COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT PLAN Mallory Capacitor Co. Superfund Site Waynesboro, Tennessee November 2018 z 55 UJ o \ T u. s. environmental protection agency REGION IV Approved by : yyhr-HL Date: 1116057 The S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Superfund Community Involvement Progr,-\m is committed TO PROMOTING COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CITIZENS AND THE AGENCY. Active public involvement is crucial to the success of any public project. EP.A'S COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT ACTIVITIES AT THE Mallory Capacitor Co. Superfund Site ARE DESIGNED TO Inform the public of the nature of the environmental issues associated with the site. Involve the public in the decision-making process that will affect them. Involve the public in the responses under consideration to remedy these issues, and Inform the public of the progress being made to implement the remedy. Table of C'ontents Section Page 1.0 Overview of the Community Involvement Plan....................................................................... 4 2.0 Capsule Site Description...............................................................................................................5 2.1 Site History............................................................................................................................5 2.2 Site Description Location................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Site Inspectionsand Cleanup .Activities.............................................................................9 3.0 Community Background............................................................................................................. 11 3.1 Community Profile.............................................................................................................. 11 3.2 Histoiy of Community Involvement................................................................................13 3.3 Key Community Concerns................................................................................................ 13 3.4 Response to Community Concerns..................................................................................13 3.5 Summaiy of Communication Needs................................................................................13 4.0 EP.A's Community Involvement Program................................................................................14 4.1 Tlie Plan............................................................................................................................... 14 4.2 Time Frame Summaiy for Community Involvement .Activities..................................19 .Appendices: .A EP.A Regional Contacts................................................................................................................20 B Local OlTicials.............................................................................................................................. 21 C State Officials................................................................................................................................ 22 D Federal Elected Officials..............................................................................................................23 E Potentially Responsible PiU'ties...................................................................................................24 F Media Contacts............................................................................................................................. 25 G Meeting Locations........................................................................................................................27 H Repositoiy Locations................................................................................................................... 28 I Other Local Resources.................................................................................................................29 J Fact Sheets..................................................................................................................................... 30 Figures: 1 Site Map..........................................................................................................................................6 2 Site Community Map.................................................................................................................... 7 3 Regional Map................................................................................................................................. 8 4 State Map........................................................................................................................................ 9 5 EJ Screen Map..............................................................................................................................12 Mallo/y Capacitor Co. Comnmnitx Involvement Plan Page 3 November 2018 Section 1.0 Overview of the C'ommunitv Involvement Plan Tlie EPA developed this Community Involvement Phin (CIP) to tacilitate two-way communication between the community suirounding the Malloiy Capacitor Co. Site (Site) and the EPA and to encourage community involvement in Site remediation activities. Tlie EP.A will utilize the community involvement activities outlined in this plan to infonn area residents about the Site and provide opportunities for community involvement. Tills CIP addresses the Site's relationship to the community and the EP.A (Section 2.0). provides a description of the community (Section 3.0). presents the EP.A's community involvement program (Section 4.0). and provides a listing of resources available (.Appendices). Tlie EP.A drew upon several information sources to develop this plan, including community interviews and Site files. Tlie EP.A's Regional OtTice will oversee the implementation of the community involvement activities outlined in this Plan. Mallo/y Capacitor Co. Comnmnitx Involvement Plan Page 4 November 2018 Section 2.0 Capsule Site Description 2.1 Site History The Site includes the area where City Chemical Company operated a footwear production facility in the late 1940s to the 1960s and P.R. Mallory & Co., Inc. operated an electrical capacitor manufacturing facility from the late 1960s to 1984. The Mallory Capacitor Company operated from 1969 to 1979 by Duracell, and from 1979 to 1984 by Emhart Industries to manufacture electrical capacitors on-site using Trichloroethene (TCE) and its breakdown products as part of the manufacturing process. Liquid waste generated from this process was stored in underground storage tanks on-site. Operation at the Mallory Electrical Capacitor manufacturing facility contaminated soils and groundwater with solvents and polychlorinated biphenyl compounds (PCBs). From 1976 to 1980, cleanup actions were implemented by Emhart to remove PCB-contaminated materials from process equipment within the manufacturing facility. These actions also included removing the underground storage tank adjacent to the plant and associated surrounding PCB-contaminated soil. The EPA placed the Site on the Superflind program’s National Priorities List (NPL) in 1989 because of contaminated groundwater resulting from facility operations. The EPA, the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC), and Battery Properties International, the Site’s potentially responsible party (PRP), have investigated Site conditions and taken steps to clean up the Site. Site contamination does not currently threaten people living and working near the Site. By treating and monitoring groundwater, placing institutional controls on the Site property, and undertaking Five-Year Reviews (FYRs), the EPA, TDEC, and the Site’s PRP continue to protect people and the environment from Site contamination. 2.2 Site Description/Location The former Mallory facility consists of an 8.6-acre vacant industrial parcel situated on the western bank of the Green River. The Site is located 0.2 miles southeast of the center of Waynesboro, in Wayne County, Tennessee, approximately 80 miles southwest of Nashville, Tennessee. The Site ad(h'ess is Belew Circle, Waynesboro, Tennessee, 38485. The only building on the facility parcel is a former warehouse that now houses the groundwater remediation treatment system. Approximately 2,050 people live within one (1) mile of the Site. Surrounding land uses include residential and commercial properties to the north, south and west and approximately eight residences border the Site to the south on Mariva Street. The front yards of these residences come to within 20 yards of the plant’s on-site warehouse. Three residential properties border the western side of the Site upgradient from the plant. The property is unfenced; however, a solid-wood privacy fence encloses the area next to the former warehouse. The vapor phase carbon absorption units (air emissions treatment) for groundwater treatment off­ gasses sit inside the enclosed area. Mallory Capacitor Co. Community Involvement Plan Page 5 November 2018 Municipal water is available to the area residents and businesses; the City of Waynesboro enacted an ordinance prohibiting groundwater withdrawal in the Site vicinity. There are 54 private wells located within a one-mile radius of the Site that draw on the Fort Payne Formation Aquifer for groundwater. Figure 1: Site Map SisilEmeralds; >■ Wo()iiTsr1 mm i N ZJ Jones’W? a **•. '■ -r.' ■ F Fr.inrR^-'-r-. - : Mallory Capacitor Co. Community Involvement Plan Page 6 November 2018 Figure 2: Site/Community Map ■;/ i 1 -■'V- T\^ ' '-^ ■B-’*^.:'- • —S • 'V ___Ik * r'--?lMl A SkSCdu;
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