CV Leunissen 5/14/20 Curriculum Vitae Mariska E.M.P.J. Leunissen Office Home Philosophy Department 101 1arin Place UNC Chapel Hill Chapel Hill NC 2751, Caldwell Hall CB" 3125 office 104 240 East Cameron Chapel Hill NC 27599 Phone: (919) 717 ,23. Phone : (919) 9,2-22.0 Email : mleunissen/ unc.edu EMPLOYMENT Professor at 2he Uni3ersity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 8uly 1 201. Associate Professor at 2he Uni3ersity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 8uly 1 2013 . Turner Fellowship, Institute for the Arts and Humanities, UNC Chapel Hill Spring 201, Assistant Professor at 2he Uni3ersity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 8uly 1 2011 Residential Spinoza Fellow at Leiden University (Classics) Spring 2013 Residential Fellow at the Harvard University Center for Hellenic Studies 2010-2011 Assistant Professor at 5ashington Uni3ersity in St. Louis 8uly 1 2007 AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION AREAS OF COMPETENCE Ancient Philosophy especially Aristotle History and Philosophy of Science Ancient Science Ancient 9ree: Language and Literature EDUCATION Ph.D. in Philosophy cum laude (highest possible distinction ) 2003-2007 Faculty of Philosophy Leiden Uni3ersity 2he Netherlands Dissertation: <Explanation and2eleology in Aristotle’s Philosophy of Nature’ Dissertation Advisor : Prof. dr. F.A.8. de Haas; External referee : Prof. dr. D. Charles Visiting student in the 8oint Program in Ancient Philosophy sponsoredby the Philosophy Department 2005-2007 of the Uni3ersity of 2exas at Austin 2exas U.S.A. Advisor : Prof. A.8. Han:inson (Spring semesters) B.A. and M.A. in Classics cum laude (highest possible distinction ) 1997-2003 Department of Classics Leiden Uni3ersity 2he Netherlands Specializ ation : 9re e: 2ragedy. Advisor : Prof. dr. I. Sluiter B.A. and M.A. in Philosophy (with distinction ) 199.-2002 Faculty of Philosophy Leiden Uni3ersity 2he Netherlands Specialization: Philosophy of Science Ancient Philosophy. Advisor : Prof. dr. H. Philip se CV Leunissen PUBLICATIONS BOOKS – SOLE AUTHOR From Natural Character to Moral Virtue in Aristotle (CxfordUni3ersity Press) 2017 Ae3iewed by: D. Bronstein Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 201..3.21; S. Connell Mind 127.507 201. : 93. -94, ; P . 9ot tlieb Journal of the History of Philosophy 5, .3 (201. ): 552 -553 Explanation and Teleology in Aristotle’s Science of Nature (Cambridge Uni3ersity Press) 2010 Ae3iewedby: C. 9oldin Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.04.51; D. Henry Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2011.05.11; D. Depew Ancient History Bulletin Online Reviews 1 (2011) 95-97; S. Berryman Isis 102.4 (2011) 752-3; 1. Valeriani Centaurus 53.4 (2011) 33.-340; C. Frey Classical Philology 107.2 (2012) 1,9-173; 1. 2uominen Journal of the History of Philosophy 50.4 (2012) ,11-,12; A. Falcon Phoenix ,, (2012) 190-192 . Finalist for the Journal of the History of Philosophy 2010 Boo: PriDe BOOKS – EDITED /CO -EDITED Aristotle’s Physics, A Critical Guide (Cambridge Uni3ersity Press) 2015 Ae3iewed by: E. 2hein Bryn Mawr Classical Review 201,.03.29; A. 1ayhew Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 201,.03.01; Interpreting Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics in Late Antiquity and Beyond (Brill: Leiden). 5ith 2011 F.A.8. de Haas and 1. 1artiFn . PAPERS – IN REFEREED JOURNALS (*) AND EDITED BOOKS /JOURNALS . <Variety of Animal Einds: Empiricism and Hearsay in Aristotle’s Goology’ for S. forthcoming Connell (ed.) Cambridge Companion to Aristotle’s Biology CUP . <Aristotle’s 1ethod for Establishing Facts concerning the Female 1enses in GA I forthcoming 19-22’ for S. Follinger (ed.) Aristotle’s Generation of Animals Philosophie der Antie:e . <Physics I .: 2he Aoute to Sol3ing the Eleatic PuDDle’ in: E. Ierodia:onou P. 2019 Ealligas andV. Earasmanis (eds.) Aristotle’s Physics I, Symposium Aristotelicum CUP 2. ,-301 . <Aristotle’s 2eleology’ for 8. 1cDonough (ed.) CxfordPhilosophical Concepts – 201. 2eleology CUP . <Physiognomy in Ancient Science and 1edicine’ in: P. Eeyser and 8. Scarborough 201. (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Science and Medicine in the Classical World CUP 743-7,3. <Crder and 1ethod in Aristotle’s Generation of Animals ’ A. Falcon I D. Lefeb3re 2017 (eds.) Aristotle’s 9eneration of Animals A Critical Guide CUP 5, -74 . <Surrogate Principles and the Natural Crder of Exposition in Aristotle’s De Caelo II’ 2017 in: A. Polans:y and 5. 5ians (eds.) Reading Aristotle: Argument and Exposition in the Corpus Aristotelicum, Brill 1,5-1.0. 2 CV Leunissen . <Biology and2eleology in Aristotle’s Account of the City’ in: 8. Aocca (ed.) Teleology 2017 in the Ancie nt World: The Dispensation of Nature CUP 1 07-124 . <Aristotle on the Person-Situation Debate: From Natural Character to 1oral 201, Virtue’ in: I. File3a (ed.) Questions of Character, CUP 33-45. <Comments on 1ar:o 1alin:’s Aristotle’s 1odal Syllogistic’ Philosophy and 2015 Phenomenologic al Rese arch, boo: symposium 733 -741. <2he Scientific Aole of Eulogos in Aristotle’s Cael II 12’ co-authored with Andrea 2015 Falcon in: D. Ebrey (ed.) Theory and Practice in Aristotle’s Natural Science CUP 217- 240. <Perfection andthe Physiology of Habituation in Aristotle’s Ethics and Physics VII 3’ 2015 chapter 12 in: 1. Leunissen (ed.) Aristotle’s Physics, A Critical Guide, CUP 225-244. <2he Ethnography of Problems 14 in (its mostly Aristotelian) Context’ in A. 1ayhew (ed.) Essays on ps. -Aristotle’s Problemata Brill 190 -213. 2015 . <Aristotle on Enowing Natural Science for the sa:e of Learning How to Li3e 5ell’ 2015 in: D. Henry I E. Nielsen (eds.) Bridging the Gap between Aristotle’s Science and Ethics CUP 214 -231. <Comments on Henry: 2he Birds and the Bees H Aristotle’s Use of Analogy in 2014 Biology’ in: Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 29.1 170- 1.1 . <Becoming 9oodstarts with Nature: Aristotle on the 1oral Ad3antages and the 2013 Heritability of 9ood Natural Character’ in: Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 44 99 -127.J . <Aristotle on Natural Character and its Implications for 1oral De3elopment’ in: 2012 Journal of the History of Philosophy 50.4 507 -530. J . <Crafting Natures: Aristotle on Animal Design’ in: The Annual Proceedings of the Center 2012 for Philosophic Exchange SUNY Broc:port 2.-51. <Aristotle and Philoponus on Final Causes in Scientific Demonstrations in APo. 2011 II.11’ in: F.A.8. de Haas 1. Leunissen I 1. 1artiFn (eds.) Interpreting Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics in Late Antiquity and Beyond Leiden 1.3-201. <Nature as a good House:eeper. Secondary 2eleology and 1aterial Necessity in 2010 Aristotle’s Bi ol ogy’ in: Apeiron 43. 4 11 7-142 .J . <5hat’s 2eleology got to do with itL A Aeinterpretation of Aristotle’s Generation of 2010 Animals V’ 5ith Allan 9otthelf in: Phronesis 55.4 325-35,.J Aeprinted (with slight modifications) as chapter 5 in: A. 9otthelf (2012) Teleology, First Principles, and Scientific Method in Aristotle’s Biology Cxford, 10.-130. <Aristotle’s Syllogistic 1odel of Enowledge and the Biological Sciences: 2010 Demonstrating Natural Processes’ in: 8. Lesher (ed.) From Inquiry to Demonstrative Knowledge: Essays on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics Apeiron 43.2-3 31-,0. <5hy Stars ha3e no Feet. 2eleological Explanations in Aristotle’s Cosmology’ in: 2009 A.C. Bowen I C. 5ildberg (eds.) New Perspectives on Aristotle’s De Caelo Brill Leiden 245-271. <2he Structure of 2eleological Explanations in Aristotle: 2heory and Practice’ in: 2007 Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 33 145-17..J 3 CV Leunissen ENCYCLOPEDIA -ARTICLES /O THER PUBLICATIONS . <2eleology’ in: E. 3on Stuc:rad I A. Segal (eds.) Vocabulary for the Study of 2015 Religion Brill: Leiden 455-459. <2eleologie’ (chapter IV.34) in: C. Aapp I E. Corcilius (eds.) Handbuch Aristoteles 2011 Verlag 8.B. 1etDler Stuttgart/5eimar 34.-354. ( in German ) . <Euripides’ Hercules Furens : wat philoi 3ermogen tegen de waanDin 3an Hera’ 5ith 2002 2.A. 3an Ber:el and C.P. 2rieschnigg in: Lampas 35 124 -51.J ( in Dutch ). REVIEWS . 8ean De 9root (2014) Aristotle’s Empiricism: Experience and Mechanics in the 4 th Century 201, BC. Las Vegas: Parm en ides Publishing in: Jo urn al of the History of Philosophy . S. 1aso C. Natali and 9. Seel (eds.) Reading Aristotle Physics VII.3, What is 2013 Alteration? Las Vegas in: American Journal of Philology 134.1 155 -159 . 5. Eullmann (2010) Naturgesetz in der Vorstellung der Antike, besonders der Stoa 2011 Stuttgart in: Isis: Journal of the History of Science Society 102.3 552 -553 . 8.A. Swanson I C.D. Corbin (2009) Aristotle’s Politics. A Reader’s Guide, Continuum 2010 in: The Classical Review ,0.2 375-37, . 8ohn 1ouracade (ed.) (200.) Aristotle on Life Apeiron 3ol. MLI no.3 in: Aestimatio: 2009 Critical Reviews in the History of S cience , 127 -13.. 8ulie E. 5ard (2007) Aristotle on Homonymy: Dialectic and Science Cambridge in: The 2009 Cl as sical Bulletin .4.2 11 3-115 . Aobert 1ayhew (2004) The Female in Aristotle ’s Biology: Reason or Rationalization, 2007 Chicago in: International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 21.2 219-222 . 1.L. 9ill I P. Pellegrin (eds.) (200,) A Companion to Ancient Philosophy Blac:well 2007 in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review ./6/2007 . WORK IN PROGRESS . <2he Function(s) of the City-Animal Analogy in Aristotle’s Politics’ . ‘Credence, Circumstantial Evidence, and (Alternative) Facts in Aristotle’s Natural Sciences’ . ‘Failure in a Beautiful World: Aristotle on Ugly, Useless and Weird Parts of Animals’, for S. Connell (ed.), Aristotle’s Parts of Animals: Cambridge Critical Guide , CUP PRESENTATIONS – Refereed (*) and Invited . TBA - Keynote, Feminism & Classics 2020: body/language, Wake Forest University, postponed until Spring 2021 due to CV-19 . TBA - Keynote, Conference on Aristotle’s Dialectic and the Sciences, Université du 2020 Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Canada, August 27-28, 2020 ( upcoming ) . ‘Credence, Circumstantial Evidence, and (Alternative) Facts in Aristotle’s Natural Sciences’ - Keynote, 43rd Ancient Philosophy Workshop, University of Texas at Austin, 4 CV Leunissen March 6-7 2020 .
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