Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49871-5 — Reversing Sail 2nd Edition Index More Information Index Abbasid caliphate, 37, 44 Alfinete, O (Brazil), 210 Abbott, Robert (United States), 210 Algerian War, 230, 243 Abena (queen mother in Jamaica), 149 ʿAlī b. Muhammad (leader of Zanj revolt), _ ʿabīd, 43 42 abolition and abolitionism Ali, Muhammad (Cassius Clay), 257–258 British Empire, 135, 151 Ali, Noble Drew, 199 Caribbean, 166–167 aliyah, 29 feminism and, 162 Almohads, 43, 45 Haiti, 165 Almoravids, 43–45 Iran and Turkey, 56 Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, 252 Latin America, 109, 163, 166, 168, 170 amaros (repatriated Africans to Sierra North America, 135, 161–163, 167–168 Leone), 165 racism and, 124 American Civil War, 134, 168–169, 173 repatriation movement and, 163–165 American Colonization Society, 164 abortion and birth control, 137 American Federation of Labor, 193 absconding, 146, 148 American Negro Labor Congress, 193 Abū Dulāma (poet), 53 American War of Independence, 123, 134, Accompong (Jamaican maroons), 150 157, 161, 164, 167, 169 affranchis (Saint-Domingue), 104–105 and revolt in Bahia, 153 African National Congress (ANC), 272–274 Anderson, Marian, 252 African Service Bureau, 205 Andrada e Silva, José Bonifácio de Afro-beat, 254 (Brazil), 163 Afrocentrism, 10 Angel Gabriel Riots, 173 Afropolitans, 279 Angola Ahmad Bābā, 38 Cuba and, 269 _ Akan (ethno-linguistic group), 77, 97 independence movements, 267–268 in Jamaica, 97, 129, 149–150 martial arts, 153 revolts involving, 149–152 Portuguese settlement, 267 Akhenaton, 14. See also Egypt, Nubia slave capture and export, 69, 79, 81 Aksum, 28. See also Ethiopia slave mortality, 80 al-Andalus. See Iberia. Anomabu (Gold Coast), 70 Aldridge, Ira (United States), 247 ʿAntara, 51 287 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49871-5 — Reversing Sail 2nd Edition Index More Information 288 INDEX Antigua. mortality in, 100 British arrival, 96 peasantry, 187 maroons in, 130 slave numbers, 96 peasantry, 187 slave rebellions, 151, 173 revolt, 149 workers on Panama Canal, 189 antislavery literature, 162 Barbers’ Union Beneficent Society apartheid, 235, 258, 270–275 (Brazil), 194 Aponte Rebellion, 168 Barnett, Ida B. Wells, 202, 204 Apprenticeship (British Caribbean), 167, barracoon (slave trading phase), 79–83 171 Barrett, Emma, 250 Arawak, 132 baseball, 256 Argentina (and race), 241 Basie, Count, 249 Armstrong, Lil Hardin, 250 Bates, Daisy (United States), 234 Armstrong, Louis, 249 Bathsheba, 26. See also Queen of Sheba Arthur (slaver), 82 Baton Rouge bus boycott, 232 Artisans’ Philanthropic Union Beneficent bauxite, 187, 190 Society (Brazil), 194 Bayen, Malaku, 198 as financiers of sugar cane trade, 66 Bechet, Sidney, 219 Asante, 77 Belafonte, Harry, 253 Asantehene, 77 Bell, Cool Papa, 256 Ashe, Arthur, 258 bella, 55 asiento, 69, 110, 151 Benin, Bight of. Askia al-hājj Muhammad Ture, 35, 40 context for transatlantic trade, 73–74, _ _ Associated Colored Employees of 76 America, 193 source for transatlantic trade, 70, 82 Association of Afro-American Steam and source of captives, 70, 82 Gas Engineers and Skilled Jamaica, 97 Workers of Pittsburgh, 193 North America, 113 Assyrians, 21 Saint-Domingue, 103 Atilla the Hun, 253 Trinidad, 98 Atlanta University, 175, 203 Berbers, 42, 44, 46, 55 Augustine of Hippo, 30 Beta Israel, 28–29, 198. See also Falasha, Averroës, 46 Ethiopia Avicenna, 46 Biassou, Georges (Saint-Domingue), 155 Azikiwe, Nnamdi (“Zik”, Nigeria), 206, 230 Bible, 4, 15, 21, 23–26 Africans in, 23 Bahia (Brazil), 71, 96 Egypt and Nubia in, 21–23 maroons in, 128 influence on African experience, 21 Muslim revolts, 152–153 Queen of Sheba, 26–28 Baker, Ella (United States), 233 slavery in, 21, 25 Baker, Josephine, 219 Bilali (Sapelo, Georgia), 116 Baldwin, James (United States), 245 Birmingham church bombing, 234 Ballano (revolt leader in Panama), 125 Black Caribs (St. Vincent), 132 Bambara (ethno-linguistic group), 56 Black Codes (United States), 174 bananas, 190 Black Liberation Army (BLA), 238 Bandera, Quintín (Cuba), 169 Black Lives Matter movement, 285 Banneker, Benjamin, 211 black minstrelsy, 246–248 Baraka, Amiri (Le Roi Jones), 236, 244 Black Panther Party, 236–239 Barbados “black poor” (Britain), 164 British arrival in, 96 Black Power Conference (United States), destination of the James, 81 235 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49871-5 — Reversing Sail 2nd Edition Index More Information INDEX 289 black power movement (United States), Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and 231, 236, 273 Maids (Pullman Porters), 193 Black Sea, 65 Brown University. Blake, Eubie (United States), 218 and slavery, 118 Blakey, Art, 251 Brown v. Board of Education, 231 “Bloody Sunday” (Selma), 234 Brown, Clifford, 251 blues music, 248–249, 252 Brown, Elaine, 237 Blyden, Edward W. (St. Thomas), 201 Brown, John (United States), 161 Bôa Morte sisterhood, 196 Brown, Sterling (United States), 217 Bogle, Paul (Jamaica), 169, 173 Bruce, Blanche K. (United States), 175 Bolívar, Simón, 166 brutality. Bolivia, 242 in Caribbean, 100 Bolt, Usain, 257 in Saint-Domingue, 107 Bom Jesus das Necessidades e Reden ção Bussa (revolt leader), 151 dos Homens Prétos (Good Jesus of Butler Riots (Trinidad), 194 the Needs and Redemption of Byzantine (eastern Roman) Empire, 65 Black Men), 197 Bond, Horace Mann (United States), cabildos (fraternal organization in Cuba), 245 165, 197 Bonny (Bight of Biafra), 70, 79 Cabinda (West Central Africa), 70 Bontemps, Arna (United States), 218 Cabral, Amílcar Lopes (Guinea-Bissau), bori (spirit-possession cults in Muslim 267 areas), 139–143 Cabral, Pedro (Portugal), 67 boricua (native population of Puerto cacao. See cocoa. Rico), 108 Calabar (Bight of Biafra), 70 Bornu, 36 calypso music, 253 Bouchet, Edward A. (United States), Canada 212 abolitionism, 135 Bowler, Jack (United States), 159 migration to, 276 boxing, 258 Candaces, 15, 27, 30 bozales (unacculturated Africans), 108 candomblé (traditions), 196 Brazil Cape Castle (Gold Coast), 70 abolitionism, 163, 170 Cape Colony, 270–272 culture, 144, 153, 251, 255–256 Caribbean, 96–99 Golden Law, 170 abolition of slavery, 166–167 maroon communities, 127–128 Apprenticeship, 167, 171 medical experiments, 214 labor strikes, 171, 173 race and racism, 153, 191, 194–195, migration to and from, 187, 189–190, 210–211, 241–242 276 repatriation from, 165 post-independence, 239–240 Rio Branco Law of 1871, 170 revolts, 149 slave exports, 109 slave economies, 99 slave import volumes, 70, 95 slave import volumes, 70 slave revolts, 152–153 Caribs, 69, 132 slavery in, 96 carnival, 254–255 sugar production, 69, 107 Carthage, 18 urbanization, 191 Carver, George Washington (United See also Bahia States), 211 Britain, 18. See United Kingdom. Castro Alves, Antônio Frederico de Brooke, Edward (United States), 175 (Brazil), 163 Brooks, Gwendolyn (United States), 245 Castro, Fidel, 269 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49871-5 — Reversing Sail 2nd Edition Index More Information 290 INDEX Catherine of Austria, 92 Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 232 Catholic Church, 140–143 convince (worship of Christian deity, Cayenne, 98 veneration of African and maroon cédula (Trinidad), 98 spirits), 195–196 Central Sudan, 36 Cook, Mercer (United States), 245 Césaire, Aimé (Martinique), 220 Cooke, Sam, 253 Charles X of France, 181 Cooper, Anna Julia (United States), 201, Charleston, 145, 148, 157 219, 233 Chicago, 192 Cordoba, 46–47 Chicago Defender, 210 Cornish, Samuel (United States), 162 China cotton. investment and influence in Africa, North America, 113–114, 118 264–265 Saint-Domingue, 105 state capitalism, 264 Trinidad, 98 Chinese “coolies” (Cuba), 111 Council on African Affairs (CAA), 206. Christianity, 28–31, 72, 92, 141, 153, 159, See also Robeson, Paul 195, 232 Court (Antigua revolt leader), 149 Civil Rights Acts, 232, 234 Crenshaw, Kimberlé, 231 civil rights movement, 5, 178, 180, 208, creole languages, 98, 106, 139–143 210, 231–232, 234–238, 245, 273, crioulos (Brazilian-born), 153, 196 283 “crows of the Arabs”, 53 Clarim da Alvorada, O (Brazil), 210 Crummell, Alexander (United States), clave (musical pattern), 251 201, 203 Cleaver, Kathleen, 237 Cruz, Celia, 251 Cliff, Jimmy, 253–254 Cuba cocoa. abolitionism, 168, 170 Saint-Domingue, 105 African independence movements and, Trinidad, 98 269–270 Venezuela, 108 early African importation estimates to, Code Noir (French slave codes), 107, 68 140–142 English occupation of, 109–110 coercion, 87, 91, 100, 102, 138–139 free blacks, 111 coffee, 98–99, 104, 106, 110, 155, 267 Guerra Chiquita, 169 Jamaica, 98 independence struggle, 168–169, 179 Saint-Domingue, 105 La Escalera, 169 Trinidad, 98, 102 maroons, 126 COINTELPRO program, 238 patronato, 169 Cold War, 206, 229, 240, 263, 265, 268 peasant population, 187 Cole, Rebecca J. (United States), 212 plantation system, 109–111 Coleman, Ornette, 251 post-slavery conditions, 179 Colombia, 108, 125, 166 race and racism, 165, 169, 179–180 colonos (European immigrants to Brazil), revolts, 168–169 192 Saint-Domingue and, 155 Coltrane, John, 251–252 slave mortality, 111 Columbus, Admiral Diego, 124 slave numbers, 68, 110–111 Combahee River Collective, 231 slave origins, 110 Congo slave trade, 70, 109–110, 114 and revolt in Bahia, 153 sugar industry, 107, 110, 157 independence, 230 Cuban All-Stars, 256 See also West Central Africa Cuban Independent Party of Color, 241 Congress of Industrial Organizations, 193 Cuban Liberation Army, 126, 169, 179 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49871-5 — Reversing Sail 2nd Edition Index More Information INDEX 291 Cuban Revolutionary Party, 180, 187 Graeco-Roman world and, 18 Cudjoe (Jamaican maroon leader), 129 hājj of Mansa Mūsā, 38 _ Cuffe, Paul (United States), 165 Islam in, 33 Cuffy (revolt leader in Jamaica), 150 Jesus in, 26 Cugoano, Ottobah, 167 medieval period, 30 Cullen, Countee (United States), 217, 219 modern state, 229 Cush (Kush), 14, 24.
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