'.і 1INIAN WEEKLY S*c*md ^c·Uon^EeRtteh supplement of SVOBODA, Ukrainian daily, founded 1893. Dedicated to- the needs and Interest of young Americans of Ukrainian descent. No. 28 JERSEY CITY, N. J.. FRIDAY, JUL·Y 11, 1941 lit \<»A It LANS IN WKSTL·RN UKRAINE Dispatches from Budapest report that motorized Hungarian troops fighting as allies of the Germans are driving eastward in Galicia, Western Ukraine. Lviw, ancient They "have pursued their rapid advance and crossed the Sen·t h capitol of West­ River." a Hungarian communique reported last Tuesday. ern Ukraine. The Sereth is about 100 miles Captured by east of the Hungarian border and fifty miles east of the Stanislaviw- Nazis from Kolomea line, which the Hungar­ Reds. ians reported reaching early this week. The-Hungarian advance into Ga­ licia is probably exciting much tre­ pidation among local Ukrainian populace, which undoubtedly re­ members very well the brutalities of the Hungarian invading forces in Carpatho-Ukraine in the spring HRKBINKTSk.·V WINS KVKKl\<· of 1939. RETREATING REDS MASSACRE UKRAINIANS |||<ill SCHOOL AWARD Maria Hrebinetska. veteran Uk­ BACKS ALLIES day that together with other cor­ rainian concert and operatic star, AT ANNUAL RAL·LY Thousands of Ukrainian na­ graduated from the Washington tionalists were massacred in West- ¡ respondents he saw in Lviw evid­ The Organization for the Re­ ence of mass executions by the Irving E>vening High School of em Ukraine by the Reds retreat- і New York City on June 25th. a birth of Ukraine, at its 11th an­ ing before the Nazi advance, ac- j Russians before they withdrew nual convention held in Hotel Im­ from the city. German officers, he recipient of the Gold Medal for cording to American press die- Scholarship, awarded annually to perial, New York from July 4th patches last Monday. says, declared 150 corpses were through July 6th, adopted resolu- found in one military prison, 250 the highest ranking student of the In Lutzk, an Associated Press graduating class. She will continue tions pledging its membership to dispatch from Berlin says, a Rus­ in another and 65 in another. "continue our strong support of In one prison, he continues, her studies in English at Hunter sian prison director sent 1.500 College. і the British Commonwealth of Na­ prisoners, Ukrainian nationalists, there were between twenty to tions in its noble struggle for the into the courtyard when Germans thirty corpses. At another prison UCYL SPORTS CARNIVAL cause of democracy, humanity, began to approach the city and there were unmistakable signs One of the highlights of the justice and freedom for all peo- all were shot down with machine that a large number of corpses had eighth annual national convention pies. gun Are. been buried in the prison cellar. of the Ukrainian Catholic Youth Regarding the German-Russian , These only wo#oded were later All these reports were accom­ League scheduled to be held in war, the 100 delegates present re- killed with pistols and hand gren­ panied by pictures. Scran ton, Hotel Casey, August 1. solved that "we agree *with our ades. It appears that most of those 2, 3, 1941 will be a Ukrainian President that the foraner (Ger­ At Dubno. the dispatch declares. shot were political prisoners whom Sports Carnival. Marty Pish and many) is the worse of two evils 528 bodies were found. the Reds bad rounded up upon John Metrinko, well known Oly­ and that America should help the In l«viw, another dispatch re­ their occupation of Western Uk­ phant High School coaches, are ar­ Russian people as much as it can veals, over three thousand Ukrain­ raine in the autumn of 1939. Many ranging for Ukrainian track stars in order to help bring about Hit­ ians were murdered by the GPU, of them were shot outright, in­ to participate. ler's defeat. On the other hand we Soviet secret police. cluding a considerable number of Under the direction of Scout­ see no difference between the Pictures accompanying the Lviw clergy, a fact which the Moscow masters Joseph HaJchak, Scranton cruelty, despotism and barbarity dispatch show rows of corpses anti-religious organ "Bezbozhnik" and John Stadnitaky, Olyphant, the of Stalin and that the of Hitler." with relatives attempting to iden­ (Godless) itself reported then. Thousands of others were exiled The resolution urged the Adminis­ tify them. scouts will also give an exhibition. to Siberia or to the Donbas coals tration to "demand that Stalin re­ A United Press correspondent Miss Betty Marko, Olyphant is mines where they were doomed to chairman of the sport events for store the four freedoms to Uk­ with the German armies on the forced labor underground. tbe girls. raine." Russian front reported last Mon the course of the progress they are making as native-born TELL US ABOUT IT Americans of Ukrainian extraction. All this can be accomplished if the young people write No matter where our young people live in this іar-fiung in to the Weekly, telling its readers and us of their activities, land of ours, they find themselves confronted with the self­ experiences, worries, desires and aspirations. For only by same problems of adjustment to their American environ­ imprinting upon these pages such thoughts and emotions ment and Ukrainian background. Whether it be at home, of their personal and group life can they bring them to the with its many misunderstandings between the children and attention of others of their kind, similarly situated, and the parents, or within organized Ukrainian-American activi­ thereby set the stage for the proper treatment of their com­ ties, with their host of complex issues, the problems that mon problems and issues. face our young people are fundamentally the same. The matter is not at all as difficult as some may imagine. Consequently there is a vital need for an exchange of Every day our average young person encounters some aspect thoughts, opinions and experiences on these problems of ad­ of our group life, either at home, club, school, church, or justment, so that some understanding of them may be chorus, which stirs within him some reaction, whether it be gained, and thus a step taken toward their solution. interest, admiration, approbation, condemnation, doubt, per­ To do this properly, however, there must be a satis­ plexity, wrath, or any combination of these feelings. In­ factory medium for such an exchange of views. Of course, stead of ignoring or mulling over them, tbe person should the various Ukrainian youth congresses and rallies may be sit down, collect and arrange his impressions and thoughts, considered as such a medium. Yet their evident shortcom­ write them down in an orderly and readable fa«shion, and send ings, such as that they take place only once a year or so the net Yesuft to the Weekly, where it will be edited a¢nd and attract but a very small percentage of our younger published if it is of general interest. generation, make them very inadequate in this respect. By doing this, the writer of such an article will have , The best medium, therefore, is the "Ukrainian Weekly," penetrated a little deeper than he ordinarily would have had which as the E]nglish-language section of the daily "Svo­ into the core of the problem or issue involved, while- the boda" has the largest circulation of its kind here in America, reader will have learned something of the writer's thoughts and which, furthermore, has been characterized by an Amer­ and experiences on the subject. In this manner a mutually ican authority on the subject as being "very articulate on beneficial circle will be established, embracing and drawing adjustment problems of the second generation." closer our readers and giving them a better understanding Here on these pages can be threshed out practically any and perhaps some solution of their mutual problems. problem or issue that affects, troubles or perplexes our young folks. Here, too, they can gain at least a little of To encourage such contributions to these pages, the that very necessary knowledge of their Ukrainian back­ Weekly will give each month a series of cash prizes for the ground and cultural heritage, without which they can never best contributions to its pages. As already announced the·e fully orient and adjust themselves satisfactorily to their prizes are as follows: 1st prize—$3.00, 2nd—$2.00, 3rd— background and environment. And here, too, they can chart $1.00. ; m p. only whizzes by and drills a hole THE ARMY STRENGTH IS CHILDREN OF WAR in the chest, and the soul runs out that little hole and that's the end. ESTIMATED AT 1,441,500 By VASILE STEFANVK It's not like home, where they give The strength of the Army of (A free translation) ycu medicine when you get sick... the United States today is es­ *>What? You want to eat? timated at 1,441.500 officers and What can I give you to eat when enlisted men. The breakdown is "DILLY, take Nastia and lead into the air. It blinks and sees there's no more mother. Let as follows: her to your uncle. Go that right away where there's a sol­ mother give it to you. Tell it to Officers way, over that path by the woods dier, and then it pops him with her yourself, go 'head, tell her. —you know which one. But hold Regular Army 14,700 a bullet and he lies down just like Well, what does she say? Go her by the hand gently, don't tug, National Guard . 21,800 mother. Hurry, lie down with me head, take her by her hand, and she's little yet.
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