1970Aj 75. . 602H the Astronomical Journal

1970Aj 75. . 602H the Astronomical Journal

602H . 75. THE ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL VOLUME 75, NUMBER 5 JUNE 19 70 The Space Distribution and Kinematics of Supergiants 1970AJ Roberta M. Humphreys *f University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (Received 15 January 1970; revised 1 April 1970) The distribution and kinematics of the supergiants of all spectral types are investigated with special emphasis on the correlation of these young stars and the interstellar gas. The stars used for this study are included as a catalogue of supergiants. Sixty percent of these supergiants occur in stellar groups. Least- squares solutions for the Galactic rotation constants yield 14 km sec-1 kpc-1 for Oort’s constant and a meaningful result for the second-order coefficient of —0.6 km sec-1 kpc-2. A detailed comparison of the stellar and gas velocities in the same regions shows good agreement, and these luminous stars occur in relatively dense gas. The velocity residuals for the stars also indicate noncircular group motions. In the Carina-Centaurus region, systematic motions of 10 km/sec were found between the two sides of the arm in agreement with Lin’s density-wave theory. The velocity residuals in the Perseus arm may also be due in part to these shearing motions. I. INTRODUCTION II. THE CATALOGUE OF SUPERGIANTS SINCE the pioneering work of Morgan et al. (1952) The observational data required for this study were on the distances of Galactic H 11 regions, many largely obtained from the literature. Use of a card file investigators have studied the space distribution of compiled by Dr. W. P. Bidelman was very helpful in various Population I objects, the optical tracers of this regard. Recently, a considerable amount of new spiral structure. The results of these studies have been observational data was obtained for M supergiants in reviewed by Sharpless (1965). Unfortunately, the the Perseus arm (Humphreys 1970), and for many other optical observations are restricted to a relatively small supergiants it was possible for the author to obtain region near the sun while the 21-cm observations of from Kitt Peak and from Michigan information not neutral hydrogen, not hampered by interstellar ab- available in the literature. UBV observations were sorption, display a large-scale spiral structure over the kindly made by Dr. S. Wyckoff and Dr. D. J. Mac- entire disk of the Galaxy. Interpretation of the radio Connell of 22 and 34 supergiants at Kitt Peak and Cerro data, however, requires knowledge of the differential Tololo Observatories, respectively. rotation of the Galaxy. Comparisons between the A list was compiled of 669 supergiants of luminosity spatial distribution of the stars and gas within a few class lb or brighter which had either sufficient photo- kiloparsecs of the sun have indicated discrepancies metric data for a determination of distances, reliable (Becker 1961; Sharpless 1965); however, investigations radial velocities, or both. This catalogue is included as by Rubin et al. (1962) and Fletcher (1963) have shown Table I and gives the star’s identification, MK spectral that the radial velocities of young Population I objects type and luminosity class, and position in Galactic and the associated gas are generally in agreement. longitude and latitude. The magnitudes and B—V Preliminary discussions of the space distribution of colors, distances from the sun and Galactic center, the intermediate and late-type supergiants were made observed radial velocities, and model radial velocities, several years ago by Bidelman (1958) and by Sharpless as well as the associations or clusters to which the stars (1965), but in the past decade much additional data has may belong are included. References to the observa- become available for these stars. As a result it is now tional data are also given for each star. A correction of possible to make a comprehensive study of the distri- + 10 km/sec was applied to the Lick velocities of B bution in space and velocity of the supergiants of all stars fainter than 6^5 (Feast and Thackeray 1958). The spectral types, and to discuss their relation to the inter- determination of the distances and the model radial stellar gas clouds in which they presumably originated. velocities is discussed below. The next section presents a catalogue of supergiants The distances corrected for interstellar reddening and Sec. Ill describes the space distribution of these were computed from the spectroscopic absolute magni- luminous stars. In Sec. IV the results of least-squares tudes using Blaauw’s (1963) luminosity calibration and solutions for the Galactic rotation constants are dis- the B—V color excesses from Johnson’s (1966) intrinsic cussed. Section V describes the comparison of stellar colors with R=3.0 for the ratio of total-to-selective and gas velocities and Sec. VI discusses evidence for absorption. Distances from the Galactic center were noncircular group motions among the supergiants. computed on the assumption that the sun’s distance is 10 kpc. * Visting Astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in The model radial velocity is the velocity that a star Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science would be expected to have on the basis of an adopted Foundation. f Now at Dyer Observatory, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, model for the Galactic rotation. From the exact equa- Tennessee. tion for differential rotation and assuming separable 602 © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System 602H . 75. KINEMATICS OF SUPERGIANTS 603 Table I. The catalogue of supergiants. 1970AJ Sources of information Star Sp. type B V B-V Vel. V mod. Assoc, or cluster Sp. Phot. Vel. HD 164032 B1 IB .9 -3.2 7.48 .14 2.63 7.37 SGR 0B5 44 44 HD 161291 Bl IAB 1.5 .6 8.89 .75 2.73 7.27 SGR 0B5 44 44 HD 164019 BO IA 1.9 -2.6 9.31 .26 6.08 3.93 -27.7 -1.9 44 95 39/98 HD 163428 Ml IB 5.6 .3 6.65 2.03 1.12 8.88 -12.01 SGR 081 13 18 98 HD 164514 A5 IA 7.1 -.2 7.42 1.09 2.73 7.30 -1.6 -.0 SGR OBI NGC 6514 66 51 98 HD 164402 BO IB 7.2 -.0 5.84 .01 1.45 8.57 -13.0 -6.2 SGR OBI 51 98 HD 148743 A7 IB 8.0 26.7 6.49 .37 1.34 8.68 5.01 48 27 HD 165516 BO.5 IB 8.9 -.4 6.29 .12 1.50 8.52 -9.2 -4.9 SGR OBI 66 95 38/98 HD 165784 A2 IA 9.1 -.7 6.86 .87 2.43 7.61 -15.5 SGR OBI 66 51 98 HD 166167 B9 IB 9.4 -1.0 8.29 .56 2.61 7.44 SGR OBI 66 44 MU SGR B8 IA 10.0 -1.6 3.85 .23 1.08 8.94 -6,0 -6.6 SGR OBI 66 18 98 HD 167264 BO IA 10.4 -1.7 5.38 .07 1.29 8.73 -6.3 -5.1 SGR 0B7 66 44 98 HD 166628 B3 IA 11.2 -.5 7.17 .59 2.61 7.46 11.5 4.7 SGR 0B4 66 44 27>37/98 AX SGR G8 IA 11.6 .7 7.40 2.03 3.02 7.07 15.0 8.3 SGR 0S4Ï 68 51 98 HD 167287 B1 IB 12.0 -.9 8.30 .0T 66 98 -19 4955 B3 IA 12.2 -1.6 8.90 .96 3.02 7.08 6.0 SGR 0B4 44 44 98 HD 167356 AO IA' 12.6 -2.0 6.10 -1.01 66 25/98 HD 168021AB BO IB 12.7 -1.4 6.43 .27 1.32 8.71 7.7 -3.9 SGR 0B4 NGC 6603 66 48 37/38/98 HD 168021C B0.5 IB 12.7 -1.0 7.87 .24 2.63 7.46 27.3 6.7 SGR 0B4 NGC 6603 37 51 37/98 HD 174947 K1 IB 14.0 “10.1 5.69 2.18 • 26 9.75 -4,01 51 18 98 HD 168552 B3 IB 14.2 -1.3 8.09 .36 2.87 7.25 -7.4 10.9 SER OBI 66 51 98 HD 171012 BO.5 IA 14.5 -4.4 6.94 .47 1.72 8.34 -7.4 .7 66 51 37/98 HD 171432 B1 IA 14.6 -5.0 7.20 .23 3.09 7.05 12.8 14.0 66 51 98 HD 168607 B9 IA+ P 15.0 -.9 8.29 1.60 2.36 7.75 -30.01 SER OBI NGC 6618 66 44 98 HD 168625 B8 I A* 15.0 -1.0 8.41 1.46 2.81 7.33 -4.01 SER OBI NGC 6618 66 44 98 HD 165319 BO IA 15.1 3.3 7.94 .59 2,05 8.04 30.01 66 44 98 HD 167838 B5 IA 15.4 .3 6.73 .46 2.57 7.55 9.0 SER OBI 56 44 27/38/98 HD 168814 A2 IB 16.8 -.2 7.30 -15.01 66 98 HD 167451 BO.5 IB 16,8 1.5 8.23 .79 1.45 8.62 -9.2 -1.2 SER OBI 66 44 37/98 HD 170938 B1 IA 16.8 -3.0 7.87 .85 1.79 8.31 27.01 66 44 98 -14 5037 B1.5 IA 16.9 -.9 8.24 1.39 1.08 8.97 SCT 0B3 66 44 -14 5029 B1.5 IB 17.2 -.4 9.61 1.15 1.79 8.31 23.01 SCI 0B3 44 44 98 -14 5030 B5 IA 17.3 -.5 9.52 1.03 4.23 6.09 44 44 HD 169454 81 IA+ 17.5 -.7 6.61 .94 1,85 8.26 -15.2 3.5 SCT 083 66 44 98 HD 169034 B5 IA 17.6 -.1 8.14 1.25 1.65 8.44 3.0 1.4 SCT 0B3 66 44 98 HD 167330 09 I-II 17.6 2.2 8.23 .66 -36.01 66 44 98 HD 167311 BO IB 17.7 2.2 8.61 1.01 1.28 8.79 -4.0 -2.6 SER 082 64 51 99 CASE 49 M2 IAB 17.8 -.6 11.12 3.14 2.78 7.40 SER OBI 83 83 -12 4970 BO.5 IA 18.0 1.6 8.78 1.02 1.68 8.23 SER 0B2 66 44 HD 171094 M2 IAB 18.3 -2.4 8.22 2.29 2.37 7.79 83 63 HD 170177 BO.5 IA 18.3 -1.2 9.44 .80 3.45 6.81 13.01 45 45 98 HD 170159 BO.5 IB 18.8 -.9 8.36 .59 2,03 8.10 12.4 6.4 SER OBI 66 44 37#98 -13 5061 A3 IA 19.2 -3.7 9.86 .92 9,59 3.30 45 45 HD 170716 B1 IB 19.7 -1.2 9.47 .42 4,41 6.04 30.6, 37.2 66/44 44 73 HD 169754 BO.5 IA 20.0 .2 8.38 1.06 1,48 8.63 32.01 66 44 98 -12 5166 BO.5 I 20.1 -1.8 9.81 .70 4.09 6.32 38.9, 33.8 45 45 73 RZ SCT 83 IB 21.9 1.3 7.50 .75 1.28 8.83 -28.31 66 51 98 HD 172403 B9 IB 23.5 -1.7 8.48 .80 2.04 8.17 45 45 HD 173010 BO IAE 23.7 -2.5 9.18 .83 3.61 6.85 43.9 31.9 45 45/74 74 HD 173783 ■09 I 25.1 -5.2 9.32 .52 4.04 6.57 47.7 39.6 66 51 73 -6 4834 83 IB 25.6 -.8 10.97 .50 8.91 4.32 36.lj 74 74 74 -6 4837 81.5 IB 26.0 -1.0 9.81 .34 6,00 5.31 67.81 74 74 74 HD 173987 BO.5 IAB 26.9 -2.3 8.92 .36 4.55 6.29 55.8 48.6 45/66 45 39/73/98 HD 173820 09 I 26.9 -2.0 9.97 .27 7.69 4.69 41.9 83.8 36/74 74 37/74 HD 176077 Bl IA 27.2 -5.0 9.55 .33 7,94 4.67 45 45 -4 4573 B8 IAB 28.0 -.8 9.71 1.08 3.77 6.90 45 45 HD 173438 BO.5 IA 28.2 -.8 8.23 .80 1,98 8.31 31.0 10.9 66 44 37/73/98 HD 164353 B5 IB 29.7 12.6 3.97 .02 .73 9.37 -4,4* CDU 359 66 29/52 27/98 -1 3542 B8 IA 30.7 1.5 9.22 1.50 2.22 8.17 45 45 UW AQL MO IAB 34.0 -1.2 8.74 2.60 1.96 8.45 83 83 HD 172365 F9 IB 36.3 5.1 6.36 .79 1.23 9.04 -18.5 IC 4756S 11 2/32 98 NU AQL F2 IB 37.2 -7.6 4.65 .59 .44 9.65 -1.0 -9.7 68 18 98 HD 177812 Bl IB 37.5 -1.8 8.60 .63 2.24 8.34 37.1 17,1 66 44/45 73/74/98 HD 178129 B3 IA 37.8 -1.9 7.41 .50 2.87 7.93 36.6 26.9 66 44/ 45 73/79/98 •V492 AQL M2 IA 38.6 .7 1Ó.31 3.23 5.52 6.65 83 83 RZ OPH F3E ‘IB 38.7 4.5 9.29 1.62 .95 9.27 • 7 51 98 HD 180028.

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