Extensions of Remarks E945 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

Extensions of Remarks E945 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

May 25, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E945 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ALBANIAN VOTERS 27. H55706105E, Adriana, Isuf, Aruci, 06/07/ 67. F55325181R, Alije, Ibrahim, Baliko, 25/03/ 1975. 1955. 28. D25513053Q, Ishe, Kalem, Aruci, 13/05/ 68. F10215141O, Ismail Haki, Baliko, 15/02/ HON. JAMES A. TRAFICANT, JR. 1932. 1951. OF OHIO 29. D30503085R, Isuf, Xhemal, Aruci, 03/05/ 69. I15621127L, Irena, Sefer, Balla, 21/06/1981. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1933. 70. D91001052B, Sefer, Ali, Balla, 01/10/1939. 71. E06125026W, Selfiaze, Shero, Balla, 25/11/ Thursday, May 24, 2001 30. G55605174N, Mirjeta, Safet, Aruci, 05/06/ 1965. 1940. Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, I submit the 31. G50601287U, Ramis, Isuf, Aruci, 01/06/ 72. H46015106O, Fidane, Elez, Balliu, 15/10/ following passage and lists for the RECORD: 1965. 1974. The list of names enclosed, are considered 32. G50610350R, Ramiz, Isuf, Aruci, 10/06/ 73. H10224115D, Naim, Hasan, Balliu, 24/02/ the ‘‘official list of voters’’ in two district polling 1965. 1971. 74. G85504119G, Nurie, Qerim, Baloj, 04/05/ stations in Tirana, Albania, as submitted by 33. H65110174C, Shkendije, Isuf, Aruci, 10/01/ 1976. 1968. the current reigning socialist government. 34. G16010207W, Xhevrie, Isuf, Aruci, 10/10/ 75. E25610110F, Nusha, Frok, Baloj, 10/06/ The Democratic Coalition opposing the So- 1961. 1942. cialist Party in the upcoming election, main- 35. H00507154P, Agron, Idriz, Avdia, 07/05/ 76. G60122106S, Sander, Preng, Baloj, 22/01/ tains that this list has left off many eligible vot- 1970. 1966. ers, thus, disenfranchising many Albanians 36. H86102060N, Bujana, Idriz, Avdia, 02/11/ 77. E95526063E, Ermira, Nazif, Bardhoshi, from their right to vote. 1978. 26/05/1949. 78. I10804129H, Avni, Ismail, Basha, 04/08/ In this regard, I submit this list of voters, to 37. G50916067J, Dashnor, Idriz, Avdia, 16/09/ 1965. 1981. memorialize the list so that eventually, a thor- 79. H35103162K, Gjyle, Ismail, Basha, 03/01/ ough investigation would be possible. 38. H55701143O, Ermelinda, Idriz, Avdia, 01/ 07/1975. 1973. A.—LISTA E ZGJEDHESVE PER 39. H65323143V, Fellenxa, Idriz, Avdia, 23/03/ 80. H35123140L, Gjyle, Ismail, Basha, 23/01/ ZGJEDHJET PER QEVERISJEN VENDORE 1976. 1973. 81. G40621073W, Hasan, Ymer, Basha, 21/06/ [Data e Zgjedhjeve: 01/10/2000] 40. D70605078F, Idriz, Rexhep, Avdia, 05/06/ 1937. 1964. [Rrethi, Tirane, Bashkia/Komuna, Tirane, 82. G01202083M, Hysen, Ymer, Basha, 02/12/ Qendra Votimit Nr. 122] 41. G65620209R, Lazime, Hysni, Avdia, 20/06/ 1966. 1960. Nr. Kartes Votuesit, Emri, Atesia, Mbiemri, 42. H00331077A, Mendu, Idriz, Avdia, 31/03/ 83. H15515299C, Lumnie, Sadik, Basha, 15/05/ Datelindja, Firma e Zgjedhesit 1970. 1971. 1. G00304128E, Gezim, Hasan, Abazi, 04/03/ 43. G35415240I, Merita, Idriz, Avidia, 15/04/ 84. H50514169K, Ramazan, Ismail, Basha, 14/ 1960. 1963. 05/1975. 85. H55514180I, Ramazane, Ismail, Basha, 14/ 2. I20202157I, Maringlen, Gezim, Abazi, 02/02/ 44. H35610170F, Rajmonda, Idriz, Avdia, 10/ 05/1975. 1982. 06/1973. 86. G95802106V, Selime, Shyqyri, Basha, 02/ 3. G25605148V, Roza, Nurce, Abazi, 05/06/1962. 45. D35706039W, Vasile, Zak, Avdia, 06/07/ 08/1969. 4. F90620176F, Enver, Beslim, Ahmetaj, 20/ 1933. 87. G45320312J, Servete, Ahmet, Basha, 20/ 06/1959. 46. G25802094J, Flutura, Fiqiri, Baca, 02/08/ 03/1964. 5. G55401187S, Farie, Sinan, Ahmetaj, 01/04/ 1962. 88. E65314089U, Servete, Hamza, Basha, 14/ 1965. 47. E35315195D, Hava, Mahmut, Baca, 15/03/ 6. G10423106E, Kujtim, Hamdi, Ahmetaj, 23/ 03/1946. 1943. 89. G60521097V, Astrit, Malo, Basriu, 21/05/ 04/1961. 48. D20303059V, Ramadan, Abaz, Baca, 03/03/ 7. G35423114H, Valdete, Halit, Ahmetaj, 23/ 1966. 1932. 90. H35323148M, Diana, Kujtim, Basriu, 23/ 04/1963. 49. G20523093S, Shyqyri, Ramadan, Baca, 23/ 8. D50928015P, Adem, Ahmet, Ajazi, 28/09/ 03/1973. 05/1962. 91. G90907096E, Edmond, Nazmi, Basriu, 07/ 1935. 50. D15930034O, Stela, Ramadan, Baca, 30/09/ 9. G35106059V, Elmije, Ramadan, Ajazi, 06/ 09/1969. 1931. 01/1963. 92. E75224055P, Fatime, Musa, Basriu, 24/02/ 51. I20522164I, Gjon, Naim, Bajraktari, 22/05/ 10. F60201127G, Halim, Hysen, Ajazi, 01/02/ 1947. 1982. 1956. 93. H20607124W, Fredi, Nazmi, Basriu, 07/06/ 52. G25110208J, Laze, Lahim, Bajraktari, 10/ 11. G30831050Q, Hiqmet, Adem, Ajazi, 31/08/ 1972. 01/1962. 1963. 94. G11005097P, Gazmend, Mato, Basriu, 05/ 53. F80202123E, Naim, Latif, Bajraktari, 02/ 12. E15715087Q, Razie, Qamil, Ajazi, 15/07/ 10/1961. 02/1958. 1941. 95. F90205147U, Gemal, Nazmi, Basriu, 05/02/ 54. H45111093F, Ajrie, Rushit, Bajrami, 11/ 13. I01215138V, Agim, Filip, Aliu, 15/12/1980. 1959. 14. H35905112J, Drita, Skender, Aliu, 05/09/ 01/1974. 96. B40310022C, Irfan, Basri, Basriu, 10/03/ 1973. 55. G90425180H, Arben, Tafil, Bajrami, 25/04/ 1914. 15. H40930095P, Gjergj, Filip, Aliu, 30/09/1974. 1969. 97. G60205119N, Kujtim, Abdurahman, 16. H50127091O, Ilir, Xhevdet, Aliu, 27/01/ 56. H40415195A, Fatos, Tafil, Bajrami, 15/04/ Basriu, 05/02/1966. 1975. 1974. 98. H25212157V, Merita, Xhevdet, Basriu, 12/ 17. E20510157H, Xhevat, Ali, Aliu, 10/05/1942. 57. E15110090Q, Kujtime, Ramazan, 02/1972. 18. E25420127U, Zymbyle, Kasem, Aliu, 20/04/ Bajrami, 10/01/1941. 99. H85717122G, Mirlinda, Malo, Basriu, 17/ 1942. 58. E10310150N, Tafil, Musa, Bajrami, 10/03/ 07/1978. 19. H50325205O, Genci, Bashkim, Alla, 25/03/ 1941. 100. H46105098R, Natasha, Hamdi, Basriu, 1975. 59. C85608020A, Atixhe, Mefail, Bajro, 08/06/ 05/11/1974. 20. H65615208I, Aleksandra, Elmaz, Allajbej, 1928. 101. E00620072D, Nazmi, Irfan, Basriu, 20/06/ 15/06/1976. 60. G06111357B, Bukurije, Dylbin, Bajro, 11/ 1940. 21. G70619122B, Andrea, Tajar, Allajbej, 19/ 11/1960. 102. G35524111O, Rita, Qemal, Basriu, 24/05/ 06/1967. 61. H35519110F, Edlira, Rexhep, Bajro, 19/05/ 1963. 22. H30129098J, Altin, Tajar, Allajbej, 29/01/ 1973. 103. H25714111Q, Viollca, Malo, Basriu, 14/07/ 1973. 62. D00607045J, Hisan, Sali, Bajro, 07/06/1930. 1972. 23. H40114103W, Mustafa, Rifat, Allmuca, 14/ 63. G81012088M, Jashar, Ihsan, Bajro, 12/10/ 104. G10130106H, Xhelal, Irfan, Basriu, 30/01/ 01/1974. 1968. 1961. 24. E45307086F, Shaje, Zenel, Allmuca, 07/03/ 64. G00624076L, Selajdin, Ihsan, Bajro, 24/06/ 105. H66020100Q, Natasha, Malo, Bastri, 20/ 1944. 1960. 10/1976. 25. H75406148D, Zhevrije, Hamdi, Allmuca, 65. G35311115V, Klara, Qirjako, Bala, 11/03/ 106. H20611109W, Bashkim, Sefedin, Bastriu, 06/04/1977. 1963. 11/06/1972. 26. G35820191N, Selime, Isa, Almadhi, 20/ 66. F60618121J, Qamil, Beqir, Bala, 18/06/ 107. F75227093U, Drita, Qazim, Bastriu, 27/ 08,1963. 1956. 02/1957. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 25, 2001 108. H35112113F, Mimoza, Qerem, Bastriu, 152. E30715133Q, Nexhip, Ramadan, Bregu, 196. H26216085T, Mimoza, Sefedin, Dajlani, 12/01/1973. 15/07/1943. 16/12/1972. 109. G90429119E, Qemal, Sefedin, Bastriu, 29/ 153. F40101420J, Shkelqim, Zyber, Bregu, 01/ 197. G10314102Q, Agim, Izet Dalipi, 14/03/ 04/1969. 01/1954. 1961. 110. H15723090K, Vjollca, Zeqir, Bastriu, 23/ 154. G60923058A, Shyqyri, Mersin, Bregu, 23/ 198. I15227112F, Elvira, Agim, Dalipi, 27/02/ 07/1971. 09/1966. 1981. 111. E66113032M, Burbuqe, Muharrem, 155. I15218135V, Silvana, Kujtim, Bregu, 18/ 199. G15331072Q, Myzejen, Kadri, Dalipi, 31/ Baushi, 13/11/1946. 02/1981. 03/1961. 112. G80608141W, Eqerem, Ramadan, Baxhia, 156. F60109065D, Skender, Shefki, Bregu, 09/ 200. H10312166M, Ardian, Sefedin, Daljani, 08/06/1968. 01/1956. 12/03/1971. 113. H05812103Q, Eva, Llambi, Baxhia, 12/08/ 157. G75424154V, Suzana, Shefki, Bregu, 24/ 201. G05912099I, Feride, Abedin, Daljani, 12/ 1970. 04/1967. 09/1960. 114. H55623107K, Klodjan, Ramadan, Baxhia, 158. F46214036F, Vera, Shefki, Bregu, 14/12/ 202. H15618121Q, Rudina, Ramazzan, 23/06/1975. 1954. Daljani, 18/06/1971. 115. C75106026W, Fitnet, Hamit, Beja, 06/01/ 159. G16202086B, Zylfije, Qamil, Bregu, 02/12/ 203. E20217068T, Sefedin, Nazif, Daljani, 17/ 1927 1961. 02/1942. 116. H50928118D, Banush, Beqir, Beqiri, 28/ 160. F65413159E, Zyra, Mersin, Bregu, 13/04/ 204. H46229083B, Elsa, Zef, Dedaj, 29/12/1974. 09/1975. 1956. 205. G65611120A, Mimoza, Hysen, Dedaj, 11/ 117. H21118077C, Bashkim, Beqir, Beqiri, 18/ 161. G40829082V, Ferdinand, Llesh, Brunga, 06/1966. 11/1972. 29/08/1964. 206. F51117050U, Pale, Lin, Dedaj, 17/11/1955. 118. D20506050Q, Beqir, Banush, Beqiri, 06/05/ 162. G80131080V, Lazer, Llesh, Brunga, 31/01/ 207. G25310287R, Roza, Fran, Dedaj, 10/03/ 1932. 1968. 1962. 119. E66024015F, Dituri, Ramadan, Beqiri, 163. H21124069S, Leonard, Llesh, Brunga, 24/ 208. I15506144P, Silvana, Zef, Dedaj, 06/05/ 24/10/1946. 11/1972. 1981. 120. D85520102U, Fatime, Liman, Beqiri, 20/ 164. C80814024M, Llesh, Sazer, Brunga, 14/08/ 209. G30926087C, Tom, Zef, Dedaj, 26/09/1963. 05/1938. 1928. 210. E00830036R, Zef, Mehill, Dedaj, 30/08/ 121. H45516162T, Mirela, Beqir, Beqiri, 16/05/ 165. D65903042N, Mrike, Nikoll, Brunga, 03/ 1940. 1974. 09/1936. 211. G50401188Q, Lazer, Pal, Dedndreaj, 01/ 122. H10717121E, Spartak, Halim, Beqiri, 17/ 166. G95923099D, Suzana, Luan, Brunga, 23/ 04/1965. 07/1971. 09/1969. 212. H76201118W, Lul, Mehill, Dedndreaj, 01/ 123. H75126124C, Valbona, Mitri, Beqiri, 26/ 167. G15622103O, Besa, Mahudije, Cabeli, 22/ 12/1977. 01/1977. 06/1961. 213. H80904102P, Nik, Pal, Dedndreaj, 04/09/ 124. H00315202E, Alban, Burhan, Berisha, 15/ 168. F70424084F, Agron, Fejzo, Canaj, 24/05/ 1978. 03/1970. 1957.

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