TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 PLANNING APPLICATION BY MR P LEWIS LAND REAR OF ROYAL OAK PUBLIC HOUSE, OAK HILL ROAD, STAPLEFORD ABBOTTS, RM4 1JL OUTLINE APPLICATION FOR FIVE DWELLINGS INCLUDING DETERMINATION OF ACCESS, LAYOUT AND SCALE PLANNING SUPPORT STATEMENT SPL REF: 13.2310 Head Office : Old Scho ol House, Rettend on Turnpike, Battlesbridge, Essex, SS1 1 7QL T 0870 013 6996 E [email protected] W www.smartplanning.co.uk Registered In England: 04369649 All your development needs CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1 2.0 SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION ............................................................................... 2 3.0 POLICY SPECIFIC INFORMATION .......................................................................... 5 4.0 DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC INFORMATION ............................................................ 8 5.0 PLANNING POLICY AND EVALUATION ................................................................ 11 6.0 CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................... 20 APPENDICES SPL1 Photographs 1-8 SPL2 Footpath 33, Nuper’s Hatch, Definitive Map; Definitive Statement; Historic Map; Digital Map, Essex County Council SPL3 Correspondence from Epping Forest District Council, 6 December 2012 SPL4 Environment Agency Map, April 2014 SPL5 Proximity of Application Site to Services and Facilities Map; Bus Maps and Timetables, April 2014 SPL6 Parking Tally, Mr P Lewis, March 2014 SPL7 Email Correspondence with the Local Highway Authority, 24 April 2014 SPL8 Email Correspondence with the Local Planning Authority, 29 April 2014 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1. The following is a Planning Support Statement. It is submitted in lieu of a Design and Access Statement (DAS) following the revocation of the requirement to submit a DAS with a planning application as set out in The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2013. 1.2. The principal purpose of the statement is to ensure the development proposals are based on a thoughtful design process and a sustainable approach to access. 1.3. The statement summarises the planning issues for consideration by Epping Forrest District Council in relation to the proposed new dwellings at land rear of the Royal Oak Public House, Stapleford Abbotts. 1.4. This statement details the site and surrounding area, having consideration of access, layout and scale, linking with the simultaneous full application regarding the rationalisation of the public house grounds and the revised access arrangements. Although landscaping and appearance are reserved matters, they are also considered. 1.5. The background information to the proposal and explanatory comments are followed by a summary of relevant planning policy. Conclusions are set out within the final section of the statement. 1.6. The following documents were used in the construction of the statement: The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) Epping Forest District Council Local Plan (1998) and Alterations (2006) Essex County Council Parking Standards (2009) The Essex Design Guide (2005) 1.7. In terms of planning merits, it is considered and is demonstrated in this statement that the proposal is acceptable in light of relevant planning policies of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Epping Forest District Council Local Plan. It is on this basis that the current application is submitted for determination by the Local Planning Authority (LPA). 1 2.0 SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION 2.1. The site lies to the rear of the existing public house, which stands within its own land and car park (see photographs 1 and 2 at SPL1). The premises are neither Listed nor within a Conservation Area. 2.2. The site is in the District of Epping Forest within the Metropolitan Green Belt (MGB), directly adjacent to Stapleford Abbott’s village boundary. The access from Oak Hill Road to the south, sits within this village boundary, as does the public house. Please refer to the submitted Location Map, Location Plan and Existing Site Plan, drawing references 13.2310/M001, 13.2310/M004 and 13.2310/E102. 2.3. As exists there is hardstanding covering the full extent of the site, currently used for parking in connection with the public house which is undersubscribed and set out in a non-rationalised manner. The access is existing but the simultaneous full application for the public house grounds proposes a rationalisation of the grounds providing an upgraded shared surface access arrangement, which is included in the proposed plans (see 13.2310/P202A and 13.2310/P203A). Further photographs can be seen at SPL1. 2.4. In terms of immediate setting, the site sits surrounded by residential buildings and uses on all side. Directly to the east and north are residential gardens and built form, and to the south and west are dwellings, the public house and Oak Hill Road. 2.5. Stapleford Abbotts is made up of a number of dwellings of various styles and on various plots and business premises fronting onto Oak Hill Road, Bournebridge Lane to the west and Tysea Hill to the east, in a form of ribbon development. The main core of dwellings are contained within the village boundary with the surrounding area categorised as within the MGB. The pattern and grain of the area is that of dwellings interspersed along Oak Hill Road with some employment uses. 2.6. The recent completion of the building allowed by planning permission granted on the road of Kensington Park of six new detached dwellings (reference EPF/425/03) is directly to the north west of the site and stretches significantly into the MGB. 2.7. This development creates a clear precedent for potential residential expansion in much the same way. Plans 13.2310/P202A and 13.2310/P203A show the properties created by this development that are closest to this site and can be seen to the north. 2.8. The application site in its entirety, including access, covers an area of circa 0.25 2 hectares. 2.9. The location of the application site and the nature of its surroundings as described above ensure that the proposal does not offer any exception to the existing uses and character of the locality. The type and form of development proposed would accord with the uses and pattern of development in this location. 2.10. Access to the site will be via a shared access with the public house, by utilising the revised access to be implemented by the simultaneous application that has been submitted. At this point visibility is good and there are no structures impeding sight lines from the east and the west (see photographs 2 and 3 at SPL1). Currently the access is a simple hardstanding with no formal footways (see photographs 7 and 8 at SPL1). 2.11. There is a public footpath, no.33 Nuper’s Hatch, which runs from Oak Hill Road through the site to the north east. Currently it is not marked and runs through the middle of the current access road and car park without clarity. The adjacent sister application, along with this one, proposes to create a shared surface road along the full length of the footpath as it sits on this site, improving safety and clarity of the route. The footpath route can be seen at SPL2 and on the proposed illustrative layouts, references 13.2310/P202A and 13.2310/P203A. 2.12. The site boundaries are defined by an assortment of fencing and walls on all sides (see photograph 4 at SPL1) except the one connected to the public house grounds. At this point (to the southwest) the site is currently bordered by existing hardstanding (see photograph 5 at SPL1), and the proposed shared surface road and rationalised parking grounds by the aforementioned application (see plans 13.2310/P202A and 13.2310/P203A). 2.13. The public house on the land adjacent is a two storey building with the main two storey element being square in plan form. The premises are pebble dashed and double fronted, facing both the road and this site (see photographs 1 and 2 at SPL1). 2.14. These premises have been extensively re-modelled with a large conservatory and rear extension projection along the street frontage. Current access to the site and the public house is the same as proposed for this development. 2.15. In addition to an extensive planning history of the site it is also correct that two substantial detached dwellings stand on the former car park on the eastern side of 3 the pub itself. 2.16. The applicant received correspondence from the LPA on 6 December 2012 confirming the potential use of the land for housing development, with further possibility for linking with adjoining properties. The letter confirms the site is brownfield land, that it is sustainable, and that it is not open Green Belt land. The letter is attached at SPL3. 2.17. In relation to topography, the submitted Existing Site Plan reference 13.2310/E102, highlights site features and topography. 2.18. The site is not within a Flood Risk Area (see environment agency map at SPL4). 4 3.0 PROPOSAL SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3.1. The outline application proposes the building of five new dwellings to the rear of the Royal Oak Public House. 3.2. The application will provide means of access to the site, defined by the related full application, and an indicative layout for the dwellings, also determining scale. The reserved matters will be that of landscaping and appearance. 3.3. The proposal provides an opportunity to maximise the potential of the site whilst being mindful of surrounding developments and given the provision of appropriate parking for the public house from the adjacent parking rationalisation application. 3.4. The site in itself has several favourable qualities which make it particularly suitable in the locality for a scheme of the nature proposed, as follows: It is sustainable as it is in close proximity to local amenities and services including a school, village hall, public houses and general store in Stapleford Abbotts (see Proximity Map at SPL5).
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