~brabam l.incoln BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS MEDALS AND BUSTS PERSONAL RELICS AUTOGRAPH LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS GEO. D. SMITH, 547 5th AVENU E, 70 WALL STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONES: MURRAY HILL, 2626; JOHN, 2642 Books and Pamphlets Relating to Abraham Lincoln 1. ARNAUD (ACHILLE) . Abraham Lincoln. Sa Naissance, sa Vie, sa Mort. Avec un Recit de la guerre d'Amerique J'apres les Docu- ments Jes plus authentiques. W ith fine medallion portrait of Lincoln by Jahicr on the paper wrapper, woodcut portrait after Parmentier and numerous fine woodcut illustrations. Small folio, half morocco, gilt top, UNcu·r and UNOPE:-!ED, original wrappers bound in Paris, '1865. $20.00 T he first and best French Life of Lincoln. Dedicated to ".\fadamc Abraham Liucoh1.' ' Very fine copy. 2. BAIN (J. W .). National Lessons from the Life and Death of PRESIDENT LrncOLN. A sermon preached in the United Presbyterian Church, Canonsburg, Pa. 8vo., half morocco, original wrappers hound in Pittsburg, 1865. $12.00 Ra,·c. 11\sertcd are two letters from Mr. Bain to Charles H. Hart, Lincoln's Uibliographer, dated January, '66, regretting that he could not send him a copy of his book, and mentioning that only 500 were printed. Also sends him the names of some other Pennsylvania L incoln sermons. 3. BAKER (JOHN F.) . O ur i\Iartyr President. 8vo, half mo- rocco. Brooklyn: Privately printed, 1865. $50.00 One of the rarest of the Lincoln 'Tributes. Only 100 copies having been printed for members of the Hamilton Literary Association. Inserted arc two Y'v letters from the author, one presenting this copy to Charles H . Hart, and the other informing him as to the number of copies printed and that it was only presented to rncmbers of the club hound up ,-..·ith others of the author's essays and speeches. 4. BALDRIDGE (S. C.) . The Martyr Prince. A Sermon preached on the occasion of the assassination of PRESJDENT LINCOLN delivered in the Presbyterian Church, F,·iendsvilic. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in, uncut. Cincinnati, 0., 1865. $10.00 \ Vith letter from the author sending names of three other funeral sermons preached on Lincoln in Cincinnati. 5. BARTHOLOMEW (J.· G.) . The Hour of Peril. A Sermon preached in the Universalist Church in Roxbury, April 21, 1861. 8vo, wrappers, Boston, 1861. $3.00 6. BINNEY (WILLIAM) . Proceedings of the City Council of P rovidence on the Death of ABRJ\HAM LrxcoLx, with the Oration by W illiam Binney. 8vo, half morocco, original glazed wrappers bound 3. - in, UNCUT. Providence, 1865. $7.50 First Edition. Large paper copy. With A. L. S. from the author detailing the Editions of his Lincoln Orations. 7. BIRD (M. B.) . The Victorious. A small poem on the assassi- nation of PRESIDENT LINCOLN. By M. H. Bird, Wesleyan Missionary at Port-au-Prince, Hayti. 12mo, half morocco, cloth covers, bound ·z in. Kingston, Jamaica, 1866. $7.50 Contains J7 pages of "Introductory Remarks e.Ypressive of the deep feeling in lia.sti on tire arrfval of the ·news of the assassination of the Prcside11t.n Geo. D. Smith, 547 Fifth Avenue and ·10 Wall Sti·eet 8. BIRD (M. B.). The Victorious. A small poem on the Assassi- nation of President Lincoln. 121110, cloth. Kingston, Jamaica, 1866. $16.00 Presentation copy frorn the author, with his presentation inscription to E. C. Stedman. 9. BLACKWELL ( S. H .). Lincoln's Military Genius. Life of Anna Ella Carroll, of Maryland. Compiled from Family Records and Congressional Documents by Sarah Helen Blackwell. Illustrations. 16mo, cloth. \1/ashington, D. C., -1891. $4.50 '' The Great unrecog1ii.ced Member of Li11colu's Cabinct.1' ..\n interesting claim that M:iss Carroll furnished to Lincoln the entire plan of the famous Cam• paign of the Tennessee River. 10. BLAKE (JOHN FALKNER) . A Sermon on the Services and. Death of ABRAHAM LINCOLN preached in Christ Church, Bridge- port, Conn., April 16, 1865. Black borders to every page. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in New York, 1865. $12.00 t, A fine and scarce Lincoln sermon. In it is inserted an interesting letter from the author to Lincoln's Bibliographer, C. 1-I. Hart, sending him the sermon and requestin_g that in the list his name as author might be changed to J ohn Blake Falk11cr instead of John Falkner Blake. 11. BLISS (T. E.). "Clarum et Venerabile Nomen." A dis- course, commemorative of the Life and Character of ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Memphis, Tenn., 1865. $5.00 12. BOARDMAN ( GEORGE N.) . The Death of PRESIDENT LINCOLN. A Sermon preached in the Presbyterian Church, Bing- hamton. 8vo, half morocco, original covers bound in, Binghamton, N. Y., 1865. $10.00. \\Tith two interesting letters from the author referring to his sermons on Lincoln, the number of copies printed, etc. Written to Charles fl. Hart, the aurhor of the " Bibliographia Lincolniana." 13. BOOTH. Confession de J ohn Wilkes Booth, Assassin du PRi;;sIDENT ABRAHAM L INCOLN, publie d'apres le Manuscrit Original. 12mo, half morocco, uncut, original wrapper bound in. Paris, 1865. Pf.- $20.00 I Extremely curious and scarce. The first 25 pages contain a biographical account of Booth and his relations and describe bow the original manuscript confession, ,vritten by Booth at " Garrett's Farm," had been brought from there by one of Booth's accomplices through New York to England. With account of Booth's burial and the trial of the conspirators at end, pp. 120-267. 14. BULLOCK (ALEX. H.). Abraham Lincoln: the J ust Mag- istrate, the Representative Statesman, the Practical Philanthropist. 8vo, wrappers. \1/orcester, June 1, 1865. $1.75 15. BUNGENER (F.) . Lincoln. Sa Vie, son CEuvre, et sa Mort. 121110, half morocco, gilt top uncut, original covers bound in. Lausanne, 1865. $10.00 First Edition. Rare. 16. BUNGENER (F.) . Lincoln. Zijn Leven, Werk en Dood. Naar het Fransch van F . Bungener. 12mo, half morocco, wrappers ( with portrait) bound in. Utrecht, 1866. $12.50 The ,,ery rare Dutch Life of Lincoln. Geo. D. Smith, 547 Fifth Ave1me a11d 70 Wall Street 17. BURDICK (C. F .) . Slavery and its Crimes. A Sermon on the Assassi11atio11 of the President, preached in the M. E. Church at Saratoga Springs. 8,·o half morocco, original wrappers bound in. T roy, K. Y., 1865. $12.50 An extremely rare and interesting L incoln memorial. 18. BURGESS ( C.) . The Life and Character of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, ""ith some Lessons from his Death. A Discourse delivered at a Union Meeting of the Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian Con- gregations of Panama, April 30, 1865. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Jamestown, N. Y., 1865. $10.00 Rare. \.Yith interesting letter from the author bound in saying ;; there we1·e 300 copies printed of the Sermo11 011 the deal/, oi our good Pres;de11t Li11col••, Panama) J u/y 26, 1866." 19. BURTON (JOHN E.) Abraham L incoln : An Oration. Por- trait. Royal 8vo, half morocco, original covers bound in. Milwaukee, 1903. $12.00 One of 26 copies on tinte<l paper; with autograph presentation inscription from the author on 6y-Jeaf. 20. BUTLER (J. G.) . The Martyr President. Our Grief and Our Duty. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. \I\Tash- ington, D. C., 1865. $4.50 2, -- 21. CANISIUS (DR. TH EODOR) . Abraham Lincoln. Histor- isches Charakterbild. 12mo, original half cloth. \iVien, 1867. $15.00 "To Robert Lincoln, the Son of the ~1artyr President, this work is dedicated b~• tl1e Author." Very scarce. Robert Ingersoll's Copy. 22. CANISIUS (DR. THEODOR) . Abraham Lincoln. Fine woodcut portrait of Lincoln with Beard. 12mo, original cloth. Stutt- gart, 1878. $12.50 Interesting copy of this very scarce and cui-ious Life of Lincoln. On fly.Jeaf the: author has written ~- To Col. Robett G. Ingersoll fr-om his Friend T. Co.nisius. Bristol, England, Feb. 22, 1881." 23. CHAFFIN (WILLIAM L.). The President's Death and its Lessons. A Discourse before the Second Unitarian Society. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Philadelphia, 1865. $12.50 71 Rare. Bound in is an interesting autograph letter from the author, 1>resenting xir. Hart with the book. 24. CHAMBERLAIN (N. H .) . The Assassination of PRESIDENT LINCOLN. A Sermon preached in St. James Church, Birmingham, Ct. 12mo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. New York, 1865. $5.00 A rare Connecticut memorial. 25. CLARKE (JAMES FREEMAN). Order of Services at In- diana Place Chapel, on Easter Sunday, April 16, 1865, being the Sun- day after the assassination of ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 12mo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Boston, 1865. $10.00 Contains very fine poem by the author, whose name does not appear at all in the memorial. I nserted is an interesting autograph letter dated Jamaica Plain, Dec. 29, 1866. presenting the book to Charles H . Hart. Lincoln's Bibliographer. Geo. D. Smith, 547 Fifth Avenue and 70 Wall Street 26. CLARK (D ANI E L ). Eulogy on the Life and Character of ABRAHAM LINCOLN before the City Government of Manchester, N. H. 8vo, half morocco, original glazed wrappers bound in. Manchester, 2 N. H., 1865. $5.00 With A. L. S. from the city clerk of Manchester regarding the book laid in. 27. CLARK (HENRY) . An Eulogy on the Life and Services of LINCOLN pronounced at Poultney. 8vo, half morocco, wrappers 5 bound in. Rutland, Vt., 1865. $10.00 A very scarce Vermont Lincoln memorial. Contains fine autograph Jetter from the author to Charles Hart, presenting him with the book. Rare Lincoln Poem, 1865 28. CLARK (W. H.) . Lines on the Death of A. LINCOLN, Presi- dent of the United States. 7 stanzas on a narrow 8vo sheet.
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