Japanology (1852-1927) and Wendong Yao Qing China Late in Ng Wai-ming Benjamin Singapore University of National investigate began Chinese of increasing number period, mid-Qing to the From an considerable scholarship exerted their periphery. of along Some China's conditions the a by of later scholars highly rated been diplomacy and has politics Qing and impact late on •,'• (1848-1905) Japanese in ofHuang Zunxian work generations. include the These • • •l •b,.• Gong Zizhen (Ryfikyfi) studies, and • •r Liuqiu Jingfu in studies, Huang majority of these the However, border. northern China's (1792-1841) studies of in 3• •J• • (1852-1927) is Wendong forgotten. Yao been pioneering have scholars one now such case. Qing China. figure late in political academic prominent Wendong Yao not or a was scholar of prolific underrated but diplomat medium-ranking and only area He a a was cultural Sino-Japanese figure in little-studied important but also studies. He an was early- late-Qing and published figures prominent in biographies of checked have I twenty over • 1• • Tonghe's Jindai Weng in about Yao only short Republican and found China entry one reprint: (Taibei China) Modem (¢• •[• • in (Biographies Prominent Persons • j•, of zhi renwu Shanghai, take him did hometown, his 1978), Even gongsi, 355. not Xinwenfeng chuban p. (Shanghai Sequel) •]• • Prefecture, Shanghai • • (Records of J2 Shanghai xuzhi seriously. xian 964-65) him (pp. words few than 1970) has reprint: Chengwen, reprint, Taibei 1919; on a more no by scholars. completely forgotten modem is Yao examinations. civil service of the under category @ yige flf] Wendong, • Wai-ming Ng "Yao provided by is him only article academic The on • 2• • •-• • • -f • •] • (Yao [] • • • Ribentong" Qingrno beiyiwang de liao College of 7 History Asia New Qing), Journal of the Late Japan Hand Wendong, Forgotten at a They include: and articles. books of number briefly discussed in is (1985), Yao 41-55. a pp. z•. •, •. •. '[• •(zd• (Sino-Japanese •)• [] y•: • ]• ,-• bunka k6sh6 Meiji Nis-Shi Keishfi's Sanet6 •'• ]•1• 1•1• "Meiji Sabur6's • Sat6 1943); K6fukan, (Tokyo: Period) Meiji the in Contacts Cultural -• • !• ,• • • • J)J, •fJ [] kenkyfi" Shinajin Nihon okeru sens6 ni izen Nis-Shin igo ishin no Meiji and Restoration • ;z•:•l• the •J[• Japan J• of (Chinese between Studies •-• [] [•" :• • Is_. 03 •?. • • • (1940) Kindai Nit-Cha • and kenkyfi Relashigaku 10.11 War), Sino-Japanese the 51• • History Sino- •i• •. of Modem • the (Studies •-• d3 in •. kenkyfi I• 03 k6sh6 sh• no • •I 7J" "Jindai Wanhe's k6bunkan, and 1983); Lii Yoshikawa (Tokyo: Interactions) Japanese • • • • • • • • • -•" •'-• I• I•I zt• PA • jiaowang" yanjiu wenhua yiqian dui-Ri de Jiawu yu 1894-95), in of Cultural Sino-Japanese War Interactions before the and (Modem Japan Studies of 5• •. • • Sino-Japanese • • • History of • the (Essays in lunwenfi Zhong-Ri shi guanxi l• •X _• touches Xiaoqiu also chubanshe, Wang 1984). Heilong•iang renmin (Harbin: Relations) •6. • •-• 3•. • • • (History Modem j•. • of fiaoliu shi wenhua Zhong-Ri his Jindai in Yao upon 8 interchange diplomatic Chinese and history. significant made He contributions to many facets of studies. Japanologist, As Japanology prolific he (1852-1927) Wendong and writer who Yao authored area nine a was a books Japan. quantity, In of in history Chinese terms until his time on could no one with him. also He "the first history in Chinese compare translate Japanese was to person Qing China Late in books into Chinese. outstanding As ''• geographer, he extensively the wrote an on geography of Chinese (in borders Northwest, the Northeast, Southwest) and and neighboring nations (such Japan, Annam, Ryfikyfi and Kingdom). the He as was Wai-ming Ng concerned Benjamin about national defense provided and suggestions invaluable Qing the late to military Undoubtedly, Wendong government deserves Yao matters. academic on more attention. This article preliminary is Singapore University of thought, of his life focusing and National his a survey on contributions Sino-Japanese examining relations. By performance his to diplomat in as a early Meiji Japan, Japanese researcher in studies, strategist and who advocated as a as a invading Japan, forgotten introduce this Japanologist attempt readers to locate and investigate we began to increasing Chinese number of mid-Qing period, the From to an him in field the Chinese of Japanology. considerable scholarship exerted along periphery. of their conditions China's Some the a by highly scholars of later rated politics diplomacy Qing and has been impact late and on • • ,• (1848-1905) Japanese in generations. Zunxian Huang of These include the work Diplomat Yao His and Cultural Activities Japan in as a • • I•I •)•J• •in (Ryfikyfi) Gong studies, Zizhen and Jingfu Liuqiu studies, Huang Wendong Yao born in Shanghai into family 1852 scholarly with majority tradition of these the However, border. was (1792-1841) studies of China's northern in a a geography. in Having passed provincial the examination in •/(• he 1867, • the entered Longmen (1852-1927) Wendong is forgotten. pioneering have been scholars Yao one now • • shuyuan 1• •, prestigious academy diplomats, train his academic to to a such pursue case. interest diplomacy, geography, in defense. and lukewarm taking He toward Qing the figure civil China. political late in prominent academic Wendong Yao was not or was a service examinations and of preparing time his in diplomat. himself spent be most prolific of His underrated scholar medium-ranking diplomat but only and to He. a area a a was chance in when he by invited 1881 Sino-Japanese newly-appointed the Minister Japan, Li figure came cultural in important little-studied but also was studies. to He was an • • Shuchang •, join diplomatic the mission Japan to attachr. arrived Yao in to as an following Japan the year. early- published late-Qing figures and prominent in biographies of have checked I twenty over did flying have Yao diplomatic his in did along not He start well a get not • I• • career. Tonghe's Weng Jindai only Republican about in short Yao China and found entry one Shuchang with Li and that suggestions his largely ignored. Li upset He to was reprint: (Taibei (¢7, • • China) sent • }k Modem were (Biographies in Prominent of Persons zhi renwu letters •]: several Zongli •, the •] •A• (Office Yamen Foreign Affairs), of to complaining Shanghai, him did take hometown, Xinwenfeng gongsi, his 1978), chuban 355. Even not p. about Li's style) dictatorial resigned 1884, Li In his because of the g•, (Shanghai • • • death Sequel) his Prefecture, of Shanghai post (Records )2 of seriously. Shanghai xuzhi xian mother. The Minister •(•, • 7• Japan, Chengzu Xu retained 964-65) (pp. him words Chengwen, than to the few Yao reprint, reprint: Chinese 1970) has 1919; Taibei new at on more a no Legation. Shuchang 1887, Li In again forgotten appointed by completely scholars. modem Minister is of civil service examinations. Yao Japan, under the and category Yao to once was as {• Japan left I•fJ yige :• Europe for Wendong, Wai-ming few provided by Ng "Yao months only later. academic article him is The a on • •1 • •J¢ •3• • fVao •= Qingrno Ribentong" did beiyiwang spend How liao de Yao these six in important Japan? His job assignment years most College of History Qing), 7 Journal New Asia Wendong, Forgotten Japan of the Hand Late Japan's geography. at This the to for Shuchang which Li survey a was took very purpose was They include: briefly books and articles. of discussed in number (1985), is Yao 41-55. him Shortly Japan. arriving after there, expressed pp. to a Yao worries about whether he could •. ?• • • • • f•J• y• • • ,-• (Sino-Japanese [] Meiji k6sh6 Sanet6 Keishfi's Nis-Shi bunka accomplish mission: this • •[g "Meiji Saburr's Krfukan, Sat6 • 1943); Meiji (Tokyo: Period) Contacts the in Cultural • • • • • • !• J)J, J)), kenkyfi" I• [] Shinajin sens6 igo Nihon Nis-Shin izen okem ni ishin no Sino-Japanese Interactions) Cultural (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1992), 184-91. 2•:;•-• •J[•)x, Meiji D. R. 1•-• Howland Japan the Restoration and •" (Chinese [] Studies of between :•3 • [Y- pp. tD also briefly discusses Yao in of his Border Chinese Civilization (Durham •,• •k. • • and London: pt• kenkyfi (1940) Relashigaku Kindai Duke Nit-Chfi War), and Sino-Japanese 10.11 the University Press, 1996). secondary Since references extremely limited, this •-• dy 5[?. • • History • • research relies (Studies • kenkyfi the of Modem Sino- in • krsh6 shi 0") are no mainly primary 7J" • •gl on krbunkan, sources. Wanhe's "Jindai 1983); (Tokyo: and Interactions) Yoshikawa Lii Japanese • -• : •, See Tam Zhongguo Yue-him d? •r [] ;l• zonghe Riben •, • shu •]-• • X• • • 3• • • • [] 4• yi zp • mulu • • 1•I • I)A • jiaowang" yanjiu yiqian wenhua de dui-Ri Jiawu yu •1• (Overall Listing Chinese of Japanese Translations Books) of (Hong Kong: Chinese University 1894-95), Sino-Japanese of in of before the War Japan Cultural Interactions (Modem Studies of and Hong Kong Press, 1980), 56. 5• i• • r:O • • • •t History Sino-Japanese lunwenfi p. the (Essays of Zhong-Ri in shi guanxi 3 Chow Hwa, Jen China Japan: History and The of Diplomatic IP• •X Chinese Japan, Missions :E. Xiaoqiu chubanshe, Wang also touches 1984). Heilongjiang (Harbin: Relations) renmin in (Singapore: 1877-1911 Chopmen Enterprises, 1975), 5t• 107, •-• • • • •f• • 153. • j•. (History jiaoliu of Modem Zhong-Ri shi wenhua Jindai pp. Vao in his upon 8 the geography and Japan's report study to assignment to received Wendong, I, to an perfect. from is far research geographical studies, Although like I Zongli Yamen my stressful become it has Hence, foreign affairs. with particular, familiar very I In not am position. taking 4 this since for me he assignment, official Regarding this Qing disappoint the government. did Yao not Draft) • • 7• (Treatise Japan, [] zhi Riben important works: three finished a on gao Ryfikyfi Geography of the •:• :• • (Treatise the • • juan), zhi Liuqiu dili (1884, 10 on Geography 7_•:••[• and (Japan's [] bingyao dili 2juan), Riben Islands) (1884, and of basically translation is zhi volumes).
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