Pakistan Country overview Volume 1 • #3 • Number 3 • February 2006 CNG market potential and experience in South and South West Asia Thailand OEM opens plant to produce CNG car February 2006 From Bangladesh to Turkey, from Pakistan to Egypt Summary Market potential and a growing experience 4 Country overview: Asian NGV Communications is a publication of Pakistan NGV Communications Group, publishing house and fairs-conferences organizer: NGV industry started in late 1980 www.ngvgroup.com when Pakistani government In Europe, we print The Gas Vehicles Report, established a CNG station which GVR, and www.ngvguide.com, the International was built by Hydrocarbon NGV Guide. Development Institute In Argentina, the Group publishes Prensa of Pakistan. Vehicular, Argentine CNG Guide, maps, books and 10 brochures while in Brazil, Folha do GNV, Brazilian NGV Guide, maps and posters, among others. More info: www.ngvgroup.com The signed articles are exclusive responsibility of Iran: the impressive current the authors, as well as advertising companies and agencies are responsible for the published ads. numbers and targets Iranian CNG industry started in 1975 with a conversion of 1.200 taxis and private passenger cars in Shiraz city in South-West of Iran, as a pilot project. 12 Korea 13 Natural gas business in 21 Peru: President Toledo declares 300-14, Changchon-Ri, Namsan-Myun, Turkey NGV use to be of national interest Chuncheon-Si, Kangwon-Do, 200-911 KOREA Tel : +82-33-260-3400 16 Natural Gas as Motor Fuel in 22 OEM NGV Price Advantage Fax: +82-33-261-9184 Armenia OEM NGV passenger car in Asia E-mail: [email protected] Israel News, Products & Technology Italy 18 24 Vicolo Gonzaga 13 Waiting for NGVs to enter International CNG signage 46045 Marmirolo (Mn), Italia. Tel.: +39 0376 294055 Natural gas vehicles Statistics [email protected] • www.thegvr.com 20 25 the Australian scene - Part 2 Asia figures Argentina Uspallata 711, CP 1268, Argentina Copies distribution China: 7.8% Turkey: 10.5% Tel./Fax: +54 11 4307-4559 / 5201 / 4300-6137 Egypt: 1.9% United Arab Emirates: 2.1% E-mail: [email protected] We print and mail to 26 India: 9.3% Vietnam: 0.1% www.prensavehicular.com countries about 1.500 copies Indonesia: 1.7% In addition, the magazine is addressed to governmental Iran: 4.9% sent to thousands more readers The Netherlands related offices, OEM and Oil & Israel: 1.1% by e-mail (.pdf) and is also Holland Office Center • Kruisweg 813 - A Gas companies, associations, Japan: 10.2% online in www.ngvgroup.com 2132 NG Hoofddorp - Nederland related NGV industries, refu- Korea: 7.4% If your NGV business is in Tel. +31 23 554 3059 • Fax: +31 23 557 9065 elling stations, workshops and Malaysia: 6.6% Asia, advertise with us. [email protected] • www.thegvr.com suppliers, according the Myanmar: 0.2% New Zealand: 2.8% Asian NGV Communications Brazil following list (some figures 300-14, Changchon-Ri, Av. Nossa Senhora de Copacabana, 500 • sala rounded): Pakistan: 3.7% 912. Cep: 22.020-000 • Rio de Janeiro • RJ. Philippines: 3.6% Namsan-Myun, Chuncheon-Si, Tel: +55 21 2255-0830 / 2236-4210 e 2545-7452 Armenia: 0.4% Russia: 7.3% Kangwon-Do, [email protected] • Australia: 4.1% Singapore: 3.2% 200-911 KOREA [email protected] Azerbaijan: 0.3% Sri Lanka: 0.1% Tel : +82-33-260-3419 www.folhadognv.com Bangladesh: 5.0% Taiwan: 0.3% Fax: +82-33-261-9184 Brunei Darussalam: 0.1% Thailand: 5.3% e-mail: [email protected] 2 February 2006 From Bangladesh to Turkey, from Pakistan to Egypt Market potential and a growing experience Dear readers, Asian Development Bank Iran moved along from the population increased by Last year has been a good (ADB), Bangladesh conti- 19th rank to the worldwide 27,000 with 13 additional year for the NGV industry in nues with its Dhaka Clean top 10 NGV countries in fuelling stations. The expec- Asia from the political point Fuel Project (DFCP) to con- 2004-20052. An impressive ted 40,000 vehicles will be of view as many politicians in vert 10,000 gasoline vehi- growth within one-year pe- refuelled by another 17 new our continent issued new tar- cles to NGVs and to build 6 riod. With almost 80,000 stations in 2006-2007. Cu- gets and decrees to support major CNG stations. The NGVs in December 2005, rrent challenges for local our industry. Now we move DFCP was started in 2002. Iran made it to the 8th place companies are to decrease forward to the implementa- This CNG project contem- world-widely and 4th in Asia. vehicle conversion cost, to tion stage, to make those tar- plates, among other aspects, And it will march forward ra- manufacture dedicated/bi- gets real.And more countries- the purchase of 300 buses, pidly with its plan to convert fuel NGVs and to launch "Ca- /governments will consider 2,000 rickshaws and the 600.000 public, private and pital Taxi" project in Cairo. natural gas in the transporta- construction of 20 minor governmental cars to NGV. Egypt, as well as Korea and tion sector.Following the pre- fuelling stations. The current 160 fuelling sta- Brazil are countries where vious edition’s overview on tions will be increased to 400 diesel is not allowed to fuel market potential in some Pakistan, a big NGV coun- this year.Two national OEMs LDVs. And if CNG to diesel Asian countries1,we now des- try (1st in Asia and 3rd will also produce 600,000 price advantage increases a cribe current NGV activities world-widely) increased its NGVs in 5 years time.This is lot, there is a bigger possibi- in several South and South- NGV population by 47% and all possible with a strong go- lity to accelerate a USAID fun- West Asian countries. A mar- 113% for fuelling stations: vernment support. Additio- ding programme to buy im- ket for vehicle conversions, 700,000 NGVs and 766 fue- nally, a local OEM, Zamyad, ported 50 bus chassis for the especially cars/LDVs.A promi- lling stations is the 2005 fi- plans to produce 2,000 CNG Cairo Transport Authority and sing market for this industry nal country figure. With a buses/year with Daewoo Bus. Greater Cairo Bus Company.A as gas reserves are abundant substantial funding and favo- foreign OEM has reported its in these countries. rable regulations, Pakistan is The municipality in Sharjah plan to send 275 CNG buses expecting an extra 5,000 State in United Arab Emirates to Alexandria Public Transport With funding from the CNG buses in 2006-2010. (UAE) has passed a bill to con- Authority and to both of the vert 200 vehicles to CNGVs. above mentioned public Together with two other sta- transport companies in 2006. tes, Abu Dhabi and Al-Ain, Sharjah municipality has deci- Currently, Turkey holds ded to operate NGVs too. good potentials for HDV/bus market.About 400 more CNG The Ministry of Petroleum buses will be bought by mu- of Egypt is working on a CNG nicipalities in Ankara city. master plan for the coming Notes: 20 years.The target for 2007 1 See also the previous issue of is to have 100,000 NGVs.That Asian NGV Communication- means about 40,000 more s/ANGVeC.To receive the #1 than today’s number. The fo- and #2 issue in .pdf format just cus is most likely still on taxis ask [email protected]. More besides micro buses, conti- detailed info is also available in this#3 edition. nuing the success of the "Gas 2 See statistics in the last two 3 Card" system . The govern- pages of this magazine ment also plans to convert its 3 A conversion payment system own fleet within the next 5 where the loan is paid back th- years. In 2002-2005, in the so rough the differences of gasoli- called "Spreading and Gro- ne and CNG fuel prices every ti- wing Stage" of the Egyptian me the drivers refuel their con- NGV programme, the CNGV verted taxi with CNG. 4 February 2006 6 February 2006 7 February 2006 8 Dari Bangladesh ke Turki, dari Pakistan ke Mesir February 2006 Potensi pangsa pasar dan perkembangannya Para pembaca yang terhormat, 20052.Sebuah perkembangan NGV yang ditargetkan pada mengirim 275 CNG bus ke Tahun 2005 adalah tahun yang pesat dalam waktu satu tahun 2006-2007 juga akan di Alexandria Public Transport yang baik di segi politik bagi tahun. Dengan jumlah NGV beri fasilitas tambahan oleh Authority dan ke kedua peru- industri kendaraan berbahan mendekati 80.000 pada De- 17 gas station baru. sahaan transport bus umum bakar gas alam (NGV) di Asia. cember 2005, Iran menempa- Perusahaan-perusahaan lo- diatas pada tahun 2006. Di tahun tersebut, banyak po- ti posisi ke 8 dunia dan no- cal menghadapi tantangan litisi Asia yang mengeluarkan mer 4 di Asia. Negara ini akan untuk mengurangi harga kon- Pada saat ini, potensi pang- kebijakan dan target baru un- maju dengan cepat sehubun- versi kendaraan, memproduk- sa pasar Heavy-Duty Vehicle tuk menyuport industri kita gan dengan rencana konver- si kendaraan berbahan bakar (HDV)/bus sangatlah bagus di ini. Kini kita memasuki tahap sinya untuk memodifikasi 100% gas alam dan kendaraan Turki. Sekitar 400 CNG bus penerapan untuk mencapai 600.000 kendaraan privat dan berbahan bakar besin/gas tambahan akan dibeli oleh target tersebut. Untuk me- pemerintah, dan transportasi alam. Juga tantangan untuk pemerintah kota Ankara. lengkapi gambaran pangsa umum menjadi NGV. Seratus menjalankan proyek "Capital pasar Asia1 di edisi yang lalu, Taxi" di Kairo.Sama seperti di Catatan: enam puluh gas stasion yang 1 Baca juga edisi lalu dari maja- kini kami akan menggambar- sedang beroperasi saat ini Korea dan Brasil, di Mesir die- sel tidak boleh digunakan pa- lah ini.
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