COMIC COMIC SECTION SECTION JVoodbridge, New Jersey, Friday, * June 20, 1930 G€06fcAPHV A fciVGfc IS A LAfcGG OF WATGfc YOU CAN'T AT*\\J€fc. A CHANN6L A BOAT • (AM 1$LANT>- c-^ MUTT AND JEFF Mister Mutt Becomes Very Thrifty By BUD FISHER I TRltD TO SC TOt-t> N\e YOU HAD \X UMTIU ttte OUT. WHAT'S IT'S A SAVJINGTO 60WNA RAIS6 rwe A MOT A COAT! IMSTCAD OF UWT - X x (Toor SO SOOM.' CO^A£ OW", ^ CAW S FiGufeeti IT TUJO Mites I'LL we Aft THt%€€. CefOTS WORTH COST HeM CAM SAM€ TWO C£<\/rS SMART. IF TrtG CLOCtC 15M%T X -IVMMK THE SCNSG KAS Gowe TO FROM k\CAT HAS <3OW€ CLOCK >W THE HOOS€ I MVGHT i 'WATCH -we TO TO THE FOR MGt TH£S£ AJW'T FA.LS€ So SH€ F£LL EAT BETVJttH THE NEBBS Junior Succumbs to Feminine Charm By SOL HESS -TOO HCfr *iow- FEEL v*C"r~rEP NOJM& FELLOvV/ YOU LL A COLO 51TTIVJS FQOMT OF THAT i OU6UT TO TA\KE TMO&E EMPTY WATER eOTTLES TO THE DRUGSTORE AvJD <3E.T TWE AWO I'LL 6IVE (TTOVOU YOUR NO, IT'S 1 WOULD TOO HOT 1 \MMENJ IT MEVER PR ACT ICe AMD I Kl BUSY REST1K1& WOULD NJ I'D HAVE RIGHT KJCTOJ PLAN* FOR ME.l 6LAR3 OR NE.OC IF 1 TD AMD 1 VJOULONT LET ME I D\DWT LOOK AMD CLEAK1 COME OKi( MOT TODAV 1OO ; WOULD WOO I'M TOO ISM'T IT KTT TMOLK5H? TO TAKE OATH1KJS LIK.E TO HAVE TUE SOTTLES TERRISLV IM 5O TIRED BACK1, COOK AT TIRED X AM PULL- •/ THAT5 FlKlE. — IT VOU? WOW - THESE FEELS 9O GOOD CAKJ HAROLW WOMEN CA.KJ VOU DO coov- NOU S'MATTER POP? Get In Out of the Rain By C. M. PAYNE , Ittt-kf Ml lr>4teM*. la*.. !*•«• Mirk *«« U I PM. 90.) TOONERVILLE FOLKS *? FONTAINE FOX •, TOONERVILLE FOLKS Goat Getting Fontaine Fox IM«—fc^ Fo.it.iM r«i. Triilf Mirk Bri I' S Pa Ofl ) Cm' B-min Riphu RrwrvrJ ct. >!DEAR!I CAN'T RUN AFTER THE AHEAD, KATRlNH/i! THROW ** THEV DON'T CAU-V CAR AND THE SKIPPER'S SO DEAF ALONGSIDE THE CAR TO THEE POWPOWER.FUI. - KATRlNKA HING DO IT DON'T DO A 9»T OF GOOD ATTRACT HIS ATTENTION SO TOR NOTHING, DO THEY ! TO SHOUT AT HIM . ~X CAN MAKE HIM WAIT FOR / c HW. DIDN'T SEEM TO PAY P * THERE'S NOT MUCH DANGER OF HER BIT OF ATTENTION TO HITTING THE^ CAR BECAUSE SHE. THROWS THAT •, T^HROW SOMETHING IT WAV OUT TO ONE SIDE \* OMIGOSH! OFF THE **XT'S A GOOD THING SHE *O!BOV! THIS WAS RAILS AND HEADED THROW »T WAY OUT TO LUCKY!JUST FOR THAT |,, ONE SIDE PONP J ONE FOOT WE CAN KEEP OUR MOUTHS SHUT ABOUT THIS} THE GOAT'S GONNA BE THE 0OAT f* The News of All The Township Three Sections PRICE THREE GENTS VOI,. XIT, No. 15 WOODBRIDCK, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNK 20, 19S0 Small Boys Damage Dogs Kill Twenty Pets Police Capture Two Barron Avenue Home Barron Avenue Girl In Prospect Street Twenty lives were lost in an at- CHILD'S SKULL CRUSHED Another ruse of juvenile vandal- sm came fii th<> attention of the po- Gets Sargent Degree tack Saturday in Prospect street. Looting Wrecked Boat icu on Wednesday when Mrs. B. The lives were those of rabbits own- W. Hnagland reported that cxtcns-lMiss Jane A. Dunigan Award- ed by George Clam, and the whole- ve damage had been dune in the Officer Meyer Larson Arrests Pair At Do^k With Stolen Prop- xithl'oom in her house at 509 Barron ed Diploma at Boston U. sale slaughter was laid to dogs be- BY WHEH^OF TRUCK erty In Their Possession — Boat Looted Was Partly avenue. The policn investigated and Commencement Exercises longing to a Mrs. Tuttle, also of found that the damage had been Prospect street, according to the- po- SevenYear^iOld Colored Boy Of Avenel Instantly Killed This Destroyed By Fire Last Month. ;lone by Kalman Kovacs, 10; Lebar Monday. lice. The owner of the dogs promis- Morning In Rahway Avenue — Driver Held On Kovncs, 13, and Joseph Fitsar, 13, ed to keep them t'ed and agreed to Two men were caught in the act rowboat had been hired from Jack alnil of Park avenue. The parentparentss In the f)7th annuaal CommefTce- *. Manslaughter Charge. ,,r looting a wrecked boat in the'Mitten who lives at Brown's boat were notified and agreed to pay for : ment exercises of Boston University pay for the slaughtered bunnies. which were held on Monday morning ., nd yesterday, according to the house, it is said, and it was also learn- the damage. Dodging from behind a enr that ting the child. The little boy's skull lU ed that the two arrested had stolen at 10:30 in the Boston Arena, 1485 had just passed, Clement ,1, Morse, was crushed to a pulp and death wu lice, and were held in $!>()<> bail I planks and rope from Joseph Turek, seniors were graduated from the ten colored, aged 7 years, dashed across instantaneous. The driver of th» h for * hearing on Thursday, of Sewnrcn. | departments of the university. Prc- St. James P.T.A, In Hahway avenue in Awnel this morn j tructruckk , Fred SSiglei , aged 35 years, of June 20. The men gave their mimes The boat and stolen propeller were ! sident Daniel L. Marsh presented ing about 10 o'clock, and was crush Garrison street, Newark, is being ;IJ: Ernest Wright, 20, of Morgan left in care of Hatten. Larson took Politics In Schools honorary degrees to twelve outstand- wi to death by a truck, the dFiver | held on a technical charge of man road. South Amhny, and Anton s prisoners to headquarters where ing lenders in the fields of arts and Closing Meeting nf which tried in vain to avoid hit- slaughter. Smith, of 109 Broad street. Perth they.were locked up. The 'Johanna' [sciences. Before a capacity audience Chief of Police Patrick J, Mur- Amboy. is the property of the Riley Kennedy Branded By Speaker I of relativea and friends. Dr. G. Brom- phy, Captain James Walsh and a pa- The arrest was tho result of the Company, of 11 Broadway, New I ley Oxnam, B. U. 'lf>. president of New Officers Are Installed — Woodbridge Boy Graduated trolman investigate! the case. The Perth Amboy Man Gives Inln-jDepau- w University, Greeneastle, ccident happened in Rahway avenue alertness of Motorcycle Policeman York, The owners will, be advised of Ind., delivered the Commencement Children Are Guests At at Oberlin College Tuesday Meyer Larson who was riding along the looting. ietween Burnett street and Avenel teresting Talk Before Rotary theme, discussing "The Graduate's Meeting. treet. Tracks left fcy the truck ilill' road and noticed an Ksscx The Kssex coach is the property Three-fold Dilemna." Kenneth French Canfield, son of ci.ach parked near Acker's Heach. It of Wright. It was taken to headquar- Club. heels showed how the driver had The total of 1485 seniors in Mon- The closing meeting of St. James Mrs. M. M. Canfleld, Gil Barron ave- werved to one side in. trying to -itruck Iiursori that it was peculiar ters and the scrap metal was remov- nue, Woodbridfce, who is among the for n car to be parked at that, par- ed from it and placed in the station. "The public school system is, not day's group is an increase of 400 P. T. A. was held in the school au- ivoid the boy. Sigle told the police ticular spot. He investigated and At 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon meeting the full requirements of to- graduates over last years class ot ditorium on Wednesday, evening. It graduates of Oberlin College, receiv- hat he has been driving seventeen p was one of the moat enjoyable meet- ears and never had an accident be-> a quantity of scrap brass in Patrolman Allen McDonnell issued day's need", said John J. Quinn, of j 1079. For the firsfirst time (in the his- ed the bachelor of arts degree at tory of Boston University, degrees ings of the year. The meeting opened ore. The boy did not look in the di- v nir. summonses to Wallace Bell, of 108fi Perth Amboy, in a talk on schools be- " ~ '*" the hand of President Ernest H. ection from whlcn the truck was Further investigation revealed Broadway, Long Branch, and Frank fore the Rotary Club yesterday. "Ed- were granted of Bachelor of Science with a prayer and the singing of the Wilkins on Tuesday, June 17. De- Further "Star Spangled Banner". ornlng. that the car had been left there by M. Nichols, of u:i Jackson street, ucation more along industrial lines in Journalism, and Bachelor of Mu- grees in the college of arts and sic, and diplomas in Physical Educa- Mrs. John F. Ryan presided at the The boy resided with his aunt, I wo men who were out in a rowhoat South River. Bell is the owner of a is needed. New Jersey is 40 per cent sciences were given to 247 and to juid that they were looting the boat racing car which wus being towed tion were awarded to HI seniors in business meeting. Plan% were com- Mrs. Lucy Moore, of Merriline ave- industrial and only 4 per cent agri- 3G in the conservatory of music. ••Johanna" that waa partly destroyed by another car driven by Nicholas.
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