Threatened Birds of Asia: The BirdLife International Red Data Book Editors N. J. COLLAR (Editor-in-chief), A. V. ANDREEV, S. CHAN, M. J. CROSBY, S. SUBRAMANYA and J. A. TOBIAS Maps by RUDYANTO and M. J. CROSBY Principal compilers and data contributors ■ BANGLADESH P. Thompson ■ BHUTAN R. Pradhan; C. Inskipp, T. Inskipp ■ CAMBODIA Sun Hean; C. M. Poole ■ CHINA ■ MAINLAND CHINA Zheng Guangmei; Ding Changqing, Gao Wei, Gao Yuren, Li Fulai, Liu Naifa, Ma Zhijun, the late Tan Yaokuang, Wang Qishan, Xu Weishu, Yang Lan, Yu Zhiwei, Zhang Zhengwang. ■ HONG KONG Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (BirdLife Affiliate); H. F. Cheung; F. N. Y. Lock, C. K. W. Ma, Y. T. Yu. ■ TAIWAN Wild Bird Federation of Taiwan (BirdLife Partner); L. Liu Severinghaus; Chang Chin-lung, Chiang Ming-liang, Fang Woei-horng, Ho Yi-hsian, Hwang Kwang-yin, Lin Wei-yuan, Lin Wen-horn, Lo Hung-ren, Sha Chian-chung, Yau Cheng-teh. ■ INDIA Bombay Natural History Society (BirdLife Partner Designate) and Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History; L. Vijayan and V. S. Vijayan; S. Balachandran, R. Bhargava, P. C. Bhattacharjee, S. Bhupathy, A. Chaudhury, P. Gole, S. A. Hussain, R. Kaul, U. Lachungpa, R. Naroji, S. Pandey, A. Pittie, V. Prakash, A. Rahmani, P. Saikia, R. Sankaran, P. Singh, R. Sugathan, Zafar-ul Islam ■ INDONESIA BirdLife International Indonesia Country Programme; Ria Saryanthi; D. Agista, S. van Balen, Y. Cahyadin, R. F. A. Grimmett, F. R. Lambert, M. Poulsen, Rudyanto, I. Setiawan, C. Trainor ■ JAPAN Wild Bird Society of Japan (BirdLife Partner); Y. Fujimaki; Y. Kanai, H. Morioka, K. Ono, H. Uchida, M. Ueta, N. Yanagisawa ■ KOREA ■ NORTH KOREA Pak U-il; Chong Jong-ryol, Rim Chu- yon. ■ SOUTH KOREA Lee Woo-shin; Han Sang-hoon, Kim Jin-han, Lee Ki-sup, Park Jin- young ■ LAOS K. Khounboline; W. J. Duckworth ■ MALAYSIA Malaysian Nature Society (BirdLife Partner); K. Kumar; G. Noramly, M. J. Kohler ■ MONGOLIA D. Batdelger; A. Bräunlich, N. Tseveenmyadag ■ MYANMAR Khin Ma Ma Thwin ■ NEPAL Bird Conservation Nepal (BirdLife Affiliate); H. S. Baral; C. Inskipp, T. P. Inskipp ■ PAKISTAN Ornithological Society of Pakistan (BirdLife Affiliate) ■ PHILIPPINES Haribon Foundation for Conservation of Natural Resources (BirdLife Partner); N. A. D. Mallari, B. R. Tabaranza, Jr. ■ RUSSIA Russian Bird Conservation Union (BirdLife Partner Designate); A. V. Andreev; A. G. Degtyarev, V. G. Degtyarev, V. A. Dugintsov, N. N. Gerasimov, Yu. N. Gerasimov, N. I. Germogenov, O. A. Goroshko, A. V. Kondrat’ev, Yu. V. Labutin, N. M. Litvinenko, Yu. N. Nazarov, V. A. Nechaev, V. I. Perfil’ev, R. V. Ryabtsev, Yu. V. Shibaev, S. G. Surmach, E. E. Tkachenko, O. P. Val’chuk, B. A. Voronov. ■ SINGAPORE The Nature Society (Singapore) (BirdLife Partner); Lim Kim Seng ■ SRI LANKA Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka (BirdLife Affiliate); S. Kotagama; S. Aryaprema, S. Corea, J. P. G. Jones, U. Fernando, R. Perera, M. Siriwardhane, K. Weerakoon ■ THAILAND Bird Conservation Society of Thailand (BirdLife Partner); U. Treesucon; R. Jugmongkol, V. Kongthong, P. Poonswad, P. D. Round, S. Supparatvikorn ■ VIETNAM BirdLife International Vietnam Country Programme; Nguyen Cu; J. C. Eames, A. W. Tordoff, Le Trong Trai, Nguyen Duc Tu. With contributions from: S. H. M. Butchart, D. S. Butler (maps), P. Davidson, J. C. Lowen, G. C. L. Dutson, N. B. Peet, T. Vetta (maps), J. M. Villasper (maps), M. G. Wilson Recommended citation BirdLife International (2001) Threatened birds of Asia: the BirdLife International Red Data Book. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. © 2001 BirdLife International Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1223 277318 Fax: +44 1223 277200 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.birdlife.net BirdLife International is a UK-registered charity All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher. ISBN 0 946888 42 6 (Part A) ISBN 0 946888 43 4 (Part B) ISBN 0 946888 44 2 (Set) British Library-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library First published 2001 by BirdLife International Designed and produced by the NatureBureau, 36 Kingfisher Court, Hambridge Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5SJ, United Kingdom Available from the Natural History Book Service Ltd, 2–3 Wills Road, Totnes, Devon TQ9 5XN, UK. Tel: +44 1803 865913 Fax: +44 1803 865280 Email [email protected] Internet: www.nhbs.com/services/birdlife.html The presentation of material in this book and the geographical designations employed do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of BirdLife International concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. MINDANAO BROADBILL Eurylaimus steerii Critical — Endangered — Vulnerable A1c; A2c; C1; C2a This species qualifies as Vulnerable because it has a small, seriously fragmented population and is declining rapidly as a result of lowland deforestation. DISTRIBUTION The Mindanao (Wattled) Broadbill or Steere’s Broadbill (see Remarks 1) is endemic to the Philippines, where it occurs in two races on four main islands: mayri on Dinagat (plus the tiny island of Poneas midway to Siargao), Siargao and Mindanao (excluding the Zamboanga Peninsula), and nominate steerii on Basilan plus the small offshore island of Malamaui, and the Zamboanga Peninsula on Mindanao. Lambert (1996) pointed out the apparent absence of records from the western part of southern Mindanao. On the other hand, the species seems very likely to occur on Bucas Grande island between Siargao and Mindanao. Records are from: ■ PHILIPPINES Dinagat Mt Kambinlio and Mt Redondo, Loreto, March and April 1972 (duPont and Rabor 1973b), with a specimen from Loreto, March 1900 (male in LACM); Plaridel, Albor, April 1972 (three specimens in DMNH); Poneas Dabo, July 1991 (two males in PNM); Siargao Vicente, Campo Nuevo, San Benito, December 1995 (BRT); Osmeña, Dapa, April 1972, and Antipolo, Numancia, May 1972 (seven specimens in AMNH, DMNH; also duPont and Rabor 1973b); Mindanao (eastern) Sibahay, Lanuza, Surigao del Sur, sea-level to 300 m, May 1963 (two specimens in USNM); Mt Hilong-hilong at Balangbalang, Cabadbaran, 150–300 m, Siwod, 900–1,200 m, and Bondo-an, 450–750 m, April and May 1963 (37 specimens in DMNH, FMNH, UPLB, USNM, ZMH); Agay near Cabadbaran, Agusan del Norte, January 1952 (Salomonsen 1953) and March 1952 (specimen in ZMC); Mt Diwata, Diatagon, Lianga, Surigao del Sur, March 1976 (BRT); Limatok, Maguinda, Agusan del Norte, at 400–600 m, November–December 1976 (Sanguila and Tabaranza 1979); Sumile at 100–500 m, November– December 1976 (Sanguila and Tabaranza 1979); Bislig at the PICOP concession, 1983 (Krupa et al. 1984) and 1992–1997 (Evans et al. 1993a, B. Gee in litt. 1997, T. H. Fisher verbally 1997); Mt Mayo at Limot, Mati, 150–330 m, June and July 1965 (two specimens in USNM); (central) Butuan, November 1907 (McGregor 1909; male in FMNH); Malibato, Opol, 450– 600 m, December 1968 (male in DMNH); Manticao at Camp Dunque, March and April 1968 (specimen each in FMNH, USNM), Mahayahay, June 1968 (female in FMNH) and Mainit, May and June 1968 (six specimens in DMNH, FMNH, USNM); Tu-od, September 1951 (two specimens in ZMC: M. Heegaard in litt. 1989); Mt Kapiagan, Misamis Oriental, April and May 1963 (six specimens in PNM); Cabanglasan, Bukidnon, October 1951 (specimen in ZMC: M. Heegaard in litt. 1989); Mt Kitanglad, January 1952 (Salomonsen 1953); Tambo, Munai, Lanao del Norte, 600–750 m, July 1965 (female in USNM); Balintad, Munai, Lanao del Norte, May 1965 (two specimens in DMNH, UPLB); Davao, June and July 1889 (three specimens in MCML, RMNH; also Salomonsen 1953); Mt Apo at Mitondo, July 1997 (NADM, JMV); east slope of Mt McKinley, 900 m, August 1946 (three specimens in FMNH, PNM); Kibawalan, Malalag, Davao, 360–670 m, November 1963 and January 1964 (seven specimens in DMNH, UPLB, ZMH), February 1964 (two females in SUNSM), January 1965 (two males in UPLB); Mt Matutum at Kablon, Tupi, June 1966 (female in FMNH), 1887 Threatened birds of Asia with another specimen (male in AMNH) from Balisong, Kablon, Tupi, February 1962; Salot, Palkan, Potomolok, Cotabato, November and December 1962 (three specimens in PNM); Talagutong, Malita, Davao del Sur, sea-level to 300 m, January 1964 (female in USNM); Mt Tuduk at Tugal, Glan, 330–940 m, May 1966 (three specimens in FMNH, USNM), and at Datal-Bukay, Glan, May 1966 (male each in FMNH, UPLB, USNM); (western) Matam, Katipunan, May 1952 (six specimens in FMNH, MCZ and SUNSM); Mt Sugarloaf at Burakan Hill, April 1969 (two specimens in UMMZ), and Tandasag Hill, Diak, Midsalip, LEYTE 1 DINAGAT 2 CEBU 3 5 4 6 7 BOHOL SIARGAO NEGROS SIQUIJOR 8 10 9 CAMIGUIN 11 12 17 18 14 13 19 33 S U L U S E A 20 15 23 22 21 34 24 25 35 MINDANAO 26 36 27 16 37 39 28 38 40 BASILAN 29 30 31 CELEBA ES SE 32 S U L A W E S I S E A The distribution of Mindanao Broadbill Eurylaimus steerii (sequence not as in text): (1) Mt Redondo; (2) Plaridel; (3) Mt Kambinlio; (4) Dabo; (5) Vicente; (6) Antipolo; (7) Osmeña; (8) Sibahay; (9) Mt Hilong-hilong; (10) Agay; (11) Butuan; (12) Sumile; (13) Mt Diwata; (14) Limatok; (15) Bislig; (16) Mt Mayo; (17) Mt Kapiagan; (18) Malibato; (19) Manticao; (20) Tu-od; (21) Cabanglasan; (22) Mt Kitanglad; (23) Tambo; (24) Balintad; (25) Davao; (26) Mt McKinley; (27) Mt Apo; (28) Kibawalan; (29) Mt Matutum; (30) Salot; (31) Talagutong; (32) Mt Tuduk; (33) Matam; (34) Mt Sugarloaf; (35) Baluno; (36) Ayala; (37) Malamaui; (38) Isabela; (39) Lamitan; (40) Maluso Historical (pre-1950) Fairly recent (1950–1979) Recent (1980–present) .
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