The Secaucus News DIVOT ID TO THX 8 001/ L AND INDUSTRIAL ADVANCEMENT OF THE BOROUGH OF SECAUCUS, N. J. VOL- l.-NO. 4. SJECAUCUS, N. J., OCTOBER 22, 1010 PRICE, TWO CENTS -L. SHAUK TRICE CON- later named the threo following to Thai ionimlHe< report,il that on ac- HISTOI1V (IF TIIK IIOKOK.II OK • FKRPNCK. art as such a committee: Q William count of the short (imp at its disposal' HKCAIITM. WILSON (N DEAL SolotarotT. Henry Fiofw While, K I,, It hud been unable to frame definite1 blckersou. [evolution* or a fornrtl expression of Borough Hall FOR THE PRESIDENCY Held at the State House, Trenton, Mr. Carl Bannwart, Secretary ot thu tense of the meeting, it recom- Fmin the KecmirUN IHMiiOrrMlh- dull'*, N. J., September ST. 1010. the Newark Shade Tree Commission, u ended, however: IUU Journal, April IB, 1H1O. next dlHcussed "The fart of the State 1. That a permanent Association Under the direction of the Forest In Shade Tree Conservation/' The of Shade Tree Workers be formed.' ( Prtuted by request of the Repub- Granted to Tax- Promised by Special Interests Commlaalom the State Forester Issued speaker quickly turned from the Membership In thlB Association to lican Executive. Committee). an Invitation to the executive of each notable work don* In Newark to con- be llnillud to the Shade Tree Coin- [ The Borough of Secaucus, which the Nomination In 1912. organised municipality in the State, sider the obligations that rest upon missions In the State, and to such In- ] formerly belonged to the Township 124 in all, to send a delegate to this the State. Northern New Jersey es- dlilduals especially interested In of North Bergen, WSB incorporated lu payers Ass'n conference, the object of the confer- pecially la the home of many of those Shade Tree work aa may lit- approved May. l'JOO. and from that time gov- Th*. reason why Woodrow Wilson who apend much of their time in erned Itseir. The first Mayor elected permitted himself to be dragged, tram ence was to find out the defects in by the Executive Committee to be our shade tree lawt and how to other places. The whole State is later organized. was J. F. Huber who served from A petition, demanding better ear hia congenial occupation an preatdent am icv, was handed in to the Board remedy them, to aid by whatever, visited and commended upon i>y more 2. That the chairman of this con- 1'JOO to thu year 1906. Mr. Huber. of Princeton university, as given to th* who was always a staunch democrat, uf Council at its meeting last Tues- voter* uf the Eighth congressional dis- means may be practical the forma- strangers than any other Common- ference appoint a committee of live day night. The petition was signed trict in au address to (bein last Wed- tion of organisations for the plant- wealth. This being so, pride, ss well to effect thiB organization. I was elected on the Independent Citi- by more than a hundred people that nesday night by Alfred N. Dalrympls Ing and care of shad* trees In muni- aa good policy, demands thut the a The adequacy of our present | zens' ticket. The following Coun- ride in the cars every working day. Iu.iK.- Henry Koch, one of It* sign- chalruiau uf the Essex county Repub- cipalities; to seek by united action State Itself assist the various com- shade tree laws and the practicability cllmen who served under the Huber administration were: George Lau- ers, when given permlalson to speak lican committee, has been generally the legislation that la Imperatively munities in making their streets and of broadening them and making them ou the matter told of having been accepted as th» troth, Botwlthatand- necessary to protect the State surroundings attractive. Especially more efficient secker, Andrew Hremmer, Sebastian held up mornings by the poor trol- lng a feeble denial. Mr. Dalrympie against the ravage* of lnsectB and It should provide for, and assume b The Imperative need of confer- .Melacb, August Uecker, Adam Zengel ley service, and in many casea baa made his statement emphatically and other tree pests; and to prevent the the direction of, tree planting along • ring upon the Secretary of the Tutted and CharlesBoen. who only served foind It a difficult matter to get to declared that hia authority was ac- two years when George Englebrecht work on time for lack of can aad a Introduction of others, like the country roada and In alll (lacel s to State Department of Agriculture curnte. Mas elected and served 6 years. The pour schedule. He asked that the gypBy moth, the brown-tall moth and which municipal control dots not ex- power to control, in whatever way Iloitrd take immediate action on the Representatives of "special Inter second Mayor wua Wm. Hagen who eats," be said, had assured Ur. Wilson I the white pine rust, which now tend. The State ahould also make ade- seems to him bent, the Importation mailer, and at least seek to give the was elected on the Democratic ticket. that If he would consent to run for threaten us. quate provision to prevent the Intro- Into this Country of plant material people a couple of more cars during The following Councllmen served un- I he rush hours. Upon motion of governor of New Jersey he would be The widespread Interest in the duction of harmful Insects and dis- infested with Injurious Insects or dis- der his administration: A. Bre-mnier, Councilman Starkey It waa referred glveu the Democratic nomination for subject waa shown by the fact that eases. It should aid the smaller eases In any way that may endanger S. Mclsch, G. Engelbrecht. H. Harm to the railroad committee with pow- vice president In 11)12 and very prob- 30 delegates from 24 municipalities communities to find proper appli- our treeB and forests. er. Other petitions asked that the and Jacob Schnitti. Th« third May- ably that for president. All the weight attended the conference, while per- ances, such aa spraying outfits, und c The necessity of giving authority ilosrd Install a public scale In the and power uf tbe financial oligarchy or was Romeo T. Churchill, who alBo town for the use of the restdenta of haps as many more appeared volun- should adopt the suggestion of the and an appropriation to the State opposed to Theodore Roosevelt. Dr. was elected on the Democratic ticket, the borough, as well as town use. tarily and unofficially. The follow- State Forester that the Forest Com- Board of Agriculture, or other boilyj Wilson waa Informed, would be behind and tbe following Councllmen served Upon motion of Councilman Meisch ing are the delegates recorded: mlaslon Itself furnish technical ad- to prevent the Introduction into thej it was held over for further consid- htm. under him: A. Bremmer, S. Meisch, Allendale—W. H. 8ymonds, Presi- vice to any community that asks for State of dangerous liiBects and plant eration. Mr. Dalrympie said In part: G. Lausecker, J. Schmltt, George dent Shade Tree Commission; Bor- it, under proper restrictions. diseases. ' Another petition from the Taxpay- "If the Democratic candidate means Ulock and A. Degelmann. what he says then it Is sate to say dentown—Charles R. Ellis; East Mr. Edmund C. Hill, I •resident of d Advocating the granting of au- ers' association asked that tbe oonn- that be la the only person in the state Orange—B. H. Bennett, Shade Tree the Trenton Playgrounds Commis- thority and an appropriation to the The fourth and present Mayor, cil provide a police blotter for the Andrew Bremmer, was elected on the recorder of the town where all the of New Jeney who does not know who Commission and William Solotaroff, sion, representing the City of Tren- State Forest Commission to enable It records of the town may be seen at brought about his nomination, and It Secretary; East Rutherford—C. H. ton, considered -the question "Are to provide a shade tree expert who Republican ticket, which was caused any lime Upon motion of Council- Is, I think, Important that he should Atkins. President Shade Tree Com- Our Shade Tree Laws Adequate?" may be detailed to any community by certain Democrats, who after hav- man Starkey it was referred to the be enlightened at this time. mission; Englewood—Wm. Tallman, The speaker stated that several years that requires such service for a ing received all that was coming to police committee with power. An in- 'These are the facts: Early In July vliatlon from the Clarendon fife and Vernon Monroe, Charles Hadley; them from the Democratic Party, ot this 7*ar there waa a conference ago Trenton proposed to create a limited time. The salary and ex- drum corps to their ball to-fee held Qarfleld— James F. Trehou, Chair- Shade Tree Commission but had penses of the man to be paid by the and did not believe in giving any- at Block's hall was si|ii*M wlth at the summer home of Dr. Wilson body else a chance, turned around at Lyme, Conn. There was present at man Shade Tree Commission; Had- found a bar In the supplement to community while In Its service. After thanks by the board. that conference a number of gentle- donfleld—George B. Qlover; 11am- the Shade Tree Act of 18»3. Chap- considerable discussion the recom- and worked for the Republican The Taxpayers' Association re- monton—A. J. Rider; Haabrouck ticket quested tbe board to grant It the men who represent some of the largest ter 108, Laws of 1305.
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