St. Richard Church Mass Schedule SAINT RICHARD PARISH- 230"7 '%'* 11@S?< 3,"7 11DS<< ==S?< -*77 '%'* 11#1=>S<ACS<< Strengthened by the Holy Spirit '*7 11#1SDS<< -,V2 =D2&-**-!)2T&'*"#*.&'Q Two Beautiful Churches ~ One Great Parish Holy Spirit Worship Site Mass Schedule www.strichardchurch.org 3,"7 11S=<S<< Parish Rectory -*77 11 S CS?< ?<=<T=D2&2 &'*"#*.&'Q =E=@A &-,#S>=AV@BDV@CCC $$'!# -301S$-,"7V&0'"7 &6S>=AV@BDV?=B= Pastor DS?<$V@S?< $-0 7..-',2+#,2 #4#0#,"'!&#*T#'**7 *+'*S.0'1&120'!&0"!&30!&T-0% Parochial Vicar #4#0#,"+#1-"'QT0#+T Director of Faith Formation ! '1107#**#,00-** ! Sacramental Information Baptisms .2'1+10#!#*# 02#"22T'!&0"&30!& #4#073,"72=>S?<.+T*#1#!-,2!22&# 0#!2-072-+)#00,%#+#,21$-0 .2'1+T Reconciliation 230"7122T'!&0"&30!&?S?<V@S=A #$-0#11#1-,3,"71*-*7+712 2T'!&0"&30!&,"*-*7.'0'2&30!&T Marriage -3.*#1.*,,',%5#""',%1&-3*"!-,2!2 2&#0#!2-07+','+3+-$1'6+-,2&1', "4,!#T 00'%#!#*# 02'-,1+72)#.*!#2 2T'!&0"&30!&-0*-*7.'0'2&30!& Anointing of the Sick .00,%#+#,21!, #+"#$-0,-',2',%-0 !-++3,'-,2- # 0-3%&22-2&#1'!)-0"7',% 7!**',%2&#0#!2-07T Exposition & Benediction !2- #02&0-3%&722T'!&0"&30!& /6.-1'2'-,S03#1"71DS<<.VCS<< Parish Registration .**2&-*'!1*'4',%',2&#.0'1&1&-3*"0#%'1V 2#022&#0#!2-0711--,1.-11' *#$2#0 +-4',%',T#%'1202'-,+7*1- #!-,4#,V '#,2*7"-,#-,*',#4'-30.0'1&5# 1'2#T Senior Citizens Group 03#1"71Q=>S<<V?S<<',2'!&0"0'1& ***Q#.2#+ #02&0-3%&3,#-,2!2 -#3-*$'2>=AV@B?V>AE<$-0"#2'*1T St. Pio Catholic Regional School Parish Mission Statement: =D>B-**-!) 20##21 &-,#S>=AV@BCVA@?< “Standing united as ONE FAMILY, 6S>=A V@ BC V> ?E= with ONE HEART to share ONE FAITH 555T12.'-!2&-*'!1!&--*T-0% in celebrating God’s love, mercy and charity” ST. R ICHARD P ARISH PHILADELPHIA , PA FROM MY HOUSE TO YOURS Dear Parishioners, Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Everyone has a sense of justice - that voice of con- science that tells us what is right and what is not. You might SUNDAY September 24th feel it’s an injustice at work when someone gets the promotion 8:00 Louis Tavani requested by Helen & Mario Londra you felt you earned. In school, the student who studied hard for 10:00 HOLY SPIRIT Angela, Biagio, Olympia and Enio the test and got a C certainly doesn’t like the one who didn’t requested by Ciccarella family prepare at all and got an A. When we see someone we feel to 11:30 John Paris, Sr requested by John Paris, Jr be less deserving walking around with a pocket full of MONDAY September 25th blessings, we might ask God, “Why them and not me?” 8:00 Pio Lope Lindio requested by Helena Raffaele Would we ask the same question if we saw someone TUESDAY September 26th who was dying, paralyzed or who just lost their job? It’s 8:00 Deacon Al George doubtful. WEDNESDAY September 27th The parable in Matthew’s gospel is a challenge for all 8:00 Patricia Ann Marino requested by children of us. Our first instinct is to take sides with those laborers who THURSDAY September 28th sweat it out all day and didn’t make any more money for their 8:00 Raffale Chieffo requested by wife, Maria efforts than those who just showed up to collect a check at the FRIDAY September 29th end of the workday. Insult is added to injury when the last get 8:00 Carotozzola Family req. by John & Maryann Pilla paid first and those who worked longest and hardest are made SATURDAY September 30th to wait. This kind of generosity shock some and angers others. 8:00 Elisa & Eduardo Pascale req. by daughter, Marie Our parents raised us to believe in an equal day’s pay for an equal day’s work. 4:30pm Ed Fagan requested by wife, Rose This parable raises more questions than it answers. Why did the landowner keep returning to the square to pick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ more workers for his vineyard? In Israel at harvest time, it was Our SANCTUARY CANDLE will be burning essential to bring in the crops as fast as possible before the this week In Memory of Jennie Keffer requested by flooding fall rains set in. Why do those men stand around all Marie Pinto day? Then had no property. No power. It was the luck of the ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ draw. They waited in hopes of someone would employ them so they could afford to feed their families. Got as much like the landowner - generous in forgiv- ing as Isaiah said in today’s first reading. We owe him a debt we can never repay. The Lord doesn’t charge some more than others. He sent his Son to die for all of us. God owes us noth- ing, and yet he has given us everything, placing us forever in his debt. VOTIVE CANDLES A ll the men called to work in the vineyard were equals - they all had hungry mouths to feed. The landowner had ILM Mike & AnnaMae Tropiano requested by daughter mercy on all of them, giving them what they needed - not what ILM Carlo Lioy requested by wife, Rose, daughters Carol they earned. This shows us how God has loved us in Christ. and Debbie and granddaughters We are called upon to be as giving and forgiving of others as ILM Alice Hogg requested by Joann Hatton God has been to us. God loves all of us equally - the cradle ILM Agnes McKay requested by Betty & Bernie Tartaglia Catholic the same as the convert, the sinner as much as the IMO Birthday of Marie McManus requested by saint, every person in every pew. Tom & Rosalie McManus God calls all of us to labor in his vineyard of mercy, and to conduct yourselves in the way worthy of the Gospel of IMO Birthday of Antoinette Rossi requested by Christ. Tom & Rosalie McManus IMO Gloria & Frank Argenzio req. by Caroline and Aida God Love Ya! IMO Anthony V. Carlini requested by Caroline and Aida Fr. Reilly Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 24, 2017 ***Parish Registration*** It is IMPORTANT that all Catholics within our St. Richard Parish is forming a Liturgy Committee boundaries be registered and be active participants of the and we want to know: parish. Circumstances often change registration status. If • Are you able to make the commitment of six you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, you need meetings a year? to be sure you are registered correctly in the parish. • Are you are a registered parishioner? • Have you moved away from your parental home • Are you are 18 years of age or older? (not just for college)? • Do you have an interest in making the • Have you recently changed your marital status? experience at Mass and other worship events • Are you living with your parents, are over 18, and not more spiritual, more receiving your own mailings and envelopes? welcoming, more engaging? If you answered yes to any of the above, please call the If you answered yes to these questions, than this is rectory office to update your registration status. WE WANT YOU If you made your sacraments here at St. Richard/Holy the group for you. to join!!!! Spirit or went to school here does NOT automatically reg- Please contact the rectory during regular business ister you in the parish. PLEASE NOTE : In order to re- hours and leave your name and contact information. ceive a Letter of Eligibility from the pastor to be a god- We are looking forward to working together starting parent or sponsor, you MUST be a registered and active Wednesday, September 27th at 7PM participant of the parish. ST. RICHARD PARISH FAMILY MASS What Is a Family Mass? A Family Mass gives children and their families a greater sense of participation in the Sunday Mass of the parish. We have Bill Monaghan, a guest musician who leads us in song using a blend of traditional and contemporary songs. Bill and his ensemble incorporate keyboard, guitar, drums, and trumpet into their ministry for a very uplifting and energetic celebration of Sunday Mass. How Can We Participate? While the Family Mass is open to everyone in the parish, families are invited to serve in the various liturgical ministries during Mass. Families are invited to participate as lectors, gift bearers, altar serv- ers, and greeters. If you would like to participate as a family or volunteer an individual in your family, please contact the Director of Faith Formation, Maryellen Carroll. We will practice with the Lectors (Readers of Sacred Scripture) and give instructions to the other volunteers. This is a wonderful oppor- tunity for the rest of the parish, especially the elders, to see the parish families participating at Mass. You can volunteer for one Mass or more. When Is the Next Family Mass? There are six Family Masses scheduled for this year. The Mass time is 11:30 AM at St. Richard Church. The dates are: October 1, 2017 November 5, 2017 December 3, 2017 January , 2018 February 4, 2018 April 8, 2018 Need More Information or Want to Become Involved? Please contact Maryellen Carroll, Director of Faith Formation, at 215-468-4777 or at [email protected]. Thanks for considering this opportunity and may the Holy Spirit guide us in both word and action every day of our lives.
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