11/9/2017 Americans for Innovation: TOP 12 REASONS ROBERT MUELLER IS A TRUMP HITMAN TO HIDE THE DEEP STATE’S SINS More Next Blog» Create Blog Sign In SEARCH by topic, keyword or phrase. Type in Custom Search box e.g. "IBM Eclipse Foundation" or "racketeering" Custom Search Friday, June 16, 2017 DEEP STATE Member SHADOW TOP 12 REASONS ROBERT MUELLER IS A TRUMP GOVERNMENT HITMAN TO HIDE THE DEEP STATE’S SINS POSTER Harvard | Yale | Stanford Sycophants PRESIDENT TRUMP AND OUR REPUBLIC ARE IN PERIL FROM DEEP Updated Oct. 29, 2017. STATE OPERATIVES LIKE ROBERT S. MUELLER CLICK HERE TO SEE COMBINED TIMELINE OF THE CONTRIBUTING WRITERS | OPINION | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION | JUN. 16, 2016, UPDATED JUN. 26, 2017 | HIJACKING OF THE INTERNET PDF PAY-to-PLA Y NEW W ORLD ORDER This timeline shows how insiders sell access & manipulate politicians, police, intelligence, judges and media to keep their secrets Clintons, Obamas, Summers were paid in cash for outlandish speaking fees and Foundation donations. Sycophant judges, politicians, academics, bureaucrats and media were fed tips to mutual funds tied to insider stocks like Facebook. Risk of public exposure, blackmail, pedophilia, “snuff parties” (ritual child sexual abuse and murder) and Satanism have ensured silence among pay-to-play beneficiaries. The U.S. Patent Office is their toy box from which to steal new ideas. FIG. 1 – ROBERT S. MUELLER. The mainstream media portrays Mueller as a man of "impeccable integrity." This could not be more false. Mueller—along with Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Chandler, James Comey and Rod Rosenstein—turned his back on the Republic and the Rule of Law during his 12 years as FBI Director. Photo Jason Reed / Reuters (2011 Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing) / AFI Graphic (JUN. 16, 2017)—Here are 12 reasons why Robert Mueller must be immediately relieved of his duties as Special Counsel in the Russia probe. With the collapse of the "Russians-did-it" fake news narrative, the radical left of Soros-funded Clintonistas are now morphing Mueller's investigation to focus on President Trump’s alleged obstruction of the non-existent Russian story. He was never hired for that, so how is that possible? Who is really running Washington, D.C.? https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/06/top-12-reasons-robert-mueller-is-trump.html 1/60 11/9/2017 Americans for Innovation: TOP 12 REASONS ROBERT MUELLER IS A TRUMP HITMAN TO HIDE THE DEEP STATE’S SINS Trump clearly stated his support of investigation of Russian interference. Comey even stated that the President wanted the investigation to be thorough and to include even his "satellite" associates. The level of mental illness among the Clintonistas has become dangerous. The baseball field shooting of Republican members of Congress illustrates this. In law, Comey’s contradictory statements on Trump’s alleged obstruction must be thrown out as false statements since one or the other of his statements is a lie, and therefore, Comey is not a credible witness. Here are 12 reasons why Mueller is profoundly unqualified to be Special Counsel. It is evident that Mueller's real task is to take down his Deep State political enemy: President Donald J. Trump. 1. Mueller became FBI Director on Sep. 04, 2001, just seven days before 9/11. Do you think this is a "coincidence?" 9/11 was a false flag "inside job" according to numerous NSA/C.I.A./FBI whistleblowers like Susan Lindauer, William Binney, Ted Gunderson, Kevin Shiff, James Bamford, Thomas Drake, J. Kirk Wiebe, Colleen Rowley and Robert Steele. (See TIMELINE for the string of Deep State personnel "coincidences" before and after 9/11.) 2. Mueller promoted the Deep State’s abuses of privacy under The Patriot Act; the Deep State used 9/11 as a "false flag" to scare Congress into passing the most massive give away of American constitutional privacy rights in history—this paved the way for the NSA/C.I.A. warrantless surveillance program first exposed by NSA leaker/patriot Edward Snowden 3. Mueller abused the secret, unaccountable FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) Court and Project Stellar Wind to obtain dictatorial warrants on Americans at will. His powers to abuse privacy dwarf any Updated Mar. 19, 2014 such powers that former FBI J. Edgar Hoover used. 4. Protected the Deep State takeover of the Internet. On Sep. 11, 2007, Microsoft started turning over user data to the NSA. On Jun. 03, 2009, Facebook did as well . See Timeline from Edward Snowden's release. CONGRESS CONTACT LOOKUP 5. Exploited NSA blackmail data to retain power—just like his predecessor FBI director J. Edgar Hoover 6. Mueller held exclusive Cayman Island offshore personal investments Universal Toxic Substance Symbol & Warning FINANCIAL HOLDINGS OF OBAMA POLITICAL APPOINTEES, BY AGENCY 7. Wrote a recommendation letter for Pres. Obama's Supreme Court nominee Judge Merrick Garland back in 1995 when Bill Clinton nominated him to be DC circuit judge—Mueller is clearly a Deep State FOLLOW BY EMAIL Democrat operative. Here's is Mueller's Nov. 30, 1995 Garland letter. Email address... Submit 8. Failed to bring forward any prosecutions in: a. Fast & Furious BLOG ARCHIVE ▼ 2017 (22) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/06/top-12-reasons-robert-mueller-is-trump.html 2/60 11/9/2017 Americans for Innovation: TOP 12 REASONS ROBERT MUELLER IS A TRUMP HITMAN TO HIDE THE DEEP STATE’S SINS b. 2008 Banking “bailout” (Wall Street tax dollar feeding frenzy); ► October (1) See 2008 TIMELINE ► September (2) ► August (3) c. Energy stimulus boondoggles ► July (1) ▼ June (3) CISCO IS A KEY ENABLER OF THE DEEP d. IRS targeting of Tea Party STATE SHADOW GO... TOP 12 REASONS ROBERT MUELLER IS A e. The Clinton Foundation's enrichment in the Khazak, UrAsia / TRUMP HITMAN TO... Russian Uraniaum One deal giving away 20% of America's DEEP STATE HIDES ZUCKERBERG’S EVIDENCE OF THE ROGU... uranium reserves to Russia ► May (2) f. Bureau of Land Management land redistributions (to give the ► April (3) Chinese more mining rights) ► March (3) ► February (2) January (2) g. America Invents Act (AIA) corruption that allowed deep-pocket ► globalist companies to file for "patent reexaminations" as many ► 2016 (39) times as they wished, thus tying up real inventors in endless ► 2015 (34) litigation while the globalist companies exploit the inventions ► 2014 (26) with impunity. See AFI. (Nov. 26, 2014). How Judges Grow Rich ► 2013 (28) On The Backs Of American Inventors. ► 2012 (6) h. Theft of Columbus innovator Leader Technologies’ social UPDATE MAR. 25, 2014 networking invention. Failed to investigate Mark Zuckerberg's perjuries on the [IBM Eclipse Foundation] origins of Facebook. FIVE CRITICAL AFI POSTS ON JUDICIAL This is the motivating underlying subject line that triggered the COMPROMISE creation of the AFI TIMELINE that discovered the Deep State shadow government's treachery. Fully updated Mar. 25, 2014 in the wake of the Scribd censorship: i. NSA / C.I.A. warrantless surveillance; see 2001 Project "Stellar 1. HOW PATENT JUDGES GROW Wind" setup, execution RICH ON THE BACKS OF AMERICAN INVENTORS j. Judicial mutual fund bribery rules changes (See AFI. (Nov. 26, Patent Office filings are shuffled out the USPTO backdoor to crony 2014. How Judges Grow Rich On The Backs Of American lawyers, banks and deep-pocket clients. Inventors for an analysis of this scandal. 2. WAS CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS BLACKMAILED into supporting Obamacare by his ethical k. 9/11 C.I.A. inside job compromises in Leader v. Facebook? 3. JUSTICE ROBERTS MENTORED l. Offshore money laundering Facebook Gibson Dunn LLP attorneys. m. Obamacare conflicts of interest fiasco 4. JUSTICE ROBERTS HOLDS substantial Facebook financial interests. n. Allowed Bilderberg Group sedition 5. JUDGE LEONARD STARK FAILED to disclose his Facebook financial o. Allowed Davos World Economic Forum sedition interests and his reliance on Facebook's Cooley Godward LLP attorneys for his appointment. p. Allowed Trilateral Commission sedition q. Allowed U.N. Commission sedition BARACK OBAMA'S DARK POOLS r. Allowed George Soros Open Society Foundations (Soros) sedition. OF CORRUPTION See also AFI. (Aug. 21, 2016). George Soros: The epic global meddler. Americans for Innovation. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/06/top-12-reasons-robert-mueller-is-trump.html 3/60 11/9/2017 Americans for Innovation: TOP 12 REASONS ROBERT MUELLER IS A TRUMP HITMAN TO HIDE THE DEEP STATE’S SINS s. Allowed The Clinton Foundation sedition Click to enlarge t. Allowed Federal Reserve sedition 9. Mueller's Net Worth increased from $1.8M (2001) to up to $7.0M (2011) on an FBI director salary! This period includes the disastrous 2008- 2009 crisis and drop in the stock markets. 10. His former Harvard professor Benjamin M. Friedman is director of one of his super exclusive Cayman Island offshore investments Mellon Optima L/S (long/short) Strategy Fund LLC, N-CSR CLICK HERE FOR WASHINGTON'S ETHICAL DISEASE DISCOVERIES RE. FACEBOOK "DARK 11. Mueller has more than 20 years of conflicts of interest with Rod J. POOLS" Rosenstein, James B. Comey and Clintons. See numerous previous posts, search "Comey" "Mueller" and "Rosenstein". STOP FACEBOOK PROPERTY THEFT 12. Failed to prosecute rampant rogue C.I.A.-run global pedophilia blackmail rings. Since our elected leaders in Washington, D.C. seem incapable of draining the swamp of people like Mueller, We the People are going to have to do it. W LL HUMANK ND EVER LEARN? Facebook's Orwellian Washington's impotence was affirmed this morning by Congressman Jason doublespeak about property and privacy (theft) merely Chaffetz, who said he is leaving Congress because neither Republicans nor repeats the eventual dehumanization of the individual under MAO's Red Star, Stalin's SOV ET Hammer & Cycle and Hitler's Democrats want to change anything.
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