April 2017 BulletinBulletin 3434 ofof thethe EurasianEurasian DryDry GrasslandGrassland GroupGroup Content Editorial 1 Dear members of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group, Eurasian Dry Grassland 2 Group We are pleased to present the new issue of the EDGG Bulletin, which comes Elections for EDGG EC: Call 3 for nominations with several important official announcements, such as the third call for the 14th Eurasian Grassland Conference, to be held in Latvia and Western Lithua‐ Third call EGC 2017 4-13 nia, with extended registration deadlines. We also include a report about the GrassPlot database, with an invitation to join its Consortium, as well as short Invitation to contribute to 14-18 reports and invitations to join other EDGG‐affiliated vegetation‐plot data‐ the vegetation-plot data- bases of EDGG bases. Last but not least, this issue also contains a call for nominations for the elections to the EDGG Executive Committee 2017‐2019, with deadline on 15 May 2017. We encourage all of you to participate actively in this election, Acic et al.: Biodiversity 19-31 patterns of dry grasslands and to consider nominating yourselves or others as candidates for the elec‐ at the meeting point of tion . Central Europe and the This issue also includes a report on the 9th EDGG Field Workshop in Serbia, Balkans: Impressions and and two forum papers dealing with different conservation aspects of Ukrain‐ first results from the 9th ian steppes. EDGG Field Workshop in Serbia We encourage all of you again to send us your grassland‐related papers to be included in the section devoted to recent publications of our members. And Tokarsky & Tokarskaya: 32-37 finally, we would like to take the opportunity again to emphasize that the Review of current state, Bulletin welcomes submissions of scientific articles (in the form of Research threats and necessity of papers, Forum papers, Reviews or Reports). conservation of the origi- nal flora and fauna of East We hope that reading the Bulletin will inspire you to new ideas and discover‐ Ukraine steppes ies that, in turn, will find their place on the pages of future issues. Vasyliuk: Chronicles of the 38-41 protection of Tarutyn- sk'kyj Steppe Anna Kuzemko, Idoia Biurrun & the Editorial Board Short contributions 42-43 Book reviews 44-45 Recent publications of our 46 members At the top: Natural habitat of Hyacinthella pallasiana near Volnukhine village, Lutuhine Forthcoming events 47 district, Lugask region, Ukraine. Photo: M. Peregrym. 2 Bulletin of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group 34 A pril 2017 Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG) The Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG) is a To become a member of the Eurasian Dry Grass‐ network of researchers and conservationists land Group or its subordinate units, please send The basic aims of the EDGG interested in any type of Palaearctic natural and an e‐mail to Idoia Biurrun, including your name are: semi‐natural grasslands. It is an official subgroup and complete address, and specify any of the to compile and to of IAVS (http://www.iavs.org) but one can join groups you wish to join. More detailed informa‐ distribute information on our group without being an IAVS member. We tion can be found at: live from the activities of our members. Every‐ research and conservation http://www.edgg.org/about_us.htm body can join the EDGG without any fee or of natural and semi‐ other obligation. natural grasslands beyond The EDGG covers all aspects related to grass- As of 30th April 2017, the EDGG had 1184 mem‐ national borders; lands, in particular: plants ‐ animals ‐ fungi ‐ bers from 67 countries. While we are well‐ microbia ‐ soils ‐ taxonomy ‐ phylogeography ‐ represented in most European countries, to stimulate active ecophysiology ‐ population biology ‐ species' though with some few European countries still cooperation among interactions ‐ vegetation ecology ‐ syntaxonomy underrepresented, the extra‐European part of grassland scientists ‐ landscape ecology ‐ biodiversity ‐ land use the Palaearctic realm (which according to our (exchanging data, common history ‐ agriculture ‐ nature conservation ‐ res‐ Bylaws is included in the geographic scope of data standards, joint toration ‐ environmental legislation ‐ environ‐ the EDGG!) is still grossly underrepresented. projects). mental education. To achieve its aims, the EDGG provides seven instruments for the exchange of information among grassland researchers EDGG Subgroups and conservationists: the Bulletin of the EDGG The members are automatically included in the juergen.dengler@uni‐bayreuth.de): 102 mem‐ (published quarterly); regional subgroup of the region in which they bers reside. If you additionally wish to join the Topi‐ South-East European Dry Grasslands (SEEDGG) the EDGG homepage cal Subgroup on Grassland Conservation and (contact: Iva Apostolova ‐ [email protected]): 306 Restoration, just send an e‐mail to the Member‐ (www.edgg.org); members ship Administrator ([email protected] or e‐mails via our mailing list [email protected]). Mediterranean Dry Grasslands (Med‐DG) on urgent issues; (contact: Michael Vrahnakis ‐ mvrah‐ Arbeitsgruppe Trockenrasen (Germany) [email protected]): 325 members the Eurasian Grassland (contact: Thomas Becker ‐ beckerth@uni‐ Conference ‐ organized trier.de), Ute Jandt ‐ [email protected]‐ Topical Subgroup Grassland Conservation and Restoration (contact: Péter Török ‐ annually at different halle.de: 250 members [email protected]): 72 members locations throughout the Working Group on Dry Grasslands in the Nordic Palaearctic Realm; and Baltic Region (contact: Jürgen Dengler ‐ EDGG research expeditions and field workshops to sample EDGG Executive Committee and responsibilities baseline data of under‐ of its members represented regions of the Palaearctic Realm; Didem Ambarlı: Editor‐in‐Chief of homepage, Anna Kuzemko: Editor‐in‐Chief of Bulletin, Book EDGG vegetation Deputy Conferences Coordinator, Review Editor, Facebook Group Administrator, databases; [email protected] [email protected] Idoia Biurrun: Membership Administrator, Dep‐ Péter Török: IAVS Representative, Contact Offi‐ Special Features on uty Editor‐in‐Chief of Bulletin, Deputy Field cer to other organisations, Deputy Coordinator grassland‐related topics in Workshop Coordinator, Deputy IAVS Represen‐ of Species Features, Deputy Secretary‐General, various peer‐reviewed tative, Deputy Editor‐in‐Chief of homepage, Deputy Book Review Editor, [email protected] journals. [email protected] Stephen Venn: Secretary‐General, Deputy Jürgen Dengler: Coordinator for Special Fea‐ Membership Administrator, Deputy Policy Offi‐ tures; Field Workshop Coordinator, juer‐ cer, Deputy Facebook Group Administrator, gen.dengler@uni‐bayreuth.de [email protected] Monika Janišová: Deputy Editor‐in‐Chief of the Michael Vrahnakis: Conferences Coordinator, EDGG Bulletin; [email protected] Policy Officer, Deputy Contact Officer to other organizations, [email protected] A pril 2017 Bulletin of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group 34 3 Announcement Elections to the EDGG Executive Committee 2017-2019 Call for nominations Dear fellow members of the EDGG, The two‐year term of the current Executive Committee is new EDGG activities). The nomination should also include almost complete, which means that there is once again an the consent of the candidate to take up the post if elected opportunity for you as members to influence the way the and preferably also include a recent photograph of the can‐ EDGG is run. The size of the committee is set at seven by our didate. For reference, please look at the biosketches of the Bylaws but can be more in the case of a tie. We would like to current chairs on our web page: http://www.edgg.org/ increase the number of representatives of taxa (e.g. animals) about_us.htm. Please send the material to the Secretary that are currently underrepresented, though we are also General, Stephen Venn ([email protected]), Depart‐ glad to receive nominations from anyone interested in par‐ ment of Environmental Sciences, P.O. Box. 65 (Viikinkaari ticipating in the work of the Executive Committee. As we 2a), 00014 University of Helsinki, FINLAND, before the dead‐ represent the whole Palaearctic region and any type of line of 15th May. For nominees that have been nominated grassland, we would also be keen to have better representa‐ by others, please provide contact details, for use in commu‐ tion from Asia. nication regarding the election. We invite you, the EDGG members, to nominate one or sev‐ The election period will extend for three weeks, from ap‐ eral candidates from the EDGG membership, whom you proximately 1st —14th June 2017. During the election pe‐ would like to see being involved in the EDGG Governance riod, EDGG members will be invited to vote for up to seven over the next two years. Self‐nominations are not only ac‐ candidates and the seven candidates with the highest num‐ ceptable but even encouraged. The workload is not great, so bers of votes will be elected. The results will be officially if you feel that you could bring something new to the com‐ announced at the General Assembly of the EDGG, to be held mittee in terms of visions for the development of the organi‐ zation, new skills or expertise, or simply wish to be more in Riga, Latvia on 8th July 2017, though elected candidates involved and share some of the responsibilities, then we will be informed immediately after the closure of the elec‐ encourage you to consider standing in the forthcoming elec‐ tion, to permit arrangements for them to attend the GA. The tion. election will be conducted by means of an electronic ballot. The link to the ballot form and information on how to par‐ The deadline for nominations is midnight CET on Tuesday 15th May 2017, by which time nominations should be sub‐ ticipate will be provided via the EDGG web site at mitted to the EDGG Secretary General, preferably by e‐mail. http://www.edgg.org/ and through a general mailing. So please feel encouraged to submit your nominations of The procedure for the elections is described in our Bylaws. potential candidates for election to the Executive Commit‐ Please note that the term of duty of the EC will commence tee of the EDGG.
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