/0 i I ~ ,j.' j' i~ \ / " I \ / I ! , i i October~ 1921 25 Cents The Intellectual STRUGGLE FOR and The Worker POWER By PHILIP KURINSKY A booklet · that every wo rk~r should read. An Answer to HiIIquit It is written by an ordinary shop-worker for workers. "FROM MARX TO LENIN" A vivid, li ving document, a convincing argument, clarifying conditions in the Labor, Movement. Shows the harmful by eff ects of the intellectual in the workers' ALBERT VERBLIN organizations and discusses differences be­ tween proletarian and professional intel­ lectuals. Price 15 l' Cents a Copy Price 10 Cents Bundle Orders $9 Per 100 Bundle Orders $6 Per 100 CASH SHOULD ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS PUBLISHED BY WORKERS EDUCATIONAL LEAGUE (H. Kprn, Sec'y.) Address all orders to MODERN PRESS, Box, 205, Madison Sq. Station, New York, N. Y. A collection of radical ·ew stufl', as "Youth's Les­ The Scarlet ReVl son," by Mark Stone; "The R evolution," by WHAT E ·VERY GIRL Richard Wagner, the great oper a composer; "In Defense of Theft," by J ean Paul Marat; "A Parable of Misfits," J . W. Lloyd; "The Gentle Ar t of Spreading the Bull Where It Will SHOULD KNOW BEFORE Do the M'O st Good " ; " Kee p the People Loving" and others equally good,-25 cents and Worth it. Raymer's Old Book Store, 1330 First Ave., Seattle, Wash. MARRIAGE A WONDERFUL BOOK of secr ets and valuable information, es­ CO-OPERATION ' sential to all young wom en contemplating Issued Monthly On.. y .... r 75c marriage. A necessity to all wives and THE CO-OPERATIVE LEAGUE OF AMERICA mothers. 208 pages of facts of interest to 2 West 13th St., New York City Send us 15 cents for information on Consumers' WOMEN ONLY. Co-operation. Everybody's Price $2.00 Sent postpaid and under plain wrapper . Money refunded if not as rep'resented. STANDARD PUB. CO. Dear Subscriber: 67-69 West 44th Street NEW YORK If your copy of The Liberator contains a renewal sliP it means that your subscription expires AUTHORS MANUSCRIPTS typewritten accurat ely. promptly. Ex­ with this issue. A prompt re­ cellent workmanship. reasonable rates. ' If desired. sym­ pathetic and constru ctive criticism given at small addi­ newal will bring the next number tional cost. PLAYWRIGHTS. TRANSLATORS. LECTURERS: Dic­ to you on time. tation taI{en directly on machine or in shorthand in our office. at your study or at public library. THE LIBERATOR. PHONE CHELSEA 9300 for full particula1's or write us AUTHORS' STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE 138 West 13th Street New York City I The Intellectual STRUGGLE FOR and The Worker POWER By PHILIP KURINSKY A booklet that every worker should read. An Answer to HilIquit It is written by an ordinary shop-worker for workers. "FROM MARX TO LENIN" A vivid, living document, a convincing­ argument, clarifying conditions in the Labor Movement. Shows the harmful by effects of the intellectual in the workers' ALBERT VERBLIN organizations and discusses differences be­ tween proletarian and professional intel­ lectuals. Price 15 :.: Cents a Copy Price 10 Cents Bundle Orders $9 Per 100 Bundle Orders $6 Per 100 CASH SHOULD ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS PUBLISHED BY WORKERS EDUCATIONAL LEAGUE (H. Korn, Sec'y.) Address all orders to MODERN PRESS, Box 205, Madison Sq. Station, New York, N. Y. A collection of radical ·ew stuff, as "Youth's Les­ The Scarlet ReVl son," by Mark Stone; "The Revolution," by WHAT E·VERY GIRL Richard Wagner, the great opera composer; "In Defense of Theft," by Jean PaUl Marat; "A Parable of Misfits," J. W. Lloyd; "The Gentle Art of Spreading the Bull Where It Will SHOULD KNOW BEFORE Do the M()st Good"; "Keep the People Loving" and othe~ equally good.-25 cents and Worth It. Raymer's Old Book Store, 1330 First Ave., Seattle, Wash. - MARRIAGE A WONDERFUL BOOK of secrets and valuable information, es­ CO-OPERATION sential to all young women contemplating Issued Monthly One Year 'Joe marriage. A necessity to all wives and THE CO-OPERATIVE LEAGUE OF AMERICA mothers. 208 pages of facts of interest to 2 West 13th St., New York City Send us 15 cents for information on Consumers' WOMEN ONLY. Co-operation. Everybody's Price $2.00 . Sent postpaid and under plain wrapper. .Money refunded if not as represented. STANDARD PUB. CO. Dear Subscriber: 67 -69 West 44th Street NEW YORK If your copy of The Liberator contains a rene mal slip it means that your subscription expires AUTHORS MANUSCRIPTS typewritten accurately, promptly. Ex­ with this issue. A prompt re­ cellent workmanship, reasonable rates. If desired, sym­ pathetic and constructive criticism given at small addi­ newal will bring the next number tional cost. 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