Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 24 AUGUST 1961 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 42 Address in Reply [ASSEMBLY] Questions THURSDAY, 24 AUGUST, 1961 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, Murrumba) took the chair at 11 a.m. QUESTIONS COST OF TRANSPORT WEIGHBRIDGE AT GAILES Mr. DUGGAN (Toowoomba West­ Leader of the Opposition) asked the Minister for Development, Mines, Main Roads and Electricity- "(1) What was the total cost of build­ ings, installations, and other construc­ tional work associated with tl:re establish­ ment of the transport weighbridge and checkpoint at Gailes?" "(2) What staff are employed?" "(3) What is the estimated annual cost of operating the weighbridge, inclusive of wages and maintenance?" "(4) Has a decision been made on the siting of the second weighbridge and check­ point on the South Coast and, if so, what progress has been made in respect of this installation?" Questions [24 AUGUST] Questions 43 Hon. E. EVAl'\1§ (Mirani) replied- also affected. Because of the Australia­ "(1) The total cost to date has been wide nature of the problem and of the fact £88,190 18s. 5d." that the marketing of tobacco leaf is closely interwoven with questions of tariff "(2) Twenty-six." policy and imports, which are Common­ wealth functions, it is felt that the present "(3) £38,200." problem can only be dealt with effectively "(4) A weighbridge will be located at on a Commonwealth basis. The Rt. Hon. Coomera. All access roads and roadways, J. McEwen, the Commonwealth Minister hardstandings, &c., within the weighbridge for Trade, recently indicated in a press area have been constructed and sealed. statement that the Federal Government Inspection pits have been excavated and intended to ensure there was a payable concreted. The weighbridge metal frames market for locally grown tobacco that was are on the site. The weighbridge dials suitable for Australian smokers. In his have been delivered. The erection of the statement on August 17, Mr. McEwen buildings by contract has been com­ intimated that the Commonwealth Govern­ menced." ment had been in close and continuous contact with growers' organisations and manufacturers and that it was unanimously UNEMPLOYMENT IN TOWNSVILLE agreed even by the growers that some of the unsold leaf was not useable. However, Mr. AIKENS (Townsville South) asked the he stated that there was also a quantity of Minister for Labour and Industry- leaf which was useable and for which manu­ "As it is conservatively anticipated tlrat facturers had made offers at prices which there will be 1,000 men and women unem­ were not satisfactory to the growers. Mr. ployed in Townsville before Christmas, McEwen stated that the matter has again what steps, if any, does he propose to take been discussed by himself and the Ministers to find work for as many of these as for Primary Industry and Customs and possible?" Excise with a committee of the Australian Tobacco Growers' Council and the Council Hon. K. J. MORRIS (Mt. Coot-tha) had asked the Commonwealth Government replied- to lend the assistance of some of its "! refer the Honourable Gentleman to skilled officers. It was expected that State the reply furnished by the Honourable the Governments would be asked to help in a Premier to a question on unemployment similar manner. In this way, it should be yesterday. This matter will, however, be possible to make a full examination not fully dealt with in debate in this Chamber only of auction results but of the general next week." problems associated with the industry. A committee consisting of technical represen­ tatives of manufacturers, growers' organisa­ SUGGESTED INQUIRY INTO TOBACCO INDUSTRY tions, State Departments, selling brokers and the Department of Primary Industry Hon. P. J. R. HILTON (Carnarvon) asked has been set up to examine the question of the Premier- No Bid leaf. In the circumstances, it would "In view of the parlous and distressed appear that the suggestion made by the state of the tobacco growing industry in Honourable Member for a Royal Commis­ this State as a result of the large quantity sion is somewhat premature. The Honour­ of leaf remaining unsold at this year's able Gentleman can be assured that my tobacco sales and the low average prices Government will give every possible assist­ received by the growers for that portion of and and support to these moves at the the crop that was sold, also because of Commonwealth level in order to arrive at the disastrous effect this slump is having a solution of the present tobacco leaf on tlris important primary industry and problem." the economic welfare of so many provin­ cial towns, will he take urgent action to appoint a Royal Commission or other UNEMPLOYMENT AMONG TEENAGERS appropriate tribunal to inquire fully into Mr. HOUSTON (Bulimba) asked the (a) the reasons for such a sudden decline Minister for Labour and Industry- in the prices and demand for Australian­ grown leaf, (b) the efficiency of the pre­ "Concerning the Committee appointed by sent method of disposal of such leaf, and him to examine unemployment among (c) all other factors that may be operating teenagers- to the detriment of this industry?" (!) How many times has the Com­ mittee met? Hon. G. F. R. NICKUN (Landsborough) replied- (2) Have they taken any oral or written evidence from any person or organisa­ "My Government realises that the present tion? problems associated with the sale of tobacco leaf are not confined to Queensland alone, (3) Have they made any report? If as the other producing States of New South so, what was the report, and, if not, when Wales, Victoria and Western Australia are will they make one?" 44 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions Hon. K. J. MORRIS (Mt. Coot-tha) "The arrangements for establishing the replied- office were made the responsibility of Mr. "( I to 3) I have not appointed a Com­ V. C. Gair, Industries Establishment and mittee to examine unemployment among Expansion Officer, who was in attendance teenagers. The Committee the Honourable at the Fair for its full duration. Member refers to was the Committee of "The following are extracts from the Departmental heads announced by the very helpful and interesting report, which Honourable the Premier early in April has been submitted by Mr. Gair:­ 1961." , 'Queensland's Information Bureau, as I elect to call it, was bright and attractive.' " QUEENSLAND EXHIBIT AT WORLD TRADE FAIR, SYDNEY Opposition Members interjected. Mr. MANN (Brisbane) asked the Minister Mr. SPEAKER: Order! I want to warn for Labour and Industry- the hon. member for South Brisbane again. I have already cautioned hon. members about "In respect of the Queensland Exhibit at interjections during question time. If hon. the World Trade Fair in Sydney early in the month- members ask questions I consider they should have the decency to listen to the answers. (1) Who was responsible for the form and nature of the exhibit the determina­ Mr. MORRIS: I am still quoting Mr. Gair. tion of the area and its acquisition? He goes on- " 'It was constructed of Queensland tim­ (2) What rental was paid for the area? bers, appropriately branded, and decor­ (3) What Government officers were in ated with a beautiful map of Queensland, charge of the exhibit and what was the made up of Queensland cabinet woods, total cost of their salaries accommoda­ with the industries carried on in the tion, travelling and other e~penses? various parts of the State indicated by an inlaid motif. This map attracted much (4) What was the total cost of the attention and admiration. On one side exhibit, inclusive of all factors? wall, there were eight beautifully coloured (5) Has he seen the adverse criticism and framed pictures of Queensland tourist of the exhibit by George Blaikie in 'The attractions. On the other side wall, there Sun~ay Mail' of August 6 last, and, if were eight large and excellent industrial so, Is he in a position to say whether pictures. this was a fair appreciation of Queens­ 'All these pictures attracted a great land's effort at the Trade Fair?" deal of interest, and invited many ques­ tions on our tourist attractions and Hon. K. J. MORRIS (Mt. Coot-tha) industrial potential. replied- 'On the front of the counter was a "(1 t.o 5) During the latter part of 1960, large painted photograph of Surfers I considered proposals submitted by my Paradise Beach, illuminated with a ~epartment for a combined Queensland fluorescent tube. On the top front of d1splay to represent the State and its the stand was a large plastic sign, bear­ secondary industries. ing the Maltese Cross and the word "It was obvious, however, that these pro­ 'Queensland' in coloured lettering, which posals demanded the support of the indus­ also was illuminated by a fluorescent tube trial and commercial leaders of the State, behind it. consequently a meeting was arranged and 'From the ceiling, fluorescent tubes held in my office, at which representatives were hung, which lighted up the office of the Chambers of Manufactures and and shone on the pictures on the side Commerce and industrial leaders number­ walls. The parquetry floor also made ing nearly twenty, discussed with me the of Queensland timbers received much details of the proposals submitted by my favourable comment. Department. 'I repeat, Queensland's display, while "The advice received from this advisory indisputably small, was bright and attrac­ group was to the effect that participation tive, and won much commendation. in the Trade Fair was not warranted. 'It was the opinion of most people that we had done much in a small area. "As a result of this advice, my Depart­ ment's proposals were not proceeded with.
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