressing room and no- d^or.| ; 7. Mil ii mast-pay his or her class dues of five dollars," continued Morris, Waco to open their campaign. After tanee. plain 2 those kuottin thick lass that ticed that Smith's suit was missing. According to the decoration comnUt.-i: "the girls as well as the boys must give their financial support." winning the first game 13-11, they the tiks were givven to whirrt sow tee: composed .of Abee Claire Luekel, During the meetings the dates for dropped the second to the Bears, 7-3. that he mite getta diff runt an galon That caused suspicion, so Cunningham Betty'. Bcwirftt, Marian Fermi. Ja'eJc the Senior functions were made pub- looked around the room but saw no- This week Rice split two exhibition shak sper inna dokker aw picked. DRAMATIC C L U B TO Lynn, and Tiogei- Srnythe, ah >tU»t;iiidi|, lic. The senior dinner, location as yet Camdam hant yet givven ave yew body. He went on into the faculty ing i'eatiii-e of; the; fiance will, be a, undecided, will be given on Friday, CREAM REIGNS OVER games, winning from the Gray Tool * * # * on the ock currants off the off air, dressing room. There he saw in the fsarpris?" dtsploMfe • as: dec'iratiioiii H,'~' June 5. The Senior American, with Company Wednesday afternoon at Rice STAGETOURNAMENT butty May Bee be egg ud# port abe men's lavatory a pair of feet, thp legs m.oi'row..night. | j jil dancing 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., followed by Field, 11-7, after dropping a close game out the hole off air. Beek awz Cam- " JJiii'&jM jAyKBer, Ruth Ihcli'ti t, fcfe'ilf a Swimming Party, on Saturday, June 7:00 PESSIMISTS AT to which were covered by Smith's pants, * # * * Tuesday to the Hughes Tool Company, bywam cant ache aw. vvellaw, dishet, PLAY MONDAY NIGHT ley fA'Virus.'. Arnim, dajiwf 0; The Bacculaureate Serman, Sunday, out, even thowie blushes when some None of the above mentioned being on tf ' that,' the# 'jiav*: Ijwjtj! June 7; Commencement Exercises on 6-5- Seale pitched the last three in- DORM MILKMAN ERROR buddy hang zwun inim. the ; person of Smith, Cunningham l>e- The Stepmother,' .Rkv Drajbiaiic. fcii(;tbi«|® iiii.'-se'curing' iwiSi rir'^hesira ei<> the .morning of Monday, June 8 and nings for Rice Wednesday and re- w(4i,:.'kraiwn..',i.ti,|nis liiirt '.-f • t.fie 'eviun'.-ji came very suspicious In tact he had .Club's miry in the ii that night the Final Ball. ceived credit for the win. :iriiui,i! Intercolia*;' try.! ifstsh WiW' | W1 MrfA . (f, Those dormitory breakfasters who Mrs. Hardy call the police. " : ' ; giate O.ie-ncl,' Play The last dale for Ring orders to be Mike Seale, who was the losing TolirnarhehU will .rlatH^s,.' .PreiRo^yit? ' (jffi'het-''?! i'I lumbered down for their customary filled before the finals has been set by At about this time W. M. Hudson, j l„. staged Monday night at ftuiO at a'^'hieiivteere*!,, foists flira.^alv jxtr-; the Ring Committee to be Wednesday, swig of blue john the other morning pitcher against the Steers will stctri <Y' Style Show English instructor, arrived on the the Little- Theater, 707 Chelsea. fiinuanc" at the Owl BanJ S«inve April 16. Orders are now being taken found a pre-April Fool joke in the again Friday on the hill for Rico. Sam scene. Instead of locking the door, he &II. at the Co-op. form of pure, unadulterated cream for Mays and Tightwad Lodge will be The cast for tin- play is Margaret iiiiill Tea To Show 1 1 M:if.th;i Ann p.'vi >n. fO'.Xi. 1' >: it? The committee Cbn Invitations were their Crape Nuts (Adv.) Although called in a stern voice. "Come out of Polk; Ullmann Kilgoro'.ifZtlda '.'ftc&pei. other Rice hurlers for the series. 1 Allen. 1 ,orrv Delair.hre .T • *• • i . instructed at the meeting to select and every precaution had been taken by Coach Siki Sikes of the Aggies will there." Hastening to obey orders, the and Ed IIousO. the management, real cow's cream got 15.,! Sliii'-.l! .,i:.'l 'I'. H..i, .:... approve a front for the Commence- choose between Doc Pitner and Homei; Peyton (iowns man came out. much as John McCau- The one-net play tournament n arid 'L.-ttv,. .be ment Invitations soon. into the cream pitchers. The news Martinez, righthanders, and Herb Next Tuesday from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Jcy wow1'l have crashed a line, but lie sponsott<1 • by||j|| Red M.-^cjire Player:, A) st:-.-. ai5; President Morris and the committee spread like gossip at a literary soci- Knowles and Hyle Riddle, lefthanders, fdidn't stop. etlie;- on the Senior dances are now contact- ety meeting and soon the mess hall, for the starting assignments, i the Rice Y. W. C. A. will entertain at , ''dn I stop. He tore out the door of of the University <>| SjibMOri, ami will ing the booking agents of some of the usually a somber, sober, apathetic The other Starters for the Rice team the Autry House with a seated silver ihe Faculty House, pursued by llud- 'run Monday through I '^Friday. i|l n'iSh; % •Hi place at seven O'clock, was brimful of big name bands to get a nationally probably will be Parker, catcher; tea. Asa feature of the entertainment, j j,on. Wht;n |ilst se011i h(, w,,s n[nilin,, with 15 colleges entered. •• enthusiasm. Pessimists found break- the Peyton Company, women's fashion .. ... , c ,i i known orchestra for the Final Ball, Tynes, first base; Sears, second; Steele, , ' 'I . stlong toward Southhampt fast justified. shop, will furnish the dresses for a 1 t me The date for the Annual One-act . Collo^r Dorms Shortstop; Eaton, third; Vickers. Hur- MO Without any intention of protesting, ley, and Brandon, or Bill Sadler, out- fashion show, sponsored by the' ''Y'*,.j ' ; ' 'ladson). Play Comisf has been changed Iroiu some investigatorially - minded dorm fielders. presenting Eiister styles in formal. Officers'arrived at the Cohi n House Apiil 10 to April 23 Plays must lie TuriHMlOve rl\) hermits indulged in speculations of The Aggie lineup will be Dowling, semi-formal, street, and sport dresses. | in by April Hi. Plays mav tie written iiMP .
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