MONROE COUNTY COUNCIL Cheryl Munson, President Monroe County Courthouse Ryan Cobine, President Pro Tempore Marty Hawk Room 306 Lee Jones 100 W Kirkwood Avenue Geoff McKim Bloomington, IN 47404 Eric Spoonmore Phone: (812) 349-7312 Shelli Yoder R. Michael Flory, Council Attorney Fax: (812) 349-2982 Kim Shell, Council Assistant JANUARY 10, 2017 at 5:30 pm REGULAR SESSION AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. DEPARTMENT UPDATES 5. ELECTION OF OFFICERS ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. COUNCIL ORGANIZATION A. Appointments of Council Liaisons & Committees B. Council Appointments of Citizen Members to Boards & Commissions ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. AVIATION DEPARTMENT, Bruce Payton and Jeff Cockerill (PUBLIC HEARING) Second Reading of Ordinance 2016-42 Airport General Obligation Bond Pages 5-24 This is the second reading of the G.O. Bond allowing for a 5-year BAN to fund the purchase of land adjacent to the airport property. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. TAX ABATEMENT Page 25 Second Reading of Tax Abatement Application for AB BioTechnologies, Inc. Resolution 2016-44B – Part 2: Approval of Tax Abatement for AB BioTechnologies, Inc. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT, Brad Swain, Russell Brummett, Jeff Cockerill A. Request for Approval of Sheriff’s Deputy Contract Pages 26-78 This item is continued from the December 13, 2016 Regular Session <><><><><><> 1 | Page Page 1 of 262 B. Request for Approval to Amend the 2017 Salary Ordinance FUND 1000-0005, SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT Update Salary Amounts due Deputy Contract Deputies: Minimum – $43,489 1-Year – $45,782 3-Year – $48,065 8-Year – $49,207 14-Year – $50,349 Sergeants – $51,772 Lieutenants – $53,195 A copy of the actual 2017 Salary Ordinance and proposed contract amendments are attached as Exhibit A (51-52). <><><><><><> C. Request for Approval to Amend the 2017 Salary Ordinance FUND 1000-0005, SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT FROM: 15179 Deputy Merit Pole 2 40 Hours 3-Year $43,693 TO: 15179 Deputy-Canine Unit SO 40 Hours (3-Year) $49,465 (This amount is a 3-Year Deputy, plus the request $1,400 supplement) Items 9B & 9C are continued from the December 13, 2016 Regular Session. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT, Jeff Cockrill Pages 79-90 AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND CITY OF BLOOMINGTON FOR THE CENTRAL EMERGENCY DISPATCH CENTER A. Ordinance 2016-45 – Interlocal Agreement for Central Emergency Dispatch Center <><><><><> B. Request for Approval of Additional Appropriation FUND 4933-0000, PSAP-LIT Fund 31065 City Interlocal $3,000,000.00 In December the Monroe County Commissioners and the Bloomington Mayor agreed to a revised Dispatch Interlocal. The revisions were based upon the Monroe County Income Tax Council’s approval of an Income Tax funding stream for the Dispatch Center. The two major changes include having the City of Bloomington as the employer for all dispatch personnel and how the funding stream will operate. This item is the approval of an additional appropriation to fund the dispatch pursuant to the Interlocal. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2 | Page Page 2 of 262 11. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Penny Caudill Pages 91-92 FUND 8138-0000, IMMUNIZATION Request for Approval of Additional Appropriation 32740 Immunization Expenses $50,533.00 The Indiana State Department of Health has again awarded funds to the Health Department for the local immunization program. 2017 funding will go to cover expenses of the immunization program including school clinics. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 12. SURVEYOR’S OFFICE, Trohn Enright-Randolph, Rachel Oser Pages 93-106 FUND 1000-0006, SURVEYOR’S DEPARTMENT Second Reading: Request for Approval to Amend the 2017 Salary Ordinance ADD: 12001 Professional Surveyor SO 35 hrs Exempt $61,670.00 This item is continued from the December 13, 2016 Regular Session. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 13. YOUTH SERVICES BUREAU, Louis Malone Pages 107-139 FUND 2222-0000, A. Request for Approval of Amended Job Descriptions -Executive Director -Deputy Director -Program Coordinator -Finance Coordinator -Community Education & Training Coordinator The YSB brought five job descriptions to PAC for review. Four of these contained minor changes which, on the recommendation of HR and concurrence of PAC, were not sent to WIS for any additional action. One job description, Community Education & Training Coordinator was forwarded to WIS and has been reviewed with no change. All amend job description are included in your packet in red-line version because any amendment to a job description must be approved by Council. <><><><><><> B. Request for Approval to Amend the 2017 Salary Ordinance FROM: 11170 Finance Coordinator 11121 Director Community Education & Training Coordinator TO: 11170 Financial & Personnel Coordinator 11121 Prevention Coordinator Two of the amended job descriptions had title changes which must be reflected in the Salary Ordinance. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3 | Page Page 3 of 262 14. AUDITOR’S OFFICE, Cathy Smith/Michael Flory Request for Approval of Transfer of Funds FUND 1000 - GENERAL From: Auditor 1000-0002-12781 Part-Time Hourly (Earnings & Fringe) $1,020.27 To: Council 1000-0062-18501 Comp Time Payout $1,020.27 Transfer from Auditor’s 10’s category into Council Line to cover payout for accumulated compensatory time to an employee who has moved from the Auditor’s Office to another department. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 15. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -September 27, 2016 – Work Session Pages 140-142 -November 9, 2016 – Regular Session Pages 143-180 -November 22, 2016 – Work Session Pages 181-218 -December 13, 2016 – Regular Session Pages 219-262 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 16. COUNCIL COMMENTS ____________________________________________________________________________________ 17. ADJOURNMENT 4 | Page Page 4 of 262 ORDINANCE NO. 2016-42 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MONROE COUNTY COUNCIL AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN AIRPORT PROPERTY AND PAY THE COSTS OF ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Monroe County Council (the “Council”), as fiscal body of the County of Monroe, Indiana (the “County”), a proposal for the issuance by the County of its general obligation bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,500,000 (the “Bonds”) for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring certain property contiguous to the Monroe County Airport for airport purposes (the “Project”), and related and incidental expenses to be incurred in connection therewith and on account of the issuance of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, it would be of public utility and benefit and in the best interests of the County and its citizens to pay the costs of the Project and incidental expenses in connection therewith and on account of the issuance of the Bonds and to issue the Bonds as negotiable general obligation bonds of the County; and WHEREAS, the Council deems it advisable to issue the Bonds authorized by this Ordinance and to designate the Bonds as “General Obligation Bonds” in one or more series in an original aggregate principal amount not to exceed One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000) for the purpose of providing for the payment or reimbursement of: (1) all or any portion of the costs of the Project; (2) preliminary expenses related thereto and all incidental expenses incurred in connection therewith (all of which are deemed to be a part of the Project); (3) capitalized interest on the Bonds, if necessary; and (4) the costs of selling and issuing the Bonds; and WHEREAS, a notice of a hearing on the appropriation of the proceeds of the Bonds (the “Notice of Hearing on Additional Appropriation”) has been duly been given by publication as required by law, and the hearing on such appropriation has been held, at which all taxpayers of the County had an opportunity to appear and express their views as to such appropriation; and WHEREAS, the original principal amount of the Bonds, together with the outstanding principal amount of previously issued bonds which constitute a debt of the County, on the date of issuance of the Bonds will be no more than two-thirds of one percent (2/3 of 1%) of the total net assessed valuation of the County; and WHEREAS, the amount of proceeds of the Bonds allocated to pay the costs of the Project, together with estimated investment earnings thereon, does not exceed the cost of the Project as estimated by the Council; and WHEREAS, the Council now finds that all conditions precedent to the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of the Bonds have been complied with in accordance with Indiana Code 36-2-6-19, as amended, and other applicable provisions of the Indiana Code (collectively, the “Act”); and Page 5 of 262 WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the County may advance all or a portion of the cost of the Project prior to the issuance of the Bonds, with such advance to be repaid
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