Index A al-Jilani, ʿAbd al-Qadir (founder of Qadiri Abbasid (caliphal dynasty), 291, 315, 317, tariq), 338, 339 333, 337, 368 al-Khalili, Jim (historian), 318 ʿAbdullah ʿAnṣārī of Herāt, 321 al-Khwarizmi, Muḥammad ibn Mūsā Aboriginal Australians, 408 (mathematician), 318, 322 Abraham, 109, 289, 295 al-Kindi, Abu Yusuf Ya’qub (philosopher), Abu Abdallah al-Qaim bi Amrillah (Saadi 318, 319 emir), 362 al-Kurani, Ibrahim (teacher), 365, 374 Acts of the Apostles, 114, 115 al-Maʾmun (caliph), 317 A Faithful Narrative of the Surprizing Work of Almamy (Imam), 378 God, 166, 167 al-Mansur, Abu Yusuf Yaqub (ruler of Afghanistan, 14, 361, 376 Morocco), 326, 329 Africa, 10, 29, 87, 90, 339, 361, 377, 378 al-Marri (Abū l-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarri, African Methodist Episcopal Church, 225 rationalist), 319 Agape (άgάph, selfess love), 116 Almohad dynasty, 326, 329, 330, 361, 362, Age of Reason, 21, 402 373, 378 Ahl al-Shaikh (Shaikh al-Waḥhab’s Almoravid dynasty, 326, 329, 362, 373, 378 dynasty), 373 Al Qaeda, 340, 395 Al-Biruni, Abu Rayhan (polymath), 318 al-Qushayri, ʿAbd al-Karim ibn Hūzān (Suf Aldersgate Street, 173, 206 chronicler), 320 Algebra, al-jabr, 322 al-Rashid (caliph Haroun), 317 Algeria, 88, 378 al-Ṣanʿani (Muḥammad Ibn Ismāʿīl al-Amīr Al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid Muḥammad, 318, al-Ṣanʿānī), 373 319, 322–326, 328–331, 339, 340 al-Shawkani (Muḥammad Ibn ʿAlī Al-Hallaj, Abū ‘l-Muġīth Al-Ḥusayn bin al-Shawkānī), 366, 373 Manṣūr (mystic), 338, 339 al-Sindi (Muḥammad Ḥayyā al-Sindī), 363, Al-Haytham (Alhazen) (physicist), 318 366, 374 Al-Hujwiri, Abu ‘l-Ḥasan ʿAlī (Suf al-Tusi, Nasir al-Din (astronomer), 318 biographer), 319 al-Warrāq, Abū ʿĪsā Muḥammad ibn Hārūn al-Isfahani, Ahmad ibn `Abdullah ibn Ahmad, (philosopher), 319 Abu Nu`aym (Suf biographer), 321 al-Zawahiri, Ayman (Al Qaeda leader), 340 Alive, son of Awake (by Ibn Tufail), 328 Amish, 405 © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature 437 Switzerland AG 2021 W. R. Everdell, The Evangelical Counter-Enlightenment, Boston Studies in Philosophy, Religion and Public Life 9, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-69762-4 438 Index Amsterdam, 19, 80, 89, 126, 253, 254, B 298, 371 ba‘alei shem, 287 Anabaptist, 124, 126, 405 Ba‘al Shem Tov (Israel ben Eliezer, BESHT), Anatoli, Jacob (translator), 329 284–289, 299–301, 306 Ancients and Moderns (Quarrel of), 178 Bach, J.S., 93 Andalusia, 288, 289, 315, 318, 326 Badr, Battle of, 335 Anglican, 5, 6, 24, 93, 117, 161, 164, 172, Baghdad, 318, 319, 322, 323, 333, 334, 338, 201, 204, 207, 214, 221 365, 402 Ansar Dine, 341 Baptism of fre, 17 Anthropological, anthropology, 166, 318, 397, Baptist, 1, 3–7, 13, 18, 27, 158, 163, 164, 202, 401, 408, 415 214, 222, 223, 225, 286, 397, 402 Anticlerical, anticlericalism, 8, 15, 23, 119, baqa, 12 160, 254, 255, 268, 297, 319, 404, 407 Barbier, E.J.B., 249, 258 Antinomian, Antinomianism, 15, 119, 124, Baron d‘ Holbach, P.-H.T., 16, 18, 19, 216, 125, 289, 290, 294, 296–298, 300, 305, 395–397, 402, 412 306, 315, 319, 324, 338, 339, 395 Bartlet, P., 167, 170 Appalachian, 29, 164 Baxter, R., 125 Aquinas, Saint Thomas, 118, 292, 325, 329 Bayreuth, 88 Arabia, 11, 14, 29, 159, 330, 342, 361, Bebbington, D., 7, 11 365–367, 370, 371, 373, 379 Beccaría, C., 369 Aristotle’s Master Piece, 178 Beghards, 118, 119 Arminian, Arminianism, 126, 127, 162, 170, Beguines, 110, 118, 119 174, 213, 217, 218, 264, 266 Beiser, F., 22 Arminius, Jacobus (Jakob Hermanszoon), Belarus, 301 126, 264 Ben Menahem, Azriel, of Gerona, 291 Armstrong, K., 8, 292, 399 Beni Hassan (people), 378 Arnauld family, 252 Berber, 378 Arndt, J., 110 Berger, P., 395, 396, 398 Asad, T., 400 Berlin, I., 20–22, 265, 268, 400, 415 Asbury, F., 220 Bernard, Saint, 92 as-Sulami, Abu ʿAbd al-Rahman (Suf Berthelsdorf, Saxony, 83–85, 98 biographer), 321 Bescherand (abbé), 249, 250, 258 Atheism, 19, 29, 116, 396, 397, 402, Bethabara, Pennsylvania, 90 404, 413 Bethania, Pennsylvania, 90 Athens, 295, 329 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 88–90, 94 Aufklarung, 317 bid‘ah (heretical innovations), 336 Augustans, 16 bida‘ , bidat (innovation), 337 Augustine, Saint, 111–114, 118, 119, 122, Billah, ʿAbdullāh al-Mahdi, 362 126, 162, 254, 261, 264, 265 Bissy, Henri-Pons de Thiard de, Cardinal Augustinianism, Augustinian, 6, 17, 88, 111, Bishop of Meaux, 250, 253 113, 114, 120, 122, 126, 159, 251, bittul ha-yesh (annihilation of reality)., 285 253–256, 260–263, 265, 267, 315 Blake, W., 97, 412 Augustinus (by Jansen), 251, 254 Blood and wounds” (Blut und Wunde), Austen, Jane, 20 91, 94–96 Austria, 87 Bloodlands, 299 Averroës (ʾAbū l-Walīd Muḥammad Ibn Blue-Blouse (George Cajacob Rushd), 318, 325–330, 362, 367 “Blaurock”), 124 Avicenna (Ibn Sina), 15, 318, 322 Blumenberg, H., 399 Avigdor of Pinsk (Rabbi), 303 Boehme, Jacob (Böhme, Behmen), 110 avodah be-gashmiyut (worship through the Bohemia, 80, 81, 83, 110 material), 285 Bohemian Brethren, see Hussites Awakening, 82, 125, 158, 201, 258, Böhler, P., 87, 95, 206, 213 283, 326 Boisseau’s Chapel, 1 Axioms, 402, 403, 412 Bonaventure, Saint, 118 Index 439 Born again, 94, 117, 162, 169, 170, 263 Conclusive Argument from God, The (by Shah Boston (Massachusetts), 8, 165, 166, 213 Waliullah), 376 Brethren of the Common Life, 110 Confessions (by Rousseau), 111, 112, 157, Brethren of the Free Spirit 169, 177, 204, 261, 263–266, 409 (Joachimites), 119 Confucius, 20 Bristol (England), 202, 209–213, 216, Congregational, 1, 6, 7, 10, 90, 158, 163, 164, 217, 224 166, 171, 174, 176, 178, 202, 204, 213, British Raj, 376, 377 214, 221, 222 Broad, C.D., 411 Connecticut (colony), 6, 8, 124, 160, 163, 164, Brotherly Union and Compact of the Brethren 170–173, 176, 177, 204, 213, 214, (Brüderlicher Verein und Willkür), 83 222, 296 Bubba (people), 378 Constantinople, 295, 299 Buber, M., 284, 409 Constitution, see Unigenitus Bundu, 378 Continental Congress, 1 Bunyan, J., 125, 126 Conventicle, 89, 110, 203, 206, 207, 218, Busskampf and Durchbruch, 86, 111 286, 301 Bynum, C., 92 Conversion, convert, 10, 79, 111, 157, 201, 263, 287, 315, 371, 395 Convicted, Conviction, 3, 4, 6, 8, 14, 118, 162, C 171, 172, 177, 203, 207, 218, 222, 257, Cagliostro, A., 97 262, 324, 369, 412, 416 Cairo, 295, 296, 319, 321, 339, 365 Cooper, 3rd Earl of, 205, 207 Calvin, J. (Jean Cauvin), 214 Cordovero, R.M. ben J., 294, 295, 303 Cambuslang, Scotland, 8 Corinthians, 116, 119, 174, 263, 268 Camp meeting, 7–9 Cosby, G.W., 171 Cane Ridge, 5, 223 Cossack (Khazakh), 299 Caritas (generosity, love), 116 Council of Vienne, 120 Carter, R. III, 223 Counter-Enlightenment, 9, 84, 126, 159, 225, Catholic, 9, 10, 16–19, 29, 81, 111, 112, 125, 254, 306, 315, 363, 398 158, 161, 250, 251, 253–256, 258–261, Cranz, D., 92, 95 264–268, 298, 315, 317, 405, 408, Cruz, Sor Juana Inés de la, 97 416, 418 Culte, 401 Catholic Counter-Enlightenment, 254 Czartoryski family, 284, 286, 299 Cévennes, 29 Chabad Lubavitch, 287 Change of heart, 6, 8, 127, 373 D Charis (÷άñéò, grace), 116 D’Aquili, E., 410, 411 Charitos (|αριτοσ, generosity), 115 da‘at (revealed knowledge), 305 Chauncy, C., 14, 175, 176, 178, 214 Damascus, Syria, 114, 323, 331, 334, 335, Chesterton, G.K., 405 338, 410 Chevalier d’Eon, 97 Dan Fodio, U., 14, 362 Chmielnicki (Poland) massacres, 296 Dar al-Islam, 14, 15, 315, 317, 318, 320, 322, Christianity, 8, 80, 109, 163, 202, 253, 288, 326, 330, 332, 334, 362, 369, 373, 316, 379, 398 374, 377 Churchill, W., 18, 362 Dark Ages (European), 118 Clement V (Pope), 119 Davenport, J., 176, 177, 214, 296 Cloude of Unknowyng, 120 David, C., 84, 87, 95 Colbert (de Croissy), Charles-Joachim Bishop Davies, S., 221 of Montpellier, 250, 253, 256 Da'wah and tableegh, 375 Coleridge, S.T., 23, 162, 225, 416 Dawkins, R., 29, 396, 404 Comenius, J.A., 81 de Balmes, A. (translator of Averroës, Hebrew Commonwealth, 4, 160, 163 to Latin), 329 Companions (of Muhammad), 16, 17, 86, 98, de Bellaigue, C., 15, 316, 374 161, 337, 368, 373, 409 de Bérulle, P., 252, 256 440 Index de Bonald, L., 23 Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, The de Chateaubriand, F.R., 20 (by Durckheim), 407, 409 Deism, deist, 15, 164, 259, 402, 415, 418 Emden, J., 298 De León, M. (Moshe ben Shem Tov), 292, Émile (by Rousseau), 264–267, 407, 409, 413 293, 298 Emir (military and political commander), 11, Delhi, India, 14, 29, 341, 374–377 337, 361, 362, 367–369, 371, 373, 376 Deliverance from Error (Al-Munqidh min Empiricism, empirical, 16, 20, 28, 160, 207, al-Dalal, by al-Ghazali), 323–325 266, 317, 319, 324, 325, 328, 329, Democracy, 5, 18, 79, 163, 221, 225, 331, 410 265, 268 Enlightenment (Lumières, Illuminismo), 4, 14, Denmark, 77, 88 84, 109, 159, 202, 254, 288, 315, Dennett, D., 29 363, 396 Deoband (madrassa), 377 Enlightenment Now! (by Pinker), 398, 414 Depravity, 123, 158, 162 Enthusiasm (ενθουσιασμος), enthusiastic, 4, Descartes, R., 14, 15, 110, 298, 322, 324, 325, 85, 111, 166, 201, 257, 298, 317, 397 401, 402 Enthusiasm Described and Cautioned Against Desidaimonia ( (δεσιδαιμονια, superstitious (by Chauncy), 175, 214 fear), 117 Episcopal, 1, 5, 225 Devekut (ecstatic union), 11, 285, 299 Epistemology, 14, 16, 28, 160, 268, 411 Dhawq (ecstatic taste, Suf), 320, 321, 323 Epworth, Lincolnshire, England, 201, 220 Dhikr (remembrance of God, Suf), 9, Estonia, 87 321, 323 Ethics, 15, 25, 28, 116, 170, 291, 318, Diderot, D., 14, 16, 22, 25, 216, 261, 263 403–406, 408, 410, 412–416, 418 Dionysius (Pseudo-Dionysius) the Ethics (by Spinoza), 16 Areopagite, 120 Ethiopia, 87, 89 Dippel, J.C., 91, 96 Eusebeia (εὐσεβεια, piety), 11 Dirʿiyah, 361, 370, 371 Evangelical, 5, 79, 119, 157, 201, 250, 361, Discourse on Method, 14, 325 379, 398 Dissenters, 126,
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