THE FIFTH VOLUME OF RECORDS OF THE 1town of �outbamtlton COMPRISING ANCIENT LOOSE DOCUMENTS IN THE TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE ALSO ABSTRACTS OF THE RED BOOK OF DEEDS Copied and prepared for publication by WILLIAM J. POST, Town Clerk, and WILLIAM S. PELLETRE AU, and published b V th e Tow n • JOHN H. HUNT, PRINTER, SAG HARBOR, N. Y. 1910 LIBRARY OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON Ofice of the Historian This bok may be examined and studied in the Historian's Office or elsewhere in the Town Hall but it must not be taken from the building. HIstorian I The mission of the Historic Division of the Town Clerk's Office IS to preserve and protect the Town of Southampton's historic holdings for generations to come. The few copies that we have of our original editions of the Record Books of the Town of Southampton are now in need of preservation. In addition to preserving our Town's record books, our goal is to provide improved access to those people that are interested in exploring the wonderful history of the Town of Southampton. Technological developments have allowed us to scan the originals in order to reprint each volume and also to post them on our website offering new search capabilities that have not been available in the past. Respectfully yours, Sundy A. Schermeyer, Town Clerk CERTIFICATION State of New York ) ss.: County of Suffolk) Officeof the Town Clerk Southampton, New York This is to certify that I, Sundy A. Schet'meyer, Clerk of the Town of Southampton, in the said County of Suffolk, State of New York, have compared the original Fifth Book of Records of the Town of Southampton, Long Island, N. Y. held in the Town of Southampton's Historic Division and cel·tify that this is a correct transcript of said original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this 2nd day of July, 2009. SUNDY A. SCHERMEYER Clerk of the Town of Southampton THE FIFTH VOLUME OF RECORDS OF THE o\tln of �outbampton COI\1PRISING ANCIENT LOOSE DOCUMENTS IN THE TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE ALSO ABSTRACTS OF THE RED BOOK OF DEEDS Copied and prepared for publication by WILLIAM J. POST, Town Clerk, and WI LL IAM S. PELLETREAU, and published by th e Tow n • RESOLUTIONS. At the biennial Town meeting of the Town of South­ ampton, April 7th, 1909, the following question was sub­ mitted to the voters: "Shall the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars be raised for the purpose of printing the ancient loose docu­ ments and abstracts of deeds now in the Town Clerk's office, Town ofSouthampton? " This resolution was passed by a majority of votes_ At a meeting of the Board of Town officers held May 12, 1909, it was Resolved, That William S. Pelletreau be associated with the Town Clerk, to arrange for the printing of ancient loose documents and abstracts of deeds, in the Town's Clerk's office. July 20, 1909. On motion, the Record Committee, was authorized to proceed with printing the ancient loose doc­ uments and Abstracts of Deeds, the printer to furnish fifty copies to the Town; twelve of said copies to be bound in boards, at a minimum price, over and above the stipu­ lated price of one dollar per printed page. Voted, that four copies of the book be presented to Mr. WilliamS. Pelletreau, and that the Town Board on behalf of the Town, extend to Mr. Pelletreau ahearty vote of thanks for his very valuable aid in preparing the copy. June 2nd, 1910. A motion prevailed that the Town Clerk be authorized to extend the work of printing the ancient documents, sufficiently to include in full the ab­ stracts from the "Red Book of Deeds." I, William J. Post, Clerk of the Town of Southampton, do hereby certify, that the above Resolutions were duly passed, and that I have carefully compared the printed rec­ ords in this volume with the originals in the Town Clerk's office, and that they are true copies of the same. And that the abstracts of the Deeds contained in the "Red Book of Deeds," are correct abstracts of the same. Dated this 6th day of September, 1910. INTRODUCTION. The printing of the volumes of Town Records, was begun in 1874, and continued at intervals until 1893 when the fourth volume was printed. This left unprinted the loose and unrecorded documents which were of equal his­ torical importance. These had been arranged in small bundles, many of them were in a dilapidated condition, faded and worn, and the dificulty of deciphering some of them can only be appreciated by those who may have at­ tempted similar tasks. When we understand that the old­ est English document in the office of the Secretary of state is dated 1642, it will be seen that this town has the honor of being the possessor and custodian of the oldest records of the colony, which is now the Empire State. To the Historian and Genealigist, this volume adds a new field for investigation. The early lists of inhabitants, and the "Tax Rates," furnish complete the names of all the tax payers, while incidental mention is made of many others. The earliest laying out of parcels of land, now of great value, is included in these pages, and there is scarcely a paragraph, which, if carefully considered, does not an­ swer some important question, in regard to real estate or the lives and manners of our ancestors. To rescue these from dEstructjon, and preserve them for all tiILe to COILe, has made the task of arranging and transcribing them, a pleasure as well as a duty. The in­ terest in the past, which has been increasing for many years is not likely to diminish in the future; and while the printed pages make the information they con­ tain, accessible to all, the originals carefully preserved, will be viewed as interesting relics of the past. The de­ cendants of the mEn who wrote and signed these docu­ ments and the persons w hose names they record, are now to be found in €V€lY state of the l.Jnicn, and the veIY sight of them takes us back to the earliest times and brings us in direct contact witli antiquity. It is a source of great pleasure to all concerned, that Mr. John H. Hunt, who printed the first Book of Records, in 1874, has been spared to finish the work in the present volume. m:e� � :t� � Southampton, Sept. 6, 1910. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. In giving this book out to the public, we do it with a full sense of its short-coming as a first class, up to date job as printing now goes, for the reasons, chiefly among others, that to follow the ancient spelling and get up of old documents 200 to 250 years ago, with their almost total disregard of punctuation, capitalization, gramer and spelling, it is next to impossible to make a work appear well, to say nothing about its antagonism to rules of mod­ em printing. The work, however, is a true copy of the original documents now in the Town Clerk's office, and the manuscript was prepared under the supervision of the Committe appointed for the purpose, consisting of William ]. Post. Clerk of the Town, and William S. Pelletreau, a fonner Clerk of the Town, and now the widely known his­ torian, to whom the proof sheets were submitted for cor­ rection. With this brief explanation and apology, we present the work to the general reader. Respectfully Yours. JOHN H. HUNT, Publisher. INDEX. NOTE: The names of persons are !riven 1Ja th. mOlt important pIllces where they occur. The Tal[ Lists, on pair•• 21, 33, 39, 67, 96, 120, and the School Lists on page 124, et seq, and 'h. Indes of Deeds, should be consulted separately. (W. S. P.) Agent of Colony ............... ................. ...... .....52, 153 Autographs " ........ ..................•.••. .•.•..•........... n Albertson, "\Vm. ................................ 13, 64, 66, 66, 89, 175 Accabog .................................. ...••.••.•....79. 118, 161 Arehjhah� farm . .. ....... ....... ..........•.•.•...........7 6 . 143 Anning, John .................................•..•..........1 68, 236 "Adventure" vessel ..................•.......•...•..••.......... 178 Adams, Thomas ..............................•..•.•...•........ 276 Bdggd, Elizabeth .................•...........••••••••. ........•.. 9 .tSriggs, David .................................•••...•.••....... 198 Briggs, Mary . ............. ................... ... ... .......... 198 Bell, church ...................................•.•37, 79, 166, 158, 160 Beswick, John .........................10. 16. 16. 33. 178. 189, 197, 219 Brooks. Chidley ...••.......•......••... ......••••••..•••..••... 149 Bishop. James ......•..•.•.••...•........•••.••••....•.•...•.•...• 10 Bishop. Samuel .....•.•.•......•...••.••.•.•.•...•••..•10. 36, 97, 142 Bishop. John .......••.•.•••.•......••..•.....•98, 28, 22 40 42 69, 143 Bishop, Josiah .....•.....••• • ..••..•.••.•••..•...•••.•••...•. 36 40 Bishop. Hannah ....•....••.•.••.•.....•.•.•.••.•...• • •..•.•••... 46 Bishop's lane ..........•.•.............••.............•...... 11, 14 Bishop. DanIel ............... ..... ...... .................... 144.. 146 Bower, Jonns .... ................•.........•.• 11. 20. 21. 23. 28. 34, 72 Bowe-, Isaac ..•..•..••.•.•...•••••.••...•••••••••••••••••••34. 70. 98 Rower. Jonah ••.•....•......•. .. ..•..• . •••••••..•...•••.•••• 40. 98 Bowel', Hannah ••..•..•••••••..•...•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 79 Bower. Daniel •.•...••.•••••.•...•.••.••••••••..••..•••••••••. •.• 97 Bowyer. Stephen .•..•••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••33, 41. 173 II INDEX. Bryan. Ah,xander .......... ........ ............•.....• 42. 10� Burn:lt. Thomas ...........................•.....•..... 11, 12, 21 28 Burnet, Gov. w m. ...................................•.......... 32 tlQwden, Livingston •....••....•......•.......••.......•.•..••...•
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