Модест Мусоргский Картинки c выставки Modest Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition All 700 known arrangements and 1177 recordings thereof Updated May 30, 2021 Arrangement Arranger(s)*, Year of Arrangement, (Movements Arranged) Performer(s) Label & No. Format Mvts Recording Date *score in IKVA archive #=Live recording #live performance Movement codes 1. Promenade I 9. Ballet of Unhatched Chicks 2. Gnomus 10. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle 3. Promenade II 11. Promenade V 4. The Old Castle 12. The Market Place at Limoges 5. Promenade III 13. Catacombs 6. Tuileries: Children Quarreling at Play 14. Lingua Mortua 7. Bydlo 15. Hut on Fowl’s Legs (Baba-Yaga) 8. Promenade IV 16. The Great Gate of Kiev Accordion Nikola Djoric, <2019 1. Djoric, Nikola Signum Classics 0301193BC CD 2019?.VIII.27-29 Alexander Sevastian(?) <2011 (2,9) 2. Sevastian, Alexander Analekta AN 2 9929 CD 2011.II Mikhail Shostak(?) <2012 (11,12) 3. Shostak, Mikhail Private CD 11,12 ca. 2012 Maria Vlasova(?), <2009 4. Vlasova, Maria Art Classics ART-185 CD 2009.XI Accordion Duo James Crabb & Geir Draugsvoll, <1996 5. Crabb, James/Draugsvoll, Geir EMI CDZ 7243 5 69705 2 6 CD 1996.VIII 6. Crabb, James/Draugsvoll, Geir Private CDR 2002.I.27 Georg Espitalier*, <1995 (1,3,7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13) (No known recordings) Dominik Kwiecien, <2013 (4) 7. Kwiecien, Dominik/Delgiusto, Dean Private DVDR 2013.V.8 Keiichiro Shozu, <2016 8. Shozu, Keiichiro/ Satoshi Kitamura Disc Classica DCJA 21037 CD 2016 Accordion Trio Heikki Jokiaho, <2002 9. Trio Fratres Alba ABCD 188 CD 2002.X.14-15 Accordion, Violin, Saxophone, & Double Bass Dermot Dunne 10. Dunne, Dermot/Nick Roth/Mia Cooper/Malachy Robinson Private DVDR 2021.V.1 Premiere @ Sligo International Chamber Music Festival 2021 Accordion Orchestra Rudolf Würthner, <1954 (1, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 16) 11. Würthner, Rudolf/GOAW Pathe 33 ST 1005 LP ca. 1954 Alto Flute & Orchestra Luciano Michelini, <1974, (4) 12. Michelini, Luciano/Gazzeloni, Severino/RoPO Ricordi SMRL 6146 LP 4 ca. 1974 Balalaika & Bayan Unknown arranger (9) 13. Ensemble Scherzo Private DVDR 2011.XII Balalaika, Domra, Accordion & Bass Balalaika Unknown arranger (9) 14. Mushtakoff, Sergey, Svetlana Stolyarova, Alexey Lavrentyev, Andrey Tatarinets IKVA CD 061 CDR 9 ca. 2008 Band G. Aeby, (16) 15. Balissat, Jean/CMOEVF VDE 30-130 LP 16 J. Anaya, <2012 16. Asensio, Enrique Garcia/BSMM Private DVDR ca. 2012 Den Arend (No known recordings) David Aydellot, 2006 (No known recordings) Baldwin, <1998 (16) 17. Anonymous Conductor/H.M. Royal Marines Delta Music Ltd. MC 7153 CT ca. 1998 Andrew Balent*, <1997 (16) 18. Ericksen, Boyd/MRJHSB Mark 265-MCD CD 1997 Steve Barnett*, <2000 (1, 16) (No known recordings) Roland Barrett & Alan Keown*, <1997 (16) (No known recordings) Brad Bennett & Kurt Gartner*, (16) (No known recordings) Jean Bernard*, 2009 (1, 15, 16) (No known recordings) Jay Bocook*. (1, 15, 16) 19. Roselieb, Art/DGSMB Delta DRS 82M-102 LP 1982 20. Unknown performers Jenson Publications JP-1700 LP ca. 1981 Roger Boutry, <1970 21. Boutry, Roger/CMGRP Deesse DDLX 135 LP ca. 1970 22. Boutry, Roger/CMGRP Omagatoki OMCC-1002 (NEEDED) CD? (live) 23. Boutry, Roger/CMGRP Corelia F 91780 (NEEDED) CD 24. Boutry, Roger/CMGRP Sacrambow OVSL-00019 CD 1995.10.29 John Boyd*, 1983 (see also under Slatkin in orchestral versions) 25. Boyd, John/ISUSWE Brain BOCD 7507 CD 16 1996.I-IV 26. Boyd, John/IASB Mark MCD-2109 CD 16 1996.III.10 27. Boyd, John/PV ELF ELFCD 1003 CD 1998.VIII.30 28. Johnson, Barry/LUSB Mark TMEA97 MCD-2 CD 1997 29. Pratt, Stephen/IUWE IKVA CD 004 CDR 2007.X.3 30. Rhea, Timothy/TAMSB Mark 2955-MCD CD 16 1999 ? Boyd (15, 16) 31. Jones, Mary/1st Marine Band Mark MC-1474 LP ca. 1978 This is not a movement from the complete Boyd orchestration above, nor is it even an arrangement by John Boyd. It seems to be a stand-alone work for marching band, beginning with a snippet of "Baba-Yaga," followed by a non-Pictures theme of Mussorgsky, and concludes with a highly-abbreviated version of the "Great Gate of Kiev." The whole arrangement lasts less than two minutes. S. Broughall, <2005 (16) 32. Williams, James/MCMB IKVA CD 158 CD 2005.IV.24 Duane Carroll (no known recordings) Larry Clark. <2001 (1, 16) 33. Unknown performers Private CDR <2014 Scott Cooper, <2012 (16) 34. Cooper, Scott/LHUCB Private DVDR 2012.V.16 John Cotter (16) 35. Unknown performers Jenson Publications JP-6000 LP 16 ca. 1985 James Curnow* <1985, (1, 4,7, 9,15,16) 36. Unknown performers Jenson Publications JP-6500 LP 1, 9, 15, 16 ca. 1985 37. Brown, Brian/GWMS8GSB IKVA DVD 087 CDR 1, 7, 9, 15-16 ca. 2010 Chip De Stefano*, 1996 (1, 15, 16) 38. Peterson, Steve/NUMB IKVA CD 025 CDR ca. 2009 Jay Dawson*, <1986, (16) 39. Unknown performers Arrangers’ Publishing Company APC 103 LP 16 ca. 1987 Dale Eymann, <1965, (16 ) 40. Anonymous Conductor/CJHSB Custom Fidelity CF-1380 LP 1965 41. Anonymous Conductor/CGB Bandboy BB 9 CD <2000 42. Christiansen, Leif/CoCCB Century 18164 LP ca. 1960 43. Jacober/DHSMF Private WFC-775 LP 1968.II.18 44. Savold, Mayo/ACBM Melody Recording AC 70B LP ca. 1970 45. Smith, Harold/GHSB Private P4RM-6914 LP 1963 R. Flores, <2006 46. Alcaide, Juan Bernat/OCSC IKVA DVD 071 DVDR 2006,IV Shigero Yoshihisa Fujisaki 47. Fujisaki, Shigeru/SGHSBD PALS PADVD-0501 (NEEDED) DVD 1997.I.18 Lisa Galvin & Kim Burdett, (15) (No known recordings) Maurice Gardener, (16) (No known recordings: Abridged arr. in B-Flat) Kurt Gartner, (16) (No known recordings) Jacob Greenberg* (16) 48. Computer realization Private CDR <2017 This, of all the arrangements of PAE on this entire list, has to be the worst, most incompetent arrangement of them all. Christoph Günzel, 2002 (No known recordings) L. C. Harnsberger*, (16) (No known recordings) Note: Great Gate is the final section of an arrangement called Mussorgsky!, the first part of which is devoted to Night on Bald Mountain. Kenneth Henderson (16) 49. Heller, David/PVJB WFB Productions 881-3 LP 16 1973.V.11,16 Mark Hindsley*, 1959 50. Clamor, Thomas/BSJSB Genuin GEN 13260 CD 2012.III.26-30 51. Fennell, Frederick/TKWO Kosei Publishing Company KOCD-3565 CD 1989.X.23-24 52. Fennell, Frederick/TKWO Brain BOCD-7 303 CD 1993.IX.5-6 53. Haller, Tom/DASASB Mark 3241-MCD CD 15, 16 1999 54. Hindsley, Mark/UICB University of Illinois Record no. 47 LP ca. 1963 55. Hindsley, Robert/HFHSB Delta DRS 74 131 LP ca. 1974 56. Mullins, Joe Barry/USMSWE United Sound USR 9676 LP 1976.II.7 57. Sedatole, Kevin/BUWE Mark 2005 TMEA CD 2005.II.9-12 58. Shindo, Jun/CBJASDF Crown CRCI-35021 (NEEDED) CD 59. Williamson, John/CMU Private CDR 2010 Mark Hindsley/David Slonaker, <1983 (16) 60. Winslow, Robert/NTSUSWE Educational Recording Services ERS830217 LP 1983.II.11 Hoshima Hiroshi, <2004 61. Hiroshi, Hoshina/EK PALS PTDVD-0710 (NEEDED) DVD 2004? Elgar Howarth, <2018 62. Harper, Philip/Cory Band Doyen DOY CD371 CD 15,16 2017.I.7-9 Harunori Ishizuya, <2008, (1,4,15,16) 63. Ishizuya, Harunori/NHS Brain Music BOD-3080 DVD 2008 (Note that the last three movements arranged are all abridged) L. Kevin Kastens, <1977, (16) 64. Smith, Gary/UIBB Smith-Walbridge Originals 30684 LP 1977 Geert van Keulen, 1992 (no known recordings of the complete work: see Slatkin) Joseph Kreines*, 2006 65. Cox, Rhett/TCHSWE Private CDR 2007.V.2 Paul Lavender*, <2012 66. Colburn, Michael/USMB United States Marine Band USMB CD-29 CD 2013.V.6-10 67. Sedatole, Kevin/MSUWS Mark 50864-MCD CD 2013.XII Erik Leidzen*, 1941 Note that for some inexplicable (the original key of E-flat is band-friendly) reason, the Great Gate of Kiev is transposed to D-flat in this arrangement, which was made for the Goldman Band 68. Begian, Harry/ISYMSCB Crusade Enterprises LP-S 217-02 LP 16 1973 69. Bencriscutto, Frank/UMCBE Ampria Productions 5-5302 LP 15, 16 ca. 1964 70. Cavanagh, George/UAHWE Silver Crest ATL 77-5 LP 13-16 1977 71. Dalby, Max/HSHSB Century 24524 LP 15, 16 1966 72. Fried, Floyd/SJHB Conductor Records 9372 LP 15, 16 1973 73. Hansen, Richard/HHSCB Mark MC 14012 LP 16 1979-80 74. Hunsberger, Donald/NJAWE Silver Crest NJ21675 (NEEDED) LP 16 1975 75. Lewis, Fred/FHSCB Silver Crest LFE 82475 LP 16 1975.VI.4 76. McGinnis, Donald/OSUCB Coronet XCTV 97523 LP 15, 16 1964.III.13 77. Muffley, Ned/USNB Private CD ca. 1960 78. Noble, Weston/LCCB Luther College Concert Band LCCB-5 78 16` ca. 1949 79. Reimer, L. R./YCHSCB Private SWFC-1001 LP 15,16 1974.V.17 80. Revelli, William/UMSB Vanguard VSD-2124 LP 16 ca. 1962 81. Revelli, William/ANHSB Century 16395 LP 16 1963 82. Rutterford, P. J./BHMRM Musicmasters MMCD 410 CD 16 1990.I.18-19 83. Shelburne, L. Bryan/USAB Mark MW94MCD-7 CD 15, 16 1994 84. Schlacks, William/KHSCB Recorded Publications Z 88362 LP 1,6,7,15,16 1974 85. Schoepper, Albert/USMB Hoe PDB-119 LP 1,6,7,9,12-16 ca. 1963 86. Simmons, Harwood/NYCSB Federal Works Agency Program No. 22 16” LP 15, 16 1941 87. Simon, David/AAASSFB Crest Custom SUS32076 LP 1976 88. Sutherland, Ronald/CHSWE Mark Custom 2167-8-MCD CD 15,16 1995.V 89. Thompson, David/BMT Bandleader BNA 5130 CD 16 1996.IX.8 90. Tirey, Gary/OCSoW United Sound USR 3401 LP 15, 16 1971 91.
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