A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of The Papers of John Foster Dulles and of Christian A. Herter, 1953-1961 THE WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENCE AND MEMORANDA SERIES UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA The Presidential Documents Series The Papers of John Foster Dulles and of Christian A. Herter, 1953-1961 THE WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENCE AND MEMORANDA SERIES Microfilmed from the holdings of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library Project Coordinator Robert E. Lester A microfilm project of University Publications of America, Inc. 44 North Market Street • Frederick, Maryland 21701 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Dulles, John Foster, 1888-1959. The papers of John Foster Dulles and of Christian A. Herter, 1953-1961 [microform]. (The White House correspondence and memoranda series) (The Presidential documents series) "Microfilmed from the holdings of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library." Includes index. 1. United States-Foreign relations-1953-1961-- Sources. 2. Dulles, John Foster, 1888-1959--Archives. 3. Herter, Christian Archibald, 1895-1966-Archives. I. Herter, Christian Archibald, 1895-1966. II. Lester, Robert. III. Dwight D. Eisenhower Library. IV. Title. V. Series. VI. Series: Presidential documents series. [E835] 327.73 87-13343 ISBN 0-89093-891-1 Copyright © 1986 by University Publications of America, Inc. All rights reserved. ISBN 0-89093-891-1. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acronym List v Scope and Content Note vii Reel Index Reels 1 -4 John Foster Dulles: White House Memoranda Series Chronological Subseries 1 Reel 5 John Foster Dulles: White House Memoranda Series cont. Chronological Subseries cont 14 General Foreign Policy Subseries 15 Intelligence Subseries 16 Internal Security Subseries 16 John Foster Dulles: Draft Presidential Correspondence and Speeches Series 17 Reels 6-7 John Foster Dulles: Draft Presidential Correspondence and Speeches Series cont 17 Reel 8 John Foster Dulles: Draft Presidential Correspondence and Speeches Series cont 23 Christian A. Herter: Official Correspondence and Memoranda, 1957-1961 24 m Reel 9 Christian A. Herter: Official Correspondence and Memoranda, 1957-1961 cont 25 Subject Index 29 IV ACRONYM LIST The following acronyms are used frequently in this micropublication and are reproduced here for the convenience of the user. C|A Central Intelligence Agency EDC European Defense Community ,CA International Cooperation Administration "-0 International Labor Organization MAAG Military Assistance Advisory Group MATS Military Air Transport Service NAT0 North Atlantic Treaty Organization NSC National Security Council SAC Strategic Air Command SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Organization U.N. United Nations USIA United States Information Agency SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE The White House Correspondence and Memoranda Series of The Papers of John Foster Dulles and of Christian A. Herter, 1953-1961 con- sists of three major series•John Foster Dulles: White House Memoranda Series; John Foster Dulles: Draft Presidential Correspondence and Speeches Series; and Christian A. Herter: Official Correspondence and Memoranda Series, 1957-1961. These series are drawn from the holdings of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas. The material in each series is divided into folders that are then arranged in reverse chronological order within each year, the contents of each folder also being arranged in reverse chronological order. Each folder contains a "document withdrawal sheet," which itemizes the documents that have been removed from the folder due either to national security considerations or privacy restrictions by the Eisenhower Library. University Publications of America (UPA) has microfilmed the collection as it is arranged at the Eisen- hower Library. All of the material currently available has been filmed in its entirety. John Foster Dulles: White House Memoranda Series This series covers the period from January 1953 to April 1959 and comprises four subseries: the Chronological Subsehes; the General Foreign Policy Subseries; the Intelligence Subseries; and the Internal Security Subseries. The Chronological Subseries consists of White House correspondence and memoranda between John Foster Dulles and the President and his advisers, memoranda of meetings with the President, position papers prepared by the State Department and the White House, and memos of conversations with the President. The General Foreign Policy Subseries consists of papers, memoranda, and correspondence prepared by the State Department, John Foster Dulles, and the White House. These materials deal with foreign policy and its implementation. The Intelligence Subseries consists of conversations with Allen W. Dulles, head of the Central Intelligence Agency. These conversations deal with foreign policy matters, with the implementation of foreign policy, and with intelligence activities. VII The Internal Security Subseries consists of memoranda and correspon- dence on the administration of security, Scott McLeod, and the Charles Bohlen case. John Foster Dulles: Draft Presidential Correspondence and Memo Series This series spans the period from January 1953 to April 1954 and con- tains draft and press copy, presidential correspondence, memoranda, diplo- matic notes and aide-memoires, and statements and speeches. Comments, deletions, and additions by John Foster Dulles, the President, and his advisers can be found on these drafts. Speeches and statements in this series include inaugural addresses, "State of the Union" messages, speeches before private organizations, and speeches on particular topics. Topics include the Middle East, NATO, dis- armament, Geneva Summit, Formosa (Taiwan), and the Mutual Security Program. Topics of the correspondence, memoranda, and diplomatic notes and aide-memoires include Formosa (Taiwan), disarmament, Lebanon, and mutual security. Christian A. Herter: Official Correspondence and Memo Series This third major series includes materials from Christian A. Herter's tenure as undersecretary of state, February 1957 to April 1959, and as secretary of state, April 1959 to January 1961. Included are memos of record, Cabinet briefing material, classified letters, U-2 White Papers and briefing material, White House correspon- dence, and materials on meetings with the President. Subjects covered by this material include the effect of Dulles's death on the implementation of foreign policy, the U-2 incident, the Paris Summit (1961), and Soviet activi- ties worldwide. VIII REEL INDEX The frame number on the left side of the page indicates where a specific file folder begins. The contents of each folder are typically arranged in reverse chronological order. Dates in brackets indicate the months that are inclusive in the file folder, while the number in parentheses following the file folder title is used to show when more than one file folder of the same title exists. In the interest of accessing material within folders, this index denotes the major substantive issues, reports, and key policy matters, as well as individuals who figure prominently in the files, under the category Principal Topics and Individuals. References to John Foster Dulles are noted by his initials JFD. Reel 1 John Foster Dulles: White House Memoranda Series Boxl Chronological Subseries 0001 White House Correspondence, 1953 (1). [October-December.] 51pp. Principal Topics and Individuals: CD. Jackson; Berlin Conference; Ja- waharlal Nehru and India; official precedence; Juan Peron; public opinion; atomic weapons; Bricker Amendment; Rabbi Silver; Arab-Israeli dispute; visits to the U.S. by heads of state. 0052 White House Correspondence, 1953 (2). [August-October.] 66pp. Principal Topics and Individuals: State Department appointments; Gov- ernor Dewey's Central American trip; USSR; nuclear bombs; security policy; Norman Thomas; Socialists as employees of the State Department; Harry Guggenheim; Latin America; Communist China; Indochina; CD. Jackson; Germany. 0118 White House Correspondence, 1953 (3). [June-August.] 84pp. Principal Topics and Individuals: General Naguib and Egypt; U.S. foreign policy; Netherlands press opinion and U.S. foreign policy; overseas libraries; Senator Joseph McCarthy; personnel matters; Italy and the Rosenberg case; economic pressure on Communist China; Winston Churchill; Caribbean Commission. 0202 White House Correspondence, 1953 (4). [April-June.] 67pp. Principal Topics and Individuals: Senator Robert Taft; Status of Forces Treaty; Mildred McAfee Horton; Styles Bridges; Communist China; security clearance of personnel; Congress; Communist China and the U.N.; Jews; Middle East; Trieste; Paul Hoffman and India; "Chance for Peace" speech. 0269 White House Correspondence, 1953 (5). [January-April.] 79pp. Principal Topics and Individuals: Paul Hoffman and Kashmir; Civil Service and "New Dealers"; Samuel Lubell memo on disarmament; enslavement resolution; Norway; Senator Malone on tariffs; CD. Jackson; Voice of America; David Bruce; EDC and the European Coal and Steel Community; liberation resolution; MATS aircraft for the secretary of state; Czechoslo- vakia and anti-Semitism. 0348 White House Correspondence, 1954 (1). [September-December.] 63pp. Principal Topics and Individuals: EDC; Danish ships; death of Pope Pius XII; Brazil; Rio Conference; George Humphrey and Milton Eisenhower; France; Senator William Knowland and foreign policy; bipartisanship; Voice of America; Josef Tito; economic policy; Loy Henderson; U.N.; Cyprus; Krishna Menon and India; Southeast Asia; SEATO and Great Britain; Pierre Mendes-France. 0411 White House Correspondence,
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