cvssincAnow 5191.T0719141101. AND DISPATCH /SECRET EGMA-57841 TO Chief, EE HEADQUARTERS RLE NO. UNKNOWN iNFO Chief of Station. Germany am FF-340 I FROM WI Chief, Munich Liaison Base ps 101 0-17 19 February 1962 WEAR RE "43-3 - (CHECX `r ONE) _IJITQLW_Dperations MAPJUD FOR INDEXING Hans RECBFAHNUIC NO WDOM4G REWIRED ACTION REOUNED INDEXING CAN BE JUDGED For your information and retention x BY QUALIFIED HQ. DESK ONLY Ian:HNC-UP REF: EGMW -11239, 4 December 1961 1. In view of your continued interest in the activities of subject and the ARABO-APRIKA Gesellschaft, we decided to try to establish conclu- sively whether or not subject was working for UPHILL. We have therefore expanded our CALLIKAK coverage to the telephone of the ARABO-AFRIKA and have obtained the hoped-for results. Based on coverage to date, we know that subject f..=. 4 - ---4.•,74. with the UPHILL political Dienststelle run by Horst KERNER ; I see attachment C to EGMA -54270, 17 April 1961. Also employed ARABO-AFRIKA are: A. Sabine HARTENSTEIN and B. Mathilde STEOMUELLER (part time) 2. With this dispatch we are forwarding copies of the letter inter- cept coverage which has not been reported in separate correspondence. We have divided them into groups, for the most part by originator, in order to facilitate filing. We have listed the personalities involved but defer to Headquarters for carding. We have also given a short summary of the correspondence for each group. We would appreciate comments on the :signi- ficance of the material, additional identifications where possible and advice whether periodic reporting on subjects activities will be suffi- cient. If there are aspeots on which reporting is desired upon receipt of pertinent intercepts, we will be glad to oblige. 3. We are writing separate dispatches concerning Frauen HAREENSTEIN and STEOMUELLER and forwarding the telephone coverage results. 0... I . 1 ..-- 9 APPROVED BY: (......-. CALL 12.014WES, EXT. 2158 Cw-- FOR ATTACHAL7hTi CIA RECORDS Attachments:IIIIIIIIk CENTER JOB 0. - A, B, C, 14 E and F ( . BOX Ara Distribution: :.:.. w 1 cy ea att h/w -t- 1" `' • . , Lim 2 -CAE , cy ea att h/W : 2 -COS/G w 1 / • tA .. I/ g ENCL4 DECLASSIFIED AND RELEASED BY CENTRAL I NTELL BENCE AGENCY SOURCESMETHOOSEXEMPT ION 382B NAZ I WAR CR IMES DISCLOSURE ACT DATE 2007 CS COPY ...- USE PREVIOUS EDMON. CLASSIRCATION PAGE NO, FORM REPLACES FORMS SECRET 1047 53 51411, 81411A AND 5149 CONTINUED 1401 W/DCFI ARE OISOLITE. IIII K aercze. C6,4-0 - 59 F-41, CRET Correspondence originating with Hans FLAECHSNER I. Personalities A. Dr. Hans FLAECHSNER, Lawyer, Berlin-Charlottenburg, Hardenbergstr. 7 B. Luise FUNK (widow) C. Dr. Walther FUNK (presumably the deceased husband of B.) D. Juerg HARTMANN, Diplome Ingenieur E. Dr. Alfred HUGENBERG, Geheimrat F. OPRIBA Vermoegensverwaltung GmbH., Rohbraken/Lippe. II. Traces. A. No identifiable traces. However, one Wolfgang FLAECHSNER born ca 1923 Is mentioned in the attachments to EGFA-28563, 20 November 1959 and EGFA 34776, 14 July 1961. He resides at Berlin-Charlottenburg, Schlueterstr. 39 and was mentioned in MSB 2454, 28 November 1951, as engaged in E-W trade, having sold mercury to East Germany. C. Walther FUNK, born 21 March 1903 in Koenigsberg, residing Berlin W 35, Frobenstr. 18 was a candidate for the BLANK Office per a BfV persJnnel list dated May 1954. There are no identifiable Munich traces on B, D, E or F. III. Summary of correspondence This correspondenoe consists of one letter from FLAECHSNER to RECHEN- BERG dated 5 February 1962 concerning a legal process against HARTMANN and OPRIBA on behalf of Luise FUNK There is no apparent intelligence significance. I. Personalities A. Dr. Hans FLAECHSNER B. Ben C. SHAMES, President of "Foreign Research and Development Corpor- ation". 14 East 60th St., New York 22, N. Y. C. fnu WOHLTHAT D. fnu MORENO, In Geneva, Switzerland II. Traces No Munich traces, however WOHLTHAT is identical with H. WOHLTHAT listed in Attachment D. III. Summary of Correspondence FLAECHSNER writes to RECHENBERG on 24 January 1962 thanking him for sending the two letters from Herr WOHLTHAT concerning the "Foreign Research and Development Corporation". FLAECHSNER refers to RECHENBERGs desire to learn more about Herr MORENO and expresses interest in hearing the results. FLAECHSNER feels there is nothing more to do in the matter until the people contact them again and encloses a letter from SHAMES dated 24 January 1962. SHAMES expresses interest in the ARABO-AFRIKA program and refers to the International State Development Conferences originallyscheduled for March 1962 in Palma de Mallorca, • t postpon rit.ovt. of 1962. DIX --1 F10 L 428 al. 2.62 /2 , AmeatWX, smite rullon•ata ill fiLIX-ORAIIII.OTTIRM nose s. me. 5. Yebruar 1962 mem • • (.111MIN ••71•1•1113,711.1.17,•1-4, sassimszness HAM, ZOO) •semnimiwites •■••••••••31•1. •• •• •• H. Serra Sem Beebenberg Airdmal Belebetr, 8 SA? {warrior Herr leabeaberg! Van laadaegerialitalsof erbielt doh in Soahen Punk ./. Opriba di. anliagondo Irk:Wang der Opriba OAS won 29. Jar sur Stallungnahmo tibersandt. fa war verammeeben, dal di Tribe eV tedrde vormeiden wollen, vor vibes West—Berlinar geriaht verldmel se warden. le lam dii. aber dahingostallt bleiben. Der Anapruoh gegen Hartman let, smelt er ale be des Oebeimate Huambos/ in Anspruob go-. Mi. wild, unim dm Omiabtewlakel des f 29 Zirilpromodordnung (Geriehtostand deo arthiluninortoo) wohl aegmben, dnigagon nicht der Aneprmoh flOW di. prin. le lilt eta mintage@ Verfahrea, reile Opriba bebsuput is Real/4m di. Astsgerioh Alvordiamm othertrams do mist, hat aber ihre Vorwaltung und ihro gestanto:Ge- goohnftatintlikeit in Tralkeuri/Mala. doh interommiert nur, ob vir jotst nicht vine Sobvenkung versolims eollen und um nit der Zuatiindiakeit des Landgeriohta frankrart/Nain alareretanden erklAren oollan. oh hitt um Ihro Stollungnahmo. beaten wOrden SU slats a5onds einsal anreen. i flit vision artiden AAsteoar600001~4MWM"latio CONFIDINDN. (Dr. Ylaehaner) Roohtaanwalt oe, avffeirlAi 428 p.2.62 / ■001. OP A I • A rovervilltuffe 29. Jfmunr 196 budirdiOtt SAO; -..--.......m..... BundWriMht91. AIR tinf 3 11440 ' totter- 4 %thin :dos-tsa4gortsb$ )0 -- 10M0, am gain Atm # . 0.74100, 0041410aon. 0114401414 , Ookilta koist:=4. s.ti 0.1611 044r, 014001 10 Sitlfgaf iiA4blistSong cortlihts. grosts )11iii gi g iNtic-,0, NM end 2. Dip 1.fts. 0.04$ harlasss r. Dimon int • 0 •trtt tbn gui ti. gu/of tits :11pribn 1orsege44,01,- 140004- hitt thrits SlAcin Rolrokers/tipplo. AA, let tater Tv?. US 17 im fiftndtanrogisitor los {MAL /mtogoriObtn averdiomen/Li p do ofttroson. ltrA won 01.4 at riobtendm larm imt Aondem- riohl bmtmold sustdadig. ENTIAL Din VoMmaftwg p.Opriballiwwegenoverwmitang Outo1i4 wiz-4 da Pranditurir ow listi4paahr$. Sonar let mob dos Landgetioht Pisrt simas f 21 ZPO far moan ale su riohiond Magee suotila414. Die Antragellellwris Jut selbat vorgotrugon, in awriebtastand Aips Zennalakparta nicht gooab q n jet. WWI Barr Gosimrnt r. 3.frod dew idildregsgogarmirla odor Mims 410 Vorolumg gelprOftes. Die e Wiek,dde AstrolOwte/lowill bi- brOadwr wedOniewen Siundlogo.;, Pttor ZOO Zaattmiagkelt 4,6 Lan4garStists i nerlAlk bielma smile Owe mahmaispuldilm. OPP111111^ vmensNla Ososlischaft bmairorkwr DM1 24. Januar 1962 .4•41)/;.•.t:"• 42$ 23.1.62/2. -430111110Nr " ...-;• ., . - , . e-. : 7 ,- • . : • / ( I ..1.7,,,..i f.i.li. letur,tes,fliiikAmi..).. ii" 11evraapt4.rtcr i;‘)U11014ATItM • ;p4,, , ) NI $4 WIT fINPV 1110trtT NEW V jfil, N. V. PI.A1 A 47061 C Jane pommy" 1:174E:ir Correspondence from Hans NBERG to Frau/ HARTENSTEIN while the was on a trip to Madrid I. Personalities A. Thu LAGHZAOUSI B. fnu CHERKAOUI, Moroccan Ambassador. in Paris C. Ben YAYA, born ca 1930 D. BB, presumably Ahmed Ben BELLA E. Ben UHEDDA F. Charles Magnus, presumably Charles deGAULLE II. Traces No traces on A, B, C or E. For D and F, traces unnecessary III. Summary of Correspondence A translation of the one letter involved which was dated 19 January 1962 and mailed from the Hotel FENIX in Madrid is given below. We were unable to decipher a few words as indicated. "Dear Frau HARTENbiEIN: To begin, best wishes. I arrived here on Friday evening (12.1). The day before I. had an interesting visit with friends. Route National in the direction of Troyes, circa 19 km. to Champeaux (Seine-Marne). The secu- rity measures are not very strict. Stricter outside the 4 ha. estate. One drives through the town (Guiges) in the direction of Melun, 100 200 meters outside the town is a farm road to the left leading to the manor house which is in a woods. One first passes a radio vehicle with a police official who checks identity cards or passports against a permanent list or a 24-hour laissez-passer list issued by the Minister of Justice. The Justice Minister must inform the Algerian Minister. Permission for the day (not the night). Present were: LAGHZAOUSI - former police chief (for- mer collaborator of the Deuxieme Bureau, now head of the Officers Miri- f ice Approx. rendition; in original is followed by question mark/ des Phosphetes /approx. rendition/, lives—always at the Hotel Crillon, Paris, and CHERK I AOUI, brother-in-law of HASSAN, Ambassador of Morocco, Paris, PDI. In addition, but separately Ben YAYA, about in his early thirties, who went from Switzerland to Frankfurt. The Moroccans are supposed to persuade the five (BB /presumably Ben BELLA/ and friends) in Champeaux to agree to a compromise. BE and companions are verydistrustful of the Mor- occans despite their being kissing cousins /trotz Bruderkuessen/. Ben UHEDDAs mission, via Ben YAYA: nothing will be done without the "FIVE"; that is B. Uh. wants backstopping with BB. After the FLN has accomplished nothing in five years (exactly like the French), it is today also (like Paris) incapable of peace as it is incapable of continuing the war and victory.
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