Mancheater-— A City of Village Charm MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 3X, 1972 Barriers Troops Meet No Fight Collapse By ED BL.ANGHE LONDONERRY, Northern Ireland (AP) — The first sol­ In Taking IRA Enelaves diers sllpx>ed silently into the Creggan district of Londonder­ ry, their blackened faces LONDONDERRY North- extent of what has happened kept up barrages of obscenities, down their roadblocks as soon streaked by rain. ern Ireland (A P )—__ British sunk in and they have had Outside a church, a crowd of as the troops appeared. Troops flitted through «>e - ' ' . A fIvMA fn fnllr If- women who had attended Mass The army’s main target was drizzle to take cover in dark- army spokesman said the shouted at a convoy roaring "Free Derry ’ the Bogside and ened doorways. Suburban lawns ^ troops suffered no casualties past; "W e’ll rise again and Creggan districts of Londonder- became a quagmire. the Irish Republi^n Arniy shot four gunmen during you'll know about it.” ry» ringed by concrete and iron At 4 a.m. a heavy force of in Londonderry, Belfast the night. The bodies of two "They'll be back,” women barricades, where the IRA has armored cars and armored per- and other areas before men were brought to a London- supporters of the IRA shouted, held unchallenged military sohnel carriers loaded with dawn today and encounter- derry hospital. ’The troops also flooded into sway for more than a year, troops nosed toward the barri- g(J almost no rsistance. It was the biggest military of- IRA havens in Armagh and At 4 a.m. 1,500 trwps with cades. There was no resistance. ^rmy officers believed most fenslve in the three years of re- Lurgan. oIIumoH WiiidoTprs tlmiat At one street corner n l^ ar- gunmen had gone liglous warfare in Northern Ire- Whitelaw said the purpose of nro-sirtp a n d beean ored personnel carriers, underground In the countryside l^ d . the operaUon was to open up "1° n l dnwnTarHca^ea strung out in a defensive ;ine. JJgd across the border to the The Catholics stayed inside the areas previously closed to The ^soldiers, their faces r^aTm ore1” mlchUc™^^^^^^^^ Republic. their homes as the 'troops en- ®"o blackened and in full combat At a slenal the convoy fanned l^ree hours after the troops tered the "Free Derry" en- able “ gear, met only slight resistance out and toe digger known as a breached toe first barricades, claves in Londonderry for the move freely through ^1 areas Derry siren” scoobydoo bit *wlth its three- William Whitelaw, toe British first time in more than a year, and so protect toe whole com- gg^nded an Invasion alert, nronged blades into a barricade administrator for Nortoem Ire- But after dawn they began to munlty. ,J,^g JJ gJ^^J of three bumed-out autos and announced; ‘ "The BriUsh come out. The troops also went into the gunman and a gasoline bomber cement blocks It tore toe bar- army are now in occupation children taunted the soldiers “ no go” areas Protestant milt- JJyt found no bodies. and control throughout North- with cries of "P ig s!" "English tants had established in Belfast ,pJJg assault had been ex­ rier apart in three minutes. ’Troops leap-frogged from bastards,” and "Leave us in protest against toe IRA bar- pected since late Sunday when hedge to hedge. serior officer com- alone.” ricades. But there toe members ^hueiaw announced the army Suddenly several shots mented; ’"The trouble will Women shook their fists at of toe Protestant Ulster De- cracked out. Everyone took probably come when the full the troops. Crowds of youths fense Association began pulling (See Page Eighteen) cover. But then toe gunmen faded into toe rain-swept dark­ ness. / ' One barricade buster, a Cen- . turion tank with bulldozer blades, clanked out of toe night to smash another barrier. Sol­ diers advanced behind toe tank. ’Two bombs exploded. A cloud of smoke billowed up. Plrlhg crackled around toe advancing force. A grenade exploded nearby, but no one was injured. Except for toe soldiers, toe streets were deserted. Some­ where a siren walled. ’This was toe Irish Republican Army’s signal to toe 36,000 Ro­ man Catholics of "Free Derry” that toe British Invaders were coming in. ’The absence of civilians was just what toe army wanted, and it was one of toe reasons why toe troops launched their four-pronged assault before J To Dig Up dawn. A colonel commanding toe force that moved In from toe north of toe guerrilla enclave Chained T o said; ‘"The idea was to get min­ imum losses with toe max- MXNNEAPOLIS, Minn- (AP) scene after receiving an States, surpassing the $600,000 Imuro presence. We wMted to __^Orglnia Piper, the attractive anonjnmous Up. The agents un- paid in ISOS to the abductdrs of awe everyrone and ~ dissuade socialite whose husband paid $1 locked her handcuffs, but could Robert C. Qreenlease, 6, son of them from reslsUng.” million ransom to free her from not free her from the chain. So a Kansas City, Mo., car dealer. As dawn broke) sniper fire in- u kidnapers, dug at toe ground four agents bent toe small tree Mrs. Piper's ordeal began creased, but by this Ume toe with her bare hands while try- to toe ground and she was able Thursday when two men burst area was flooded with troops. Ing to free herself from a tree to slip the chain over it. into toe fashionable Piper home Personnel carriers, with heavy British machine gunner covers an infantryman British soldiers entered various IRA strongholds to which she had been chained "This is terribly funny, real- in suburban Orono. Both wore machine guns swivelling in during occupation of the Catholic section of Bog- with tanks and other armor. in a forest. ly—four of them Jumped on toe black nylon masks over their (See Page Eighteen) Side, Londonderry, Northern Ireland. About 13,000 (AP photo) "I wasn’t actually in fear of swung it ^ k and ^ads Md each h^ two pistols, my life until they left me on “ down,” Mrs. Pi- Mrs. Piper said toe kidnapers Friday," Mrs. Piper said. , , ,, , , put tope over her eyes threw a "Then I thought ‘I’m chained to also disclosed toat she case over her head and a tree here and they’ll find me not know how much money ordered her to He the L in November ’ " ™*lltonalre husband had back seat of a car while they paid her kidnapers until after drove her to a wilderness are \ Spaak Dies, He Led Mrs. Piper, who discussed gj,g returned home safely Sat- near Duluth, about 140 miles Inmate Kills Guard the kidnaping at a news confer- urday. north of here, ence Sunday, said she then be- The kidnapers have not been Mrs. Piper said toe two kld- gfan digging in hopes of up- caught. napers had another man help- rooting toe six-inch-thick tree. Mrs. Piper’s husband is Har- ing them although she never One-Europe Move In Escape Attempt “ I thought toat the only way ry C. Piper, 54, board chairman saw him. She said she over- I could ever get out was to up- of toe Investment and broker- heard toe two abductors talking BRUSSELS (AP)_Paul Henri NORFOLK, Mass. (AP) — A for toe Boston Globe who was double murder in South Boston, root toe tree smd fell it and lug age firm of Piper, Jaffray and about an accomplice. Spaak, Belgian Socialist leader convicted murderer armed with Interviewing another inmate in Elliott was convicted of . mur- the tree out to toe highway. At Hopwood, Inc. She also said she never saw and one of toe architects of Eu- . , . , , , _ __,___the prison at toe time of the derlng a man and a woman in least It kept me busy. I figured Piper told newsmen Sunday the faces of her two abductors rcpean unity, and toe North At- o psos so oe p shooting, said an Inmate "sud- a South Boston apartment, toat by the end of toe week, I toat toe $1 milUon ransom in and guessed that both were lantlc Treaty Organization, died guard dead and wounded three (jeniy stood up and had a gun Officials identified the dead would be able to dump that $20 bills toat he delivered late about 6 feet tall and between 38 early today at the age <rf 73, it other persons in an escape at- in each hand.” guard as James Sousa, 29, of tree,” she added. Friday night was so heavy and 40 years old. .^^,gg officlaUy announced. tempt today at Massachusetts She said the armed inmate Fairhaven. ’Hie 49-year-old victim had "that I could Just barely lift The FBI, vriilch has 100 i>eath was attributed to a Correctional Institute, author- ordered ail persons in toe "It was like a bad movie, a some degree of moblUty since it.” The money reportedly agents working on toe case, j^i^gy deficiency, ities said. He then barricaded room, including three guards, nightmare,” Miss Kirchhmeler toe chain, which was strung weighed 116 pounds. said it would have no comment gpaak had been vacationing himself and his wife Inside toe to lie down. When one guard reported. around toe tree from hand to "1 felt like a very expensive cn whether a third man was in- Azores and became ill on medium security prison. ‘ hesitated. Miss Kirchhmeler Burke said policemen were hand, had a three-foot leeway. parcel,” JJre. Piper said. volved. Saturday The U.S.
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