OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting to be held in the Ceres Suite, Worksop Town Hall, S80 2AH st on Tuesday, 21 October 2014 at 6.30 pm (Please note time and venue) Please turn mobile telephones to silent during meetings. In case of emergency, Members/officers can be contacted on the Council's mobile telephone: 07702 670209. In accordance with the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, audio/visual recording and photography at Council meetings is permitted in accordance with the Council’s proto col ‘Filming of Public Meetings’. 1 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Membership 2014/15 Councillors D. Challinor, D. Foley, G. Freeman, R. Leigh, J. W. Ogle, G. A. N. Oxby, D. Pidwell, D. R. Pressley, J. M. Sanger, J. C. Shephard, T. Taylor and R. B. Wilde Substitute Members: Any Member except those appointed to the Cabinet Quorum: 3 Members Lead Officer for this Meeting Ms G Blenkinsop - Ext. 3142 Administrator for this Meeting Cara Crossland - Ext. 3254 2 OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 21st October 2014 AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST BY MEMBERS AND OFFICERS * (pages (Members and Officers' attention is drawn to the attached notes and form) (a) Members (b) Officers 3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 16TH SEPTEMBER 2104 * (pages 7 – 12) 4. MINUTES FOR ACTION AND IMPLEMENTATION * (pages 13 – 14) 5. OUTSTANDING MINUTES LIST * (page 15) 6. FORWARD PLAN * (pages 17 – 18) SECTION A – ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION IN PUBLIC Key Decisions 7. KEY DECISIONS OF CABINET 7TH OCTOBER 2014 * (pages 19 – 20) Other Decisions 8. REPORTING MINUTES * (a) Health and Public Services Sub-Committee – 6th October 2014 * (pages 21 – 28) 9. WAIVE OF CALL-IN/DECISION TAKEN WITHOUT SUFFICIENT NOTICE * None 10. POSSIBLE CALL IN OF DECISIONS MADE BY CABINET OR BY CABINET MEMBERS* (To follow if any) 11. REPORT(S) OF THE DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE RESOURCES * (a) Review of Council’s Approach to Local Resilience (pages 29 – 138) (Appendix 3, National Flood Emergency Framework, appended for Committee Members – pages 153 – 254) (b) Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2013/14 (pages 139 – 146) (c) Overview and Scrutiny Committee Programme 2014/15 (pages 147 – 152) Exempt Information Items The press and public are likely to be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. C:\Users\cc03\Desktop\PDF Agenda\O&S\fINAL\1 Index.doc 3 SECTION B - ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION IN PRIVATE Key Decisions 12. KEY DECISIONS OF CABINET 7TH OCTOBER 2014 * (page 255) Other Decisions 13. WAIVE OF CALL-IN/DECISION TAKEN WITHOUT SUFFICIENT NOTICE None 14. POSSIBLE CALL IN OF DECISIONS MADE BY CABINET OR BY CABINET MEMBERS (To follow if any) 15. ANY OTHER BUSINESS WHICH THE CHAIRMAN CONSIDERS TO BE URGENT * Report attached NOTES: 1. The papers enclosed with this Agenda are available in large print if required. 2. Copies can be requested by contacting us on 01909-533254 or by e-mail: [email protected] C:\Users\cc03\Desktop\PDF Agenda\O&S\fINAL\1 Index.doc 4 Agenda Item No. 2 DECLARATION OF INTEREST COMMITTEE ……………………………………………………………………………… DATE …………………………………………………………………….. NAME OF MEMBER : ……………………………………………………………………………… Type of Interest 1. Disclosable Pecuniary 2. Non Pecuniary Agenda Item Type of Interest No. REASON * (1 or 2) Signed Dated Note: * When declaring an interest you must also state the nature of your interest. Completion of this form is to aid the accurate recording of your interest in the Minutes. The signed form should be provided to the Minuting Clerk at the end of the meeting. A nil return is not required. It is still your responsibility to disclose any interests which you may have at the commencement of the meeting and at the commencement of the appropriate Agenda item. C:\Users\cc03\Desktop\PDF Agenda\O&S\fINAL\declaration of 5interest - approved June 2012.doc DECLARATION OF INTERESTS HOW TO USE THIS FORM There are now only two types of Declaration of Interest: Disclosable Pecuniary Interests ) Details can be found in the Councillors ) Code of Conduct which is contained in ) the Council’s Constitution (a summary is Non Pecuniary Interests ) printed below) Upon receipt of the attached form you will need to enter the name and date of the Committee and your own name. By looking at the Agenda you will no doubt know immediately which Agenda Items will require you to make a Declaration of Interest. Fill in the Agenda Item number in the first column of the form. Enter the subject matter and any explanations you may wish to add in the second column. In the third column you will need to enter either if you are declaring a disclosable pecuniary interest, or a non pecuniary interest. The form must then be signed and dated. Please remember that if during the actual meeting you realise that you need to declare an interest on an additional Agenda Item number please simply amend the form during the meeting. The form must be handed into the Committee Administrator at the end of the meeting. NB. The following is a summary prepared to assist Members in deciding at the actual meetings their position on INTERESTS it is not a substitute for studying the full explanation regarding INTERESTS, which is contained in the Council’s Constitution and the Code of Conduct for Councillors, which is legally binding. Members and Officers are welcome to seek, PREFERABLY WELL IN ADVANCE of a meeting advice from the Council’s Monitoring Officer on INTERESTS. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Action to be Taken May relate to employment, office, trade, profession or vocation Must disclose to the meeting carried on for profit or gain - existence of the interest May relate to sponsorship - the nature of the interest May relate to contracts - withdraw from the room May relate to interests in land - not seek improperly to influence May relate to licences to occupy land a decision on the matter May relate to corporate tenancies May relate to securities Non Pecuniary Interests Action to be Taken May relate to any body of which you are a member or in a Must disclose to the meeting position of general control or management and to which you are - existence of the interest appointed or nominated by the Council - the nature of the interest May relate to any person from whom you have received a gift or - not seek improperly to influence hospitality with an estimated value of at least £25 a decision on the matter. A Member may also have a non pecuniary interest where a decision in relation to that business might reasonably be regarded as affecting wellbeing or the wellbeing of other council tax payers, or ratepayers or inhabitants in the electoral division or ward, as the case may be, affected by the decision. (Note – there are special provisions relating to “Sensitive Interests” which may exclude the above provisions in certain circumstances.) C:\Users\cc03\Desktop\PDF Agenda\O&S\fINAL\declaration of 6interest - approved June 2012.doc Agenda Item No. 3 D R A F T OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 16th September 2014 at Worksop Town Hall Present: Councillor J C Shephard (Chairman) Councillors: B Barker, D Challinor, G Freeman, K Greaves, R Leigh, J W Ogle, J Sanger, A Smith, M Storey, T Taylor and R Wilde Officers: G Blenkinsop, S Brown, C Crossland, M Ladyman, N Taylor, R Theakstone, and S Wormald. Also present: Councillor S A Greaves (Meeting commenced at 6.30pm.) (The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, read out the Fire Evacuation Procedure, and also enquired as to whether any member of the public wished to film/record the meeting or any part thereof; however no one responded). 34. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Foley, G A N Oxby, D Pidwell and D R Pressley. 35. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST BY MEMBERS AND OFFICERS (a) Members Councillors S A Greaves declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item No. 10 – Possible Call in of Decisions Made by Cabinet or Cabinet Members, as the call in refers to Worksop Town Football Club and he is a member of the Worksop Town 500 Club. He remained in the meeting. (b) Officers There were no Declarations of Interest by officers. 36. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 15TH JULY 2014 RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 15th July 2014 be approved. 37. MINUTES FOR ACTION AND IMPLEMENTATION RESOLVED that the Minutes for Action and Implementation be received. 38. OUTSTANDING MINUTES LIST In relation to Outstanding Minute No. 106, Choice Based Lettings, Members were advised that this item will be deferred until later in the year. The implications of the implementation of the Policy is still being reviewed and officers will be invited to attend the meeting once it is complete. 7 RESOLVED that the Outstanding Minutes List be received. 39. FORWARD PLAN The Head of Corporate Services gave a slide show presentation advising Members of the processes and procedures that would be involved if the Council wishes to move to a system of ‘whole Council’ elections with effect from 2016. A report will be presented to full Council in response to a motion approved by Council which approved in principle a move to all out elections. Current legislation allows the Council to determine the change and from which date the change becomes effective. To effect the change an extraordinary Council meeting would be called and two thirds of members in attendance would need to be in favour of the change. Consultation would need to be carried out prior to the extraordinary meeting, it is suggested that the consultation is carried out for a minimum of twelve weeks.
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