
431 NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 431 Guide to Some Trawl-Caught Marine Fishes From Maine to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina Donald D. Flescher March 1980 U.S . DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Circulars The major responsibiilties III the "attllnol \Iann.' FI,hpnp, ",'rvllP I:-':\HSI ArI' t(, m(,ml"r snd delhI aIJundan(t and j(Pfll(raphlf dlStrihution IIf lisherv r~sources, til unlierslunli snd prelil' I flUCI'.I1t1 ",ns In t hi' 4U n',1\ and d, trJbut H'n (,I Ihe < re rune and til E' labli h leHI lor optImum use of the resour('es, ,\:\IF:-; IS also (harged wllh Ih., d,'v!'lopmenl and ,mT,lementst,,·n "I poil" , I'lf man gllll( nallonal II hlnl( grounds, development and pnfoflempnt 01 dome,t'l Ii,hen," rpgu~AtH·ns, "If\(,1;18nCI' (of f'·rell(n f, h nj( "ft I nl'('(l"l I" ('Ia till "dler ann thE' development and enlorcement "I IllternatillnallJsh.n ul(rf't'menls and pollCl"s .... :\1~" .,1,,· a" I Ihe" hlng Ind •• Ir thr"ul'h rnarhltnj( ef\ ce and e(,lInllmlt anal\", prClgnl'n,. and ""rtgage n, Han' e and \(,,,(,1 (·m trurtll" L,h"d'e It, (" e I anal\le lnd puh he \3f1I1US phases "f the Indust r\ Tht' ,\OAA Technical Hpp"rt '\IF:-. t'Jr(ular "'rJ!" r m',n Ie'" ,eflt th,,' hft heN, n ( le'He ,net'. II. The (,r- 11M publicallons "I general'l1lt'resl Inlennt'ri I" ~J(! (lI"pr\.lIH·O and manag('rr(nl Puhl" tl' In 'Ilat rt"~" .n ('Ill lripnhp dr'~" lechnl(alleHI cerlaln hn an arfd' It research ~T:)ear in 'hi ,tnt· I fllln 01 paper. r i! IOallr n C(ln' IT. I< tuelj( mel fr" '11 If gpmpnl n \'£>stlgatlnns appt'ar In the Clfl'tJ!ar senes "()AA Tf,hnlcal Reporl .... \IF" (lfCUH, an' ,J\d lahl.· Irep n lim,ted r,umber t 'j!()\t'rnm('r I 19pn(, , hoi h h'der I dnd al,,( a\~ilah e In t:'xchangt' lor ether Sl:t'rttlflc and 'PChOl<d! PLt"ICfttlf·r., In tb mar re f""'lC Indl\ d II (( Ii" 'l\ tw .t-,'d,nf'd I JOh' lIthe"nse noted) In m D82:! l ,er Srr'ICtS Hrar"f], f<,mlronmental.., 1(' Irll rmll' >J1 ( enter, OA Iwck" Ie \10 LOh:>': Recent Clr· ('ulars .Ire 396 \\"hales. do,phlns, and porpo.se, of the we,tern ~(>r"1 A.t an'. A err m • t Pc n ng OHlce \\ a r n '''' U(, .l1J-IO~, tock L 003·01 gUide to the r Identlhcal1c n Hv Stephen Leathe", lod Ua\ Id h lalcJ lI<.-tO t well. and Hc\\'ard E. \\'lnn AL".1S· l'n, 1\ ~ l~6 P , l08 hg ., _ tat .. I~ app ligs. For sale b\ the "upcron'er.lent If Doc..l lents. l S (r.O\ Il~ \In~ ne 1 oru and f..lf of the n lrthes 'ern I IlIled t8 ernmer! Pnntlng OlflLe, \\ ashl1gt >n U( _(4u2 ~'cck () 1)0<·(2) I lp<podll I.A:~'1aer)JXdl<! e 'lnd phn dne By J J. he) Ho D 001190 cerrber 1 ;~~ 11 4 P Ib fig Fu. a.e by the upenntendent uccumt t l'" l, \ern"ent Pnntl1g om e, \\a hmg! m DC MO: r ((1 397 :'Ilar,ne n."a and 'auna c 1 the ncrt. ",bte 1 llllte" 'I d'es "tcek ) Jl- l(<412 • CllldaT.a ", \ ,>hl zoa Hy Ibnald J Ld"'>J1 Au "ht 'l~t 11" I P 2.~ figs ~or sale by the :-'upennle'1dent 01 Docu nen's c.. l\fr'1 1 11' rthea tern llllted men' Pn'ltl'lg Ofl".,·e \\ dshl'1gt~n Dl _(4l2 COO, \\ood OO:lti, I cem"er .,~ I I )~ chart 19~ \Ian 1e lera and launa 01 the r Jrtheasterr l n ted Dte Hlghr .uS ll.('ctlc, I' JIl_ ba.tI, h papers 12 "aper;.) B} RIchard ~ Deuter~my,ete,. n) cete~ R lungl Ascc mneles. and Ha,ldlc 1:3) A t: lm..lrd edl' -I Decem"er !9~~ 11 ~ it ~ p l_val ere :'I Iarci' IJ7-, 11 + ~'1 p., 2~ Ilgs For ,a _ t) de ::-.upe r inlendent l Documents. l S (",vern 'len' Prlnt.ng Ollie. \\ a,hlJ1gtc:1, 41 \Iar ne I "3 ana fd .na the narthea tern l r..ted tates DC 2()~li:.. :-.tcck '\c Ol'l- ):!()·ltU26 _ l lpepod (h)PC ,J paras. tiC m hshe B\ Jl." he\ Ho Februa 19 .11" 12 P 1 IIg 399. :'Ilanne ;1ora and faun" 01 the northeastern L'n ted ,.,tates ra'" trip bl Tn m the. P\\ YJrk B,ght ('ause lopepoda Harpactlc( da B\ Bruce (' lOl•• 1 \1urct< 977 11'" 4 p., ",.,d ""(, iJt'4Le lee, B\ Thomd ( :\Ialcne \Ia} 19. , 1\ + 14 p., 1- 100 figs. for sale b} the Superintendent of Document>, l :'. Gcvern II,::" , 1 table ment Printing O;\ice \\ asbmgtun Dl 20~C2 :-.tock c lIl3 02U-ll(.I12.J· -l 411 'S"temlIlC, and blole-I:) 01 the lI.elbhe (Per~.fc.rmb Branchia­ 400 Fishery publication mdex. 19b5-74 B\' \Iar\, Ellen Engett and 'te~.Jtle ~nd \1,,:.l..tl'ltt< dtlel, \\ th dbcnptHm 01 two ne\\ .. pecle, B} Lee C Thorson :'Ilarch 19 •• , ill ~ 2:!O P For ,a.e b\ the :'uper Jilme, K Doole) Apn . • q-~ \ ~ -, P 44 flJ:s , :?6 table> mtendent of Documents, l ~. Government Prmtmg Office, \\ ashingt m. D(, 20-lJ:!. ,.,tock ;-"0 Jl):)·WO-OO.~7·1 112 ~\ ~op'" c! blO,"Jg, • .l1 -idta on the red porg:" Pagru. pa~rus ILIIl' 'laeu, H) ('harle- 'I \Ianooch III and \\ :!ham \\ Has>ler :'.Ia) 401 Fisheries and flshe" resources c I .... e\\ Y lrk Bight. By J L 197' I t 19 p .. l_ hgs , 7 tables. For sale b) the Superintendent 01 I\lcHugh :'Ilareh 19~-. \. + 5" p., 4.3 I'gs., -19 tables For sale l:>y the D('(Lmenl" l'.'1 (.overnment Pnntmg Oftice. \\"a~hlllgton. DC ~0402; Superintendent of Documents, L,.S Government Printmg Oflice, Wash­ :-.tock '\ l 00jl),-·OOH,,·(I" mgton, DC :20402, Stock;-"o 003-0:20·00129-~. H3 \Iarine nora and fauna ot tbe northeastern l'mted States. 402. Guide to the identilication of scorpIOn fish larvae (Family Seor­ ('n.,taeea· Hranlhiura Hy Ro!(er F Cre,.. e), :'Ila) 19-:~. Iii + 10 p., 15 paellldae) m the eastern PaCIfic wllh comparative notes on species of IIgs. For sale Dy the Superintendent of Document., L'.S. Government ::>eba,tes and Helicolenus from other oceans. By H. Geoffrey :'Iloser. PnntlJ1g Oltice, \\·a,hmgtan. DC 20~U~, ::;tock :-':0 OU3·017-lJ0419·8. Elbert H. Ahlstrom, and Elaine:\ol. Sandknop. April 1977, v + 71 p .. -IO figs .. 38 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. C S. Gov· ~14 ::;ynop,is of bIOlogical data for the wmter flounder, Pseudopleuro· ernment Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402; Stock :-':0. 003·020- neet .. " amencaf1W \\\albauml. By Grace KlelJ1·:'IlacPhee. :-':ovember 00128-9 ;9.8. Iii + ~3 p, 21 figs, 28 tables. 403. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States Sipun· H5 A baSIS for c1asslfYlJ1g western Atlantic Sciaenidae (Teleostei: cula. By Edward B. Cutler. July 1977. Iii + 7 p., 6 figs. For sale by Perciformesl. By Labbisb :-':ing Chao. September 19,8, v + 64 p., 41 the Superintendent of Documents, U.S Government Pnnting Office, figs., 1 table. Washington, DC 20402; Stock No. 003-012-00404-0. 416. Ocean variability: Effects on C.S. marine fishery resources 404. Revision of the sea basses of the genus Diplectrum (Pisces: Ser­ 1975. (20 papers.) By Julien R. Goulet, Jr. and Elizabeth D. Haynes, rallldae). By Stephen A. Bortone. September 1977, v + 49 p., 15 figs., Editors. December 1978, iii + 350 p. 9 tables. 417. Guide to the identification of genera of the fish Order 405. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Echino· Ophidiiformes with a tentative classification of the order. By Daniel M, dermata: Holothuroidea. By David L. Pawson. September 1 Co.hen...aruLJ0l"1l'en..G ieJR A""= .b..~ NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 431 Guide to Some Trawl-Caught Marine Fishes From Maine to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina Donald D. Flescher March 1980 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Ph p M Klutznlc - Sec e a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration R chard A Fran Adr1" S ra''''' National Manne Fisheries Service Terry L Le tze Ass s'an Ad~ ua I" e es The ational ;\!a rine Fi henes en'ice (.'.1 F. ) do S not appro\' • r ec­ ommend or endorse any proprietary produc or proprietary mat rial mentioned in this publtcation. .'0 r fert'nCl, hall b mad to. 'Mr . • or to t his publication furni 'hed by • ',\1 F ~, in any ad\' r iSing or all' pro­ motion which would indicate or imply that. ·.\If appro\' • r comm nd or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary maLrial m nlion d herein, or which has as its purpose an intI nt to cau e dir etly or indir ctly the advertised product to ve used or purcha d b cau e of thi • '.1 pu blica tion. Introduction ..... ....................... .... .... .... .................. Introductory key to fib he .................................................. 3-7 Shark. except angel hark .................................................. Skates, rays and angel bhark ................................................ Skate, ray - skates ...................................................... 10 Skate ,rays - rays ........................................................ 11 kate ,rays - tin grays .................................................... 12 Eel-shaped fi he ......................................................... 13,14 Herring family ........................................................... 1.5,1 ' Anchovy- haped fishes ...................................................
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