OCTOBER 1, 1971 25 CENTS A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE - - March protesting Attica massacre in Harlem Sept. 18, 1971. Articles about Attica and prison revolts, pages 10-15. Hugo Blanco deported • ICO- page 5 Support widens for abortion campaign/ 4 Attica victim's family tells of cruelty/13 Saigon election fraud stirs protest/17 VOLUME 35/NUMBER 35 THIS BLACK INMATE SUES PRISON OFFICIALS AT FED­ RADICAL ECONOMISTS BLAST NIXON'S FREEZE: ERAL PEN IN TEXAS: Walter Collins, a Black draft After holding a week of seminars near Morgantown, W. WEEK'S resister serving a fiv~year sentence at the federal prison Va., in August, the Union for Radical Political Economics in Texarkana, Texas, filed suit Sept. 14 against Warden adopted a four-page statement condemning Nixon's wage MILITANT L. M. Connett and Education SupervisorWilliam C. Storm freeze. It charged that while ''the main cause of the Nixon for refusing to allow him to receive certain books, to program lies in the capitalists' need to further rationalize 3 Subscription sales ahead mail some of his letters or to receive visits from Carl and control inherently destructive tendencies in capital­ in first week of drive Braden. Collins was a co-worker of Braden's in the South­ ism." Such control will mean a: "stronger concentration 4 Support widens for ern Conference Educational Fund before he was jailed of corporate government power" at the expense of work­ abortion campaign by a racist court decision refusing to recognize that Col­ ers power "to control the human and physical resources lins' draft board was illegally constituted. Exactly the of their workplaces and communities." The URPE is an Defeats for two equal opposite ruling had been made by the same court in a organization of radical university teachers, graduate stu­ rights bills parallel case involving a white draft resister a short time dents and others that oppose the so-called "positivist" 5 Hugo Blanco deported earlier. approach taken to econon\ics in U.S.. schools, counter­ to Mexico posing an analysis committed to "serving the workers' 8 Nov. 6 Countdown "JUSTICE" DEPT. MOVES TO ROLL BACK PRISON­ needs and (to) the desirability of a world without op­ ERS' RIGHTS: On Sept. 14, the day after the bloodbath 9 Over five million un­ pression and poverty." The group can be contacted at at Attica ordered by Rockefeller, Nixon's Department of 2503 Student Activities Building, University of Michigan, employed in August Justice proposed revamping current iaws governing pris­ Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104, or by calling (313) 633-4944. Miss. strike fights pay oners' rights to appeal their convictions. The change pro­ cut posed by Assistant Attorney General William Rehnquist ANTHONY RUSSO ON HUNGER STRIKE: Anthony 10 Inside Attica: Interview at a Senate hearing would bar a prisoner from continuing J. Russo, in jail for contempt under lhe blatantly unjust with Black member of to seek a reversal of conviction on the basis of new court "immunity statute" because he refused to testify against rulings- except those dealing with confessions or tainted Daniel Ellsberg, began a hunger strike Sept. 16 at the observers committee evidence. This legal stooge for Nixon offered as the reason Terminal Island Federal Prison, according to the Sept. 11 Thousands join Attica for seeking such a major rollback of prisoners' rights 17 New Yo~k Times. Russo, 34, was jailed Aug. 16 after protests that it would "more effectively screen out genuinely seri­ refusing to answer the questions of the federal grand jury SWP campaigns seek ous constitutional violation!! from the mass of frivolous that indicted Ellsberg for "illegal possession" of the Penta­ prison visits and technical petitions now filed." To further demonstrate gon papers. his belief that putting people in cages is a subject of fri­ 12 Why Attica exploded volity, Rehnquist offered to swap enactment of this change YOUTH HUMILIATED FOR PUTTING FLAG WHERE Attica victim's family by the Senate for the administration's support to Senator IT BELONGS: Terry Lee Valmassoi, an 18-year-old from tells of cruel treatment Sam Ervin's (D-N. C.) so-called "speedy trial bill." Ervin's Taylor, Mich., was sentenced by a district judge with a 14 Interview: "If it were bill offers a token concession to the plight of the thou­ perverse sense of justice to recite the "Pledge of Allegiance" left to me there would sands of men and women kept in jail for months and even before the courthouse flag every day for three months years awaiting trial. be no prisons at all" because he had been convicted of "desecrating the flag" by wearing it as a patch on the seat of his jeans. George Jackson on the AIR FORCE PERMITS ANTIWAR OFFICERS TORE­ role of prisons SIGN- IF ••• An Air Force regulation, issued in August 16 Mass arrests of Ceylon and reported in the Sept. 1 Air Force Times, permits socialists antiwar officers to resign from the service. In order to High school youth and qualify, an officer must sign a statement that he is resign­ ing "because he is convinced that his performance or at­ the 1972 SW P campaign titude will result in deterioration in mission ·effectiveness, 17 Saigon election fraud and that his unalterable convictions preclude rehabilita­ brings protest . tion." Such a statement must also be verified and en­ Senate clears way for dorsed by the officer's commander. In a related develop­ passage of draft bill ment, a letter made public by the American Civil Lib­ 18 Guardian 5tdff writer at­ erties Union, from staff counsel Jael M. Gora to Defense Sectetary Melvin Laird complains of an Air Force prac­ critics. of Padilfa 1 ·fcicks tice requiring ROTC and service academy officers who jailing seek C. 0. discharges, and presumably non-C. 0. antiwar Bengali refugee toll officers, to pay back the government for the cost of their mounts schooiing. Gora's letter makes clear that the ACL U is 19 In defense of the Chi­ prepared to take court action if the practice does not cease. nese revolution UNDERGROUND FILM FROM SOVIET UNION: A 21 SWP Jaunches fall cam­ Anna. Tavares and Angelina Watkins are the film produced in Moscow by opponents of the Brezhnev­ first longshorewomen working as stevedores at paign tours Kosygin regime has made its way to Western Europe, 22 1,000 honor Jackson in according to the Sept. 15 Washington Post. An article Providence, R.I., Municipal Wharf. by Richard Reston, datelined London, reports that Wil­ London BOOK CLAIMS ADOLESCENT ILLITERACY IS A nam Cole of CBS "is processing the film for possible 24 80,000 demand Puerto FRAUD: A recent book by Daniel Fedar, The Naked viewing in the United States." It is riot indicated what Children (Macmillan, $6.95), asserts that reading tests Rican independence "processing" means, but Reston's description of the con­ Soledad Brothers ha­ administered in public schools are misleading because tents suggests that it may mean. editing away the film's the testers assume the students try to score as well as they rassed in prison political line. One sequence in the film is an appeal by the can. Fedar believes that many stud,ents with low scores wife of Pytor Grigorenko. Grigorenko is being brutally can read perfectly well but purposely fake incompetence mistreated in a mental hospital where he is imprisoned as a way of rebelling against a hostile school system. for his opposition to Stalinism. Reston describes Grigo­ 2 In Brief The author bases his theory on children he met in the renko as a "long-time civil rights leader," but in fact 6 In Our Opinion course of a year-long experiment at a Washington, D. C., the call repeated by the revolutionary Soviet military junior high school, particularly a "gang" offive students Letters hero, for which he was confined to the hospital, is the led by a 14-year-old girl. All five were bright and good 7 Women: The Insurgent call for a return to the workers democracy of Lenin's readers, but they had been classified as functional illiter­ Majority time. The capitalist media is always pleased to be able ates because tliey deliberately played dumb on tests and 8 The National Picketline to point to the lack of political freedom in the bureau­ in classes. cratized workers states, but in doing so it is usually car~ 20 In Review ful to conceal the fact that the masses of people in these FASCISTS KILL STRIKE ORGANIZER: A man dis­ countries remain loyal to the planned economy, that the tributing leaflets to Madrid construction workers, urging freedom they seek is the genuine freedom of a revolu­ them to join a strike for higher wages, was shot to death tionary democracy, that they have no interest in restor­ by the Civil Guards Sept. 13, according to the Washington THE MILITANT ing capitalism. VOLUME 35/NUMBER 35 Post. The tiny item in the Sept. 14 issue did not give the OCTOBER l, 1971 victim's name, but identified him as a member of the CLOSING NEWS DATE- Sept. 22 "workers commission" conducting the strike. These com­ GAY FIGHTS DISCHARGE BY NAVY: Without chal­ missions include socialists, Communists and others; they Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS are illegal in the eyes of the fascist government. "Labor Technical Editor: JON BRITTON lenging his defense attorney's claim that Navy dentalman Business Manager: SHARON CABANISS Ronald Stinson had the record of a "good to exemplary sources predicted," the Post said, "that the organizer's Southwest Bureau: HARRY RING, 1107 1/2 N. Western seaman," an administrative board voted 3 to 2 Sept.
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