1 •« ^ -a a -a, a. •« a. a « a. a a. a a a a. a -a. a a. a. « « «« a. « a a^ POPULAR! Vol 1 35 ^ 35p 16/23 December 1982 No News Desk ZX81 QSave Independent ^ Stephen Adams li)oki< al — a hard and authority for QSave | software device (hat speeds cable tv up loading and saving on ^ theZXRl. Seepage 13. THE Eovernmsm has decided S Vlcaoskaleton n Bri- Asghar Ahmed provides -i lesson in anatomy with lliis The new authority, which & program for the VioZO on will be completely separate page 27. ^ from the Independent Broad- ^ casting Authority, was Slngalongs Dragon announced by Joformation J^^ Keith and Steven Brain Tectinology Minister Kenneth .a explain how to play Baker during a Commons de- !^ Christmas carols on the bale on cable television. A ^ Dragon 32. See pagB 29. White Paper detailing the e 5 terms of rcferen ne BBC Computer Sinclair critical of : released early Programme Kenneth Baker also; i David Kellv talks to David BMMG stance Allen about the BBC's2nd SINCLAIR Rcseorcli hiis The main BMMG proposal e for witched sl_. Qjmpuier Programme opposed to "tree reaeled criticajly .lo last week's — a twelve -month embargo on ]^ which will go on the air in ", conceded "^ proposals to protect the UlC US and Japanese micro- and branch He January. Seepage II. would be more micro-computer indualty from cortipuler imports — is re- that this option J^ said it had 'unfair' foreign competition iectcd by Sinclair. Qive Sinc- enpensive. but |. inleractivE put forward by the British more potential for S^ Microcomputer Manufaetui- "Wc di Claus I CSTAR—Santa government also ex- BMMG package The ^ on Spectrum I helpful way pressed a preference for fibre- ^" and Dragon, 1 forward, Es.wnlially i( seeks to solve problei GAME*] -- — p«eS ' iP' ff- W' 4?- *• * e- *» ** ** *« *» ff- a*' ** i?- iP- »• Oi- b' IN MACHINE CODE impbeir THE VERY BEST ca FOR THE ZXSPECrnUM & ZX81 ABER5GFT systems 16K 7 MAESAFALLEN, BOW ST, DYFED, SYZ4 5BA SPECTRUM GULPMAN ZX81 & Spectrum SPECTRUM 48K MASTERFILE Games c,-™,.!,!^ . Invaders: Very lasl m/c adion. Includes myslery ship and SPECTRUM 16K SPDE increasingly difflcull screens. tBKZXai£4.4S ZX81 16-48KTHE FASTpNE ^ Mazeman: A lasl action m/c game that reprodjces Ihe spirit of itie oflginal. The Spectrum version includes excellsnl graphics. ZXai 16KGULP2 =i-T,.„ ,a.".k:.i »« 16K ZX81 £4.45- Spectrvm E4.95 Adventure 1: Based on me original game by Crowlher, this game was Ihe start ol the Adventure craze. Reviewed Sinclair User, issue 2, Features Save game roulina as the game can titeraily take monlhs to complete. CAMPBELL SYSTEMS 16KZX81 £8.95- 4aK Spectrum CS.SS (Dapt,PC) Sea UE at the 51h ZX Microtair. 15 nous ROAD BUCKHUBSTHILL is and sii ESSEX IG96BL ENGLAND 01504-0589 ca THE SPECTRUM POCKET BOOK ZXSl Pocket Book and the Sinclair 160pp rt Trevor Toms, best selling author of the """ ^ ^i\ - book you have been ^^Fk ^11 Learning Lab, turns his atlei the ZX Speclru the *'"»*^" waiting for! All the material n !he book is totally new. Programs Hints & Tips INSTR functions, • Castle wails; boiling oil and lovely slurping Discover new ways of using PRINT; VAL. PRINT USING, hexadecimal conversion, upper noises case conversion, load and save anay.^. BEEP with sliding • Fire of London; try and change the Great tones, automatic scroll and how to use all the machine course of history features within machine code. and lead • Chase; outwit the pursuing robots Machine Code to their them doom All the tools you need to write machine code effectively, puzzle • Truly amazing; generate a new maze Graphics tool kii — debug monitor — symbol assembler every go (with labels, all ED commands. ORG statements, forward (with label assign- • Reversi; the classic oriental strategy game and relative jumps) — disassembler ment); now you can really dig into the Sinclair ROM! with board screen display This section alone would be stupendous value for money! • 3D Maze; race against time and three Cassettes Spectrum games as opposite £5,00 dimensions to escape. Spectrum machine code as above £5 ,00 lurZwAOifnr T'YSI NowomikPuzile, Demolition&Tenpin £5.00 Also Available ZXSI Pockei Book 138pp -£5.95 3^^j^,g„,^fjs.GreedyGulch, Pockei Book 128pp .£4.95 ZX80 Prices Magic Mountain. PharaohsTomb £5.00 Business llOpp £1.50 Atom include VAT ZXSI Pocket Book Cassette £5-00 Dept FREEPOST EM463 (No stamp n lired) 99. East St, Epsom. Surrey KTI7 IBR, PHIPPS ASSOaATES Telephone 03727-21215. 24hr phone servici (outside Europe add £2.20) per item. Prices include postage but for air mail delivery i Europe add 90p POPULAR COMPUTING W 16/23 December 1962 Vof 1 No 35 «4 Chhslmas is traditionally a tim Sinclair criticises BMMG. looking back over the past year and rellectirig on the various successes News Editor Letters and disappointments. However, rather David Kelly |01-930 3271] than bore you with a list of achieve- Sub-editor ments and failures that is all too Ninette Sharp tamiliar, I would prefer to concentrate on some of the wider implications a Editorial Secretary cheap, readily available, micro ~ resa Lacy computers. The micro revolution is undoubtedty David Kelly talks to Davii upon us, though it has arrived almost unnoticed. Like the motor car, the micro will change the way In which we live forever. But, as with the motor car, it is difficult to predict what w: happening in two or three years time, never mind twenty or thirty. What does seem certain, however, is that more people than ever before will own or have access to a computer. At this time last year some 200,000 Popular Computing Weekly. 13 people in Britain owned their c Hobhouse Court, 19 Whitcomb Slreel, Stephen Adanis looks at OSave. micros. The comparable figure inn WC2 Telepnone: 01-839 6835 Open Forum 16 year is at least 600,000 and probably Six pagas of your programs. much greater. By next year the figure Pjbllshed by Sunshine Publications Lid is likely to be in the millions. 27 Programming Just as the industrial revolution Asghar Ahmed lakes a took at the bhDught unparalleled opportunities, so his human skeleton with Uic20. the micro revolution is opening up a Spectrum 28 whole new world for ojr generation. H is up to us to make the most of it, g Sunshine Publications Lid 1982 Unitlte — module 6. A Merry Xmas to all our readers. Dragon 29 Following our combined Issue Itils Machitie Code 30 n«eh, there will be no Issue of Popular Computing Weekly next weok — but we Crashing and mulliplylng. .. C1S.SS will be back with another action packed Peek & poke 31 •dllion on December 30. .. EiB.ro Mike Grace will take another loi YaurquBstions answerad. Bome of the lalesl software for the Competitions 35 Vle2D while David Angler will pres«r>t a disassembler program lor all 6S02 Puz2[e, Ziggurat, Top 10, Losers, iMsed machines. Subscribe to 1 Popular Computing Weekly sf Computing Weekly caraioi h, alll>Qugti we will always Ir] COMPUTERS-WEST WALES BBC MICRO'S IN STOCK NOW QUALITY SOFTWARE MODEL A — £299 MODEL B — £399 FOR ATARI, BBC, 48K SPECTRUM FEATURES INCLUDE, DATAPAD * 73 KEY FULL TRAVEL KEVBOARD For ATARI WOfflOO. On CASSETTE HIGH DEFINITION COLOUR GRAPHICS Wilh Datapad you can create your own personal 3 VOICE MUSIC SYNTHESIS PLUS -NOISe-. compulensed database. Names and addresses, * 10 USER DEFINABLE FUNCTION KEYS phone numbers, etc. All added or recalled with PLUS MUCH, MUCH MORE ease. Typical capacity 16K: 65 names and addres- and addresses: dSK: 200 EXPANSION OPTIONS (MODEL B) INCLUDE: ses; 32K: 135 names CASSETTE. * DISC • COLOUR MONITOR * PRINTERS names and addresses. Only E6 Inc. * SPEECH SYNTHESIS * PADDLES SAFECRACKER * THE 'TUBE- RISE & FALL + fiJB UPGRADES (SAME DAY BV APPOINTMENT) For 48K Spectrum E106 This popular business challenge plus ihe chance to rob the boss, both on one cassette. WE ALSO STOCK THE ATOM AND ZXBl MICRO'S SPECIALLY OFFERED FOR CHRISTMAS ALL PRICES INCLUDE VAT AT IS"!* at only £3.50 Inc. SECURICOn DELIVERY £10. POST £3 MUST B£ A BARGAIN FOR TWO GREAT GAMES, MAZESCAPE For 32K BBC machines DETAILS OF CURRENT STOCKS. A fast-moving 3D maze game. Features skill selec- If can escape from this CARDIGAN ELECTRONICS tion, colour options. See you CHANCERY LANE (near woolworth si CARDIGAN, DYFED Cheques or PCs to: Mlllsell, Clock Mill, TEL: 0239-614483 Heasham, Burton-on -Trent DE12 7JG CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY KEMPSTON MICRO ELECTRONICS ZXKLIK- KEYBOARD KEMPSTON (Micro) Electronics 1B0A Bedford Rd. Ksmpslon. Bedford MK4ZBBL POPULAR COMPUTING W Sinclair's way Ace gets users group A JUPITER Ace Users grOU| would more uJations, II be in has been formed by Ihi keeping with the spiril of the Brighton-based softwari present government to dis- house, Remsofl. mantle existing controls which Members paying Ihe £7 sub- initiative growth." inhibit and scription fee will receive thr action are Three courses of issues ofanewsletterincludi proposed by Sinclair Re- hints, tips and special offe John Noyce, co-founder of Ihe government pro- ft Present group said; "The Ace curemenl policy should be Sord takes the plunge lovely little machine, but i overhauled to ensure equal THE SORD M5 computer need programs for its cu pportunilies for manu- UK goes on sale in the UK in late games cartridges. Other games unexpanded 3K form before facturers. ' February 1983. cartridges. FALC (a version of users can fully bencRt from 17 percent • The present It will sell both through ma- Sord's Pips for the M5) and many imported elec- duly on jor high-street stores and the joysticks will go on sale simul- As of January, piodudii tronic components should be taneously but so far no prices uf Ihc Jupiter Ace in Bury substantially reduced.
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