Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 The iH lltop Digital Archive 9-29-2000 The iH lltop 9-29-2000 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_0010 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 9-29-2000" (2000). The Hilltop: 2000 - 2010. 5. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_0010/5 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HE ILLTOP The Nation's Largest Black Student Newspaper VOLUME 84, NO. 6 Friday, September 29, 2000 http://hilltop.howard.edu Technology Main Focus at Town Hall Meeting By JENNIFER CUMMINGS nearly 4,000 compu1ers by the Oracle Cor­ Health Sciences Library will open in Decem­ janitorial staff, not the adminislrntion. Reg­ Hilllop Staff Writer poration 1hat will be placed in dormitories for ber and the Law School Library will open in istrntion is ridiculous and we are paying hard Internet access. the Spring. earned money for dorms with r:i1s and roach­ Technology was 1he main 1opic of discus­ "In a few years when students come 10 Following hi, address on the state of tech­ es," Jackson said. sion in a town hall meeting wilh Howard Uni­ Howard, 1heir computers will be here wait­ nology at the University, Swygert discussed Swygert quickly re,ponded by saying that versity Presideni H. Patrick Swygert Tuesday ing for them," Swygert said. students' concerns about registration, hous­ the majority of students had not problem with night. Accessibility to the UOL and the ilab were ing. the athletic program and growth ofcam­ registering and that the University would In his address 10 more 1han 200 students, chief concerns of srudents. "We need to pus facilities. Freshmen students expressed look into sanitary conditions. He then apol­ facully, and staff in the School of Business cx1cnd the hours in such a way that students concerns about the cleanliness oftbe Quad, ogized for negative attitudes ofsome employ­ Audi1orium, Swygert emphasized the impor­ can access computers whenever they need Drew Hall and the Blackburn Cafeteria. Stu­ ees in the Administration building. tance of 1echnological expansion and 24- 10,'' Swygert said referring to the ilab. A rask dents also expressed discontent with the Although many students felt that 1he pres­ hour opera1ion of the Undergraduate Library force will be assembled to figure ou1 how to quality of customer service from employees ident was evasive in bis responses to ho1 top­ in the Administration Building and overall ics, Swygert discussed in detail the Univer­ (UOL), ResNet, and ilab. secure, maimain and operate the ilab for Pre.idt'Tll H. l'ulrick Swyi:ert ''Three and a half years ago we began many hours at a time, Swygert said. "We are functions at the University. sity's building projects including ideas for a implementing the ResNet system and in very currently waiting for a response from UGL's First year student. Precious Jackson I0,000 seat arena, the- Blackburn Student ident, Sellano Simmons grew intense when near future we \\~sh to haye voice and video librarian after we asked to restore 24 hour expressed frustration and di$Uppointment. "I center. and the need for a 1.000 ,pace park­ Simmons reilcroted an ultimatum he gave 10 wireless capabilities. Thal is our goal and access to the facility." am speaking for many of my new classmates ing facility. the Board of Trustees last week. Simmon~ 1ha1remains our goal," Swyger1 said. Swygert spoke enthusias1ically about the when I say tbai Howard is not meeting our Conversati ons between Swygert and Swygert also announced the donaiion of University's growth. announcing that the standards. The friendliest people are on the Howard University Student Assembly Pres- Please See TO\VN HALL. AZ "I ~ctively seek membership from Howard. Students have always played a key role in the revolution," Students Bemoan Lack Of MALIK SHABAZZ, New Black Panther Party 24-Hour Campus Facilities • By ROUF.llT FORD The Panthers Rise Again Asst. Campus Editor It's IO p.m .• and Kenneth Linle hasjus1 gonen off Work. He heads home to pick up hi~ books, New Black Panther then it'soff 10 the iLab totype a paper due the next morning. Linlc arrives at the iLab. logs on 101he compu1er and begins to type his name when he Party Makes Debut bean;; "the iLab will be closing in 15 minutes." What do Liule and other Howard Stuc.lenis do when faced with si1uations like this? Pack up and In the District head over to 1he Undergraduale Library. Howev­ er, 1he UGL is no longer open 24 hour.;, making By LAURF.'I B. ANOERSON an already trying situation. impossible. "At times I feel helpless. 1 go to school during City Editor Pholo by Kar1.:rn Re:,, the cfay and work at night. By tbe time I get to the S1uden1S in the ilab """" f111'1 oliK'r place, to 1)1'< thdr e:iri)­ · Malik Shabazz stands dressed in black from I-Lab or the UGL its almost time for ii 10 close," momin~ papers.. ~Jl(..'e the J.ab t..; not 09>t•n around tht dock. head lo toe. With a cell phone anached 10 one ear Lillie. a junior radio, TV and film major said. "It\ and a black beret ,!ouching to one side of his head, re.illy fru,1rn1ing because I've been unable 10 ,ees 1he library sy,tem. was umiv.iilnble for com­ Shal>aa pa<scs out fly,r, 10 .• ~•owd of pas,,er,;­ turn in two assjgnments bc~ause I could not fin­ hy. ish tliem belore 1he I-Lab du,ed and my work L, mcnl We,lnesday. "AJl power 10 the people:• Shabazz shouts. suffering tremendously from the lack of 2-1-hour The nc\\s did not comfort studen1, For Shabazz, the salu1e has ju,1 as much poten­ focili1ies here i>n campus," Linle said. "It's not fair to change the library hours so early cy a< i1 did when i1 wa< born more than three Uni,·ersity officials said 1he mnjor handicap in lhe semester. Hone,tly. the b.:ginning of the year decades ago during the Black Power movement of prohibiting the operation of 24 hour facilities is i, always slow. They are reducing the hours right lhe 60s. security. President H. Patrick Swygert said there when we are going 10 need them 10 be open," said Shabazz is the National Minister of Justice for is not ample security enforcement 10 guaromec senior 1elccommunications management major a group 1hat has re-emerged from the san1e era as students' security. Swygert said he would rather Melissa Peterkin. 1he "power to 1he people" salute: 17,e New Black hear the criticism of a few disgrun1le students 1han Howard University Student Association, offi Panther Party for Self Defense. Shabazz i~ the have them assaulted and beaten up coming from ci.11, said they an- \\orkmg to get the faciliuc, founder of 1be new District chapter which started 1he ilab or library late at nigh1. op,:ned Jl'Lst midnight. "If thing, don't impro,c by No,ember 13. 2000. only months ago. Swygert also said repm 1, from library officials Along with supporting the feeding and clothing show 1h01 the UGL close, at midnight because there will be a demon,tr.ition." HUSA Pre,ident of1hc homeless. the NBPP promotes self improve­ there is 0011hat much usage. Scllnno Simmon, ,aid. Bui for students who ha,·e to complete term ment and a halt lo "destruction ofthe black power 'This is a very chnllenging problem. Many of base of Washington. DC." Yesterday, 1he group our students have come to rely on it and look for­ papers now, this pose, a problem held a town hall meeting 10 address concerns of ward 10 ii," Swygert said of the 24 hour acces,, to "'TI1c only thing 1hat's going to be good cno11gh gentrification in 1he District. the UOL. Swygert said 1he ilab and the UGL is the 24-hour.. 1ha1th ey promii,ed u, in the begin­ As a Howard undergraduate and Law School will be open 24 hours during finals. ning," saici Jason Bailey, a senior health manage­ graduate, Shabazz said one of 1he first places he lmerim Provo,1 Dr. Don Coleman, who over- ment student. approached was the Howard community. "I ac1ively seek membership from Howard.'' Shabau ,aid. noting that some students have already joined. "Students have always played a key role in the revolution." Concert Scheduling Stirs Debate Shabazz said he grew up in DC and saw first hand the problems that should be addressed. "I live in DC," Shabazz said. "I know the prob• Homecoming Chair Cries Foul Over Jill Scott Booking !ems we face here; police brutality, black on black violence." Khan weren't scheduled 10 perform for the non­ Shabazz said chapters of 1hc new party arc By CARl:roN JORDAN Hilltop Staff Writer hip-hop crowd. developing everyday, but there are already chap­ TI1e Univers11y said they're intention was nol P11o<o by Ju cllc Bellavance ters in New York, Alabama, New Jersey, Pennsyl­ The announcement of Jill Scou·s upcoming per­ the cut imo homecoming ·s profits vania, Maryland. Virginia, Georgia, 1exas, Illinois, Atoog with ~upporting the fttdiuJ: and dotbin,g of the homeless. the Ne\, l\lnc.k formance at Cramtou Auditorium sent many stu­ "The scheduling of Jill Seen is not intended 10 Michigan and Wisconsin.
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