" - 01 oman Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of I(}W(l City Established in 1868 - Fivc Centa a Copy Member of Associated Prest - AP lased Wire and Pboto Sen1c:o Iowa City. la.• Thursct.y. October 11. 1958 . ,Ing•, : . .,' as ectlon ,~ lAP WI"" ••'.I (MIY STENGJEL. mana.. r of world champion N.w y.rk Y.nk.... ,rl". at hi. record br.. kl", catch. The Weath ... er V.. i ""a •• th,y c.I,bra... , .. vlcto,y ,."r the I,ooklyn Dodt',... ..,,. dre.,. In a rK,rd I,ustice D~padment Offidal" Says U.S. W~tch.es .",.""n, 10 run. durl ... the W.rld Strl... pickln. up four .f them Wed",_y with two holM run•. Many' Negroes' Denied Vote Right Four ·Homers Cloudy For :Tre~ds . WASHINGTON t.fI - The Sen· erable number or, white voters" to know what has been going on ory Wild 'Chinese Mobs and ate Elections subcommltlee was wefC challcnged, as well .. some In some Southern states. n errl't . I T . , Power Way·,' told Wednesday that thousands of 3,000 Negroes. In Ouachita Parish, he went on. Warmer qualified Negroes in Louisiana In Monroe, M.rs. Mae LlH:key. more ~han 4,qoo Negro voters had JUNEAU, Aillska til - Alaska's and other Southern states arc be· the parish registrar of voters said been qualified In Wards 3 and 10 Democrata ran up a big Icad wed- ,/ nesday In mounting returns Crom ' Wr~ck · lilong Kong Shlrtsil.oeves will be back in ing denied their right to vote "mote than 3,000 NegrO()s' felis· under a system of permanent Past Brooks vogue today and yl.'sterday's this year. trations were challenaed uDeler a registration but that at the begin. Tuesday's general election. I HONG KONG, Thursday (All - Sereaming Chincse mobs spread mul· coats can go 'lack to the hanger Warren Olney III, assistant at- move by the parish Citizens {!Qun· nln, of this month only 694 Negro In returns from nearly half the ' BROOKL YN III'! - Slender John· torney general in charge of crimi- cll. TIley were removed from the voters remained on the list. far·nung territory', Z7l precincts - BY Kucks humiliated Brooklyn with timillion-dollar destruction through this British colony in a frenzied until Friday. day and night of riots arising from a nationalist holiday nag incident The weaUlCl'man predicts tem­ nal prosecution, described the sit· rolls, and in further investigations, Olney said this resulted from a including most of die large ooes _ , • three·hit shutout to win the 1956 uation as "mass dlsenfraneWse· about 1.000 have been placed back "schcme o( white citizens and 10· Democrats won or led in races for ""prld Series ior the New York Violence abated at dawn Thursday after the greatest outbreak 10 perature" around 70 degrees to· a generation here. day with thi) warmer w\!ather ex· ment . purely because of thcir on the rolls because they werc cal officials." A CItizens Council 28 of 39 territorial offices and legis· Y~nkccs in lhe seVimth game race." , found legally qualified." was organized, he said, which latlve seats. I ' Police estimated as many as SO" pected to continue Ulrough Lo· Wednesday. 9-0, with thll fearsome Olney suggested lhe Eleetion~ Chairman Gore (o.Tenn.> and challenged almost all of the Negro Thcy led In (lve of the six tcrri. I/! c.king of tour home rUllS , ioclud· 000 Chinese took part In rampages night. Skies will be p:mly cloudy today and lonight. subcommitlcc hold public hearings Sen. Curtis tR~Ne b) indlcated it voters In the two wards. Olney tory.wlde raccs. wtllch include tWd Ing two by Yogi Berra aud a grand Fund Raisef of burning and looting that lasted lit Monroe, La., and other piaces was too late for the eulJcommittec said this was done with "pretend­ U.S. "senators" arid a "representa' slamrrier by Bill S\(owron. 24 hours. where he said there have been to hold hearings 011 the queslioll. ed aCCidavlts" prepared by the tive" to go to COIIIre88 in behalf . After 10ffing six straight at the Alter sifting a weiter of eonOict· BULLETIN complaints. The group has been pOlicing ca"1' council. of statehood. E~ts Field "bandoox," the Explains G~P ing reports, police figured the vio· LAKENHEATH. E",I.nd l-" - In Louisiana, Stalll Sen· W. M. paign contributions and e-l'pendj· Gore noted that federal laws They held leads for 19 tcrritoriii . Yanks again crushed Don New­ lence erupted originally as a pro· A pl.... cerryi", Sf U.S, Air Rainach, presldcnt of the Loulsl· lures in advance of the Nov. 6 make It a criminal oCCense to pre­ House Beatl to the Republicans' J •.~ cqmbe in ' OlC big game to end the test against a minor British gov· Force .nd Na.,y IMn wu report' ana Assn , of CItizens Councils, election. vent a quaU£ied votcr from par- For territorial Senate seats, Repub­ DcX,Igers' one·year rell%n as world ernment o((lcial who ripped Chi­ ... 10", .ve""" W... "' .... y 9" • said, "I would consider this move Olney gave the senators a run· t1elpaUng In a federal election. \Icans lead In five to the Demo­ champions. Jt was the Yanks' 17th Collections nese Nationalist nails from a huge "ltht from this E",II'" .Ir ba.. by the attorney general an errort down on Justice Department ef· Oloey said. the situation was "not crats' fOUr, but one of the Demo­ championship in 22 attempts and housing project. toth, AE ...... ' to inaul-nce the Ncgro vote nation· forts to protect the voter. confined to ' Ouachita Parish nor crats four swung back and forth their sixth 'over Brooklyn in seven WASHINGTON t.fI - Carleton Soon It mushroomed into adem. AIMrican ... and air re.cue aily foe thc Republican party." The Justice Department election to the state of Louisiana." during the day's tallying, Iet;ics. G. Ketchum, who gets a fcc for onstralion against. foreigners with fore.. In both E",land .nd the Ralnaeh. reached at hi, home In SpOkesman said the subcommittee Curtis asked tbat the Justice The election was watched with Kueks. a 23·year-old l'ighUlander collecting millions of dollars for an undercurrent of conniet between Azore. we" .Iertod to be,ln a Homer, said that in Ouac!hlta Par· had not gotten Into a subject of Department furnish him a legal wide U.S. interest beeause or the t~Qm ' Jersey City with lew, break· Republican campaign funds, ex· rival Chinese srouplngs. IWI.p of the mi ••,", .ircr.ft'. ish-county-tIlc cases refereed 10 "real importance-the honesty of brief on the right of the Senate accuracy in prevIous e1ecUorl year& . In~ fII,ht route .t daylight. auff had tbo Brooks rolling out plained to senators Wednesday Mobs stoned cars carrying Brit- by Olney involved "voters lUegal. federal elections." or House to seat any member of tertltorlal results In presaging ar P9~ping to the infield ail through Iy registered." He said "a eonsld· He told the senators they ought elected under such conditions. how It's done. ons and tried In some cascs 0 national congrcsslonal trends - al· the ~nny but chilly afternoon. Be· ----_._---"--------- though never to such extremes as fore it ended, mOllY of the fans had "I don't solicit a dollar," Ket- yank out the occupants. in this north country. ,tted lor the subway, muttering, chum, a so It-spoken professional Six .Brltons were hospitalized In the race for delegate to Con· " 0 il!JJne..»~YlL" - _ . ,- ' 't' ~[ I~ , l>~rgh _ and dozens of others were treated gress, E. L. BarUctt, the blcn,lital · :ClImaxing this fine eO{llebaCk New ,York, Citu tola ,JIlejab'Crs or forten SIOlfI lroIInd . , Democratic Wilmer, ran' up a mar· iftel' losing tbo lirst two games iii the Electidris1subcoAUtlttt,ee "It's About 7,000 pollee, the colony s gin of nearly 2 to 1 over Byron Gil­ Brooklyn, the YllnkeM ended a all done by volunteers." 'enUre .. 5egular r"ree •. ~reti tholl' lam, Cormer Fairbanks merchant. two-year span or National l;cague K~t<:hu!ll. saID IJ.I¥ or:ap£Zatio'. $lR1dI! Ot t~arigas shells lD repeated The vote totals Wcdnesdll)l in­ supremacy and restored the Ameri, Ket.chill"; J life!, ~ .organlzd!l fund att'l!mpt to' disperse tile' mob", cluded : , een!l! edge to 34·J9. Only one other drives for community chests, ' 1IcJS.. WIly,: ~o. havQ th~m. surge back . " . For U.S. "senator" slx-yoar term 'club" the Dodgers of 1955, ever pitals, collC'ges. "and the Repub. a~~ln. ,.. .' . TERRAZZANO, Italy til - Two captured, and the children - rang· lice to cloBe in without har. the _ Former Gov. Ernest Gruenin, ·tqught back lo Will a seven.gal~e Iiean party, at nalional, state arid A few shots were fIred In self- mad brothers· armed with guns. lng {rom 8 to 18 ycars - were lib- cblldrcn. WASHINGTON t.fI _ The Su- (0) leadlng territorial Sen. John 1eries aCter dropping the first two. local levels." defonse by police parUes cut of( by dynamite and acid held 92 terrified erated amid a roar oC checrs Crom The brothers, setting a priee oC preme Court Wednesday ordered Butrovich (R), 8,857 to 8,lIn. K!leks, making his first series mobs," a government statement children and three girl tcaehers a large crowd. ZOO million lire - _,000 - for a new trial for five Communists For four·year term - Territor- star! after four reliel jobs, didn't At present, he said, he is ad­ said.
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