25_662945 bindex.qxp:interior pages 3/5/08 11:47 AM Page 567 Index Entries in italic type refer to illustrations Aalto, Alvar, 18, 129, 170, 271, 291, 360, 476, 492, American Embassy. See United States Embassy Baker House Dormitory, Massachusetts Institute 492, 493, 493–494, 494, 495 American Houses, Inc., 148–149, 309 of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Abramovitz, Max, 372, 372, 373, 375 American Institute of Architects (AIA), 278, 432, 291, 494 accessibility 436 Bankers Trust Building, New York, New York, 80 airport terminal preservation, 425 American National Exhibition, Moscow, USSR banking industry, 39–40 Raymond M. Hilliard Center, Chicago, Illinois, (1959), 141 Bankside Power Station, Southwark, London, 293, 295 American Radiator Company, 309 England, 449 A. Conger Goodyear House, Old Westbury, New American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), Barbican housing estate, London, England, 86, 98 York, 213 113, 128 Barcelona chair, 7, 185, 189, 189 acrylic sealants, 133 Ammann & Whitney, 95, 427, 431 Barcelona Pavilion, Barcelona, Spain (1929), 10, adaptive reuse, 34 Amoco Building (Aon Center), Chicago, Illinois, 38, 50, 51, 52, 171, 182, 183, 184, 185, 185, Advance Development Company, 264 129, 131, 476, 496, 497, 498 186, 187–188, 188, 189, 189, 190–193 advocacy, viii design, 496 design description, 187–189 Agnelli, Giovanni, 454–455 generally, 496 generally, 185–187 Ain, Gregory, 261–262, 263, 263, 264, 265, 266, historical development, 496–498 historical perspective, 189–190 266, 326 preservation issues, 498 reconstruction, 190–193, 201 Air Commerce Act of 1926, 420 Anaheim Ice (Disney Ice Skating Rink), Bard Awards, 279 Air France, 424 Anaheim, California, 107 Barragán, Luis, 5 airline industry, 31, 395, 396, 422, 424, 431. See anastylosis, 58–59 Basilica of Vicenza, Andrea Palladio, Venice, Italy, also airport terminals antimodern bias, viii 457 AIROH houses (generally), 144, 145, 148, 153 Antiquities Act of 1906, 67 Bauer, Catherine, 206 AIROH houses, Edinburgh, Scotland, 145 Aon Center (Amoco Building), Chicago, Illinois. Bauhaus, Dessau, Germany, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, airport terminals, 419–444. See also airline See Amoco Building (Aon Center), Chicago, 110–111, 123, 127, 225, 297, 331, 473 industry; Dulles International Airport, Illinois Bauhaus, Weimar, Germany, 225 Chantilly, Virginia; TWA Terminal, John F. Arapahoe Acres, Denver, Colorado, 240 beams and columns, structural steel, 79, 81 Kennedy International Airport, New York, The Architects Collaborative, Boston, Massachu- Beaudo, Eugène, 331–332 New York setts (TAC), 162, 225–226, 331, 332 Becket, Welton, 397 Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, Architectural and Allied Arts Exhibition, 183, Beckman, Morris H., 318, 319–320, 323 Virginia, 436–438, 436–439, 440, 441–444 200. See also Aluminaire House, Architec- Behrens, Peter, 9, 225 historical perspective, 420–423 tural and Allied Arts Exhibition, New York Bell Telephone Corporation Research Laborato- overview, 419–420 Architectural League, Central Islip, New ries, Holmdel, New Jersey, 33–34, 451 preservation issues, 423–425 York (1931) Belluschi, Pietro, 89, 373, 375, 378 TWA Terminal, John F. Kennedy International architectural bronze, curtain walls, 119–120 Bemis, Albert, 147 Airport, New York, New York, 426–430, architectural drawings, 169 Bemis Foundation, 146–147 426–434, 435 Architectural League of New York City, 200 Bergpolder Flats, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 269 A. Jespersen and Sons Office Building, Copen- Architectural Record (journal), 199–200, 342 Berkshire Music Festival opera house, Stock- hagen, Denmark, 412–413 Arets, Wiel, 482 bridge, Massachusetts, 105 Albany Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York, 372 Ärhus City Hall, Denmark, 353 Berlage, H. P., 503 Albert I (king of Belgium), 140 art, design intent, philosophical issues, 35–37 Bethlehem Steel Company, 79 Alcoa Building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 117, Art Deco style, 10, 14, 16, 26, 137, 245, 246, 394, Bethlehem Steel site, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 117, 473–474 404, 422 451 Alcoa Corporation, 117 Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 163 Beverly Hilton, Los Angeles, California, 405 Alexandra Road housing project, London, artisans, 35 Bijvoet, Bernard, 9, 334, 335–338, 337–340, 465, England, 12 Art Moderne style, 16 501, 502, 503, 505, 508, 509 Alfonso XIII (king of Spain), 190 Arts and Crafts movement (English), 44–45, 46, Blake, Peter, 68 Alhambra, Granada, Spain, 58 56 Blass, Roy Burton, 318, 319–320, 323 Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, New York, New Arts Council of Britain, 367 Bohigas, Oriol, 190, 191 York, 379 Arup, Ove, 382, 386 Boito, Camillo, 57 Allied Arts and Building Products Exhibition, asbestos, 81, 82, 178. See also hazardous materials Böll, Henrich, 450 New York, New York (1931), 149 assessment. See investigation and assessment Bolt, Beranek & Newman, 515 Allies & Morrison, 369 Association of American Steel Manufacturers, 79 Bonwit Teller Building, New York, New York, 405 Aluminaire House, Architectural and Allied ArtsCOPYRIGHTEDAthens Charter (1931), 57–59, 60, 62,MATERIAL 64, 67 Boots Pharmaceutical Factory (Nottingham, Exhibition, New York Architectural League, Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 315 United Kingdom), 10, 46, 122, 122 Central Islip, New York (1931), 50, 51, 52, Attenborough, John, 367 Boston City Hall, Boston, Massachusetts, 26, 27, 73, 117, 149, 183, 184, 194, 194–195, 196, Atterbury, Grosvenor, 146 28 197, 197, 198, 198–201, 202, 202–203 Australia, 62–64 Boston Redevelopment Corporation, 288 design description, 195–199 Australian Heritage Commission Act of 1975, 62 Bottino, Vittorio Bonadé, 455 generally, 194–195 authenticity Bracken House, London, England, 12–13, 13 historical perspective, 199–201 Nara Document on Authenticity, 61–62, 64–65 Brandi, Cesare, 52, 60 preservation issues, 201–203 philosophical issues, 44–47 Brasília, Brazil, xi, 5, 6, 21, 37, 66, 271 aluminum, curtain walls, 117–119 preservation process, 164–165 Brasília Cathedral, Brasília, Brazil, 66 Aluminum Company of America, 117, 149 automobile industry, 77, 114, 146, 147, 245, 321, Brazil, 5 Americana hotel, New York, New York, 397 324, 394–395, 447–448, 454–456, 474 Brazil Builds exhibit (Museum of Modern Art American Airlines, 431, 432, 433 Avery Fisher Hall. See Philharmonic Hall (Avery (MoMA)), 15 American Airlines Terminal, John F. Kennedy Fisher Hall), Lincoln Center, New York, Breakers hotel, Palm Beach, Florida, 394 International Airport, New York, New York, New York Breuer, Marcel, 15, 43, 43, 83–84, 84, 85, 86, 91, 432 91, 126, 129, 132, 161–162, 164, 169, 225, American Architectural Manufacturers Associa- Baekeland, Leo, 136 226 tion (AAMA), 128 Bakelite, 136–137 bridges, poured-in-place concrete, 85 Index 567 25_662945 bindex.qxp:interior pages 3/5/08 11:47 AM Page 568 Brinkman, Jan, 11, 34, 38, 464–465 historical perspective, 278–280 Council House, Perth, Australia, 64 Brinkman, Michiel, 464 preservation issues, 280–281 craftsmanship, philosophical issues, 44–47 Brinkman & Van der Vlugt, 34, 38, 123, 167, 269, Chicago, Illinois, 59, 73, 163–164 Cranbrook Academy of Art (Kingswood School 463, 464, 465, 465, 468, 470, 473 Chicago Architects Oral History Project, 163 for Boys and Kingswood School for Girls), Brion Cemetery, San Vito d’Altivole, Treviso, Chicago Arts Club, Chicago, Illinois, 45 Bloomsfield Hills, Michigan, 332, 345 Italy, 42 Chicago Board of Education, 345 Crow Island School, Winnetka, Illinois, 66, 332, brise-soleils, 126, 476 Chicago Building Code, 496 341, 341–348, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, British Rail relay rooms, 141 Chicago Fire of 1871, 79 353 Brook Hill Farm Diary Company, Century of Chicago Housing Authority (CHA), 297–298 design, 342–345 Progress Exposition, Chicago, Illinois Chicago Tribune Tower Competition (1922), 345, generally, 341–342 (1934), 95 432 historical development, 345–347 Brown, Neave, 12 Chicago Vitreous Enamel Products Company, 321 preservation issues, 348 Brutalist style, 12, 13, 44, 85, 273, 368 Christiansen, John, 95 Crown Hall, Illinois Institute of Technology, Budd Company, 441 Chrysler Building, New York, New York, 118, 119 Chicago, Illinois, 73, 116, 116, 125–126, 476 Building Plastics Research Corporation, 139 Chrysler Corporation, 441 Crystal Palace, Great Exhibition, London, Bunshaft, Gordon, 19, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 39, 81, Church of the Madeleine, Vézelay, France, 54 England (1867), 79, 114, 182 85, 113, 116, 118, 373, 375, 473, 486, CIGNA campus (Connecticut General Life Insur- Cuba, 5, 93, 97, 279, 288 487–488, 489, 489, 490, 491 ance Company), Bloomington, Connecticut, curtain walls. See also exterior cladding and veneer Burchard, John E., 147 34 design, 112–113 Burk, Frederic, 345 Cineac theater, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 503 glass, 113–115 Burra Charter, 59, 61–64, 69, 392 Cirici, Cristian, 191 historical development, 107–112 Bursley, Harold, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 250 Citroën automobile, 146 joint materials, 132–135 butyl sealants, 133 City Beautiful movement, 182 metals, 115–121 Byron G. Rogers Federal Building, Denver, City Hall, Ärhus, Denmark, 353 preservation issues, 121–128 Colorado, 161 City Hall, Boston, Massachusetts, 26, 27, 28 technological advances, 77, 78, 107–128 City Hall, Miami, Florida, 421 terminology, 107 Cabrini-Green, Chicago, Illinois, 297 Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA), 439 transparency, philosophical issues, 37–41 Cahill, John Joseph, 386 civil aviation, 420, 432. See also airline industry; Caldwell, Alfred, 300 airport terminals dalle de verre, 521. See also First Presbyterian Callendar, John H., 309 Civilian Conservation
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