■t» ♦■r-.T B A T U K D A T . ATTGTOVr 14, lU T * MARY iianrlf^at^r 1EiJp«fct0 Ifm U i Y LIBRARY Avotaga Daily CfarodatiM Tha Waathar F to Ifea M w lb ag M y . It M I at D. a. u m m the rMUlt that thay wara hlBad by the remainder o f thair fall. Con­ Engaged to W ed Guest ^bloist W1 CAN QDICKLT ARRAN6B A V'^ 8,909 j U t ^ t T o w n trary to Columnlat Waarlaoma'a fW r ms Heard Along M ain Street allegation, it wan dlacpvarad that | | LOW COST FINANCB PLAN t j s k t aad Toaaday, , • ; men who did happen to land In the At Sl Marys’ TH R O U G H T H B BAJNX ' UK. m i MM. WQfMd Tamljoiir water before diaengnglng thhm- CHy pf y Hinge Chmrm ^ful on Some of Mancheitef^$ Side Streets, ^Ttpo ■elvea uiually survivad. So tho AND AGENT Will * fault waa not In tha American Joseph A. Jolinson to PLAN «» la add«»n " to the many atorles t>all people living In an area almllar parachutea but thara waa a VOL. LZV., NO. 278 •a Pao* tt) MANCHESTER. CONN„ MONDAY. AUGUST 26, 1946 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS UtUgipoKt, m i PstMWMU N. J. that war* circulated around the to Maneheater where ao many alr- real fault to American Sing at 11 O*qock atato a week ago when one of the planea By overhead at low altl- training for Jumpa at aea. That on Sunfloy m o n e y A w»«*r «W(W from th« OomectU tudea. He haa mad<f the atate- fault waa Immediately remedied, Services leadhuf radio etatlone wae celebrat­ ON AUTO FINANCING ^ M t T o m r CompMiy worked oU ing Its annlveraary, waa one true ment that he haa lecretly develop­ ao. perhaps our Washington con­ ed a metal which will take the temporary did do aoma good, in­ Joseph A. Johnson, baritone so­ Now Tito’s Complaining «ay yw U ^y rtpolt^ * ‘*5!!*! ■tory from Mancheeter. ' INSURE IN SURE INSUIUNCEI' ? noiae out of the propeller acream. directly. But he never, ao far aa to Ita loMl tiWMinlmlon^toto Mother having flnlehed the loist of Christ Church, Stratford, 858 M A IN ST. T E L . 5810 Local Youth Burns toaMd by tlM itorm ooriy rridey houaehold choree In the l^ rfw m Thank you Marcel for your great we know; told ^ tha and of- the A ustralian win sing at the 11 o'clock service aleap contribution to humanity. atory. That would not have aub- and atarted to pick up In the liv­ In St. Mary's Episcopal church for atantlatrd hla original charge ing room when ehe decided to put Now all you have to develop la a the next two Sundays. He haa gaaollne that explodea ellently. ■ ilirtm i- and M r ^ Harold tha radio on. Juet " » . « w been Invited to aid the regular In Plane Crackup ttoktaftaa and family will leave cama to the announcer elated the ; Local Home Gardeners are a choir during the vacation of Ed­ M > »d T to r a waek'a vacation at brldga haa collapeed, a high* death | Maneheater, aa the parachute long suffering race. First esme the win D. Foster, who is .baritone ao- Urges Reds Justify ton will be reached. Membera of , Ifcore. ____ town, should be interested In the cold spring after a phoney warm lolat In St. M a iy a The Arhfiy and Navy Club tha flra and police departmenta are j flnal anawer to the war-time canard apejl. Then came droughts-and «t-. Mr. Johnson will sing the aolo already on the acene working with .As Father Watches H. W. Belcher of South Wind- spread by one of thoae blg-tlme ressive rains. Just aa they had parts of Hlmmei:s "Incline Thine grappMng Irona for the bodlea.” aor baa been panted permlaalon I Washington columnlats. to the about given up Ih disgust, the Ear.■’ which has been chosen aa ❖ by the Poblic UUUtlea Commlealon CwtUng excited, ahe decided to weather turned .normal and the effect l^at America’a pi^rachutca the offertory anthem tomorrow yilut Hartford Pilot Also to tMnaport farm workera to thla call ■ one of her boya. Once the spade and hoe wlelfiers forgot all and assist In the other regularly Reparations Claims were ao Inefficient they were caua- a n a from Hartford. aon foftod out what Wa mother had their troubles and began to smile scheduled music. As a very Leaders Cast heard oya^ tha radio he Juinped Ing the death of many airmen who ^ Victim in Crash Off had to ball out over water. We again. ' young man he waa chosen to sing Into hla oar and atarted for the And now, Just ns thin]|pi are look­ In Connecticut's oldest parish ' B id w ^ Sl Yeaterday,;, new bridge in Hartford. Arriving might say, in a spat of profession­ MIm Cynthia A. Paisley Asks Special Investiga* al Jealousy, thst the Washington ing up again, blights arc rearing church in Stratford, but entered r In Top Roles and finding nothing wrong, he de­ their ugly heads. Qorii got by with B I n "g O ' Ronaid Pekowaki, of Early Hearing Plan to Use columnist, one Pug Wearisome, we the Army during the war. Mr. tion Be Made of Abik rided to look at the Bulkeley few loaaea as U>tr Japanese beetles Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. West, of think the name la, has seldom mic- Johnson was In the crew of a tank 1 LECLERC bridge. With thla bridge Intact, were kept frwh reaching maturity Pitkin street, announce the en­ This Town, Passenger ity of Former Enro? caeded In having the final .'word-on destroyer under General Patton Every Sat. Night At 8:30 Sharp! Next Month the lad thought It rrtli^t be the by the cold Weather. Seen Assured Atom ic Gas P m c n l H M ie anything, while "Heard Along" m- gagement of Mrs. West's daughUr, during the "Battle Of the Bulge.:! in Fatal Pleasure Ride Middletown bridge and Journeyed ^ Moat-o'f the other vegetables also pe«n Enemy Nations iMth Brat and last, on the last Mias Cynthia Ann Paisley to W il­ but was separated from the Arm y 2S Mata S tm t to the Foreat City. There the bridge hnryrated well until a week or two psge and atilt flrst rend. during the past year to complete 21 Gomes Including SweVpstalci^ Rep&Iican Meeting to F or Engine To Pay Soviets $900,- waa'aa good aa ever. ago'when tomatoes started to rip­ liam Moclay Schmick, son of Mr. studies ncce.ssary for his degree at {. William R. Pekowsky, of On Complaint PhM M 5249 Shoving our modesty momentar­ Finally feeling that hla mother en. From all parts of the town came and Mrs. Franklin B. Schmick of 1290 Bidwell street, stood by Adopt Nebraska Plat­ 000,000 Demands; ily aside, we are glad to be able Trinity College, Hartford. He had mlaundaratood the announcer, complaints thnt black spots were WilmetU, 111. experts to enter the Berkeley Di­ 7 DOOR PRIZES to report the real Inalde on the ao- watching* helplessly yester­ form and Runoff in tha boy atarted back home; Arrivr appearing at the base of the vege­ vinity School In New Haven next Device Developed Even- Italian Commission Ap­ called parachute scandal. We MJaa Paialey la a graduate of- day while his 13-year-oId son, Greek Gavemment Ac­ Ing he Jaamed from frienda that table. Thla Is s' contagious disease month to prepare for the minis- EACH SATURDAY NIGHT Mississippi This Week the radio atatlon in commemorat­ got It from a returned officer who‘ Manchester High school and at­ Ronald, burned to death as a cused by Ukraine of tufdly Expected to proves 2 Paragraphs U HOUR SBRVICB and In many gardens, baskets of tended the New England Hospital trv. ing Ita annlveraary, had a full pro- happened to be very close to the tomatoes had to be thrown away. Mr, Johnson and his wife were uit of an airplane crash for Women and Children to Bos­ Washington, Aug. 26— —^Po­ Being T ^ e a t to Peace Drive Locomotives p a m of tha Mg newa eventa which whole affair, ft was this way: The gardeners believed their married In Christ Church, Strat­ I, yards from his home. Paris, A u g .” 26.— (/P)— All had occurred mring their lime on ton. Mr. Schmick attended Cornell S litical leaders who may figure in call 4166 Columnist Wearisome's original troubles were over but now the ford, four years ago by the Rev. The boy was passenger in In Balkans Now On Long Run Cheaply Australian delegate to the University before enlisting In the a tha air. charge waa that American para- MAMCH^ER TAXI GO. current yelp for help concerns pep­ Navy In which he served as an of­ Alfred L. Williams, who was then the 1048 and 1952 prealdential 'coce conference today pro­ Thla la what mother heard that chutaa werO ao cumberaome and pers. in charge of the Stratford pariah an Ercobpe rented by the pi­ ficer aboard the USS Washington. lot, Roland Q«ro, of 132 MlUbrook racea are cast In leading roles for New York, Aug. 26—(AT— An posed that Russia be (uiUei) aant aon on a long ride to and from Involved’'that] many airmen who Peppers, as a nile.
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