• FOREWORD The Seniors of 1951 present this yearbook in the hope that we have honestly depicted school life. It was our intention, while can­ piling this book, to rmke it one which you would enjoy. We hope, that in this task, we have not failed. DEDICATION In appreciation of her helpfulness, am guidance throughout our high-school years, we dedicate this annual to Nnss Rader. BOARD OF EDUCATION OUr very capable board of education formulates the policies of the school ard determines its destiny. \ 'e appreciate their efforts and wish them the sarre soccess in the futtn'e that they have gained in the past. -2- FACULTY Seccm Ro.v- -M:-. ~ns Mr. GanzelA • Mitchell, Mr. Lorenz, Mr. Knight. First Row--Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. uvens, Mrs. Jahn, Miss ~hffett, Miss Shanahan, Miss Rader. Mr. Mitchell --------- ------ Su~rintemen t Miss Rader ---------- --- -Principal &.F~lish ~. Ganzel ------- ------- -~1CUlture Mt. Knight ------ -- Coach & Social Science Mts. ~itchell- -------- ---- Hare Eccnanics Mr. CWens- ------- ---- ~Lsic & Canrercial ~. Lorenz --------- ----- ~ience &Mathematics Mrs . Ovens ------- -------- -7th &8th ~ade wnss Shanahan- ------- -------- -5th &6th Grad Mnss Moffett -------- -------- -3rd &4th Grade Mrs. Jahn --------- -------- -lst &2nd Grade We take this opp;>rtuni t y to express our thanks to the faculty for tre sincere efforts they have put forth to better QUr education. Be­ cause of the shinin~ ideals tliey have held out before us, \lt'e Seniors are sure to reach srne measure of success. -3- SENIORS Ann. Ed. 4, Student Drama tics 234, l'ewa- Council 4, Little pap~r Staff 34, Theater 34, ewe­ Class Pres 3, Cia s paper 34,Class Tress Pla) 34, F.F.A. 1, 3 1 Pep Club Pres 4, Asst. Ed. Annual 4, Y1ce Pres 3, Drama- ~ixf'd Chorus 3, One­ tics 1234 1 Piano Act Play 3, Little Solo 124, G1rla Glee Theater 4. 123,Wi~d Choru 23. Y~P . 2,Triple Trio 2, G1rla Glee 123, Pep Boxing 14, Footba 1I Club 123, Sec. 34, 34, 'A' Club Sec & Drama tic a 1234, Tress 4, F.F.A.l234, Mixed Chorus 3, Basketl.all 2. Chrerleader 34, Att­ endant 4, F.H.A. 4, Class Play 34, Bus. Ed. News 4. J.AmY KCESffiR V. P. 1, Pres . 4, F.F.A. Y.P. 2, 'A' ~CEllA RCHl\TS Club Trees 3, Y. P. Mixed Chorus 234, 4, Football 1234, Triple Trio 2, Class Boy's Glee 14, Mixed Basketball 1234, Treaa 24, Sec. 2, r.h.orus 234. Quartet Class Play 34,Track Play 34, Dramatics 4, F. F.A. 34 , Solo 4, 1\ i ng 4, F. F. A. 3, Pep Club 123, 34, Attendant 4, Sec. 34. Gir Is Glee 1234, Class Play 4, ews Ann. Reporter 1, Staff 4, F.F.A.Newa News. Ed. 4, Staff Reporter 4. 134. GUlUA 01\Y OOliLAS LtNl Class Play 34, Ann. Staff 134, Class 4, F.F.A. Pres Y.P. ~ f'c. 1, Trees 1, 3,Class P. 4, Att­ Mixed Chorus 1234, endant 4,'A' CluL Girl~ Glee 1234, 234,Prea.4, Boxing Dramatics 34, Pep 4, F.F.A. 1234. CluL 1234, Sec. 3, F.II.A. 4, Pres 4, Queen 4, Student Council 4. SENIORS sic 1234, Pep Club 1234, V.P. Pep Cluh 'A' Club 234, Foot­ 4, !'iewspaper Staff ball 124, Basket­ 1234, V.P. 3, Cia s hal 1 123, Tree k 1, P la y 3 , F. tl. A • 4 , Class President 1. Attendant 4, Drama ­ tics 234. DARLENE ~\<\G\~ WESLEY JOtl~ Pep Club 1234, ~sic Football 1234,F.F.A. 1234, Dramatics 234, 1234, Basketball 12 F.H.A. 4, Historian 3, Track 34, 'A' 4, Newspaper Staff Club 4, Pep Club 1, 3, Class Play 34. Class Play 34, Dra­ •tics 3, uaic 14. CClRflA"{) RClERTS F.F.A. 1234, Basket­ 1£(1'\.\ffJ LL\Afl:L1rn be 11 34, Pep Club 1, Boy's Glee 1234, 1ARI U:\ UMfl:J..Trn Foottall 234, tixed Solos 24, Dramatics Chorus 34, V.F.A. 3, Quartet 4, Mixed Pep Club 1234, Drs­ 1234, 1 rae k 4, Pep Chorus 234, Duet l, ~retics 234, Girl's Club 1, Sentinel 4, Class Play 34. Glee 1234, F.JI.A. 4, ewspaper Art Ed. 3, Class Play 34, ~ a­ Boy's Glee 4, Class paper 3, F.H.A. &c Play 4. 4, ixed Chorus 234, Triple Trio 2. 1\E. N:TH 1\JER F.F.A. 1234, Foot­ hall 234, Basket­ haJJ 23, 'A' Club 4, Girl' GJ c 34, Dn­ lixed Chorua 3. .. tica 34, Pep Club 34, Class Play 3, F .H.A. 4. SENIORS B(N;IE ELLIS A. M. 1\AIE\ Girl'a Glee 1234, Principa 1 Pep Club 1234, Mix­ & ed Olorua 34, Ora · Sponaor tica 4. JACX ELLIS HAOO.D WIIG Football 1234, Football 4, F.F.A. Buketball 123, 'A' 1234, Muaic 12, Club 4, F.F.A. 1234, Track 34, Baa ke t· Clau Play 34. ball 2 3. Girl'• Gle~ 1234, IXW.lD CRESS Decla•34, epClub 12 3, F .H. A. 4. Ora .. tica 3, Claaa Play 34, Football Claaa Play 4, One· 12, Boy'a Glee 123, Act Play 3. Mixed Chorua 12, Track 34, Student Mana1er 3. Claaa Play 4, One­ PAlL llF.NSil:l~ Act Play 3, Base­ ball 4. Football 34, Track 34, Claaa Play 4. Not pictured-­ J nice Dnenport K. R. UTO£U.. CLASS POEM After t~l ve happy, lorag )ears w have care at last To the day When school years are years of tre rnst; We've set dONJl our narres and our traits i.n verse, Your nerories in the future 'twill then reimburse. Jane Branderruhl rarely is heard, For she is as !llliet as a bird; But though she is so ver·y quiet, M:my others really should try it. Corky futtg r, a '&trg boy in school, Who is rekno.vned to re nolxx:Jy' s fool, ays the reason; for it ~Qple taWlt him, Is in actuality, noba:iy seems to want him. &roll but real miehty Loren Carr Has been an JUlen Athletic star-- ~~ talks a lot, tJmt fact is tr - i If you had his build so worud you. preachers son; that's our fhlald u ss, 1llou£!h he aoesn' t a t it, we rrust confess. '"1-E' s gQing_ to work m the Highway Patrol, -:::;o Rids, ~ ep those hot-reds under control. Janice llivenport, next in our revue, AlwaY§ has.a pleasan~ grin fo:f you; he l1kes to V.Tlte, to s1ng to read-- \\' am sure her goal sn1 will exceed. Bonnie Ellis, ·whose middle n is Jt.m , Is under a s~ll ~en her Jimny does croon; he's happy-go-lucky, has ft.m al~ the day, And always has sarethutg fr1endly to say. He doesn' t go in too nuch for book learnin' And for a certain Senior girl he's yearnin'; ~· s lots of fW1; one of the regt}.}ar fellas-- Have you guessed that this lad is Jack Ellis? Gloria fmry, a gir1 who's lots of fun A Was chosen to Le rur queen of 'Sv-51; They s,a y s~e likes a young sa!lor boy~ •.. _ "e th1nk th answer she 1s ~ s-~~? ~~ s seventeen and never been kissed; Think of all the sweet li~ he's missed! Stephen Hanson prefers his books to females, And 'M>uld rather act than hit athletic trails. Glennagale Isom, tall and sophisticated, 01ce used to think that s:hool sh hated; Then she discovered ooys ~nt there too-­ No.v she h>pes it will never ~ throogh! \\esley Johnston a tall, healthy farm lad L1 ves near \~a terhury with h1s M::rn and 'lAid· If you hear saneone brag up a Kaiser' of blue Then it rrust re \\esley v.ho is talking tb yoo. A gambler frar. wa ~· l.:ack is our Kenny I~er· \\hen he's fin1She?, your wallet ~1 be'bare! lE thu~tks }:te s rugged--he likes to fight; His g:J.r 1 has a srul that's flli'e and nhi te! larry Koester, pr~si~nt of our cl~ss, :SUre rmde a h1 t w1 th the Isan lass! ktive in sports and each orgar:tizatia1, We' r sure he' 11 succeed in any vocation. -7- ~~ 1~ join the vy when school is tltrough1 And with a gal in each pprt, never be r.rue; lf roe gets rou2h_, he 1S sure to belt rer-- 'Ibis rmscuiine fellON is leonard Linafelter. ~hril yp. l.inafel ter" with dirrt>les in her cheeks. Oily g_aiety ana everlastm_g friendshiP. seeks; When She lm.uzhs she lind.s it haril to desist, &t if she once stopped, it would ~ nussed. ~BrY, Jean Lischk~, whp is nusiciill y inclined, &s been tra1ned by her rrother to he refmed: When she's at school~ she forgets her traini~ Arrl is so rruch tun you ~ar no canplaining! Two stalwart rren m the football line, They both play the goo_le clean and fine; Ole is short, and the other quite tall; lh.tglas and Illane l.J..url are kn<Nm to all. lorraine ~tllccrn, a kid Vlilo' s cute, For her rmny l.eaus has wop repute; When she loses one she isn' t blue; For her canpensation she gets two! Darlene ~hgnuson, a tall farm rraid ._ Of few things is kna.vn to he atraid; The way she drives her hopped up jeep, Scares sane out of ten years sleep. lli r.ru see that tin~ of embarrassed red? Thru that door t.ugene Mi~ has fledi Sorre luscious ~1 has just given him a smile, So noN he 11 he tilder cover for quite a while! Long_ and ~angl,Y,.
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