The guide INTIMATE CONTENTS HEAD THIS WAY... 04 ONCE UPON A TIME 06 Follow the guide 08 OUTSTANDING 12 NATURE Usefull information 14 The Calanques, walks and 16 hikings Calanques' culture 18 Cap Canaille 20 PASSION 22 GOURMET The vineyards 24 The gourmets 26 meetings ACCESS & TRANSPORT The restaurants 28 RELAX IN CASSIS 34 The beaches 36 › 800 km from Paris (7h30min), TGV trains to Marseille: › 340 km from Lyon (3h20min), Paris (3 hours 20 min), Lille, At sea 38 › 430 km from Toulouse (4h20min), Strasbourg, Rennes, Nantes, › 670 km from Bordeaux (6h) Bordeaux, Brussels, Frankfurt, › 490 km from Genève (4h45min) Geneva, Barcelona, Milan, Nice... Wellness 40 › 520 km from Milan (5h30min) › 1100 km from Bruxelles Regular trains Marseille-Cassis: and Madrid, Marseille-Cassis: Daily, By night 41 › 1000 km from Munich approximately every 30 minutes (journey time 25 Take exit No 6 from the A50 minutes). The train station is Have fun and move 42 to Carnoux-en-Provence 3.5 km from the centre. Then or exit 8 to Cassis. shuttle bus M1 to the centre- town. The kids 43 SHOPPING 44 Marseille Provence Airport Bus Marseille (Castellane) - › www.marseille.aeroport.fr Cassis (town centre): STAY IN CASSIS 52 Then a bus or train to Marseille 7 days a week, 45 min. Line M8 St Charles SNCF railway station: departures every 20 minutes, Bus Aubagne-Cassis, THE AGENDA 62 then trains to Cassis. Daily, line 68. Link to Aix-en-Provence from MOVING AROUND Toulon Hyères Airport Aubagne (line 72). 64 › www.toulon-hyeres.aeroport.fr / PARK Then the TER (train) to Cassis. TOURIST OFFICE 66 See parking page 64-65 ONCE upon a time… A territory occupied since the prehistoric times Between the 3rd century BC and the 1st century A.D: Ligurians lived in the hills of the Baou Redon. Carsicis Portus was a harbour that lived mainly off Ƥ shing and trade with the 1editerranean. From the 5th to the 10th centuries, its inhabitants took refuge on the hilltops (castrum) to escape the Barbarian invasions. In the 15th century: Cassis became part of the lands belonging to the Count of Provence. It became French in 1486. The town was governed by bishops until 1789. In the 18th century, the town expanded around the harbour. At the beginning of the 20th century, Cassis became a resort for rich residents of 1arseille. FOLLOW THE GUIDE “ He who has seen Paris and not Cassis, has seen nothing.” Frédéric Mistral ST-MICHEL CHURCH 1 Built in the 19th century with Cassis stone. 1 2 LE FOUR BANAL (communal oven) 2 7 It dates to the 17th century. It hosts exhibitions of the traditions of Provence. LA MAISON DE L’EUROPE 8 ET DE LA VIE ASSOCIATIVE 3 The coat of arms of Cassis above the door: ‘Azure, a pale cross of silver, between two also pale Ƥ sh. Formerly the 1artin 7auveur mansion, from the 17thɄcentury.. 8 4 LIBRARY - VILLA L’ARIANE 4 Elegant 19th century mansion. TOWN HALL 5 3 A former private mansion built by (ɯsirɯ de 1oustiers in the 17th century with a lavish staircase. The square has a fountain made of Cassis stone. The temporary exhibition space Les 7alles :oɾtɯes is located nearby. 5 9 Highlight: CHÂTEAU DE CASSIS 8LI GEWXPI, E JSVXMƤ IH XS[R GSZIVMRK ,WU Q, SZIVPSSOMRK XLI WIE, [EW LSQI XS TISTPI MR XLI 6 1MHHPI %KIW -X FIPSRKIH XS XLI TS[IVJYP &EY\ JEQMP] › -W RS[ E TVMZEXI VIWMHIRGI [LMGL MW GSQTPIXIP] IRGPSWIH F] MXW LMKL [EPPW, [MXL PY\YV] KYIWX VSSQW XS VIRX 6 9 FOLLOW THE GUIDE LA PRUD’HOMIE 7 3r Ƥ shing court. There is a statue of 7t Peter in the niche (in renovation). Viewpoint over the harbour Cap Canaille THE STATUE OF CALENDAL 8 7culpted from Cassis stone. Calendal, the hero of Frɯdɯric 1istralŭs poem, was a humble anchovy Ƥ sherman from Cassis who carried out 1 tasks to win the heart of beautiful Estérelle. 10 Highlight: LE MUSÉE MUNICIPAL MÉDITERRANÉEN D’ARTS ET TRADITIONS POPULAIRES (Mediterranean Municipal Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions) ,SYWIH MR E JSVQIV TVIWF]XIV] FYMPX MR XLI IEVP] th GIRtYV] Open Wednesday to Saturday. -t hSWtW E QEKRMƤ GIRt GSPPIGtMSR SJ EVGhEISPSKMGEP VIQEMRW 1 October – 31 May: 10 am – 12:30 pm / 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm. HMWGSZIVIH SJJ thI GSEWt SJ 'EWWMW, TEMRtMRKW F] thI 1 June – 30 September: 10 am – 12:30 pm / 2 pm – 6 pm. JEQSYW 4VSZIRɭEP EVtMWtW 4SRWSR, +EVMFEPHM, 7I]WWEYH, ERH Rue Xavier d’Authier GSPPIGtMSRW SJ tVEHMtMSREP EVtIJEGtWŷ +33(0) *VII EHQMWWMSR JSV MRHMZMHYEP ZMWMtSVW › ,SWtW tIQTSVEV] I\MFMtMSRW 9 WALKING TOURS 8hI tSYVMWt SJƤ GI MRZMtIW ]SY tS [ERHIV thVSYKh thI ZMPPEKI ERH VIHMWGSZIV thI hMWtSVMG hIEVt, thI Ƥ WhMRK hEVFSYV, thI FSYVKISMW RIMKhFSVhSSHŷ HYVMRK [EPOMRK ZMWMtW SV F] IPIGtVMGEP WGSStIV SAVE TIME! Buy your tickets or book your activities at the Tourist Offi ce or at www.ot-cassis.com 11 OUTSTANDING nature The Calanques national Park • Usefull information 14 • The Calanques, walks and hikings 16 • Calanques' culture 18 Cap Canaille 20 The Calanques national Park Facts and fi gures • It is the largest land, sea and suburban reserve in Europe which includes the towns of 1arseille, Cassis and La Ciotat in the heart of the park. • 7urface area : 158 100 hectares (90% marine) • 140 species of protected land animals and plants • 60 marine heritage species *YVthIV MRJSVQEtMSR [[[GEPERUYIWTEVGREtMSREPJV THE CALANQUES NATIONAL PARK Before you leave... Remember to take: › [EtIV QMRMQYQ tS PMtVIW TIV TIVWSR › WYMtEFPI [EPOMRK WhSIW › WYMtEFPI GPSthMRK JSV thI [IEthIV GSRHMtMSRW %PWS TYVGhEWI ER -+2 QET SJ thI 'EPERUYIW SR WEPI Et thI 8SYVMWt 3JƤ GI *VSQ .YRI tS 7ITtIQFIV, EGGIWW tS thI 'EPERUYIW 4EVO MW VIKYPEtIH F] E TVIJIGtYVEP SVHIV Further information is available: › JVSQ thI 8SYVMWt 3JƤ GI › F] GEPPMRK ƅQMR SV Et httTQ]TVSZIRGIJV ETTPMGEtMSRɄmɄQ] TVSZIRGI FEPEHIɄ| Car Parks near the calanques Car parks on the Route de la Gineste Twohour walk to En :au and Port 1iou La Gardiole car park (off-season only) Parking du Bestouan 4EVOMRK JII 0 minutesŭ walk to Port 1iou RELAIS DES La Presquŭɴle car park 4EVOMRK JII MR WIEWSR GORGUETTES FREE CAR PARK 1 minutesŭ walk to Port 1iou With shuttle buses, from April to November. Other car parks (see. p.64) Free park-and-ride, 1.60€ round trip ON FOOT: =ou can reach Port 1iou Calanque › -RJS TSMRt HYVMRK thI WIEWSR in 30 minutes from the town centre. LET’S BE The Calanques, an unspoilt area to be protected... ECO-FRIENDLY *SV ]SYV S[R WEJIt] ERH tS hIPT TVIWIVZI WIRWMtMZI WMtIW, TPIEWI VIWTIGt ]SYV WYVVSYRHMRKW, WtE] SR HIWMKREtIH tVEMPW ERH tEOI EPP VYFFMWh ERH PMttIV E[E] 8hIVI EVI RS JEGMPMtMIW WYGh EW VIWtEYVERtW, EGGSQQSHEtMSR, JVIWh [EtIV, ItG SR thI [EPOMRK tVEMPW 14 | D4-5 | Holiday Bank card Book at the Tourist OfƤ ce Map location vouchers accepted or at www.ot-cassis.com > p 64-65 welcome Languages spoken The Calanques, do it your own way Accompagnied hikings in the Park: Guides’ offi ce, +33(0) / +33(0) ÆFind other formulas to fully enjoy the Calanques ((kayak, boats renting, scubadiving, Ƥ shing Nourneyŷ) p.39 TROLIB ELECTRICAL BIKES AND SCOOTERS Trolib will take you to discover exceptional locations in Cassis. In the village, ride on an electric scooter for a tour with commentary. On the nature’s side, you travel through the he Calanques national Park by electric mountain bike. › Course of 2h or 3h. | C-D 2 | 3 chemin des Gorguettes, next to the swimming pool- on appointment +33(0) www.trolib.com MINI-CRUISES WITH G.I.E. DES BATELIERS &oat triTs in the 'aPanUues Peaving JroQ 'assis harbour. :isit the 'aPanUues oJ 4ort 1iou, 4ort 4in, )n :au, Pŭ3uPe, (evenson, iP de :erre, 7ugiton, 1orgiou and 7orQiou. (eTartures avaiPabPe aPP year round, very JreUuent bet[een 1arch and 2oveQber and aPP schooP hoPidays. 4ossibiPity oJ s[iQQing JroQ 1ay subNect to the [eather. › 1ore inJorQation on site. Information and ticketing at the wooden kiosque, quay St Pierre or at www.calanques-cassis.com 15 THE CALANQUES NATIONAL PARK The Calanques, walks and hikings Whether you are a seasoned walker or prefer family excursions, you can explore the Calanques at your own pace... THE ‘PETIT PRINCE’ WALKING TRAIL 1h1h30 in a PooT JroQ the 4resUuŭɴPe car Tark. Discovery walking trail with 11 informative totems explaining the ƥ ora and fauna of the Calanques... › Open all year round. The 3 Calanques PORT-MIOU The ‘Petit Prince’ walking trail PEACEFUL 1/hour [aPk JroQ the to[n centre. ATHLETIC Port-Miou, the deepest part of the Calanques, is an DIFFICULT eco-friendly mooring area. 16 Walks and hikes in the Calanques national Park PORT-PIN 1 hour [aPk JroQ the to[n centre. The smallest and most intimate of the three Calanques boasts a profusion of Aleppo pines that grow directly out of the rock face. It has a tiny, gently-sloping cove. EN-VAU % brisk t[ohour [aPk JroQ the to[n centre or a hoursŭ [aPk JroQ 0a +ineste. 4Pease note the cPiQb do[n to the Ŭbeachŭ is not easy. The most famous and spectacular of the Calanques is picture-postcard beautiful. If you enjoy climbing, you will simply love its steep, jagged white cliffs. And everyone will enjoy a swim in its turquoise waters at the end of the path... 17 THE CALANQUES NATIONAL PARK Calanques' culture The Calanques, DID YOU KNOW? were formed The Calanques have provided 120 million years ago an abundant source of the magnifi cent ‘Cassis stone’ 8he 1assiJ des 'aPanUues, to the [est oJ 'assis, is Qade uT oJ a 400Qetrethick Payer oJ [hite PiQestone.
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