2996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE February 14, 1966 development of a country where infant mor­ 1961. I can also speak of him from a per­ Michigan when he got out and taught there tality is over 50 percent and the people don't sonal familiarity with his knowledge of and at the University of Pennsylvania. In know the significance of feces disposal, water Latin America and the respect Latins hold 1949 he offered his services to USIA and from impurities, or sound diet. It has proved the for him. there had the spectacular span of Govern­ fea.sib111ty and efficacy o;! intensive language What an unusual combination of experi­ ment service and rise of personal success and cultural preparation of our foreign ence. Jack Vaughn has served in virtually previously recounted. cadres, of having them live within the com­ all of our overseas agencies-the State De­ In the Peace Corps, Jack Vaughn built munities they serve rather than in isolated partment as Assistant Secretary of State for the Latin American program from insig­ American ghettos, of having them receive Latin America and before that as Ambassador nificance to the dominant program. He was compensation comparable to their host to Panama; our foreign aid agency as mis­ a man who was universally respected in a counterparts and play roles not as superior sion director in Senegal; he started his Gov­ highly competitive organization and whose advisers but as coequals. ernment career in the early days of USIA advice and counsel were sought by all. As The future expansion of our foreign assist­ in Bolivia and Costa Rica; and, of course, he a boss, he encouraged his associates to inno­ ance endeavors should be along lines dem­ served as a Regional Director o;! the Peace vate and inspired from them an indescribable onstrated successful by the Peace Corps­ Corps itself. devotion which led to ·uncanny productivity. and no more appropriate person could be The geographic diversity of his foreign This human quality no doubt played an im­ found than Jack Hood Vaughn to preside experience has been broad, bringing him in portant part in his continuing series of suc­ over this extension. direct contact with two of the three conti­ cesses and his warm following among his Indeed, by standards of experience, knowl­ nents of the world with which the Peace associates and the foreign peoples with whom edge, abllity, personality, character, and Corps deals-Africa and Latin America--and he worked. He was immensely popular and temperament, no equal could be conjured. with incomparable breadth and depth where respected both as Ambassador to Panama and Jack Vaughn is a close personal friend and the greatest Peace Corps concentration of ac­ previously as ICA mission chief in Senegal became so when he was my boss at the tivity lies, in Latin America. as well as at his other posts. The universal Peace Corps. He was Regional Director for Jack Vaughn's rise to responsibllity has acclaim he received from all Latin capitals Latin America and I, Director of Programs been meteoric and hard won. He came up during his recent trip as Assistant Secretary for the west coast of South America under the hard way, by his bootstraps. It's a real of State is well known and recognized as a him, virtually from the start of the Peace American success story worthy of Horatio major contribution to our Latin American Corps. Alger-how a golden gloves fighter from Co­ I, therefore, am able to speak of him from lumbus, Mont., going under the inauspi­ relations. a vantage point of an associate as well as a cious pseudonym of "Johnny Hood" made It gives me great pleasure to give this friend, and as a person intimately familiar good. He graduated from the University nomination my unqualified praise and to with the Peace Corpe operation he is to of Michigan in 1943 and volunteered for the urge upon you and the committee the con­ head, for I was the second staff member Marine Corps where his talents earned him firmation of a most unusually well qualified brought on board by Mr. Shriver to formu­ promotion from private to captain in just man for this job of great national and inter­ late the concept of a Peace Corps early in 3 years. He got a master's degree from national importance. Baptist Convention, Jackson, Miss., of­ ments in which the concurrence of the SENATE · fered the following prayer: House is requested, a bill of the House MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1966 Mark 6: 34: And Jesus, when He came of the following title: out, saw much people, and was moved H.R. 6845. An act to correct inequities The Senate met at 10 o'clock a.m., with respect to the basic compensation of and was called to order by Hon. ROBERT with compassion toward them, because teachers and teaching positions under the c. BYRD, a Senator from the State of they were as sheep not having a shep­ Defense Department Overseas Teachers Pay West Virginia. herd: and He began to teach them many and Personnel Practices Act. things. Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee The message also announced that the DESIGNATION OF ACTING PRESI­ for Thy great mercy and oompassion as Senate had passed a joint resolution and DENT PRO TEMPORE revealed by Jesus. a concurrent resolution of the following This day we recognize ourselves as in­ titles, in which the concurrence of the The legislative clerk read the follow­ House is requested: ing letter: dividuals needing guidance and wisdom U.S. SENATE, even as the shepherdless sheep in His S.J. Res. 63. _Joint resolution authorizing PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, day. the President to invite the States of the Washington, D.O., February 14, 1966. Look upon us with love and mercy and Union and foreign nations to participate in To the Senate: grant unto us that we may know Thy the International Petroleum Exposition to Being temporarily absent from the Senate, be held at Tulsa, Okla., Ma.y 12 through 21, will for us, and having known it, give 1966; and I appoint Hon. ROBERT C. BYRD, a Senator us the courage to act accordingly. from the State of West Virginia, to perform S. Con. Res. 68. Concurrent resolution rec­ the duties of the Chair during my absence. Make Thy presence known in a spe­ ognizing the 50th anniversary of the char­ CARL HAYDEN, cial way to this assembled body as they tering by act of Congress of the Boy scouts President pro tempore. deliberate this day. of America. Forgive us our sins and lead us in ways The message also announced that the Mr. BYRD of West Virginia thereupon of righteousness. took the chair as Acting President pro Senate agrees to the amendments of the tempo re. We pray in the name of Christ and for House to a bill of the Senate of the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ His sake and in His presence. Amen. following title: pore. Under its previous order, the Sen­ S. 1407. An act for the relief of Frank E. ate stands adjourned until Wednesday Lipp. noon next. THE JOURNAL The Journal of the proceedings of THE WASHINGTON POST HAS NOT Thursday, February 10, 1966, was read ADJOURNMENT TO WEDNESDAY PRINTED THE TRUTH and approved. Thereupon (at 10 o'clock and 16 sec­ Mr. JONES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, onds a.m.), the Senate adjourned under I ask unanimous consent to address the the order of Thursday, February 10, 1966, MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT House for 1 minute and include extrane­ until Wednesday, February 16, 1966, at ous matter. 12 o'clock meridian. Sundry messages in writing from the The SPEAKER. Is there objection President of the United States were com­ to the request of the gentleman from municated to the House by Mr. Geisler, Missouri? one of his secretaries. There was no objection. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - Mr. JONES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, MoNnAY, FEBRUARY I realize that there is an open season 14, 1966 MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE on Congressmen at all times, and that The House met at 12 o'clock noon. A message from the Senate, by Mr. newspapers feel privileged to take pot­ Rev. Ralph B. Winders, director, de­ Arrington, one of its clerks, announced shots at us at any time they so desire. partment of student work, Mississippi that the Senate had passed, with amend- But I do think there are certain ethics February 14, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 2997 and certain rules of sportsmanship that in Illinois, the local content of which is of newspapers and other news media ob­ should be observed. no interest :whatsoever to the audience in serve some accuracy and some truth, and Poplar Bluff, who would prefer the programs especially when they lie, to make them I am referring to an article that ap­ from the St. Louis station which are received peared in the-I will call it the Washing­ via CATV with greater clarity, more satis­ retract those lies. I am incensed over ton Post; I have another name for it-­ faction, and preferred, I believe, by all of this thing. I will admit that I am emo­ when they included under my picture a those who are connected with the CATV in tional about it, but I will not stand by statement that I was one who had con­ Poplar Bluff. and permit someone to try to besmirch tacted the FCC on behalf of Midwest - Regretting that your reporter did not see my reputation. That is the most valu­ Video. I have written a letter to the fit to contact me before carrying the story able thing I have in this world, a good which gave an entirely erroneous impression, reputation, and I intend to keep it.
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