MARINE ECOLOGY - PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 28: 147-156, 1986 , Published January 9 Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 1 I Competitive strategies of soft corals (Coelenterata: Octocorallia): 111. Spacing and aggressive interactions between alcyonaceans* S. C. La Barrel, J. C. Colll & P. W. Sammarco2 ' Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville, Queensland 481 1, Australia Australian Institute of Marine Science, P.M.B. No 3. M.S.O.. Townsville, Queensland 4810. Australia ABSTRACT. Interactions were observed in the field between neighboring colonies of the alcyonacean octocoral Sinularia flexibilis (Quoy & Gaimard) and Sinularia sp., as well as between Sarcophyton glaucum (Quoy & Gaimard) and Sinularia sp. Visible effects observed included growth modification, stunting, scarring, and bleaching. Allelopathy was suspected as the cause. An experiment was performed to examine the responses of certain alcyonaceans to each other in competition for space and possible causes of the observed effects. Specimens of 3 species of erect soft corals (Sinularia flexibilis, Nephthea sp., and Alcyonium molle Dean) were collected and relocated in pairs under both contact and non-contact (close proximity) conditions at a depth of 3 to 5 m in Pioneer Bay, Orpheus Island, Queensland (18"40'S. 145"30' E). Initial effects observed included tissue necrosis and destruction of polyps, especially in contact situations, followed by colony reorientation. Long-term visible damage was minimal because, in all cases, the colonies subsequently moved apart. These sessile organisms exhibit a spacing behaviour allowing them to maintain an 'individual distance' in the same manner as many sedentary or vagile organisms. This decreases the incidence of aggression and potentially destructive interactions Alcyonacean corals possess numerous adaptations which allow them to survive both predation and competition for space. INTRODUCTION Johnson 1959, Lang 1973, Woodin 1974, Richardson et al. 1979, Levin 1981, Sheppard 1982); The acquisition and maintenance of living space is (3) via feeding interactions (e.g. Buss 1980); or critical to the survival of sessile organisms, and intense (4) via allelopathy. competition for space among such organisms has been Allelopathy may be defined as the 'direct inhibition documented extensively. This competition tends to be of one species by another using noxious or toxic chemi- of the interference rather than the exploitative type, cals' (Ricklefs 1979, see also Muller 1966, Muller et al. i.e. access to a limiting resource, in this case space, is 1968, Whittaker & Feeny 1971). Allelopathy has only reduced by the presence of a competitor (Miller 1967, been documented in 3 ,groups of sessile marine organ- Case & Gilpin 1974, Davies 1978, McNaughton &Wolf isms - sponges (Porifera;Jackson & Buss 1975, Jackson 1979).This living space may be acquired: 1977, Sullivan et al. 1983),anemones (Bak & Borsboom (1) via growth interactions (e.g.Jackson 1977, Karlson 1984), and soft corals (Coelenterata: Alcyonacea), 1980, Sammarco 1980, 1982, Inose 1982, Sammarco & which are abundant on many Indo-Pacific coral reefs Carleton 1982); (Benayahu & Loya 1977, Nishihira 1981, Dinesen (2) via aggressive or cannibalistic interactions (e.g. 1983). Approximately one-half of the soft coral species on the Great Barrier Reef are known to contain toxic Contribution No. 301 from the Australian Institute of compounds (Coll et al. 1982b, Coll & Sammarco 1983). Marine Science Although the toxins may play an anti-predatory role O Inter-Research/Printed in F. R. Germany Mar Ecol. Prog. Se (Bakus 1971,1976,1981,Cameron 1976),they may also Museum number), and Alcyonium molle - were col- serve as an adaptation for use in competition for space lected with attached substratum and tagged in situ. against scleractinian corals. Some species of soft corals Fifteen pairs were established by cementing 5 colonies release toxic terpenes into the seawater, causing mor- of each species with a colony of each of the other 2 tality in certain scleractinian corals in the absence of species in small plastic flower pots. The pots were contact (Sammarco et al. 1983). wired to a galvanized mesh frame located at - 3 m Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that depth. The pairs of alcyonacean colonies were some soft coral terpenes affect photosynthesis and cemented in contact with one another. 'Non-contact' respiration in certain scleractinian corals (Webb & Coll was considered to be a situation where the 2 colonies 1983). Mortality can also be induced in scleractinian could not make physical contact, polypal or otherwise, corals in the laboratory with soft coral terpenes at as assessed by visual examination of expanded col- concentrations as low as 5 to 10 ppm (Coll & Sammarco onies (distance = - 2.5 cm). Three specimens of each 1983). The same scleractinian corals, however, are also species considered in the experiment were cemented capable of causing local mortality in a different set of into individual flower pots alone as controls and moni- soft corals, namely Nephthea brassica Kukenthal and tored. Three specimens of each species, occurring Capnella Iacertiliensis MacFayden (Sammarco et al. naturally in the field in a position isolated from poten- 1985). tial competitors, were also monitored throughout the Another adaptation of selective advantage to soft study as undisturbed controls. corals in competition for space is their ability to change Responses of the colonies were recorded after 1 d, their orientation and growth patterns. They can actu- 3 d, 4 wk, 7 wk, 12 wk, and 20 wk. Visible effects of ally move across live tabulate scleractinian corals, any interactions were assessed for each pair of colonies leaving elaborate trails as evidence of this movement under contact and non-contact conditions. Effects were (La Barre & Coll 1983). identified as (1) localized tissue necrosis in the region Few studies have concentrated on competitive of proximity or contact, (2) avoidance via 'bending interactions between corals within the Octocorallia. away' or growth modification, and (3) movement or Theodor (1966, 1971) performed a number of experi- displacement of colonies away from one another. Con- ments on interspecific interactions between gorgonian trols were also assessed for these characters. octocorals, demonstrating clear dominance of some Two-way (time X effect) and 3-way (time X contact species over others. Tissue necrosis and disintegration X effect) contingency tests of independence were used were induced in the subordinate species at or near the to analyze the data (Sokal & Rohlf 1981).Details of the zone of contact. specific results of these analyses may be found in the Here we demonstrate experimentally the occurrence figure legends. Higher-order interactions will only be of interspecific interference competition between discussed if significant. alcyonacean corals. We also examine the processes involved in the interactions between these colonial organisms and the mechanisms by which they space RESULTS themselves. The results of these experiments provide a possible explanation for the infrequent observation of In overview, a temporal pattern emerged in the such interactions in the field. responses of all soft corals (Fig. 2). With respect to tissue necrosis, the overall response was rapid, occur- ring within 1 d and peaking after 4 wk. The avoidance response on the whole lagged behind the necrotic MATERIALS AND METHODS response by at least 2 d and remained high for 4 to 7 wk after initiation of the experiment. In both of these All observations and experimentation in this study types of responses, non-contact effects were signifi- were performed on the fringing reef at 3 to 5 m depth cantly lower than contact effects. in Pioneer Bay, Orpheus Island (Palm Island Group), In all pairings of soft corals, the movement response central region of the Great Barrier Reef (18"40fS, was the same. Although no movement was observed 145"30fE). The site was chosen for its high abundance initially, all colonies exhibited movement away from of soft corals (18 % of total live cover; La Barre 1984) each other after 4 wk, and this response continued for and the potential for interactions between them the duration of the experiment. In several cases, soft (Fig. l). coral colonies moved to the extreme edge of the An experiment was initiated in May 1982. Colonies experimental containers (Fig. 3). No directed move- of each of 3 species of alcyonaceans - Sinularia flexi- ment was observed in the controls. bills, Nephthea sp. (C-2939: Northern Territory Nephthea sp. caused a high degree of necrosis SUOI~IPUO~p1ag Ielnleu lapun .ds e.rrelnurS 01 1eur!xold duo103 jo Pale U! s!sol3au anss11 6u1l1q!qxa urn~nelbuo~Aqdo~res (q) .suog!puo2 PI~IJ [elnleu lapun s,r[rqrxa[jeue[nuts 01 asuodsai asuep!ohe ue burjrq~yxapamasqo saruolo3 aalql .~~n~ne[buolXydoxes (P) .I .61g 6PT s[eios ljos uaaMlaq suo!lsejatu! a~rssai66epue Bu!seds le la aiieg el 150 Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 28: 141-156, 1986 Necrosis crosis in Sinularia flexibilis when in contact (Fig. 5). The effects increased further after 38 d and subse- quently disappeared. Under non-contact conditions, significant necrotic effects were observed initially but quickly subsided. S, flexibilis also induced necrosis in A. molle under contact conditions, but it only reached significant levels after 38 d. A. moIle exhibited no necrosis under non-contact conditions. With respect to an avoidance response, A. molle and S. flexibilis both oriented away from each other in a manner similar to that described above, with the response occurring at the 38 d mark. The avoidance response of A. molle was Avoidance less pronounced than that of Nephthea sp. under non- contact conditions. a Nephthea sp. induced significant necrotic effects in Alcyonium molle (Fig. 6). This occurred only under contact conditions. A. molle also induced highly sig- nificant levels of necrosis in Nephthea under both contact and non-contact conditions (Fig. 7). These effects subsided with time (Fig. 6).A. molle exhibited a more rapid avoidance response to Nephthea than any other combination of soft coral under contact condi- tions.
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