Medizinische Labordiagnostika EUROIMMUN AG About EUROIMMUN Autoimmune diagnostics Infectious serology Allergology Antigen detection Molecular diagnostics Automation 2015 EUROIMMUN AG · 23560 Luebeck (Germany) · Seekamp 31 · Telephone +49 451 58550 · Fax 5855591 · E-mail [email protected] · Internet www.euroimmun.com EUROIMMUN is one of the leading manu- products. Every year, the EUROIMMUN facturers of medical laboratory diagnostics Academy receives almost 1000 customers worldwide and stands for innovation. Around from over 50 countries, providing training for 2000 employees in twelve countries develop, customers, fi eld staff, and employees from produce and sell test systems for the diagnosis all EUROIMMUN subsidiaries. The accredited of diseases, and software and automation Institute for Quality Assurance, an institution solutions for the performance and evaluation of the company, organises quality assess- of these assays. ment schemes and thus helps to maintain the high quality standard of external laboratories. Laboratories in over 150 countries use EUROIMMUN products for the diagnosis of The Institute for Experimental Immunology, autoimmune, infectious diseases and aller- another EUROIMMUN institution, is dedicated gies, and to perform genetic analyses. The to basic research. The institute also cooperates company was founded 1987 from the Uni- with universities, clinics and renowned versity of Luebeck (Schleswig-Holstein, Ger- research institutions from all over the world. many). In the business year 2014, the group These cooperations have resulted in a large turnover amounted to 175 million euros. number of diploma and doctorate theses. EUROIMMUN is ISO certifi ed (EN ISO 9001:2008, The enterprise has extensive expertise in EN ISO 13485:2012, ISO 13485/CMDCAS). the fi elds of immunology, cell biology, histo- logy, biochemistry and molecular biology. A large share of the company’s success can EUROIMMUN is based on state-of-the-art, be attributed to the associated reference labo- partly patented production processes and ratory, which offers a fast and differentiated microanalysis techniques. diagnosis to the EUROIMMUN customers and clarifi es several hundreds of patient samples Among the initial pioneer achievements of with diffi cult constellations every day. the company was the development of the BIOCHIP (1983). Today, EUROIMMUN has at EUROIMMUN meets its needs for qualifi ed its disposal virtually fully automated BIOCHIP personnel not only through its presence at fragmentation and production devices, which recruitment and trade fairs and advertisement, were designed and produced in-house and but also through its own training program. are now in use worldwide. Alongside the vocational school, the appren- tices and trainees are offered a comprehen- Furthermore, EUROIMMUN commands a sive practical and theoretical program and broad technology base which has enabled intensive mentoring in the work routine. it to initiate and promote fundamental, new developments in medical laboratory diagnos- At present, the company employs 60 trainees tics. Examples are the molecular biological and around 2000 persons worldwide. Women synthesis of designer antigens, computer- represent nearly 60% of staff and thus the aided immunofl uores cence microscopy majority. 912 employees have an academic (CAIFM) and the development of multi-para- background, 134 of them hold a doctoral metric microarrays for the identifi cation of degree. genetic polymorphisms, tumours or patho- genic agents, amongst others. The atmosphere in the company is produc- tive and characterised by openness and Great expertise and ongoing training are mutual respect. EUROIMMUN offers unlim- essential for the use and distribution of the ited employment contracts. All employees 2 can participate in the company’s success as to participate in regular trainings. The com- shareholders, benefi t from the company’s pany’s restaurant offers an excellent choice pension scheme, receive bonuses for excel- of food. Day care and an after-school club is lent performance, and have the possibility provided for the employees’ children. EUROIMMUN in fi gures 1987 founded in Luebeck, Germany 7 offi ces in Germany 175 M euros annual Group turnover in 2014 12 subsidiaries in other countries 1998 employees worldwide 176 proprietary/in-licensed IP rights 912 university graduates 3rd place “Most Innovative Medium- 134 employees with doctoral degree Sized Businesses in Germany“ 60 apprentices (WirtschaftsWoche, April 2014) Recent product innovations Anti-PLA2R ELISA: Quantitative detection of autoantibodies against phospholipase A2 recep- tor (PLA2R) in primary membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN) Anti-Echinococcus ELISA: Semiquantitative diagnosis of infections with Echinococcus granulosus as well as Echinococcus multilocularis by the use of native, purifi ed Echinococcus multilocularis vesicular fl uid (EmVF) CXCL13 ELISA: Diagnosis and therapy monitoring of neuroborreliosis. First assay worldwide for the quantifi cation of CXCL13 in cerebrospinal liquid to be approved for in vitro diagnostics DPA-Dx Profi les Pollen, Insect Venoms, Paediatrics: Molecular allergy diagnostics based on individually purifi ed allergen components (defi ned partial allergens, DPA) for differential diagnosis of allergic sensitisation patterns EUROArray HPV: Molecular diagnosis of infections for detection and typing of 30 anogenital HPV types (18 high-risk and 12 low-risk HPV) in a single reaction EUROPattern Microscope and software: Automated microscopy and modern interpretation of diagnostic results at the PC screen (ANA, ANCA, Crithidia, tissue, EUROPLUS – also in mosaics) and pattern recognition with titer determination Dengue Virus NS1 ELISA: Detection of viral protein NS1 as early marker of an acute infection. Reliable diagnosis in all stages of the disease, exclusion of cross reactions with anti-fl avivirus antibodies and differential diagnosis of tropical diseases EUROBlotOne: Complete automation solution for the immunoblot workstation – from sample pipetting to the fi nal result 3 Publications with EUROIMMUN’s participation ( 2015) Publications and recent developments in serological detection. Front Immunol 11(6): 221 (2015). 1. Diecker J, Schlumberger W, McHugh N, Hamann P, Vlag van der J, Berden JH. Reactivity in ELISA 10. Michaels MA, Jendrek ST, Korf T, Nitzsche T, with DNA-loaded nucleosomes in patients with Teegen B, Komorowski L, Derer S, Schröder T, proliferative lupus nephritis. Mol Immunol 68: 20- Baer F, Lehnert H, Büning J, Fellerman K, Sina C. 24 (2015). Pancreatic autoantibodies against CUZD1 and GP2 are associated with distinct clinical phenotypes of 2. Gerlach S, Affeldt K, Pototzki L, Krause C, Voigt Crohn’s Disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis [Epub] (2015). J, Fraune J, Fechner K. Automated evaluation of Crithidia luciliae based indirect immunofluorescence 11. Müller MA, Meyer B, Corman VM, Al-Masri M, tests: A novel application of the EUROPattern-Suite Turkestani A, Ritz D, Sieberg A, Aldabbagh S, Bosch technology. J Immunol Res Article ID 742402 [Epub] B-J, Lattwein E, Alhakeem RF, Assiri AM, Albarrak (2015). AM, Al-Shangiti AM, Al-Tawfiq JA. Wikramaratna P, Alrabeeah AA, Drosten C, Memish ZA. Presence 3. Gosink J. Parathyroid hormone, calcitonin and of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus vitamin D testing in calcium and bone metabolic antibodies in Saudi Arabia: a nationwide, cross- disorders. Medlab Magazine 2 (2015). sectional, serological study. Lancet Infect Dis 15(5): 559-564 (2015). 4. Gutiérrez C, Tejedor-Junco MT, González M, Lattwein E, Renneker S. Presence of antibodies 12. Muth D, Corman VM, Meyer B, Assiri A, Al-Masri but no evidence for circulation of MERS-CoV in M, Farah M, Steinhagen K, Lattwein E, Al-Tawfiq dromedaries on the Canary Islands, 2015. Euro JA, Albarrak A, Müller MA, Drosten C, Memish Surveill 20(37): pii=30019 (2015). ZA. Infectious MERS-Coronavirus excretion and serotype variability based on live virus isolates 5. Jarius S, Wildemann B, Stöcker W, Moser A, from patients in Saudi Arabia. J Clin Microbiol pii: Wandinger KP. Psychotic syndrome associated with JCM.01368-15 [Epub] (2015). anti-Ca/ARHGAP26 and voltage-gated potassium channel antibodies. J Neuroimmunol doi: 10.1016/j. 13. Papp M, Sipeki N, Tornai T, Altorjay I, Norman GL, jneuroim.2015.07.009. [Epub] (2015). Shums Z, Roggenbuck D, Fechner K, Stöcker W, Antal-Szalmas P, Veres G, Lakatos PL. Rediscovery 6. Krause C, Ens K, Fechner K, Voigt J, Fraune J, of the anti-pancreatic antibodies and evaluation of Rohwäder E, Hahn M, Danckwardt M, Feirer C, Barth their prognostic value in a prospective clinical cohort E, Martinetz T, Stoecker W. EUROPattern-Suite of Crohn's patients: the importance of specific target technology for computer-aided immunofluorescence antigens (GP2 and CUZD1). J Crohns Colitis 9(8): microscopy in autoantibody diagnostics. Lupus 24: 659-68 (2015). 516-529 (2015). 14. Pavlidis P, Komorowski L, Teegen B, Liaskos C, 7. Langenhan J, Mersmann M, Dworschak J, Schmidt Koutsoumpas AL, Smyk DS, Perricone C, Mytilinaiou E, Probst C, Stöcker W. Track Z (FS): Novel MG, Stöcker W, Forbes A, Bogdanos DP. Diagnostic developments in the diagnosis and treatment of and clinical significance of Crohn’s disease-specific autoimmune blistering diseases. Biomed Tech (Berl.) pancreatic anti-GP2 and anti-CUZD1 antibodies. doi: 10.1515/bmt-2015-5018 (2015) Clin Chem Lab Med doi: 10.1515/cclm-2015-0376. [Epub] (2015). 8. Lemcke S, Sokolowski S, Rieckhoff N, Buschtez M, Kaffka C, Winter-Keil A, Schaller C, Rottmann N,
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