. , , }".. ,! Page Sixteen THE JEWISH POST Thursday, April 16, 1970 .. Thu~day_,_Ap~r~il~~~6~,~19~7~O_~, __~ ________~~~ ______~ ________~T_H . .__ E~J~E~W_I~S~~~ . H PO ____S T ~ ____________~_~ _____-c-~ __~ ________~~~ Page Seventeen . " to Israel and integrated into a new way of life. Salute -to' Hadassah Hadassah-Wizo has continued its work as the sole • J' • . ~ ~ ." ",' " .agent of the youth AIiyah movement in Canada .. , . ' Hadassah-Wizo members have been and are Tracing Jerusa"lem's Jewish 'H'istory TALMUDIC NAME I, , a dynamic force in their o,,:n com:n:unities, par­ , .52-YEARS "OF A(:HI'EVEMENT ticipating in and offering theIr, qualIties of leader­ HE Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City ship in every phase of communal endeavor. T was first settled in the seventh century B.C.E., UNEARTHED To adequately express Ha;dassah-Wiz.o's pride towards the end of the Judean Monarchy. This has been established by an archaeological team, Jerusalem - Archeologists recently dis­ HE 23rd Biennial Convention, of the Hadassah­ and joy in Canada's Centenma~ celebratlOn~ and, covered the name Bar Katros inscribed on T Wizo Organization of Canada marked t~e c~le­ at the same time, to offer a gIft on the h!ghest headed by Prof. Nahman Avigad, whkh has just a stone weight in the ruins of a house in bration of its 50th year as a national orgamzatlOn, ctlltural level to the people of Canada, motIyated completed a dig near the Street of the Jews. The Jerusalem destroyed hy the Romans 1,900 which has made an amazing contribution to indi­ a careful study which involved two years of mves-' . three-month excavation was carried out on a 400-­ years ago. , ,, , vidual communities to Canada at large and to I tigation., Then the news came that the famous square-meter area, under the Joint auspices of the . The house, in the Jewish quarter of the the State of Israel. Culminating 52 years of Soncino Press had published for the first' time an , Hebrew University's Archaeology Institute, the Government Antiquities Department and the Israel Old City, is the nl'st ,.discovered "intact". service encompassing many spheres of activities English version of the Babylonian Talmud. ~e 'from the siege and fire ~hat ended .a J~wish in hu~anitarian fields, especially in education, decision was instantaneous . to present thIS Explorlttion Society.' Next spring, the dig will be revolt in A.D. 70. IsraelIs are showmg great researcb, rescue and rehabilitation. Hadassah­ 18 volume 'Talmud to 27 universities throughout extended northwards. ' interest in it because it represents the first Wizo looks back with pride on its many years Oanada, as well as to Cardinal Pau!-EmiIe L~ger, Professor A vigad told a press conference re­ visual evidence of the event. of achievement, and with confidence to the future who, graciously accepted a set for hIS own prIvate cently that the Crusaders, in building there 900 Prof. Nahman Avigad of Hebrew Uni­ for an ever expanding horizon of activities on library, and to his Worship .Mayor Jean Drapea~, years ago, had left enough of the ~arlier struc­ 'versity, who is uncovering the ruins in th~ behalf of its fellow men. ' whose gift is housed today m the Montreal Mu.m­ tures standing to allow reconstructIOn of settle­ walled Old City, which came under IsraelI Inaugurated in 1917, in a world racked by war cipal Library: Within the pages of the. BabyloI?-Ian ment at the site. He said continuous del).se inhabi­ control in the 1967 war, said the named .Bar and revolution; Hadassah-Wizo came into being Talmud is the wisdom, laws, and ethICS acqUIred tation in recent history had barred archaeological Katros appeared in the Talmud as a family through the determination of a handful of Tor-, exploration. Only now, with the clearing awar of ,:: by the ancient prophets during the ce!lturies pre- of high priests. onto' women who banded. together to answer the , and post-Biblical times. Just, as pertment .today the rubble of buildings destroyed by the Jordal1lans Bar Katros is the family name. The first plea for help which came from homeless and as it was in the Third ,Century A.D., when It was in 1948, prior to restoration, work, had a ~umber name is 'missing, beirigon' a part of the, destitute mother and children expelled from Pales­ compiled by the Hebrew, sages, the. SOI?-dn? Tal­ of small sections been opened for study; As a weight that had been. chipped off. There was ," tine then in the hands of the Turks. Small groups mud will, be a constant source of mspiratIon to result of the dig, scholarly debate was now over no way of knowing If Bar Katros was the , spr~ng up in the various cities, but it was only MRS.· HYMAN WISENTHAL which scientists, educators, and religious ,bodies as to whether Jerusalem first spread to this west­ owner 01' tenant of the house, or both., , in 1919 that Hadassah-Wizo emerged as a national National President will turn in quest of the fundamental wisdom on ern hilI only in the Second Temple period, or whe­ The Taimud, the ,body of Jewish law, co~­ .." entity through the 'efforts of the. late Mrs .. A. J. bef~re [ which three religions are based. Hadrassah-Wizo ther the expansion had' occurred' earlier, piled in the second century, also includes dIS­ " Freiman of Ottawa. An energetic, dynamIC wo­ refuge had to be found for thousands of children was honored by the Centennial Commission with the destruction of the First Temple in the JsraelIte cussions and elaboration ()f the law, with man Mrs. Freiman because of her compassion whose very lives were in jeopardy. Hadassah- the presentation of ten medals to top leadership. Period. ' many'legends and stol·ies. Professor Avi~ad forthe.suffering of deprived peoples, was involved l'" Wizo threw its energies and resources behind the. Expo '67 and its theme, "Man and His World" Floor Dated to Israelite Period storle~ in various 'national charitable organizations, in­ said that it was in these legends and' I," Youth Aliyah Campaign Of. Rescue and Re~abili- proved to be an irresistible combination. From The dig had uncovered a plastered floor which that the name Bar Katros appeared. ", eluding Red Cross. Her acceptance of the natio~al f, tation. One hundred ,and thIrty thousand chIldren. coast to coast, Hadassah-Wizo held special events can be dated to the Israelite Period of the seventh 'Professor Avigad has been 'excavating , presidency of Hadassah-Wizo w!!-s hera~ded WIth were saved from the holocaust. They were, brought (Cont. on Page 29), _ century B.O.E. by the vessels of that ,Perio.d found two rooms of a structure believed to be about I, great, enthusiasm and her tenure of offIce lasted ·in situ. Also found was a plastered PIt whIch may ,Ancient Menol'all found by archaeologists near the (Con~. on Pag<;32) until her death in 1935. From this nucleus Western Wall, Jerusalem. .' f. have been part 'of an olive press. At the same throughQut the years grew the largest Jewish level was found a layer of good red earth, upon .; women's organization in Canada whose l)1ember- I',." Will European Jewry Disappear? which the Israelites built their first houses. ' , ship today is 16,000. ' Previous small digs within the Old City Walls " From the early beginning until the present Depiction of Q 2,200-Ye"r·Old Menorah ,of Second ,Temple " In the beginning the Algerian refugees -Kenyon's in the Armenian Quarter and in the "I, day ll!ldassah-Wizo's efforts were mother and <f newman throughout France had a great struggle in finding Muristan, Jones' and Amiran's at the >Citadel (near· " child oriented. ,Schools; agricultural settlements, Discovered by Archeologists in Old Jerusalem f their feet and establishing themselves. Now, Jaffa Gate), in addition to two trial trenches in ! medical service's, cultural projects, and scientific the Jewish Quarter following the Six-Day War-. I' institutes were established, and the love of Can­ some eight years later, they have in most cases From The'New York Times "The depiction is rare ,because of the holiness f' 1XTHEN one considers that, for ,the last one cast roots and the first blossoms ofa new virile had turned up broken bits, of pottery dating to of the 'object," he said, speaking to newsmen D;ot " ada was always the fooo.l point of their efforts, VV thousand years,Europe was the continent the Israelite Period .. But they were always found By JAMES' FERON t' fo'r 'through a strong lIadassah~Wizo program. in life ai'e becoming. distinctly noticeable. Slowly far from the excavation. "It was not used artIS­ II which housed the powerhouse of ,Jew,ry, and bear­ congregations are being esta,blished where there used for "fill" for construction purposes and the tically as far as we know prior to the ·destl·uction }i' Canada wel'e forged unbreakabl¢ bonds WIth ing in mind the thriving and flourishing, Jewish place from which they came could not be deter­ I'I, \ were none for centuries, or perhaps ever. Talmidei 'of, the Second Temple:'" , Israel. At the Hebrew University in Jerusalem life that preyailed there just before Wor,ld War mined. On the basis of the present evidence, said Jerusalem ii there is Canada Hall, a400-seat auditorium which Torah and Jewish Day Schools are on the in-, "We think this is its. most authentic repre­ j;" II the traveller through 'Europe today IS filled Prof.
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