BUFFALOTANGOORKESTRA Ecos del Pasado - 1 - BUFFALOTANGOORKESTRA Ecos del Pasado 01 COMO DOS EXTRAÑOS (LIKE TWO STRANGERS) 3:06 07 SILUETA PORTEÑA (BUENOS AIRES SILHOUETTE) 1:47 (Warner Chappell Music Argentina c/o W B Music Corp % Warner Chappell Music Inc. / ASCAP) (Warner Chappell Music Argentina c/o W B Music Corp % Warner Chappell Music Inc. / ASCAP) Music by Pedro Blanco Laurenz (SADAIC) Music by Juan Ventura Cuccaro (SADAIC) & Nicolas Luis Cuccaro (SADAIC) Lyrics by Jose Maria Contursi (SADAIC) Lyrics by Orlando D’Aniello (SADAIC) & Ernesto Noli (SADAIC) (1940) (1936) 02 OJOS NEGROS (DARK EYES) 2:41 08 ROMANCE DE BARRIO (NEIGHBORHOOD ROMANCE) 2:29 Music by Adalgiso Ferraris (Aural Editorial / SADAIC, Editorial Musical Korn Intersong SAIC c/o W B Music Corp % Warner Original Russian Lyrics by Yevhen Hrebinka Chappell Music Inc. / ASCAP) Spanish Lyrics by Florián Rey Music by Aníbal Carmelo Troilo (SADAIC) (1910) Lyrics by Homero Manzione (SADAIC) (1947) 03 CHUNGA-CHANGA 2:27 (Peermusic III LTD % First Music Publishing / RAO, Macmusic Company / BMI) 09 A LA GRAN MUÑECA (TO THE GREAT DOLL) 2:20 Music by Vladimir Shainskij (RAO) (Universal Music Publishing SA / SAYCO) (1970) Music by Jesús Ventura La Laguna (SAYCO) (1920) 04 CHIQUILÍN DE BACHÍN (LITTLE GUY AT BACHÍN’S) 4:13 (Warner Chappell Music Argentina c/o W B Music Corp % Warner Chappell Music Inc. / ASCAP, 10 Y NO PUEDO OLVIDARTE (AND I CAN’T FORGET ABOUT YOU) 2:58 Lagos Editorial / SACEM, Editions Latino Americaines / SACEM) (Universal Producciones Musicales / SGAE, Canciones Warner Bros / SGAE) Music by Astor Piazzolla (SACEM) Music by Armando Oscar Cupo (SGAE) Lyrics by Horacio Ferrer (SACEM) Lyrics by Mariano Abel Aznar (SGAE) (1969) (1929) 05 FUMANDO ESPERO (SMOKING, I WAIT) 3:53 11 COCODRILO MILONGUERO (CROCODILE MILONGUERO) 2:07 (Alier Editorial / SGAE, Cadencia Editorial / SGAE) Music based on “Gena’s Birthday Song” by Vladimir Shainskij (RAO) Music by Juan Viladomat Masanas (SGAE), Antonio Jose Gaya Gardus (SGAE) & Juan Jose Molina (1969) Sosa (SGAE) Lyrics by Felix Garzó (1922) 12 EL ÚLTIMO CAFÉ (THE LAST COFFEE) 3:47 (Editorial Musical Korn Intersong SAIC c/o W B Music Corp % Warner Chappell Music Inc. / ASCAP, Rightsong Music Inc. % Warner Chappell Music Inc. / BMI, Warner Chappell Music Argentina / SGAE, 06 MAL DE AMORES (LOVESICKNESS) 3:53 Canciones Warner Bros / SGAE) (Editorial Musical Korn Intersong SAIC c/o W B Music Corp % Warner Chappell Music Inc. / ASCAP) Music by Hector Luciano Stamponi (SADAIC) Music by Pedro Blanco Laurenz (SADAIC) Lyrics by Ovidio Catulo Gonzalez Castillo (SADAIC) (1946) (1963) - 2 - BUFFALO TANGO ORKESTRA is: Moshe Shulman | bandoneon, musical director Miguel Benitez | vocals Victoria Pérez-Maggiolo | vocals Chris Vasquez | vocals Miranda Shulman | violin Antoine Lefebvre | violin Sonsoles Llodra | violin Ivan Docenko | piano James Marone | double bass All songs arranged by Moshe Shulman Produced by Moshe Shulman & David Cloyd Recorded and mixed by Chris Jacobs at the University at Buffalo Mastered by Blake Morgan at ECR Music Studios, NYC Art direction by David Cloyd & Kathy Kastan Cover art and interior art by Kathy Kastan Production design by David Cloyd www.BuffaloTangoOrkestra.com - 3 - 01 COMO DOS EXTRAÑOS (LIKE TWO STRANGERS) Me acobardó la soledad Loneliness intimidated me y el miedo enorme de morir lejos de ti… and the enormous fear of dying far from you... ¡Qué ganas tuve de llorar Great was my desire of crying sintiendo junto a mí feeling close to me la burla de la realidad! the jeer of reality! Y el corazón me suplicó And the heart begged me que te buscara y que le diera tu querer— to look for you and give it your love— me lo pedía el corazón, My heart was asking for it y entonces te busqué and then I looked for you creyéndote mi salvación… believing you were my salvation... Y ahora que estoy frente a ti And now that I am in front of you parecemos—¿ya ves?—dos extraños. we seem—as you can see—two strangers. Lección que por fin aprendí: The lesson that I have finally learned: ¡cómo cambian las cosas los años! Is how years make things change! Angustia de saber muertas ya Anguish of knowing illusion and faith la ilusión y la fe… were already dead... perdón si me ves lagrimear— I´m sorry if you see me weeping— ¡Los recuerdos me han hecho mal! Memories have done me wrong! Palideció la luz del sol The light of the sun turned pale al escucharte fríamente conversar… when it listened to your cold conversation... fue tan distinto nuestro amor Our love was so different PERFORMED BY: y duele comprobar and it hurts to realize que todo, todo terminó. that everything, everything ended. Moshe Shulman | bandoneon ¡Qué gran error volverte a ver What a great mistake to see you again Victoria Pérez-Maggiolo | vocals para llevarme destrozado el corazón! to take away my shattered heart! Chris Vasquez | vocals Son mil fantasmas al volver, They are thousand ghosts, Miranda Shulman | violin burlándose de mí, returning to mock me, Antoine Lefebvre | violin las horas de ese muerto ayer… the hours of that dead past… Sonsoles Llodra | violin Ivan Docenko | piano Y ahora que estoy frente a ti And now that I am in front of you James Marone | double bass parecemos—¿ya ves?—dos extraños. we seem—as you can see—two strangers. Lección que por fin aprendí: The lesson that I have finally learned: (Warner Chappell Music Argentina c/o W B Music ¡cómo cambian las cosas los años! Is how years make things change! Corp % Warner Chappell Music Inc. / ASCAP) Angustia de saber muertas ya Anguish of knowing illusion and faith la ilusión y la fe… were already dead... Music by Pedro Blanco Laurenz (SADAIC) perdón si me ves lagrimear— I´m sorry if you see me weeping— Lyrics by Jose Maria Contursi (SADAIC) ¡Los recuerdos me han hecho mal! Memories have done me wrong! English Translation by Alejandro Ridilenir (1940) - 4 - 02 OJOS NEGROS (DARK EYES) Ojos negros, que fascinan; Dark eyes that enchant; ojos negros, que dominan; Dark eyes that dominate; ojos negros, dulces ojos Dark eyes, sweet eyes; son tan crueles y tan piadosos. They are so cruel and so kind. Ojos negros, que arrebatan; Dark eyes that captivate; ojos negros, que me matan; Dark eyes that kill me; ojos negros, dulces ojos, Dark eyes, sweet eyes; triste vida de mi corazón. Sad life of my heart. Voy pasando por mi vida atormentada I pass through my tormented life bajo el fuego abrasador de tu mirada, Under the scorching fire of your gaze, voy cruzando por la vida I walk across life como una pobre sombra perdida. Like a poor, lost shadow. En el fondo de mi alma ya no brilla In the bottom of my soul now shines más que el fuego abrasador de tu pupila; But the scorching fire of your pupil en el fondo de mi alma, In the bottom of my soul donde siempre tu amor vivirá. Where your love will always live. PERFORMED BY: Moshe Shulman | bandoneon 03 CHUNGA-CHANGA PERFORMED BY: Miguel Benitez | vocals Miranda Shulman | violin Moshe Shulman | bandoneon Antoine Lefebvre | violin (Instrumental) Miranda Shulman | violin Sonsoles Llodra | violin Antoine Lefebvre | violin Ivan Docenko | piano Sonsoles Llodra | violin James Marone | double bass Ivan Docenko | piano James Marone | double bass (Warner Chappell Music Argentina c/o W B Music Corp % Warner Chappell Music Inc. / ASCAP) (Peermusic III LTD % First Music Publishing / RAO, Macmusic Company / BMI) Music by Pedro Blanco Laurenz (SADAIC) Lyrics by Jose Maria Contursi (SADAIC) Music by Vladimir Shainskij (RAO) English Translation by Alejandro Ridilenir (1970) (1940) - 5 - 04 CHIQUILÍN DE BACHÍN (LITTLE GUY AT BACHÍN’S) Por las noches, cara sucia Evenings with his face all dirty, de angelito con bluyín Like an angel in blue jeans, vende rosas en las mesas He sells roses at the tables del boliche de Bachín. In the diner of Bachin’s. Si la luna brilla If the moon is shining sobre la parilla, On the oven lining, come luna y pan de hollín… He eats moonlight and burnt beans… Cada día en su tristeza Every day that he doesn’t want to que no quiere amanecer, Wake up ’cause he’s feeling blue, lo madruga un seis de enero On Epiphany at sunrise con la estrella del revés; With the star not shining through; y tres reyes gatos Three wise cats come rollin’ roban sus zapatos, And his shoes get stolen, uno izquierdo y el otro ¡también! One’s the left one and the other . too! Chiquilín, Little guy, dame un ramo de voz Give me bunches of voice así salgo a vender So I’ll go out to sell mis vergüenzas en flor! All my blooming remorse! baleame con tres rosas Then shoot me with three roses que duelan a cuenta That hurt on account of PERFORMED BY: del hambre que no te entendí, The hunger I tried to deny, Chiquilín… Little guy… Moshe Shulman | bandoneon Chris Vasquez | vocals Cuando el sol pone a los pibes When the sun makes all the school kids Miranda Shulman | violin delantales de aprender, Wear their aprons in a row, Antoine Lefebvre | violin él aprende cuánto cero Then he learns how many zeroes Sonsoles Llodra | violin le quedaba por saber; There are that he doesn’t know; Ivan Docenko | piano Y a su madre mira, At his mother gawking, James Marone | double bass yira que te yira, Seeing her streetwalking, pero no la quiere ver… But he doesn’t like the show... (Warner Chappell Music Argentina c/o W B Music Corp % Warner Chappell Music Inc. / Cada día, en la basura, Every morning, from the garbage, ASCAP, Lagos Editorial / SACEM, Editions Latino con un pan y un tallarín With a noodle and some bread, Americaines / SACEM) se fabrica un barrilete He will make himself a kite so para irse ¡y sigue aquí! He can leave .
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