Portland daily press. DECEMBER 1868. Terms $8.00 per annum, in Established June 23,1862. Tol. 7. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, 7, advance. MISCELLANEOUS. INSURANCE. INSURANCE. family, children and professors THE PORTLAND DA1L? PRESS Is published MISCELLANEOUS. of schools every day, (Sunday excepted,) at No. 1 Printer** daily founded and supported by him, the Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. press. carriage EASE AND COMFORT! of the late Baron, and those of the N. A. FOSTER, Proprietor. family, A8BLRY WORLD POni'LAND. and then members of the central Terms:—Eight Dollars a year in advance. by I&raelit- fcy Single copies 4 cents. ish consistory. The grand Rabbi and his were at THE STATE Mutual Life Ins. December clergy the cemetery to receive the MAINE PRESS, is published at the REMOVAL!” Life Insurance Co., Monday Morning, 7. 1868. •ano place every Thursday morning at $2.50 a year; Comp’y body. If paid in advance $2.00 a year. 160 Neiv York. '1 ue great bankers death has Into -—--- Broadway, Tbo Case of Hester Vaughn. brought OFFICE 291 BROADWAY, Rates of Advertising.—One inch of in conspicuous notice some of the Israe itish space, that an length oi column, constitutes a “square.” Tlie Blessing oi Perfect Bight! We observe with some surprise of. Features. funeral obsci vances. is one $1.50 per first week. 75 cents Special There that peo- square daily per There is so as New-Yorlc, fort is made on tbe of certain joui- or notliiug valuable Perfect Sight, being part ple week after; three insertions, less, $1.00; contmu- have found quite touching. It is the cus- ng every other day alter first week, 50 cents. and to the l ,tn AND PERFECT SIGHT Mutual Premiums nals, religions secular, misrepresent of *bc Hall square, three insertions or less, 75 cents: one CAPITAL,.$150,000. children or nearest relations ap- §1.00; 50 cents week alter. motives of those benevolent ladies and gen- week, pe can be obtained using Lower than those of a majority of the Ufe In- proach!,,, the deceased before the coffin is Under head of $2.00 per square only by LEMUEL “Amusements,” BANGS. President, surance Companies in the United States. tlemen in New York who are endeavoring to closed, per week; three insertions or less, $1.50. Perfect ! GEO. ELLIOTT Vice Pres and Sec. touching the feet of the body aod Special $1.25 square for the first Spectacles obtain a commutation oi the death sentence Notices, per EMORY M’CLINTOCK, Actuary humbly imploring patj0(1 and 25 cents square tor each subse- & Non-Pa rti cipating Prem i urns, ,rom God and th, Insertion, per LORING THURSTON, The of which is well known. of difficulty procuring the unfortunate Hester The if ever buent insertion, claims ofler unusual I.ower ttan Vaughn. deceased the, have had inserted in the ‘Maine STATE Asbury to advantages those charged by any purely Liie the misfor- Advertisements the pub'ic in in the World. movement is as an to a circulation m THE taking policies. Company represented attempt tune to offend him either Press” (which has large every part it has b, word or lor first Messrs. LAZARUS & Commencing business only in April last, the ot action, ct the State) lor $1.00 per square insertion Marine MORRIS, received lighten penalties infanticide, and to re- a moment half Fire & Underwriters, been with so much favor that its assurances and resting inclined as aud 50 cents per square lor each subsequent inser Losses it OCULISTS AND for the first six mon’hs amounted to over $1,000,000 move the few feeble restraints fciou. OPTICIANS, which the fear tor a week and are rapidly increasing day by day. Paid In 30 days after duo notice and satliactory waiting forgiveness. During the JOSEPH W. AKERS now on HARTFORD, CONN., Manufacturers proof of death. of punishment imposes the commis- same clothes are worn the near for the and by relatives, Js State Agent Press, Daily Weekly, the Celebrated sion oi local [of this frightfully prevalent crime. Noth- who a life aim is authorized to appoint Agents, receive George L. Kimball, Thirty Days’ Orace lead during those days of absti- u Inscriptions and to settle bills. could be more unfair than this. ing The im- often on the and Allowed in the oi Renewal Premi- nence, sitting Door, visiting PERFECTED SPECTACLES, General Maine. payment motive of these benevolent Agent for ums. pelling people is ouly the afflicted. Have Removed have after years of experiment and the SUSIWESS CARDS. experience, not a want of detestation crime erection of been enabled to Office 88 Port* for tbe for James Baron de Rothschild is the same costly machinery, pro- Exchange Street, opposite Dividends are Annual duce that Grand Desideratum, wbicli Hester Pes but a -TO- laud Savings Bank, Portland* Vaughn condemned, Disraeli depicted in his novel “Con ingsby,” join M. CHURCH, Alter two years, and Increase with the a<je ol and not Perfect Spectacles. strong ill-founded doubt of her hav- under the name Reference by Permission: the Policy, of Sidonia. He is said to DEPUTY TV. ing committed the crime at all. Tlie fact of SHERIFF, J. Si II. HcDIVIEE, Sole Agent. Gov. JOSHCA L. CflAMBERLAIX. have had a sort of Franklinian in for Portland# deadly All Policies simplicity OFFICE address, Naples, Maine. All busi- Hon. James G. Blaine, Augusta. her does not means to John guilt by any appear his manner of living, and not to have loved POSTness by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Hon. J. Perry, Oxford. Are non-forieitable. have been beyond But little November 16. 5w VI OTICE is hereby given that the following peti- Bxird of Local Reference in Portland: put question. rhetoric or that enthusiasm which is wasted No. 28 EXCHANGE JlI lion will be to the of STREET, presented Legislature Hon. Israel No Besfriclions was done her counsel to forward the Washburn, William by bring in words. But he olten the State ot Maine, lor action at tbSir session Jr., Deering, Esq. though might spend New England Patent Agency. coming Hon. Samuel E. Spring, Charles H. in and all whose inteiests are Breed, Esq., As to travel. points in her case, the lawyer to whom she a few francs on his January next, parties Hon. Augustus E. Stevens, J. S. Ricker, Esq. ouly breakfast and work First Door above Merchants’Exchange. atfectod by the same, can then and there appear and McLELLAX <C gave all the money she had in the world hav- haider than ol his HAYDEN, CO., be heard in the premises. No Extra any cletks he might after- £33 1-2 &(., December 1868. A -GOOD Charge Cougrcaa Portland, UIc#, PcrtlaiiUd, Decembc r 4.—11* 1st, INCOME ing apparently little interest in the fate of wards treat himself to a magnificent For Army and Navy Officer*. picture his client after the fee was in his DEALEES IN VALUABLE PATENTS! STATE OF MAINE. can bo secured in every county by earnest, active pocket.— or equally costly statue and give two or three eanvasdnz to the above Patent ts and sold. Inventors agents* Apply agency. No Extra Certainly much might have been said in hundred louis to the car Rig’ bought To the Honorable Senate and House Dec 1808. eod&w6ui Charge sup- poor. He appears to are invited to correspond. All new inventions solic- qf Representa- l, tives in Legislature assembled: For Rail Road Conductors. port ot the position that so far from the tic. have been a man ited. Agents wanted. who under seeming brut- WALTER COREY The undersigned citizens of Brunswick In the > & riicular atiemion to and cused of there was no k^T’AIs p given laying CO., County of Cumberland, and in the being guilty murder, quo te covered much charity, and concealed Topsham County Belli gULAL ESTATE iu city and country, ofSagidahoc, and vicluity, respectiully represent Reliable Insurance ? murder committed. at the facts in a wonderful and astuteness under decide wCin that the A. Looking prevision Androscoggin Bridge, so called, 'leading HOWARD FRENCH, Ag’t, across the Androscoggin Kiver from Brunswick to the light of coumon sense we are not foiced an appearance of simplicity. is (he Paramount Cousmcruliou. Topsham aforesaid is now by law a Toll Bridge, and Security Office 100 Fxchansre 8t., to P L II 3IBING! accept uny such conclusion. A The Rossini will have a that the public interest anp convenience require that decldtf Opposite the Custom House, wretched, great composer the same should become iiee to the traveling public. W. D. LITTLE & betrayed woman, deserted in the time of her musical pageant ever his remains at the FURNITURE! we CO., Wherefore your Honorable Bodies to pass It. E. COOPER & CO., pray sorest alone in a an act authorizing the proprietor to sell said biidge need, bare, desolate attic, church of the Trinity, a large new church In with all the jranchisi.s and GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Practical numbers, and dealers privileges, appurtenan- Fire insurance! struggles through her awlul hour un- near the street Chausste d'Anlin where Ros- ces thereunto belonging, to the said Counties of Lead l Iron OOlcc Pipe, llraia, oppcr. Force* Wo. 18 Free Cumberland and Sagadahoc, or to said towns of 49J Exchange Street, aided and untended, and at tbe end of three sini resided in the winter. The ceremonies land Lilt Wafer Arcade, 8treel, Puuip*, JBaihavg Tiibx, Brunswick and Topsham; provided the owners of a Uoseia, Iluiblc Wn*h- the Hide and Leather Ins. days is teuml insensible with a dead will take to-morrow. IrouSinka, majority of the stock present and voting at a meet- Represent following FIRST-GLASS COMPAN- Co., nearly place They have been •Maud Ton*.
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