DECEMBER 28, 1973 25 CENTS VOLUME 37/NUMBER 48 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE A socialist program · Socialist convicted in frame-up/7 · Defend the ~ttica Brothers'/10 In Brief PUERTO RICO A COLON:Y, UN SAYS: A victory was and .Hellenic-American Society held a teach-in at Indiana scored by the movement favoring independence for Puerto University at Bloomington. Speakers included Nick Pet­ THIS Rico when the United Nations voted to declare the island ro,poulos, professor of sociology at Indiana University­ a U.S. colony. Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI), and George WEEK'S The resolution, initially adopted by the UN Committee Lianis, professor of engineering at Purdue and a graduate for Decolonization, reaffirms the "inalienable right of the of Athens Polytechnic University. An editorial based on Puerto Rican people to self-determination and indepen­ their talks appeared in the campus dally two days later MILITANT dence." Discussion and a vote on the resolution, which entitled "Greece: Apparently a U.S. Engineered Coup." has been put offfor some time under pressure from Wash­ The following day, the two speakers appeared at a 6 British gov't imposes ington, came after strong protests by the Cuban ambas­ similarly sponsored teach-in at IUPUI. harsh antilabor policies sador, Ricardo Alarcon. The vote on the committee's 8 Kissinger lied about role report was 104 in favor and 5 against, with 19 absten­ in setting up 'plumbers' tions. Voting against were France, Britain, South Africa, 'HUMANITARIAN' AWARD: A picket line was held Dec. 9 Outrage over secret FBI Portugal, and the U.S., which objected to it as an intrusion 8 in front of the Olympic Hotel in Seattle to protest the into the "internal affairs" of the U.S. awarding to Senator Henry Jackson (D-Wash.) of thE plan mounts Albert Einstein Humanitarian of the Year award. 10 Defense campaign for While receiving the award from the Zionist-American 'Attica Brothers' DANIEL BERRIGAN FALSELY ACCUSED OF ANTI­ SEMITISM: The American Jewish Congress (AJC) has Technion Society for his "steadfast (iiefense of Soviet 15 Strikes hit Nixon's wage protested plans to present the Reverend Daniel Berrigan Jewry" and the state of Israel, the hypocrisy of it was just as clear as Henry Kissinger's Nobel Peace Prize, controls with the Ghandi Peace Award. The award is granted reports Militant correspondent Craig Honts. Miners convention chal­ by a group called Promoting Enduring Peace. Berrigan 16 Among the more popular chants were: "Einstein was lenges coal barons, gov't was a prominent opponent of the Vietnam war. The AJC objects to a recent Berrigan speech to the a man of peace, Jackson is a man of war," a:nd "Jacksor 18 Colo. Raza U nida Association of Arab-American University Graduates. is good for war, not for the Jewish people." confronts Democrats Berrigan characterized Israel as a settler-state seeking About 50 people participated, including activists from & Republicans a biblical justification for crimes against humanity. the Organization of Arab Students, Radical Arab-Jewish Alliance, Young Socialist Alliance, Communist Party, Rad­ 19 Texas Raza Unida Party Speaking of the oppression of the Palestinians, Berrigan ical Women, and others. plans big '74 campaign said, "the slave became master, and created slaves." Also 20 Why CP opposes Pales­ created was "an elite of millionaires, generals and entre­ preneurs. And the price is being paid by Israel's Oriental tinian self-determination SECOND TRIAL FOR ALLEGED BLACK LIBERATION Jews, the poor, and the excluded, prisoners." ARMY LEADERS: Joanne Chesimard and Fred Hilton, 21 Demand freedom for Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, president of the AJC, responded described by police as leaders of the Black Liberation seven Chileans to Berrigan's criticism of American Jewish leaders who Army, face a second trial on bank robbery charges in 23 Why Puerto Rican Socialist "were capable of ignoring the Asian holocaust in favor New York City. The first ended in a hung jury Dec. 14. Party avoids political of economic and military aid to Israel." He said that The trial was marked by bullying as Judge Lee Gagli­ he had done as much as Berrigan against the war in discussion ardi threatened to gag the defendants, refused to allow Vietnam, and accused Berrigan of "old-fashioned theo­ their attorneys time to prepare the case, harassed sup­ 25 History of Left logical anti-Semitism." porters of the defendants, ordered the defendants removed Opposition when they tried to speak in court, and cited Chesimard's 28 Agribusiness vs. farm lawyer for c.ontempt when she protested these goings on. workers Chesimatd also faces charges in connection with a gun Holiday schedule battle in New Jersey between highway cops and herself 2 In Brief This IS the last issue of The Militant before our holiday and other alleged members of the B LA. 12 /n Our Opinion break. We will resume our regular weekly schedule with the issue of Jan. 11, 1974. Letters If you subscribe to The Militant and plan to move HAVE YOUR WAGES GONE UP 29 PERCENT SINCE 13 National Picket Line soon, don't forget that the post office does not forward '67?: The House of Representatives has passed a bill La Raza en Accion newspapers. Send your old address label and your new to allow cost-of-living pension raises to two retired World 14 Great Society address to The Militant business office at least two weeks War II generals. Generals Omar Bradley and Carl Spaatz will get 29 By Any Means Necessary before you move to ensure that you will not miss any issues. percent boosts, raising their booty to about $2,500 per Women in Revolt month. The 29 percent figure is the estimated increase 24 In Review in living costs since the generals' pay was raised in 1967. THREE BANKS YIELD ON LOANS TO SOUTH The bill now goes to the White House. WORLD OUTLOOK AFRICA: In July the National Council of Churches an­ No mention was made of cost-of-living raises to surviv­ ing enlisted men and draftees from World War II. Nor 1 Millions strike against nounced it was organizing a campaign to reverse the was provision made for more pay for the disabled, or high prices in France policy of nine U.S. ban~s found secretly lending money to South Africa. · to widows of men who gave their lives during "America's 2 Exchange on lessons of To date three of these banks have announced they will hour of need." -BAXTER SMITH coup in Chile cease. The three include Merchants National Bank of 4 Teachers' strike sparks Indianapolis, City National Bank of Detroit, and Central crisis for regime in Peru National Bank of Chicago. These banks were among 40 U.S., Canadian, and Eu­ ropean banks organized by the European-American Bank­ YOUR FIRST ing Corporation and lending $210-million to the white THE MILITANT settler-state. Their share of this was $2.5-million. ISSUE? VOLUME 37/NUMBER 48 DECEMBER 28, 1973 THIRD TRIAL FOR GARY LAWTON: Forty people SUBSCRIBE aOSING NEWS DATE-DEC. 19, 1973 gathered on the Riverside County, Calif., courthouse stepf Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS to protest the setting of a third trial for Gary Lawton Business Manager: SHARON CABANISS and Zarebu Gardner. The trial date is March 4. TO THE Southwest Bureau: HARRY RING The two previous trials on frame-up charges of killing Published weekly by The Militant Publishing Ass'n., two white cops have ended in hung juries. MILITANT 14 Charles lane, New York, N.Y. 10014. Telephone: Among those attending the rally was Nadine Owens, Editorial Office 1212) 243-6392; Business Office 1212) a young Black juror who pressed for acquittal in the ATTICA: The Militant supports the 'Attica brothers' who face 929-34B6. Southwest Bureau: 1107 l/2 N. We•tern second trial. frame-up charges stemming from the 1971 revolt. Follow Ave., los Angeles, Calif. 90029. Telephone: 1213) 463- the major legal developments and the defense campaign 1917. Correspondence concerning subscriptions or changes -subscribe now. of address should be addressed to The Militant Business CAMPUS MEETINGS SCORE U.S. BACKING OF Office, 14 Charles lane, New York, N.Y. 10014. GREEK COUP: The Militant has' received reports of sev­ Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y. Sub­ eral campus meetings protesting the coup d'etat in Greece. Introductory ollar-S1/3months scriptions: Domestic: SS a year; foreign, sa. By first­ Sixty students attended a forum at the University of ( ) $) for three months of The Militant. class mail: domestic and Canada, S25; all other coun­ Washington in Seattle. The gathering was cosponsored. ( ) $2 for three months of The Militant. and three months tries, S41. Air printed matter: domestic ond Conada, of the International Socialist Review. by the Young Socialist Alliance and the Greek Student >32; Mexico and the Caribbean, S30; latin America ( ) $5 for one year of The Militant and Europe, 540; Africo, Australia, and Asia !including Organization. Speakers included Stamitis Tsitsopoulos, ( ) New ( ) Renewal USSR), SSO. Write for sealed air postage rates. a former linguistics professor at the campus, and George For tubscriptions airmailed from New York and then Kontanis, a participant in the 1965 student-worker up­ posted from london directly: Britain and Ireland, l1.20 ADDRESSNAME----------------- ______________________ for 10 issues, l4.50 for one yeor; Continental Europe, surge in Greece and a member of the Socialist Workers ll.SO far 10 issues, l5.50 for one yeor. Send banker's Party. CITY _______ STATE----ZIP----- draft directly Ia Pathfinder Press, 47 The Cut, london, Two teach-ins were held in Indiana to protest U.S.
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